17 Ways To Make Good Money Working From Home

Got Words?

If you’ve been worried about your finances lately, you’re certainly not alone. Recent studies point to over 60 percent of Americans experiencing some degree of anxiety when it comes to their ability to financially stay afloat.

Rising health care costs, rising food costs, and families sending children off to school have many people searching for additional ways to make money from home. If you understand that earning real money requires some actual work, check out this list for some not necessarily easy, but potentially consistent ways to make money from home.

Turn Those Stories Into Some Serious Cash

If you have a gift for words, you love telling stories, or you are a bit of a research geek, perhaps it’s time to try out freelance writing. A number of freelance writing websites exist that cater to everything from casual storytelling to research-based medical articles, depending on what you wish to take on.

A word of advice for those of you typing long hours–go easy on your hands, get some blue light blocking lenses, and take frequent movement breaks, or you’ll find yourself with hunched shoulders and tendonitis before too long. What are you waiting for? Get cracking!

Tutoring Online

Even more prosperous than freelance writing is partnering with a local business or website to produce their blog. Often, a business owner or website owner will give you a list of topics to write on, and you’ll craft a simple blog to boost their SEO efforts.

The purpose of a blog is to drive traffic to a website. Writing using a combination of quality language and topic-specific keywords helps people find you; your task is then pointing them to the value that the website or business can provide. Not to worry; it’s easier than it sounds, and the best way to get started is to send out some samples to local businesses or to get connected via a freelancing website that is looking for business bloggers.  

Create And Sell An Online Course

Do you have an aptitude for math?  There are plenty of people that wish to learn conversational English from those who know it well; the world of online tutoring is rising to prominence this season, as more and more people are finding ways to connect and find resources via the internet. Posting an ad on social media will also help people find you. 

Being an online tutor is a great way to make additional income; you are able to set your own hours, work and develop relationships with your clients, and get paid from the comfort of your home.  

Fill Out Surveys

If you consider yourself an expert in cooking, sewing, woodworking, technology skills, or any skill you might think marketable, why not design an e-course?  The work to put a course together is a singular event; once you publish your course, you can sit back and watch the profits roll in!

Hyperlinking your course to a website, a store, or other forms of income will not only sell your course, but it will lead your students to other potential sources of income for you. Think creatively, pull your entrepreneurial ideas together, and see what kind of difference you can make for your customers.

Participate In Focus Groups

Perhaps one of the easiest ways to make money at home is by filling out surveys. Plenty of businesses want to hear from you, still more want your opinion when it comes to their product and service offerings. Getting started is relatively simple, and there is no limit to the number of surveys that you can fill out on many websites.

The bad news about filling out surveys is that you are not likely to get rich quick, nor are you going to make a substantial amount of side income. Most surveys pay under $10 apiece, so you’d have to fill out quite a few to start paying the bills. 

Try Remote Customer Service

Focus groups, while similar to surveys, tend to pay a lot better.  You are the expert in a focus group, and companies will pay handsomely for your opinion, so trying out new products and sharing your thoughts and suggestions for improvement can become quite lucrative.

Many research companies are now offering online consultations and discussions, so it’s never been easier to participate right in the comfort of your own home.  There is a cap to the number of focus groups one can participate in monthly; consider signing up for more than one company to make some consistent income.

Be A Virtual Assistant

For many companies, outsourcing their customer service department is much cheaper than having employees at a physical location. You’ll need a reliable internet connection, pleasant phone manners, and the confidence to find resolutions to customer issues in order to succeed in this type of position.

Of course, if you are looking for flexible hours, a customer service position might not be for you.  When applying for a remote job such as this, remember to clarify your availability and work with your potential employer to find a daily schedule that you can live with.

Sell Some Tchotchkes

A virtual assistant is someone who helps another organize and keep track of their daily responsibilities. A virtual assistant can work for a company, an organization, or even an individual. Exact tasks and schedule will depend on who you choose to work for, but one thing is sure—-you will never have a dull day.

A word of caution on being a virtual assistant; you might want to go through a freelancing website or have a simple contract drawn up with regard to hours and compensation. Make sure that your agreement is airtight before you start running to Starbucks at 5 a.m. to get the morning round of coffees. 

Get Rid Of What You Don’t Need

If you are artistically inclined, you might consider selling some of your handmade goods on a website or at local art and craft fairs.  Think exposure with regard to marketing your items, and make sure that supply can keep up with demand. Simple paintings, clay items, jewelry, and flower arrangements are just some of the beautiful things you can offer to brighten up someone’s home or office space.

If you do decide to start a website, making sure that you can keep up with orders will be essential to the long-term success of your business.  The shipping of your items will have to be solidified in order to stay afloat. A happy customer is one that keeps coming back for more, and tells others where to go to find you. Never underestimate the power of a happy customer, or an angry one, for that matter.  Keep your reputation stellar by providing superior products and great customer service.

Test Some Websites

We all have too much clutter. Things that grown kids have left behind, baby items that your middle schooler no longer needs, and that set of plates that grandma just had to give you before her garage sale are now gathering dust in your basement and attic. Clean out that clutter and turn it into a profitable fist of cash by selling on sites like Ebay, LetGo, and Craigslist. 

If you are not sure how to price items, do a little research before posting your items and see what comparable items are going for.  Determine what an acceptable price is, and work on that magic posting.  In no time, you’ll be clearing out spaces in your home and heading to the bank.

Build Websites

Many web developers will pay good money to have you test a website by clicking on links, testing services, and reading content in order to provide feedback.  This type of work is valued in the tech world, for it helps web developers design sites to provide an optimal customer experience.

This is a rather sought-after form of work, however, and it can be a little difficult to break into.  If you excel at communicating your opinion, and you like giving feedback and suggestions for improvement, it might just be for you.

Provide Remote Technical Support

This money-making opportunity is not for those who aren’t tech-savvy. Building a website takes an intimate knowledge of coding, computer language, and the backside of site-building. There are plenty of programs that offer this type of training, but it will require an upfront investment of both time and money, and you’ll have to break into the business and acquire a reputation for excellence to see consistent money coming in.

 Once you have established yourself, however, you can make a comfortable living building websites, either with an established firm or as a freelancer. Website building is an exciting and ever-evolving field, and you can prosper to the extent that you can learn and grow along with the industry.

Do Data Entry

For all you tech-proficient geeks out there, there is a tremendous need for remote technical support these days. Software exists that can enable you to access another computer, allowing you to diagnose and repair any issues that a client may be having.  

Starting with friends and family as practice, and building your skills as you look for long term work,  will establish you as an authority in the support field and will assist you in being able to effectively diagnose and fix pesky computer issues that can slow productivity.

Try Some Translation

If your words-per-minute typing rate is comfortably fast, you may want to consider data entry as a profitable home business.  This type of job may not replace your full-time income, but it doesn’t usually require your complete attention, either. 

More and more companies are outsourcing jobs such as data entry to reduce operating costs, expand their network of employees, and give people the opportunity to design flexible schedules that work for them.  If you enjoy designing spreadsheets and keeping track of customer databases, then data entry may be for you.

Record Audiobooks

Do you know another language?  Plenty of work is out there for the taking that involves translating, whether it is documents or live conversation. You are able to work independently or as part of an agency to assist international companies, schools, and other clients with their translation needs. 

Tutoring and translation work well together these days too.  School budgets don’t always allow for the ESL and translation services that their populations need, and providing this service to families will make you an invaluable resource to families, all while putting money in your pocket.

Be A Political Advocate

If you have been a part of the audiobook craze in recent years, you may not have given any thought to the fact that someone has to record that, and that it’s a bona fide job. Scores of people listen to audiobooks while working out, commuting, and while doing housework, and it is one of the fastest growing side hustles for making some lucrative income.

Pick your favorite genre, practice some expressive prose or poetry, and you’re off and running.   Just make sure that your audio equipment is up to par with what audiobook companies are looking for, for it can be a competitive market.

Act As A Mock Juror

Are you into politics? Political advocacy organizations pay political followers to advocate for their campaigns by doing a number of different tasks to further their cause and support their particular candidates.

Activities could include letter writing, door to door mail drops, phone calls, and other forms of outreach. If you are passionate about a particular issue and wish to make a difference, political advocacy may be for you.

Set Up A Drop Shipping Store Or Website

Being a mock juror involves listening to a lawyer present a practice case, giving you details and evidence necessary for issuing a verdict. Not only do you get to practice examining case evidence and presenting a verdict, you have the opportunity to evaluate the lawyer’s skills and expertise in delivering the case.

Those of us that watch legal dramas such as Law and Order, All Rise, and Goliath may get an additional outlet for the little lawyer inside each of us as we undergo mock trial work.  Do your research when finding a law firm that offers this type of work, as you’ll want to know how many hours you can get and what type of pay to expect.

Get Paid To Search

This type of home-based business requires a little bit of technical knowledge and a fair amount of research to do successfully, but it can become consistent enough to produce a full-time income if you are willing to do a little legwork.  

Do your research when it comes to building a relationship with drop shippers; they quite often will have terms that are different from others, so you’ll need to ask questions to determine who you want to do business with. The good news is, once you set up a storefront, you have little maintenance to do other than inventory updating and the occasional blogpost or social media posting that brings people to your site. Start thinking about the types of products that you want to offer, and let your store take shape around those items. 

Trade On The Market

You read that right….you can get paid to search on search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and  others…..it starts with a simple application download, and you let your computer do the rest as you search all day long.

Some applications require that you search for specific products or items, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s a very easy way to get paid for something you already do.  Win-win.

Create Some Affiliate Marketing Relationships

If you are not strapped for cash right now, perhaps one of the best ways to produce long term wealth is by investing in the stock market. You’ll need to have a basic knowledge of how the market works, as well as have some upfront capital to invest, in order to be moderately successful in this endeavor.

Mind your investments closely, and make sure you know how to get rid of your stocks, bonds, and other investments if you don’t feel comfortable with potential losses. Have fun, do some research, play around a little, and see what potential there exists for future profit.

Become An Author

Affiliate marketing is the greatest thing since peanut butter and jelly—it allows you to promote another’s product or service in exchange for a small commission.  There is no cap on the number of sites that you can create affiliate relationships with, therefore the sky’s the limit on what you could potentially make, provided you set up your affiliate payment correctly.

Most websites that offer products and services have an established affiliate program.  If you want to stand behind a particular product or service, contact the website owner and fill out a simple form.  Complete your payment information on the other side, and watch those commissions start rolling in!

Do Some Pet Or House Sitting

Someone once said, “everyone has a book inside of him/her.”  While it may take some time and energy to coax it out, it has never been easier to become a published author. Having a conventional publishing company is not necessary any longer either, for many sites offer the opportunity to develop and publish e-books for a small fee.

One popular website offers an e-book publishing program that offers exposure to millions of potential customers.  Amazon’s e-book publishing program does have stringent guidelines that you must follow to get listed, but once there, it has the potential to make you some solid and stable income. Brainstorm some ideas that people would be interested in reading about, and get cracking.

Become A Professional Organizer

While this type of work will get you out of your house from time to time, it also allows you to make some profits doing simple tasks such as looking after a home or a pet, collecting mail, watering, plants, light cleaning, etc.

Once you have an established clientele, word of mouth travels fast.  People need reliable sitters that they can trust, and if you provide a valuable service to your families, you can in return ask for referrals to increase your client list and your profits.  Keep your schedule straight, however.  You don’t want to miss a feeding time or a package pickup that could have undesirable consequences.

Consider Grocery Or Prescription Delivery

Do you have a knack for organization?  Can you look at a chaotic space and conceptualize a way to clean and remove clutter efficiently?  Perhaps becoming a professional organizer is in the cards for you.

Plenty of people need a little help with decluttering and organizational services. Once you spend time building up a client base—we recommend starting with family and friends, the rest is a simple process of billing, time spent with the client, and some creative thinking.  If the thought of making a difference in the lives of others by helping them become more organized excites you, make a list of friends and family that you could practice on and get started.

Become A Bug Bounty Hunter

More people than ever are using delivery services to make their lives easier—grocery delivery and prescription delivery services have increased their traffic by almost 80 percent in recent months.  

Your part in this is simple–you pick up needed items from local stores and deliver straight to your customer’s door.  As an added bonus, you may be getting cash tips in addition to your hourly wage once you get there. Streamlining a day for someone else and getting paid to do something fairly simple—everyone benefits.

Work As A Remote Call Representative

If you love all things tech, there are tech companies looking for your expertise right now. Companies are willing to pay big bucks for people who can find and report bugs on their websites and technologies.  Potential pay for these positions can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending on your knowledge and expertise.

You do need to be well versed in programming and detail oriented to perform this work, but if you are willing to undergo a bit of training and follow company protocols, get ready for a full time income working from the comfort of your home, perhaps even in your pajamas.

Try Website Flipping

Remote call center opportunities are a great way to make consistent income while working in the comfort of your own home. Small and medium sized companies like to save money by hiring out this type of work, as it reduces healthcare and liability insurance costs.

Checking out company websites that offer this type of work, as well as scanning freelancing websites will provide you with the necessary information to land one of these positions.  Be persistent, practice your pleasant phone voice, and get ready for some great income.

Sell Some Photos

Again, if you are tech savvy and you enjoy creating things, website flipping might be your way to a lucrative income.  You’ll need to have some knowledge and expertise in creating websites, SEO, and WordPress skills, but once it is created, it becomes its own self-perpetuating source of income.

Once a website is established, there are plenty of potential buyers who will offer five ten, twenty times its original value, leaving you with some coin in your pocket. Create as many as you like, keep what you want, sell what you will.  Watch your profits roll in.

Create Some How-To Video Tutorials

Do you enjoy photography? Do others comment on your clever camera angles, interesting content, and use of light to make images come alive?  Try selling some of your photography as stock images either on the web or on an art website.

Plenty of potential clients are looking for your content for various reasons, and regardless of why they want to use it, there is a market for beautiful photos and images of nature scenes, people, and other images. Play around with your passion, find a few websites on which to market your wares, and see what’s possible.

Become A Copywriter

Are you an expert at sewing, crafting, or woodworking?  How about putting together a simple piece of furniture?  If you have a field of expertise, there is a market for selling it somehow.  How about starting a YouTube channel with tutorial videos and content related to one of your interests?  Getting started is pretty simple, and once you master the art of recording and video editing, you’re off and running.

Monetizing your channel is also a smart thing to do, as advertisers will pay you a fee every time their ad is run on your channel.  Building these profitable relationships will only serve to grow your channel more efficiently; the more people view your site, the more likely you’ll be bringing in revenue from the increased traffic.

Teach English Online

Copywriting is a skill that you can use to make money anytime, anywhere.  If you want to live the laptop lifestyle while pulling in a full-time income, this type of work may be for you.

Copywriting is quickly gaining speed as one of the most lucrative work-from-home opportunities available today.  You can find copywriting work on freelancing websites, with established companies, or if you are feeling really adventurous, try branching out on your own and creating your own copywriting company.  Go get ‘em!

Create A Podcast

Many companies are now looking for online instructors to teach English, and the good news is, you can do it almost around the clock.  English teaching companies pay consistent money for people to design their own schedules, connect with clients, and do something that comes naturally to most of us.

Connect with students from China, the Philippines, and Russia to sharpen their English skills and earn some part to full time income.  Take on as many students as you wish, and watch your bank account grow while you’re making a difference in someone else’s world.

Offer Proofreading And Editing Services

Similar to starting a YouTube channel, if you have a passion or interest that you think others will tune in to hear about, consider starting a podcast.  Streaming platforms offer uploads for pennies in the dime, and you’d be surprised at the obscure topics that people will tune in to hear about.

As your audience grows, leverage your time and your efforts by advertising on your social media channels.  Offering little blurbs to pique interest will have completely new listeners tuning in as well as loyal ones.  Once you are well established, partner with advertising companies to exponentially grow your income and carve out an established place for yourself on the net.

Become A Freelance Typist

Are you detail oriented?  Are you a grammar nerd?  If so, consider offering your services as a proofreader or editor for other writers.  Many writers don’t have the time or the expertise to edit their own material, and they would gladly pay someone else to do this tedious work for them.

Try connecting with other writers on freelance websites, or if you want to go for the big bucks, approach an established publishing or web based company to offer your services.  A note of advice–make sure your resume doesn’t contain any spelling or grammatical errors, or you may be looking for another position unrelated to this field.

Become An Online Travel Agent

If typing 150 wpm is effortless for you, consider offering your services to companies or as a freelancer as a typist.  There are plenty of documents to be drafted and plenty of content to be spun, and your talent and time will be used well in this field.

Typing from home is a bit of a competitive market, as there are several people who are boasting speed and accuracy, yet few can deliver.  Prove yourself with a few clients, and as your reputation grows, you’ll find that offers for more work pouring in.  Make sure to keep those fingers limber and healthy; this is no time for straining tendons.

Work As A Bookkeeper

If travel is a passion of yours, yet you don’t have the coin to make it happen for yourself consistently, why not live vicariously through your clients?  Finding and booking travel deals for others is an interesting and rewarding business, and one that can bring extra money to you while providing you intimate knowledge of travel deals that exist.

As you are booking hotels, cruises, and flights for your clients, take note of any deals that you wish to take advantage of in the near future, and then start tucking some of your profits away for your next big trip.  In no time, you’ll be booking something for yourself.

Start A Landscaping Business

If you have time and talents that include an aptitude with numbers and an eye for detail, consider bookkeeping from home. Companies provide you with software and connections to their company software, and with a little bit of training, you can be out the door and making money in no time.

Bookkeeping requires adherence to deadlines, yet for the most part, you are able to set your own schedule as long as you meet requirements.  If you can handle more than one contract with a company, it is possible to make a full-time income keeping books for established companies.  Just make sure to keep your files straight at home!

Offer In-Home Daycare Services

Do you enjoy being outdoors?  Do you like creating beautiful landscapes and design concepts for yourself and for others?  With a little bit of start-up cost and some additional equipment, not to mention insurance, you can be in the landscaping business.

Branching off into seasonal work is smart money as well.  Offer fall and spring seasonal cleanup, as well as snow removal for winter months and cold climates.  Continuing to reach out on social media and with other simple forms of advertising will offer consistent growth in your business of cutting back.

Make Some Music

If you love children, and you happen to have some child-friendly toys and equipment lying about your house, consider getting a license to provide in-home daycare.  The good news is, you can start your modest daycare with just a few children of family and friends, and you decide how big to grow based on your income needs and your ability to care for these children safely.

Take note; child care is serious business; you must get properly licensed from the state in which you choose to do business, and you will also have to pass regular inspections of your house and facilities to ensure that you are meeting standards for safe childcare in your state.  Once you have those pieces established, however, you’ll be able to make some consistent income while doing one of the most entertaining jobs around–caring for children.

Rent Out Some Space

If you have a knack for music, and you love creating and composing little pieces just for fun, why not turn this hobby into a full-time gig making music for television and radio?  A host of software exists for mixing and creating music, and the end result is nothing short of professional quality.

Whether you plan a physical instrument yourself, or you choose to go the electronic route, there are plenty of companies and individuals looking for musical expertise that they just don’t have.  Why not turn a natural talent and skill into profitable work?  You’ll be singing all the way to the bank.

Make An “Odd Jobs” Website

Perfect for you folks that live in college towns, consider renting out a room or two to responsible young folks that are trying to make their way in the world.  You could also contract your home and services through any number of reputable sites that offer a bit of protection when it comes to providing this type of service; they are not about to let just anyone come through your door.

If you choose to rent out a room to someone independently, it is best to have some sort of written agreement in place that details some of the rights and responsibilities of your tenant.  Protecting yourself—and the other person that you are in contract with–will help you to properly settle any disputes that may come up.

Get Paid For Social Media Posts

Lawn care, washing dishes, and babysitting are just a few of the things that you may be willing to do for friends and neighbors living around you, why not list your services on a site that connects people looking for these services? The best part about this type of work is that you are able to pick and choose what you’re willing to do.

You may not make a ton of money doing it, but it isn’t rocket science either–pick up a few odd jobs here or there, or offer yourself on the website with some sort of specialized product or service, and watch the magic happen.  Who knows?  As word travels, you may be able to turn your product or service into a bona fide business.

Get Paid To Test Video Games

Is there such a thing?  Diving deep into social media and reaping some cash rewards?  Say it is so!  Those of us who are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest junkies are in seventh heaven right now.

Simply follow the social etiquette rules for endorsing certain products and services through your social media channels, and these companies will then turn around and pay you commission on sales that are made from your posts. You don’t need a huge following, and as you continue to post, your audience will most likely grow anyway.  Posting is a benefit to everyone involved.

Become A Medical Transcriptionist

Video gamers, unite!  Video game testing is a job that requires significant time and commitment, and you need to be relatively good at the game before testers will take a serious look at you.  On the upside, game testers can make good money debugging new games and giving their opinions on everything from graphics to storyline.

For those of you in the top one percent, there are even competitions that you can enter to compete against other video game junkies in hopes of winning big cash prizes.  This may not be steady and stable income, but it is possible to take home winnings that can pad your pocketbook.  Don’t spend too much time in front of the screen! 

Engage In P2P Lending

Once again, those accurate typing skills come in handy. Turning the spoken notes of a physician into legible, accurate transcription is a valuable skill that is quite lucrative, if you’re good at it.

Medical transcribing requires a bit of skill and quite a bit of specialized training–you may have to go through a program that can cost you up to a thousand dollars, initially.  Once you are properly trained, however, the positions are there for the taking; do a bit of searching in your area to see if local medical offices have need for transcribing, and see if you can’t sell your way into their hearts—and screens, with your positive attitude and attention to detail.

Create A Rentable Storage Space

Would you be looking at this list if you had a bunch of extra capital lying around?  You may, if you are wanting to make more in this uncertain time.  Person to person lending platforms allow non-accredited lenders and borrowers to come together through a connecting website, and with above average return on capital, both parties get what they need out of the deal.

While the thought of making a consistent ten percent on a transaction is appealing, there is a very real risk that you may lose your capital, as the transactions are not FDIC insured or SIPC protected.  There are contracts available for both parties via many of these websites, so you can enter agreements with more confidence that your investment will be returned.

Trade Some Cryptocurrency

If you have a garage, shed, or basement that you are not using and are willing to clean it up, consider renting it out on a P2P platform for people needing additional space. Grab that bucket and start mopping those floors; you’re going to make some money on that extra room!

With deals that are 50 percent of what most conventional storage facilities will charge, it is a wonderful way to make extra monthly income for doing virtually nothing at all.  Just make sure the cat doesn’t decide to take up residence in that space.

Drive For Uber And Lyft

With the whole world going digital these days, it’s no wonder that we are turning to digital money as well as a means of making the world go round.  Various types of cryptocurrency have popped up in recent years, and with soaring stock prices on this innovative market gem, people are lining up in droves to get a piece of the action.

Cryptocurrency may be relatively new, but it is soon to be the industry standard, according to financial experts. Take advantage of the boom in cryptocurrency popularity and start buying and selling on sites specific to digital dollars.

Rent Out Your Car

If you don’t mind driving for pleasure or for money, contracting your services as a responsible and reliable chauffeur is perfect.  Apps like Uber and Lyft protect both riders and drivers with comprehensive background checks and reviews of driving records. 

If you are considering driving for Uber and Lyft, make sure to factor in wear and tear on your car, including the cost of gas.  You’ll be making money, but you’ll also have to put some back into your most important investment—-your care—–to keep moving forward. 

Sign Up To Be A Mystery Shopper

If you are homebound these days, or if you are a city dweller, there are likely periods of time when you don’t use your car. All of this extra time can translate into some extra cash with sites that are able to contract your car to short term visitors to your area, businessmen and women, and tourists.  

You take home most of the rent money, while contracting sites take a small fee for offering to protect and insure your car while it is being used.  Cleaning and polishing in between visits will give you a reputation as one who is pleasant to do business with.  Keep your reputation stellar and watch those offers for rent come in steadily.

Find Some Seasonal Work

Many businesses want to know how their products and services are being received by the general public.  Becoming a mystery shopper is a wonderful way to earn some extra income and get some free product on the side.

As a mystery shopper, you will visit a store with a specific set of instructions on what to look for, who to talk to, and what to buy.  Your customer experience will be recorded by you in detail, and this information will be given to the company who hired you to evaluate them.  Not only do you get paid for your time to shop, you’ll get to keep any of the product that was purchased with company money, if you wish.  It’s the perfect way to scratch that retail itch.

Become A Drone Pilot

Do you enjoy gardening?  Get out and pull weeds for those who find the task difficult.  Maybe you’ve always wanted to play Santa Claus, and local retail shops are looking to fill a need around the holidays.  Do you have lifeguard certification? 

 Perhaps your days should be spent at the beach, looking over a sunny and sandy population.  Look for opportunities to make extra income based on seasonal need, and you are sure to find plenty, no matter what season it is.  I hear the Easter Bunny is looking for an assistant.

Consider Graphic Design

What could be a cooler job than operating a drone for commercial purposes?  If you are an aircraft enthusiast, put your drone to work earning money for you and get to indulge in your passion all at the same time.

Getting started is fairly easy, particularly if you already have the equipment.  Just register with the Federal Aviation Administration and obtain certification to use your drone for commercial purposes.  Then start applying for gigs.  A simple search will turn up dozens of opportunities to use your drone and make some serious side cash.

Be A Consultant

If you are a whiz at Adobe Creative Cloud and other graphic design programs, consider listing your services on a freelancing website; many companies are looking to hire out for this position, as they don’t necessarily want to pay a salary with benefits for design talent.  

If you manage your time and resources well, you may be able to run a number of contracts with individuals and companies alike who will pay for your services.  A little creative thinking and a vision for future projects will have you running a successful freelancing business in graphic design from home.

Use Your Nursing Skills At Home

Consulting is a “Jack-of-all-trades” field—if you excel in an area, you can be a consultant to firms and companies looking for direction.  Marketing, social media, political advocacy, and business law are just a few of the subdivisions in this broad field that you can leverage your time and expertise to make some cash. 

 Build up a reputation for excellence, and you may have more offers than you know what to do with. As a consultant, continue to sharpen your skills and stay current on your topic of choice to remain a staunch competitor in the field.

Write Resumes And Cover Letters

You don’t have to work in a clinic or in a hospital to capitalize on your nursing degree.  Dozens of RNs, LPNs, and other nursing assistants are making money online doing telemedicine consultations, patient wellness checks, and other services that are not being performed in house at this time.

In addition to checking in with patients, there are other positions available for qualified nursing professionals.  Becoming a diabetic nurse educator, a clinical research associate, or a nurse evaluator may be something that fits your qualifications and your income needs perfectly.  Check local listings in your area to see what is available to you.


Capitalize On The Home Workout Industry

If you have a gift with the words, why not help others to achieve their career goals?  Using your time and talent to help others draft the perfect resume and cover letter will not only take some of the stress off job seekers, but it will allow you to earn a comfortable income doing something you excel in.

For those wishing to obtain high profile jobs, a perfectly crafted resume can earn you as much as $400 per page.  Get the specs from your client, and make sure to consult with them frequently to ensure that you are painting an accurate picture of skills, qualifications, and experience that will ultimately land them the perfect job.

Start A Candy-Making Business

There is a movement among gym rats these days; many of us want to find ways to work out from the comfort of our homes, yet we don’t have the knowledge and skills to create workouts from scratch.

Certification programs exist for you to become a workout instructor or personal trainer. For a little investment of time and capital, you can become a certified trainer and begin working with local gyms and studios to create video content to be pushed out to clients. You are trained for your recording time, as well as the number of times your video is downloaded via their sites.  It’s the perfect way to stay in shape yourself at home while providing a valuable service to others.

Is Grandma’s famous caramel recipe just collecting dust in your recipe bin?  There is a reason she kept it under lock and key—it’s the best one around!  

People will pay good money for quality candies and homemade goodies, especially around the holidays.  Why not turn your kitchen into a Wonka factory and start whipping up a batch of delicious caramel, fudge, or homemade lollipops? Your time and a dose of Grandma’s gooey goodness could land you some profits. Make sure that supply can keep up with demand, and with a little bit of luck, you may be able to make it a full-scale operation at some point.