20 Cool Things That People Randomly Found

20. Shark Tooth

Have you ever went to the park to take a walk and stumbled upon something cool? This is one of the most amazing things ever and the list that we have prepared for you today will blow your mind! You better keep reading until #16 because you will never believe the type of incredible stuff people randomly found on the street and in their backyard.

The first item on our list is a shark tooth that a man randomly stumbled upon while running on the beach. Teeth never come from live sharks which means that what the man has found might be very, very old.

19. Stolen Church Bell


One man was digging in his backyard during a hot summer’s day when he hit something made of metal. To his surprise, the metal item was an ancient church bell that was stolen 11 years earlier from a local church. Isn’t this amazing?

18. Machine Gun

Can you imagine how scary it would be to find a loaded machine gun in your backyard? Well, this is exactly what happened to a man from Calgary who started digging in his garden in order to put some pipes and ended up finding a fully loaded machine gun.

17. Wall USB

This might come as a surprise, but there are USB sticks hid in walls all around the world’s biggest cities. This movement is called “Dead Dropping” and people are encouraged to connect their devices and share files.

16. Furby Graveyard

Just like most items on our list, this one was hidden underground as well. Digging a hole and finding a Furby sounds like something that would give me nightmares for weeks on end.

15. Frozen Money

Everyone loves it when they randomly find some money on the ground. Unfortunately, this hundred dollar bill is stuck behind an ice wall and no one can pick it up, but it’s still a nice discovery.

14. Famous Brands

Who would’ve ever thought that Nike, Supreme, and Luis Vuitton got together and designed a pair of shoes? This item is surely a fake that was made in some European factory.

13. Megalodon Tooth

We started the list with a man who found a lost shark tooth, but there is another man who stumbled upon a giant fossilized mastodon tooth! Looking at this teeth, I can’t stop from being thankful that mastodons are not roaming the oceans anymore.

12. Running Shoes

This picture is taken on the Dutch Island of Terschelling. No one knows how all those running shows ended up there, but what we know is that the local residents didn’t need to buy a new pair of shoes for a long time. The next picture is on the same Island!

11. Banana Beach

Just like in the picture above, thousands of bananas ended up on the shore of the Dutch Island of Terschelling. Something strange must be happening around there…

10. Old Message

A couple from the US started decorating their room and they found a hidden message from another couple that used to live in the same house back in 1981. Isn’t this crazy?

9. Fair-Ticket

A woman got lucky and she found a 108-year-old fair-ticket. Sadly, the ticket is not available anymore but the woman can still use it as a unique bookmark.

8. Secret Safe

Is there something more exciting than finding a secret safe in your home? Well, this is exactly what a man stumbled upon after he started renovating his basement. Wonder what is inside…

7. Perfect Bird Nest

This bird nest is so perfect that it looks human-made. The cool thing is that the nest is well hidden and this is a great defense from the mamma bird who is looking to keep her eggs safe.

6. Giant Arrow

A man who was traveling through the American desert found a giant concrete arrow. After he did some searching, he found out that he actually stumbled upon something of important historical value because pilots used these arrows to navigate the air.

5. Mastodon Bone

These young kids were having fun next to the local creek when they saw a weird “stone” sticking out and they called their parents. The parents took the “stone” to the museum where they found out that it’s actually a mastodon bone.

4. Aligator Taking A Swim

Florida is known for being swarmed with alligators and locals need to be always careful in their backyards. However, some alligators can jump inside people’s pools as you can see in the picture above.

3. Gold Treasure

A man from Austria was trying to dig a hole to put a pool in his backyard when he discovered a 650 years old gold treasure. How much money do you think the man got for the treasure?

2. WW II Bombs

There are reports of WW II bombs being found in all corners of the world, but one man was unfortunate enough to find one next to a school. Good thing the bomb was inactive.

1. Dinosaur Bone

We are going to end our list with a man by the name of John Lambert who found a real dinosaur bone in his backyard! The bone is 25-million-years-old.