Adults Share How A Game Of Truth Or Dare Went Wrong

Picked My Own Dare

Have you ever played truth or dare? Maybe it was over 20 years ago or just last week. If you were afraid of telling the truth, you might have trapped yourself with an insane or even nauseating dare as a punishment. Or maybe you couldn’t have guessed the spicy details your friends asked you for when you chose to tell the truth….

As a kid, it’s just simple dares like lick your shoe or kiss your crush, but as you get a little older, the dares get more, well, daring. The people of the internet weren’t shy about getting together to dish on the weirdest, grossest, and most awkward things they’ve been forced to do in a no-holds-barred game of truth or dare.

I played truth or dare once with some friends at one of their apartments. Before the game started, we wrote down dares on slips of paper. This makes it more interesting because instead of having to come up with it all on the spot, you have time to really think about it, and you can say whatever because it’s anonymous.

Demented Brother’s Dare

On one of the slips, I wrote down that you had to strip down to your underwear with your pants around your ankles and wear a blue shirt as a cape. After dressing up, you’re to exit the apartment and slowly waddle to the end of the long hallway and back, all while repeatedly saying “gotta go fast.” I thought it was bizarre and great. I picked my own dare. Reddit User: cocopuck

My friend’s little brother (9 or 10 years old) came in and dared one of the girls to slit her finger open, put a paperclip into her finger, then stick that paperclip into an electrical outlet while it was still in her finger. After we told him no, he offered a replacement dare, which was to go down the street and burn down the church…. 

Almost Killed

Somehow these were the two first dares my demented friend’s brother came up with. We, of course, did not do either one, but we did let his mom know in the morning. It was weird. The kid is a toddler now; still weird, but not as weird as that, thank God. We ended up playing our game by ourselves. Reddit User: Tuck190

A dare came to run across the road to the street light and back. So all 3 of us girls did it, and I was wearing a plain t-shirt and a ball cap hiding my hair in typical tomboy fashion. As we hit the light post and began to run back to the porch, a car comes screeching around the corner to stop in the middle of the intersection…. 

Stranded in Underwear

A man jumps out with a crowbar. It was scary. I’ve been told just as the crowbar was about to come down on me, I screamed and he stopped. The man yelled, “Were you throwing rocks at my car?” “No!” I cried, as they were now full-on fear tears, but I was still running. He pivoted around and left. Reddit User: munchopotomus

I was probably 20 years old at the time, and it was all fun and games until it wasn’t. My girlfriend, her sister, and a girl’s cousin from Germany were in the car. Cousin said let’s play, and so we all said okay. All fun and games till we pull over into a McDonald’s parking lot and I get dared to walk in and order fries in my underwear. 

Spray the Inhaler in Her Ear

They drove off, and I had to borrow the phone to call my girlfriend to make them come back for me. When I got back, they all were laughing at me and what happened; I guess we still had a fun rest of the night, but it’s awkward letting the whole world see you basically naked. Reddit User: werid

I was playing truth or dare with some friends during lunch in high school. Someone dared me for whatever reason to take my friend’s inhaler and spray it in another friend’s ear. I was stupid, and without thought, I actually did it. One of the deans in my school was watching across the room, and I nearly got suspended for assault…. 

Pee Standing Up

They even had a police officer come and talk to me about my actions…seriously. I was actually scared because that was my first time ever getting into huge trouble. I didn’t know how dangerous it was! Luckily the vice-principal spared me and didn’t even notify my parents because she knew I was a good kid. Reddit User: Koyomix

I think I was about 13 or something, with four others (two male, two female) ranging from my age to about 16. I can’t remember the progression of it, but it was pretty innocent. At the end of the game, the second to last dare was that my female friend, I think less than a year older than me, dared me to let her watch me pee standing up….

I Drove Home

Apparently, younger girls are curious about the mechanics of it. Understandable, I guess, and I didn’t want to be the one that backed down from a challenge. I told her I didn’t want to watch her pee, and I wanted her to pee standing up. She really had terrible aim; it ended up all over the floor and her legs. Reddit User: Fuhzzies

Once I was on a date with a football player, and after dinner, he offered to teach me how to drive a standard shift. After a few times of me scraping the hell out of the gears, he leaned over and said, “I dare you to drive home.” I flat out refused, and he replied, “Either you have to drive home, or you give me a kiss.”

Lap Dance

He wasn’t all that cute, and the reason I agreed to the date in the first place was that I thought he was funny, but he ended up only being funny around other people. He was kind of bland. The date wasn’t going well up until that point, so I drove. It took forever, and I never saw him again. Reddit User: turqouiseturtle59

Two friends and I were playing Truth or Dare. I dared one friend to give a lap dance to the invisible man in a spare chair; he countered by daring our other friend to give me a lap dance. It was all fun, games, and pelvic thrusting until one of his wildly flailing limbs hit the wine glass in my hand…. 

Let’s Go TP a House

Red wine was all over the sofa, and one of my buddies was trying to support my half-fainted butt by the kitchen sink while picking bits of glass out of my finger. It was very difficult to get out, by the way. We ended up stopping the game and played Monopoly instead. Safe to say his lap dancing career ended as soon as it started. Reddit User: Mauhea

When I was around 10, I played Truth or Dare with some girls a few years older than me. I got dared to TP the principal’s house (of their school). It was a pretty big house, maybe 3500 sq ft. They all ended up coming with me, but my dad caught us sneaking out and asked us where we were going. 

She Hits Harder Than All the Other Girls

All of the girls start stammering and trying to tell a lie, and I look at my dad and say, “We’re going to go TP a house.” My dad starts laughing and responds with, “Well, it sounds like you need adult supervision for that, so let’s go.” We ended up bringing a 10 pack of toilet paper and using the entire thing. ‘Twas a fun night. Reddit User: Rolendahl

The cute new girl at a party with my really close group of friends got dared to slap someone. I, being the tough guy I am, volunteer. After about a minute of coaxing her to do it, she finally slaps me. Now I’m friends with a lot of girls, and they slap me quite often for various reasons, but it’s nothing compared to this. 

Her Parents Saw

I’m pretty sure the base of her hand hit me right where my jaw meets my skull. Yeah, it was pretty solid. I then proclaimed that she hit harder than all the other girls in the room, and of course, our attention-seeking friend Annie got all offended and stood up to hit me. Someone threw something at her. Reddit User: Maybebagels

We were all in the hot tub at this chick’s house, and I got dared to go mash my junk up against her parents’ bedroom window. Granted, it’s like 1 am, and the whole house is completely dark, so I thought it would be no big deal. Then, in the reflective light of the pool, I caught a glimpse of her parents sitting right inside the window, watching us from inside…. 

Crabwalk Under Everyone’s Butts

A couple of minutes later, her dad comes outside laughing, hands me a beer, and then reminisces with all of us for a minute about the crazy stuff he did when he was a kid. I’ve never felt a shock like I did when I saw their faces. It still haunts me sometimes, but it all turned out better than expected. I was 25. Reddit User: [redacted]

When I was in high school, a few friends and I were in the same bio class. This class was also a lab, so it was an extremely large, spacious classroom. Our teacher would give us our assignment, and we were free to roam the room in groups to work together. Well, of course, my group decided to go to the very back, in the lab, away from the teacher’s view. 

Run Around the Garden in Your Underwear

We finished our work pretty quickly, and the T or D came up. It started off pretty innocently for high schoolers. “Grab her butt,” “Sit on his lap,” “Kiss,” and then my friend jokingly tells a female friend, “Crabwalk under everyone’s butts.” She did. And it was in front of everyone. It wouldn’t have been bad until someone farted and she threw up. Reddit User: [redacted]

I was at my first ever house party. I was pretty drunk, didn’t really know many people there, and wanted to impress. So naturally, when we were playing truth or dare, someone dared me to strip to my boxers and run around the garden (fully expecting me not to do it and to take the forfeit of five tequila shots instead)….

Eat the Spider

I actually did it. I was running around and embarrassed and thought that everyone would think that it’s so funny. Instead of cheers of “haha, he actually did it, the madman,” everyone just thought I was some sort of weird pervert, and hardly anyone would talk to me for the rest of the party. Not as fun as I hoped. Reddit User: TheCyanNinja

We made a guy eat a spider. Not a small spider; it was a huge wolf spider. If you don’t know what wolf spiders look like, they are those huge furry spiders that look like skinny tarantulas. Cue a wild search for a wolf spider until one girl finds one on the back of the house. What happened next should be in a movie….

TP Stuck to His Butt

He slowly approaches the wolf spider, hits it with a fly swatter a few times until it stops moving, and then places it in his mouth. Immediately the spider bites him on the tongue; he screams and starts frantically chewing and chugging beer. He did manage to swallow it, though he threw it up pretty soon after. The game ended there. Reddit User: StarSideFall

My daughter is three and was playing with the neighbor girl, who’s quite a bit older. I heard the older girl trying to get my daughter to play truth or dare. She asked my daughter to tell her a truth no one else is supposed to know. My daughter said, “The other day, my dad got toilet paper stuck in his butt….”

Two Black Eyes

My daughter had come out of the bathroom one day with toilet paper still stuck to her, and we all laughed, which embarrassed her, and she started crying, so I pulled her aside and told her I had a secret that one time I got toilet paper stuck to my butt. She lasted almost 24 hours before she had told everyone she knew. Reddit User: tribdog

When I was 10, some friends and I were playing tag in my back yard. My house is built such that there’s a random corner on the back, and so one of my friends dared another to spear the next guy coming around the corner. He got in position, ready, set, spear. He absolutely leveled the poor kid in total Edge fashion….

Make Out With That Dude

In a random turn of events, the guy who was speared got up without tears and walked directly home. The next day when he showed up with two black eyes, we asked him what he told his mom, and he said, “I told her I ran into the side of the house.” Needless to say, we’ve dubbed him Iron Man ever since. Reddit User: Datsmittcray

Freshman year of college, I got invited by a buddy of mine to come over to his place and hang out with some people on Friday night. As soon as I got there, a girl was dared to “make out with that dude that just walked in.” She leaped from her seat and tried to suck my face off…. 

Boys Night

I had never seen her before, and her breath smelled awful. Making it even more awkward was that I was a good foot taller than her, so she had to keep jumping before I started to reciprocate. From then on, she kept asking people to dare her to do things to me, and it was weirding almost everyone out, including me. Reddit User: timothytamtam

It was 4 am, and I was running on no sleep. Truth or dare got pretty nuts. A friend got dared to go directly from the hot tub out into a Midwestern snowstorm in the dead of winter to roll around in the snow. I’ve never seen someone get so red. His body cramped all up, and it looked like he was going into shock. He was okay; at that point, it seemed funnier than concerning. 

The Scissors

Same game, dude got dared to put one of those big hand pumps used to fill up inflatable beds on the tip of his thing and pump. He managed to fill his bladder with air and peed bubbles for a day or so. He also got dared to eat a random concoction of condiments and questionable canned food. He got sick and vomited repeatedly. Reddit User: Vileedge

We were playing during the study period in school (the teacher was kind of blind). It was kind of a routine thing that we would do. It caused a lot of drama in our high school class. Everyone in the class would eventually get in on it. But one of my favorite stories wasn’t too naughty; it was just gross. 

The Pencil Cup

One guy, who was wearing very tight jeans, gets dared to stick a pair of scissors down his boxers and remove them again without unzipping or unbuttoning anything. Honestly, so gross. I can’t believe he didn’t hurt himself. After very slowly and painstakingly removing them, he dares the guy sitting next to him to lick them. How we didn’t get in trouble is a mystery to me. Reddit User: dredly999

In 8th grade, we dared a friend to twirl around for like 3 minutes or something so she would get super dizzy. Well, she did, and we were in a bedroom sitting between the bed and the desk with a pencil cup on it. She fell into the desk and slammed her hand on the pencil cup, and one of the pencils went through her actual hand…. 

Run Around in Your Underwear

We were traumatized by the look of it. It was horrible then because she was screaming bloody murder, but now whenever we talk about it, someone usually pees themselves. Her mom freaked out, of course. On the way to the hospital, it was just her yelling profanities within, and I can’t believe it was all for a dare! Reddit User: [redacted]

I love playing truth or dare and have some good stories. We dared a guy and a girl to run around the block in their underwear. They did. Well, the girl tried to but tripped on the stairs and really hurt her ankle. It swelled a bunch, and she couldn’t walk on it. It was hard to watch that fall, but she was okay. 

Who’s Your Crush?

The guy got pulled over by a police officer in the middle of it. He was let go because he technically was clothed enough not to be arrested. We were all, of course, dying laughing because what were the odds this would happen? Also, his underwear was a sparkly thong. We didn’t know this before the dare was given. When he got back, we stopped playing. Reddit User: 10fisch10

I played twice, and the first time a bunch of us got naked; we were kids though, so it wasn’t sexual. The second time was with a friend and my crush, and my crush didn’t want to play because he had a crush and the other friend was a female, and he didn’t want the two girls ganging up on him….

Spin the Pencil

No, we ganged up on each other with embarrassing girl questions to embarrass each other in front of my crush. Then we finally made him uncomfortable by asking the “who is your crush” to him. But that’s pretty normal for a game of truth or dare. It took him a long time to answer; it was pretty funny, though. Reddit User: [redacted]

In 6th grade before English class, my friends were playing spin the pencil/truth or dare and coming up with stuff that could be done in class. Everyone was kind of watching the game that came in, and I have no clue where the teacher was. The pencil landed on a girl as she was coming into class, and they dared her to kiss me. 

Cinnamon Spray

She said she’d rather kiss the floor. So everyone said that she could opt to do that. She actually kissed the floor. The teacher finally came in and broke up the game, and the class started. For the rest of the year, everyone talked about how someone would rather kiss the floor than to kiss me, and it was awful. Reddit User: stefonio

I was ten years old, hanging out with my brother and his friend; a random truth or dare session came about, and I thought it would be fun to join in. When it was my turn, I picked dare, and my brother’s friend told me to spray cinnamon spray on my butthole. And I did: dropped pants, squatted, and sprayed.

Pooped the Pool

I remember the moment it started to burn; to this day, I tense up thinking about it. I ran around the house looking like Zoidberg until the pain stopped. Both of them regretted it immediately and told our parents. My brother feels awful about that encounter to this day, but it’s a funny story to tell from time to time. Reddit User: [redacted]

We were playing truth or dare at a friend’s house after graduating high school. Everyone was drinking and truth or dare popped up. One of the lads was particularly mad enough to pretty much do whatever we suggested even when sober. The bottle lands on him, and someone says, “Dare you to skinny dip in the pool.” Within a flash, he’s out of his clothes and running towards the pool. 

Hits to the Face

He jumps and overshoots it by so freaking much that he goes stomach first into the diving board. Maybe he was holding in the burgers we ate, maybe the alcohol had loosened his butt too much, or maybe it was just an unfortunate accident, but he sprayed out all of his nasty poo when he hit it. Reddit User: SheZowRaisedByWolves

Ah, truth or dare memories. Just after I turned 21, I had a housewarming party and invited a bunch of people. Some I knew well, others not so much. Everyone was drinking. Up next was a guy that I was peripheral friends with but didn’t know that well and he chose “dare.” The darer was a bit of a jerk. 

The Tattoo

Likewise, dared said peripheral friend had to slap me in the face with a textbook. We got him back by me doing the same to the original darer, and that started a friendship that has resulted in being each other’s best man and godparents to children. Best case scenario for getting a hard hit to the face I can think of, honestly. Reddit User: Kalentrine

It was at a girl’s birthday party, super conservative religious parents. She had been talking for weeks about how she got a tattoo without her parents’ knowledge on her butt and was dared to prove it to us, her skeptical friends. She agreed by bending over the card table we were at so everything waist-down was out of view, dropping her pants, and told me to come to confirm…. 

Daffodils Are Poisonous

I was standing behind this girl with her pants around her knees, bent over a table while the other people were laughing and cheering when her mother came downstairs and opened the door and saw this. Yes, her mother. You can’t imagine the tension that blasted into the room. We all just kind of packed up and left. Reddit User: PapaSteel

I was playing truth or dare and got dared to lick the bare inner thigh of a girl I liked. Just as I was about to do it, she went pale and ran away to the toilet to throw up for a few minutes. I was pretty gutted until somebody pointed out that a couple of minutes before, she had been dared to eat a daffodil. 

Salt Challenge

We thought she’d eat a couple of petals or something, but she was a trooper and ate the whole flower. The next day somebody was telling their parents about it, and they informed us that daffodils are poisonous, and if she hadn’t thrown up, she might have had to go to the hospital. Still pretty gutted I never got to lick her leg. Reddit User: bubblegrubs

So right after high school, we went on a trip with three friends. We end up playing truth or dare, and somehow, I was dared to swallow a tablespoon of salt. Now, this is way before the cinnamon challenge, and I have no idea what made my friend dare me this. But hey, I’m no wuss and swallowed that whole spoonful. 

Last Time He Ever Played

I thought I was going to die. My throat instantly dried up, and I couldn’t figure out how to breathe right. After about 15 minutes, puking my guts up and a ton of water, I lived. I can’t stand the taste of straight salt. I can’t even do saltwater rinses when I’m sick. I was dumb for doing it. Reddit User: omgimsocool

Playing truth or dare in middle school, the hottest girl in the class dared the girl I had a huge crush on to kiss one of the popular guys of the class. She said she was nervous and didn’t want to do it, but the hot girl said it’s a dare, so it has to be done, and she kissed the guy to show her it’s not that difficult. 

Fart in His Face

So what happened next? Well, my crush gave in and kissed him too, and then she dared that girl (the hot one) to kiss me. I wasn’t popular, but I definitely was not as popular as the other kid. The hot girl said no and left the classroom. That was the last time I played truth or dare. Reddit User: nooklyr

This truth or dare was crazy. Back in college, a bunch of us got together and played. Much liquor was involved. One guy dared the other to fart in the face of another. Well, it’s not easy to fart on command, so the guy is there trying to fart. Well, after much pushing and stomach squeezing, he said, “Okay, going to fart!” 

Break Up

Bent over, pointed his butt as the other guy’s face, and sharted all over his face and head; like not a log, but a freaking sprinkler of poo. The room fell completely silent. I mean, you could hear a pin drop, and then the other guy ran to the bathroom and puked. The fart guy ran after him. Surprisingly, they’re still really good friends. Reddit User: mrsheikh

It was the summer after I completed the 9th grade. I was a part of a local theatre company that had just put on a production of Songs for a New World. It was a cast party at this girl’s house, and she had a pool and a hot tub, and some of us started a game of truth or dare in the hot tub. 

Pooping in Plants

I was dating this girl at the time and had been for several months. It was a friend of ours’ turn, and she asked my girlfriend truth or dare. She said dare. Our friend then dared her to break up with me. And she did. And we stayed broken up. Despite both of us agreeing, it was a good and happy relationship. I have to give her credit for commitment. Reddit User: kkbodz17

Maybe the people I used to hang out with or date were just weird. Please understand that none of our truth or dare games got sexual or anything, just stupid. When I was in high school, I was with my then-girlfriend (she was 14 and I was 15 or 16) and a few of her friends and one of my friends. 

Trading Pants for Kebabs

My girlfriend’s friend dared another friend to take a poop in the neighbor’s potted plants surrounding their front doors. They were pretty shameless, so she actually did it. Fast forward a week, and it turns out the house had a camera on their front door, and the friend was forced to go to the house with her parents and apologize. I still cringe thinking about it. Reddit User: [redacted]

I ended up playing truth or dare sat in a stranger’s kitchen late one night. Things got a bit out of hand with some naked laps around campus. When we got back to the kitchen, not everybody bothered to get fully dressed again; in particular, one person ended up leaving without putting their shorts back on. We thought this was hilarious. 

The Stink Bomb

At about twelve o’clock, someone was dared to try and barter the shorts for something. In our drunken state, we thought this was the funniest thing ever and completely missed how someone could be annoyed by having their shorts given away. We ended up trading them for a large portion of chips at a kebab van. Reddit User: mawarup

I was invited to a girl’s birthday party, with only two other guys and maybe seven girls; the girls all decided to play truth or dare. It began to dawn on me that the birthday girl had a crush on me, and this was all a setup. I had no idea how to kiss, and I pulled one of the guys that I was friends with aside. 


He told me he’d help me out, but I’d owe him big time. The birthday girl spun the bottle, and it landed on me. She dared me to kiss her for five seconds. As we began to lean in, a horrid smell hit all our nostrils. My friend set off a stink bomb in the trash can. Reddit User: Maverick_OP

I was 16 years old playing truth or dare with friends upstairs, parents drunk downstairs. It should have been fun because my crush was there, and then entered my 6-year-old sister. She threatened to tell if she wasn’t included in the game. She was dared to do a swirly with her long beautiful blond hair. She resisted but got it over with. Flush…. 

Busted Shins

She comes up, giggling. Little brat loved it! She kept doing it to herself. She ran up and down the stairs doing it to herself and laughing hysterically. She wouldn’t stop until we all had to go tell on her and, therefore, ourselves. The worst part was my crush left without me, even knowing that I was crushing. Reddit User: gypsyflecha

A friend of mine dared me to run around the outside of the house naked in the middle of a New England winter. I was drunk, so I accepted the dare under the condition that I got to wear my shoes. The run was harder because it had snowed the week prior, and then had some warm days and cold nights, which created a crust of ice on top of the snow….

Streak Through a Renovation Site

The snow would break with each step, and I’d have to pull my foot out. When I got back to the door and started putting my clothes back on, most of my friends were shocked, because the ice had cut my shins and calves to hell, and I was bleeding from about a dozen cuts from the ice. Reddit User: viashno

My friend was dared to streak through an old strip club that was under renovation. Quite a bit of time passed and he hadn’t come out on the other side, so we went in to check what happened. When he went in, he had to go down a long corridor into the main part of the club, through that to another corridor, down that and out through a door on the other side…. 

Send Nudes

It didn’t work out like that, though. He was looking too far behind himself instead of paying attention to where he was running and ended up falling through an opening in the floor, landing in the middle of a doughnut-shaped podium on the ground floor. After that, we walked in and found the workers gathered around laughing. Reddit User: angelflummox

We used an app that would come up with the dares. I was to send a nude picture to a random number. No biggie, I didn’t put my face on it. However, I used someone else’s phone. I deleted the message, but I was too inebriated to remember it saved to their phone. The night went on, and that was probably the “craziest” thing we actually ended up doing…. 

Rotten Egg Jellybean

Months later, she tells me how she was scrolling through and found my picture. She was my best friend’s girlfriend. We laughed it off, but I was dying inside. They didn’t stay together, and now we’ve been married for two years. It’s crazy how things work out. This story all started with a simple truth or dare gone a little bit wrong, but right in the end. Reddit User: Dr0cean

Playing truth or dare on a bus ride home from a middle school field trip. My mom was among the chaperone crew and decided to sit in the back of the bus. Now my dear mother has this tendency to fall asleep anywhere. Mom’s fast asleep, with her mouth slightly open. A few rows ahead of her, one of my friends was dared…. 

The dare was to eat one of those Harry Potter any flavor jellybeans someone had picked up in a gift shop. Unfortunately for my friend, and my mom, the jellybean was rotten egg flavored. Friend spits out the jellybean and lobs it over her shoulder, straight into mom’s mouth. Mom, a real trooper, just spit it out and went back to her nap. Reddit User: i-am-the-lora