Before And After Natural Weight Loss Photos That Would Impress Anyone

Meghann Anderson/ Age: 25/ Lost: 28 lbs/ Time Taken: 5 months 

These are stories of determination. Each person carries a unique set of circumstances, whether it’s conquering self-doubt or grieving the loss of a loved one. They demonstrate the healing power of a clean diet and healthy exercise. In every story, you’ll find that transforming their body transformed their life. Read on to discover their inspirational and mind-blowing journeys…

“You can run off a bad diet” rang true for Meghann. Physical activity during college kept her slim, but her sedentary desk job packed on major pounds. At 5′ 4″, she weighed in at just a pound shy of 150 within months of her new job. A wake-up call with her doctor prompted her to run the next day, and the next day, and the day after, until she incorporated fitness back into her lifestyle. She slashed fast food by substituting home-cooked meals, saving money and losing pounds. She says, “Just keep it fun and simple!”

Cindy Lentino/ Age: 28/ Lost: 50 lbs/ Time Taken: 1 ½ years

One night, while sewing buttons back on her size 14 pants, Cindy realized she had a decision: buy bigger pants or lose weight. She tallied up her calories and calculated that she was eating double the recommended amount. Her first step meant cooking her meals with proper portions. Then, she bought a pedometer and logged her steps every day. After the pedometer, she hit the elliptical, then tried the 100 pushup challenge. Her advice is to “break down big goals and get outside.”

Rashard Keen/ Age: 31/ Lost: 142 lbs/ Time Taken: 1 year

It took a moment in the mirror at 350 lbs for Rashard to change his legacy. He wanted his son to see that anything is possible, which included his transformation. Rashard’s initial weight loss prompted a professional bodybuilder to help him lose even more. He attributes his success to his support system, which helped him transform physically, mentally, and spiritually over the years. With the help of his trainer, Rashard placed second in a physique competition. His motto is, “No excuses.” 

Dacia Mickens/ Age: 29/ Lost: 45 lbs/ Time Taken: 2 years  

Comfort food provided little comfort to Dacia at 207 lbs. She’d always considered herself heavy, but she knew she had a problem when her old clothes were getting tight. She defined a good meal as stuffing her face, so she had to master portion control. A food diary and healthy alternatives helped her lose 10 pounds, but she plateaued. Instead of quitting, she turned her frustration into fuel by walking with friends. That led her to a cardio gym session. She says her secret is finding healthy recipes!

Dana Bland/ Age: 40/ Lost: 190 lbs/ Time Taken: 2 ½ years 

Dana experienced the “slow creep.” The combination of her stressful job, sedentary lifestyle, and poor diet packed on 350 lbs by age 30. Wrought with depression, she moved home to reconnect with her family. That was her spark. Once she lost 50 lbs, she knew she could do more. Her food scale measured the calories. Her substitutions supplied healthy foods. After sliding back into her old ways, she signed up for a fitness contest and never looked back after joining a running club to stay motivated.

Andrew Chilson/ Age: 32/ Lost: 80 lbs/ Time Taken: 3 years

Chronic diseases may seem like an immovable impasse, but not for Andrew. His severe Crohn’s disease caused his weight to free fall to 130 lbs. He couldn’t digest food, so his doctor prescribed a weight-gaining steroid, which made his weight rocket to 238 lbs. However, his doctor prohibited exercise. Unsatisfied, he worked with a nutritionist who carved out what his body could digest. Three years later, he’s down to 5% body fat and is teaching others how to do the same. 

Elizabeth Byrd/ Age: 28/ Lost: 85 lbs/ Time Taken: 9 months

Southern cooking and long work hours left Elizabeth feeling miserable. She hated her body and decided to change at 30. She researched which foods to eat and included them in her diet. She learned hacks like drinking water between bites and eliminating liquid calories. She dropped 15 lbs in 3 months. To top off her lifestyle, she joined a gym and started lifting weights and doing cardio. Losing weight transformed her mental health. Her advice is to find the hacks that work for you. 

Heather Craig/ Age: 28/ Lost: 85 lbs/ Time Taken: 2 years

“This is the last time.” Heather repeated those words over and over as she binged on pints of ice cream. After a friend had lost 70 lbs, Heather decided to accept her invitation to the gym. Although she felt like everyone was staring at her, month by month, the scale dropped. She became hooked. She stopped storing ice cream at home. She hired a personal trainer and now teaches kickboxing classes at her gym. She never imagined she’d be one of the “fit people,” but she says a little perseverance helped her get there.

Isaac Velarde/ Age: 39/ Lost: 150 lbs/ Time Taken: 4 years 

A traumatic childhood, depression, and type 2 diabetes made Isaac’s life unbearable. At 321 lbs, he couldn’t look in the mirror. Isaac knew he had to change after a close friend died of sleep apnea, weighing over 360 lbs. Together, with the help of a friend/nutritionist, he learned how to feed his body. A balanced meal plan helped Isaac overcome dozens of obstacles and cut cravings, allowing him to compete in a physique competition. He says his amazing friends helped him become the man he is today.

Andrea Williams/ Age: 33/ Lost: 50 lbs/ Time Taken: 6 months

At 5′ 0″, Andrea assumed weighing 168 lbs was due to a thyroid condition. The blood work was negative; it was her unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyle. She cooked fresh, nutritious meals and realized they were substantially cheaper than daily fast food.  As the weight began dropping, she went to her office gym. She started with walking, then jogging, and now she trains and competes in triathlons and marathons. After six months, her body transformed, and she believes anyone can do anything! 

Missy Engel/ Age: 24/ Lost: 35 lbs/ Time Taken: 9 months

For Missy, her mother’s nutritious meals didn’t affect her waistline. Instead, it was the nightly ice cream trips with her dad. Low self-esteem in high school prompted a change in college. Determined to avoid the freshman 15, Missy ate her vegetables. Her sister convinced her to join a gym. From there, she saw an increase in endurance and a decrease on the scale. Her tip is to find a buddy to keep you accountable for your workouts and meals. She says maintenance isn’t easy, but it’s better than before.

Jason Tucker/ Age: 31/ Lost: 44 lbs/ Time Taken: 2 years

Jason Tucker had all the tools to be ripped. He played football, wrestled, and worked in the Navy. However, his information was useless. It wasn’t applied. Years after hanging up the cleats, he packed on the pounds. By age 29, he realized he had a choice to make. He decided to sacrifice a few nights out with the guys and work on his diet. He set a deadline and demanded everything from himself to reach that goal. Now, he’s using that discipline to compete at the national level. He says consistent discipline was his key.

Tracy Johnson/ Age: 27/ Lost: 40 lbs/ Time Taken: 10 months 

The post-college bloat was real for Tracy. Walking to class and staying active kept her at a normal weight, but her desk job and nightly outings with coworkers heaped on 25 lbs. Tracy first noticed this trend when she couldn’t fit into the biggest size at her favorite store, so she cut out soda. Next, she brought homemade salads to work. After that, she began to use her gym membership. All of these steps led to her losing 40 pounds in 10 months. She says, “Choose something you can do for the rest of your life.”

Yasmeen/ Age: 23/ Lost: 95 lbs/ Time Taken: 2 years

A vacation back home helped Yasmeen realize how out of shape she was. She’d always struggled with her weight, but her brother’s example helped her realized she could change, too. She researched documentaries, books, and nutrition articles, learning how to make small steps in the right direction. She began with calorie control, then cut out junk food and processed food. She found out why organic foods mattered and ate those instead. She says, “If you can change your mind, you can change your life.”

Anonymous/ Age: NA/ Lost: NA/ Time Taken: NA 

Change doesn’t happen overnight. This man wants everyone to know that transformation is gradual. For him, he recognized that ten years of unhealthy eating habits couldn’t be washed away with a week at the gym. Instead of looking for the weight to come off overnight, he worked month after month knowing his body was changing on the inside. He says, “Don’t give up just when everything is about to change.” 

Theresa Borawski/ Age: NA/ Lost: 276 lbs/ Time Taken: 22 months

A series of losses— from family members to jobs— threw Theresa into a downward spiral. With food as her coping mechanism, she packed on pounds by the hundreds. At 428 lbs, she was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. She could barely walk to her mailbox and decided on a new life. That night, she poured her soda down the drain and decided to make a change. She switched fast food for whole food, walked without a wheelchair, and stayed positive. Her main tip is to find a plan you can live your life on.

Anonymous/ Age: NA/ Lost: NA/ Time Taken: NA 

She used to spend 25 hours a week working out as a competitive gymnast. After her career was over, she didn’t think twice about the food she ate. One long look in the mirror and she knew it was time to get back into a routine. She began running, lifting weights, and eating healthy, but in a healthier style than her gymnastic days. Her main focus is to do the best thing for her body, and she encourages other to do the same.

Isadora/ Age: 18/ Lost: 70 lbs/ Time Taken: 8 months 

Isadora says being called “fat” by her crush sent her into an eating frenzy. She thought no one wanted to be her friend because of her size. After a series of broken relationships, she spent time reflecting on why she had gained weight. Determined to make a change, she regimented her eating habits, began working out, and drank plenty of water. It was one of the best decisions in her life, and she said she would do it all over again. “Do what makes you happy.”

Nelly/ Age: 24/ Lost: 26 lbs/ Time Taken: 2 ½ years  

It took Nelly more than a few years to get her ducks in a row. An offhanded comment by her boyfriend drove her to the gym. For that first year, she exercised furiously but still ate junk food. She saw no results. Instead, she switched to diet pills and still saw nothing. It dawned on her that she needed to switch her eating habits too. She ate clean and lifted weights, which helped her lose the weight. It wasn’t an easy road for Nelly, but she says the journey is worth it.

Anonymous/ Age: NA/ Lost: 29 lbs/ Time Taken: NA 

It was weird to find her weight loss picture on “sketchy” diet websites. Her transformation was strict, through clean eating and hard work. She started high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and home workout videos. Next, she cut out processed foods and stuck with whole grains, fruit, veggies, and lean meat around 1200-1600 calories a day. After months of cardio, she realized she needed weight lifting to avoid being “skinny fat.” A little bit of calorie counting and grit helped her achieve her goals.

Lindsay/ Age: 30/ Lost: 116 lbs/ Time Taken: 11 months

People saw Lindsay’s “before” photos and thought it was a different person. For her, it is. She carved her success story by starting with change. One man’s blog post helped her recognize her potential. She joined Weight Watchers and began a journey of self-development. Although Lindsay says she had her doubts, she never quit. Now, she’s more self-confident than ever and even runs half marathons! 

Andrea Benudiz/ Age: 36/ Lost: 101 lbs/ Time Taken: 2 years 

A divorce, type 2 diabetes, memories of bulimia as a teenager, and polycystic ovarian syndrome were the cards Andrea was dealt. She was tired of hating herself, and she wanted to set an example for her son. Lifestyle over dieting was the click Andrea needed. If she was going to make a change, it had to be her lifestyle, not a week-long diet. She started eating fresh fruits and veggies and working out. That was her spark. She has three kids and encourages women to find their healthy lifestyle spark.

Stephanie/ Age: 22/ Lost: 23 lbs/ Time Taken: 1 year

A clean diet takes you a long way. Stephanie started making small swaps to her diet, and a world of changes followed. She picked up Chalene Johnson’s TurboFire workout and never looked back. Within a year, she lost 25 pounds, something she never thought she could do. Taking pictures helped Stephanie see the minute changes happening all over her body. She says, “You’ve gotta keep pushing until you reach your goal. It’s that simple.”

Nikki/ Age: 15/ Lost: 55 lbs/ Time Taken: 5 months

Transformations take place at every age. Nikki was still in high school when she decided to change. The major difference? Her diet. She focused on clean foods like lean meats and fish, vegetables, and some fruits. Nikki realized she could eat some meals every day if she liked them enough, and that’s how she made it work. She stayed on track, ate clean, and stuck to her goals. She says that’s how everyone can do it!

Ethan/ Age: 22/ Lost: NA/ Time Taken: 5 months 

Instant results aren’t real. Ethan struggled with being discouraged during the first weeks of his transformation, but he kept at it. He lowered his daily caloric intake and went to the gym. For Ethan, a healthy balance was critical. He did interval training, weight lifting, made a diet plan, and allowed himself cheat days. Within 5 months, he was at the weight he wanted to be. His biggest piece of advice is to keep going.

Caroline Jhingory/ Age: 35/ Lost: 150 lbs/ Time Taken: 3 years 

Caroline made the circuits on Dr. Oz, the Today Show, and PEOPLE magazine for her astonishing weight loss. At 5′ 2″, she weighed 307 pounds. Her doctor warned her that she was destined for serious health problems if she continued on this path. First, she eliminated the white food from her diet. Next came small lifestyle changes like walking to work. She stuck to her plan and made appropriate changes as they came along. She even wrote a book on how she lost half her size! 

Diane Carbonell/ Age: 44/ Lost: 159 lbs/ Time Taken: 1 ½ years 

Once Diane hit 300 lbs, she realized nothing could stop her from reaching 500. In fear of her health and setting a poor example for her children, she walked outside for 10 minutes. The feeling of euphoria and accomplishment was so overwhelming; she continued to walk longer and add strength movements to her routine. After being able to keep up with her kids, she was motivated to incorporate a healthier diet, too. She says it was never easy, but it enabled her to live the life of her dreams!

Jennifer Muirhead/ Age: 28/ Lost 84 lbs/ Time Taken:  3 years 

Everyone says your twenties are your prime. Not for Jennifer. She weighed 214 pounds by age 20. After a tumultuous engagement with an unfaithful fiancé, Jennifer decided to tackle her weight. She called off her wedding and hit the gym with a friend. Her new body was inspiring, but she wanted to do more. She nixed the junk food and filled her fridge with leafy vegetables. Simple life hacks like using smaller bowls helped her peel off 84 pounds. She says it doesn’t matter how long it takes, as long as you get there.

Sandrelle Aguirre/ Age: 37/ Lost: 80 lbs/ Time Taken: 1 years 


Crash dieting was Sandrelle’s specialty. She ballooned up to 224, dropped down to 160, and shot back up to 201 after she was diagnosed with premature menopause. The inability to conceive left her emotionally distraught, so she turned to fitness. She focused on maintaining a healthy meal schedule with leafy vegetables and lean protein. She logged hours on the treadmill and finally became fit. When the diagnosis of a thyroid disorder hit, she bounced back by keeping motivated through fitness.