Bus Driver Bullied Every Day By School Kids Makes Them Regret It

Over The Edge

Kids are naturally rowdy, noisy, and energetic. When placed all together, however, in one school bus with the only one there to control them being the person behind the wheel, things can get a little too chaotic. From the constant screaming to the disgusting stink bombs, and even the flying spitballs.

As a bus driver, Carol had gotten used to all of this and was quite patient with the kids. But one time, some of the kids on the bus took things too far. It wasn’t just about the danger they’d put her life in, but also the endangerment of the other kids on the bus. Carol had finally had enough, and decided to teach these kids a lesson…

A Careful Driver

Carol was used to how rambunctious kids could get, being the eldest of six siblings, so being a bus driver and dealing with screaming children all day was no big deal to her. She didn’t think there would be a day when they would actually push her over the edge.

Carol was already at a breaking point when she learned what the kids did for them to end in such a predicament. Since they were kids, she didn’t think they would be so cruel and heartless. They probably thought she would let it pass like all the other things, but they couldn’t be more wrong.

Almost Everything

Carol was a dedicated school bus driver who always prioritized the safety of every single child on her bus. Despite how rowdy and chaotic they were, it didn’t change her commitment to ensuring that they were safe and protected.

That was why Carol always took extra precautions and drove very slowly, even if it meant going to work early. Her unwavering attention to detail and safety consciousness had served her well throughout her time as a driver, and she had never been in a single accident. However, there would be a day that would all change.

Children’s Pranks

For over twenty years, Carol had been a devoted school bus driver for a certain school in Lawton. Even though they weren’t the most well-behaved, she loved the children as much as she loved her job.

There was nothing Carol didn’t enjoy about her it. Well, everything could’ve been perfect, only if we exclude certain three children from the equation. These three were always out to get her and always determined to make her day a nightmare.

The Terrible Trio

Jason, Tommy, and Simon were a constant source of trouble for Carol. They seemed to always have something up their sleeves, pranks that didn’t always end well for the other children – especially for Carol.

It would always be a messy ride with the three on the bus, and there wasn’t a single day when they played nice or behaved. They made it difficult for Carol to do her job, and she was always on guard around them.

Testing Her Patience

The three boys who had been causing trouble for Carol were a gang of small devils, and they were pretty inventive, always coming up with something new to disrupt the bus ride.

Despite everything, Carol never really gave them the satisfaction that what they did ever got to her and she never lost her cool. After all, they were just kids no matter their antics. Or at least, that was what she thought.

Daily Pranks

Over the years that Carol had been a driver, she had seen her fair share of rowdy and mischievous children. She was used to little pranks and she understood it well that they were only trying to be funny.

But this was the first that her patience was actually tested – by three children no less. When they endangered everyone on the bus, they probably didn’t know or even understand that there were consequences to follow.

The Usual Day

Aside from the constant pitched screaming and yelling, Carol’s daily routine consisted of spitballs, smelly stink bombs, and paint-filled water balloons from Jason, Tommy, and Simon who thought they were being funny. Well, funny for them at least.

Despite all of this, Carol would only roll her eyes and never gave them the reaction they were hoping to get from her. That was what she planned to do by the time they graduate – endure until they were finally off her back. But then they crossed the line and everything changed.

The day it happened, Carol woke up at the crack of dawn as usual and ready to start another day without any idea what will happen soon. She thought it would be just another routine day, driving children to school and back, with the usual pranks and chaos on the bus.

But little did she know that her day was about to take a turn for the worse. As she drove her usual route, she picked up all the children, including the three troublemakers who had made her life a living nightmare for the past three years they started school.

Out Of The Ordinary

Carol’s day started like any other, getting her bus and driving her usual route. She picked up all the children along her route – then the trio. For some reason, she had an unusual feeling when she saw them on the side of the road.

For some reason, they were on time for the first time in three years. Carol couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was different about that day. She tried to read their faces, but their mischievous expressions were nothing out of the ordinary.

On-Time For Once

A bus driver for so long, Carol knew the children like the back of her hand. She had a good understanding of their personalities, most especially the terrible trio who always caused problems for her.

They were never one to arrive on time – just this fact made Carol suspicious of them. She kept her eyes on them as they got on the bus, and the boys were all smiles. What was going on?

The Strange Muffin

Before they walked past Carol in the driver’s seat, one thing she did notice was that Tommy, one of the terrible trio, placed a muffin on the dashboard. Of course, she was still suspicious of them, but maybe she was thinking too hard.

So despite her initial apprehension of the sudden change, Carol thought that maybe they were trying to make amends. However, she would soon discover that the muffin was not a peace offering, but rather the key to everything that would happen next.

Distrustful Driver

It wasn’t like Carol was suddenly trusting of them – of course, she was still suspicious. She still couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was off as the three boys were all smiles as they took their seats.

There was something in their eyes she couldn’t quite place. But no matter how many times she looked at them through the mirror, she couldn’t figure out what they were up to. Was she maybe overthinking this?

Ideas In Her Head

As Carol drove, the muffin remained atop the dashboard next to her. Her mind was running with ideas of what the boys could be planning next as well, wondering if the muffin would play a part in the terrible trio’s newest prank.

Was there something in the muffin… like a laxative maybe? Carol was wary of the boys’ sudden change. Little did she know that there was something much worse in the muffin than she anticipated.

Argument At The Back

As she made a turn, Carol suddenly heard an argument erupt from the back of the bus. At first, she wasn’t sure what was going on, but then she noticed another boy arguing with the three troublemakers.

If she remembered it correctly, his name was Dane. Dane was telling the three boys off for being cruel and giving Carol a muffin that contained nuts, even though they knew she was allergic to them.

They Almost Got Her

When Carol heard the argument, she almost pulled over. Good thing she didn’t even try to take a bite out of the muffin and give it a taste. She was lucky Dane had confronted the terrible trio, as the situation could’ve been much worse.

The three troublemakers knew that Carol was allergic to nuts, and yet they gave her the muffin anyways. Did they even understand the danger they could have put everyone in if she took a bite and she had a reaction while driving?

Intentionally Cruel

Carol realized that the terrible trio intended her to have a reaction as if testing if she were telling the truth about her allergy. Despite her frustration with the three boy’s bad behavior on a daily basis, she never imagined they would go this far.

Carol couldn’t fathom their lack of regard for human safety. She knew that she didn’t have a good relationship with them, but she would never do anything as severe as trying to create an allergic reaction in one of them.

Thinking Hard

Carol was determined that the terrible trio should pay for their actions, but she also knew that confronting them head-on was not effective. She had to hatch a plan to teach them a lesson and make sure that they never endangered anyone again

So instead of approaching them then, Carol instead continued to drive. She thought long and hard about what she could do to teach them a lesson. It seemed drastic, but it was the only way to bring attention to the issue and make the kids understand the severity of their actions.

Confronting The Trio

Of course, this was already the breaking point for Carol. So from the driver’s seat, she stood up and approached the backseat. She was about to explain to the boys how dangerous their actions could have been, but the conversation quickly turned into an argument.

It was clear that the children were not mature enough to understand the safety concerns Carol had, and she was nearing her limit. Despite her frustration, she knew that confronting them head-on was not the solution.

Not Caring At All

When Carol spoke to the terrible trio about the dangerous situation they had put her and the other children in, she could feel her frustration and anger rising. However, the more she spoke, the more she realized that the children did not even have an ounce of care. Not even if they break anything.

This only infuriated Carol even more, leaving her feeling helpless and uncertain about how to make them understand the severity of their behavior. Despite her best efforts to explain the safety concerns, the children continued to show a lack of empathy and concern for the consequences of their actions.

Angrier By The Second


Carol tried to explain to them that allergic reactions were not something to be taken lightly. It wasn’t just a silly prank that they could pull, but rather a risk to everyone’s lives.

Carol emphasized the serious implications that such an act could have, especially if a school bus driver had to have a serious attack while driving. “You’re okay, aren’t you?” Tommy rolled his eyes. “Boohoo!” Carol’s blood started to boil.

Finding It Funny

What’s even worse – despite Carol’s best efforts to explain the potential danger of their actions, the trio seemed to find the situation amusing. They giggled at the prospect of their bus driver having an allergic reaction, which only served to make her angrier. They didn’t even think that their little entertainment could have caused them an accident.

As a bus driver, Carol didn’t have the authority to discipline the children like the school faculty, so she realized that she had to approach the situation differently to make them understand what they did wrong.

Lost In Her Thoughts

After Carol’s confrontation with the three troublesome kids on her bus, she returned to the driver’s seat without saying another word. As she drove the children to school, she thought long and hard about what she could do to teach them a lesson.

As she drove, Carol thought about the different ways she could teach them. She also wondered what was going through their heads. Did they really not care about what would happen? Or did they just not understand what could happen?

Her Resignation

As soon as Carol arrived at the school, Carol decided to put in her resignation, as she could no longer put up with the constant torment from the three troublesome kids on her bus. Their actions on that day had been the final straw, and she had had enough.

It wasn’t out of spite or anger; Carol simply could not continue to be tormented by children who showed no regard for her safety or the safety of the other children on the bus. On the other hand, she was saddened to leave behind the children who had not caused any trouble and who relied on her to get them to and from school safely.

Her Options

After the incident with the muffin, Carol knew she couldn’t go back to driving the school bus the next morning and picking up the kids as usual. It was a difficult decision to make, but she knew it was the best way to proceed.

The alternative was getting back on the bus and having her life and all of the children’s lives endangered as part of the three boys’ entertainment. She just couldn’t let that happen to anyone, even if it made her feel bad.

Explaining To The Principal

Carol went directly to the principal’s office and entered without hesitation. The principal was preparing for the school day and was surprised by her sudden appearance.

The principal asked if there was anything wrong with the bus, and that was when Carol explained everything that had happened and the principal listened intently, his expression changing from surprise to concern as he heard the details of the incident.

Left Speechless

The reasons behind Carol’s resignation left the principal speechless. Carol had handed her a hastily scribbled piece of paper with her formal resignation, which she had written on the bus after the kids had hopped off.

Carol was almost in tears as she had her informal meeting with the principal, and she hoped that something would happen because of it. Her decision to resign was not a sudden one. It was the culmination of years of dealing with the troublesome behavior of a group of students on her bus.

Promised Formal Action

After the principal apologized to Carol and promised to take formal action, Carol left his office feeling emotionally drained. As she walked out, she couldn’t help but notice the children running to their classes and feel a deep sense of sadness.

She knew that she would miss everything about working at the school, especially the well-behaved and kind children. However, she also knew that this was only the beginning of a long journey.

Just The Beginning

However, even though Carol had moved on from the incident, the school had not. The school was furious about what had happened to Carol and wanted to make amends from their side.

Another representative of the school reached out to Carol and asked her for a statement. She had already spoken to the principal about the incident but agreed to provide a statement to ensure that something like this would never happen again.

Telling Their Parents

The school’s decision to take action against the children’s dangerous behavior was a welcome relief for Carol. She and her co-worker decided that the parents of the children needed to be informed of their behavior.

They wanted the kids to know that they had gone too far, and they wanted their parents to know exactly how far they had gone. They knew that the parents would strike fear into the hearts of the culprits and that they would not take the matter lightly.

Community Support

With this plan in place, Carol felt a sense of relief and determination. She was confident that the children would learn their lesson this time and that they would never endanger anyone ever again.

Carol’s story spread like wildfire across the community, and the support came pouring in – including support from the other children. They knew that it was important to teach children that actions have consequences and that being a bully was never acceptable.

Viral Video

As the video spread, it sparked discussions about the need to address bullying in schools and the importance of ensuring the safety of all students, including bus drivers. It also brought attention to the severity of food allergies and the danger of not taking them seriously.

The public outcry and attention from the video ultimately led to changes in the school’s policies and procedures to ensure that incidents like this would never happen again.

Everyone’s End

After the incident with the four troublesome children, Carol’s story became widely known. Her former employer created a GoFundMe page to help her to start anew, and the response was overwhelming. The support came pouring in from all over the world.

The school managed to collect $38,000 for her, which was a tremendous amount. It was a fitting end to her long and dedicated career as a school bus driver. As for the three kids? Well, they never heard the last of it from their parents.