Car Salesman Mocks Elderly Customer Unaware Of His True Identity

Trying Times

The elderly man was seeking help when he walked into the car dealership. But upon looking at the elderly man’s conservative clothing, the salesman brushed him aside.

He seemed to decide that the elderly man didn’t fit in and continued to treat him poorly. However, the old man knew they deserved what was coming.

Meeting Katie

Army veteran, Robert Jack, had spent many years of his life in the army and even fought in the Vietnam war. He had seen horrific and traumatic things during his service, but he had managed to overcome the hardships and live an enjoyable life. He had his wife, Katie, to thank for this.

Robert had lived a long life and had experienced many ups and downs. He faced more trying times now that he was much older but did what he could to pull through and prayed that it would get him by.

The Sales Team

Robert met Katie during their high school years and had been together since, having married a few decades back. The older they got, the more challenges they faced. The old man had been losing his way when his family faced another one of life’s hurdles.

One day, he had been walking around when he stepped into a dealership that sold more expensive cars. He felt everyone’s eyes on him as soon as he stepped through the doors. Why had he come in? Was he in need of medical assistance?

Dismissing Him

The morning had been slow for the dealership, but the sales team wasn’t worried. They had grown accustomed to it and knew that sales would start picking up again soon.

The sales team was trained to recognize whether customers could afford any of the cars the shop had displayed. They were used to people walking in and simply viewing the cars and knowing they had no intention of purchasing anything. It was easy for them to assume the old man wasn’t there to buy anything but had they perhaps judged too quickly?

Noticing His Behaviour

The managers, who had much experience, were quick to spot potential buyers and so soon lost interest when the hunched-over man carrying a canvas bag walked in. It was not the type of man they would be rushing after to show them what they had in stock.

They dismissed the man, thinking he had come in to daydream about owning one of the cars. They felt he had gotten confused in his old age and mistaken the dealership for another store.

Looking At The Cars

However, they started to notice his strange behavior when he approached the receptionist and asked her to keep his bag from him. She took it from him and carefully placed it on the floor.

The old man slowly walked through the exhibition hall and scrutinized every car he passed. He didn’t look like much in his shabby cowboy shirt, loose-fitting pants, and old hat. A salesman had started observing him, and it wasn’t long before he approached him with a vindictive smile.

“Not For Sale”

The salesman thought the old man didn’t have the money to even think about purchasing one of these cars and that he had only come by to admire the expensive cars before he had to go back home.

After scrutinizing each and every one of the cars, he stopped in front of the most expensive one and called a salesman over. He asked him about the engine capacity and, satisfied with the answer, asked if he could take it out for a test drive. The salesman turned up his nose in distaste.

Feeling Sorry

The salesman had grown tired of the old man’s antics and angrily approached him. He stated that the car’s sale price had gone up and someone else had already reserved it.

Robert eyed the price tag still attached to the car and wondered why they hadn’t put a sign up stating that it was reserved. He heard the salesman recommend a nearby car rental service, but he had no intention of leaving just yet.

Trying To Get Him To Leave

The rest of the sales staff started laughing when they heard the salesman suggest the rental place nearby. Richard was new to working there and was the only one who wasn’t laughing.

He was swallowed up by his laughing colleagues, feeling much smaller than them. But that didn’t mean he felt sorry for the old man. He knew he had to do something and eventually suggested that the old man should see the car if he wanted to.

A Calm Response

Despite the salesman trying every trick in the book to get the old man to leave, Richard stood his ground and waited to take the car for a test drive.

The salesman eventually snapped and said, “I’m not sure you would be able to afford a $200,000 car. I don’t want to waste time letting you test drive it.” He finished by looking at Robert as though he was about to be sick at the thought.

Asking Him To Leave

Robert was shocked to be treated this way, but, sadly, he was also used to it. He calmly stood and said, “How do you know I can’t afford it?” Then, he calmly asked to test drive the car again.

The salesman was growing visibly frustrated now. He pointed to the “Right of Admission Reserved” sign above the reception desk. But Robert refused to budge.

Walking Away

“I have been in this business for a long time,” the salesman spat.” I can spot a time-waster from a mile away. The way you’re dressed tells me that you could never afford this car. I’m going to ask you to leave. now”

However, the angry salesman called security instead, who escorted the strange Robert to the exit. The salesman was glad he got rid of the old man. But that wasn’t actually the case.

Adding Insult To Injury

Even though he was used to it, the unjust treatment almost brought him to tears. Hunched over, he began to walk away. At that same moment, the leadership administrator saw the bag left behind by the old man.

Unwilling to touch the grubby satchel, she used her foot to push it towards the door. The other employees laughed when they saw it, but Richard wasn’t even smiling.

The Last Straw

Just then, a woman and a little girl walked in. She gave Robert a wide berth as she passed him through the doorway.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, she leaned down and pretend-whispered something to her daughter: “This is why you have to stay in school. Otherwise, you’ll end up poor and dirty like him.” The entire floor erupted with laughter.

Not Staying Quiet

Robert froze. That was it. He had been very patient and understanding – not just then but so many times before. He wasn’t going to stay quiet anymore.

“Excuse me,” he said, trying to make his posture as unthreatening as possible as he looked straight into everyone’s eyes one by one. “But I couldn’t help hearing what you said to your daughter.”

A Hard-Working Man

Robert had brushed off so many rude moments before because it wasn’t worth the effort of fighting back. But this time, he wasn’t going to stay quiet.

This was going to be a life lesson that nobody in the car dealership would forget. “Being poor doesn’t mean someone deserves to be talked about that way,” he said assertively. But his next words made everyone’s eyes widen.

Opening The Bag

“I’m in construction,” Robert said. “But I’m a very dirty, very educated man.” He explained how not only did he have a college degree, but he also had a few medical certificates.

“Even though I’m old, I haven’t been able to retire because I have to pay my wife’s medical bills,” Robert said. “Shame on all of you!” But he wasn’t done.

Scrambling After Him

“Assuming that I’m uneducated and poor just because of my appearance is pure ignorance. But, even if I was poor, unemployed, or homeless, you don’t get the right to judge me.”

Robert angrily swooped to grab his bag off the floor. He opened it and briefly flashed its contents to the room. Everyone, including the rude salesman, was completely dumbfounded.

Following Him

With that, Robert turned to walk out. The salesman, seeing the commission he could have earned off the car in his mind, scrambled to try and convince him to make the sale.

Now, they were all trying to fawn over him and apologize. Robert smirked. He had had enough, though, so he took his bag and walked straight out the door.

The Bag

The young salesman, Richard, went after him. Luckily, the elderly man hadn’t gotten far. Embarrassed, he apologized profusely for his colleagues’ appalling behavior.

The old man knew that Richard hadn’t been part of any of it. He just smirked and opened his bag to show the contents to the young salesman. Richard couldn’t believe his eyes.

Hard Times

The old man was mistaken for a homeless person, but there were bundles of 100-dollar bills inside his bag. Richard was intrigued and looked questioningly at Robert.

The old man coughed and closed his bag. He then began his story. He introduced himself to the nice young salesman and proceeded to tell the tale of his lifetime. Richard was left speechless.

Almost Bankrupt

Robert told Richard that he’d worked hard all his life. Even though he was getting on in years, he still worked with his own hands.

He had just come from a construction site – that was why he looked dirty and poor. Although he had earned good money, he hadn’t been able to retire because he had to look after his wife, Katie.

Last Wish

Robert explained that his wife had been fighting cancer for several years and seemed to be losing the fight.

Even though Robert and Katie hadn’t been poor by any means, the high cost of her chemotherapy over the years had almost bankrupted them. He had managed to keep them afloat, But that wasn’t enough. Robert wanted to do more for his wife.


Realizing that the treatment wasn’t helping Katie anymore, Richard decided to fulfill his wife’s wish and buy her the car she’s always dreamed of driving. But he had to do it while she still had her mobility.

Unfortunately, by the time he had managed to save up enough money, the price of the car had increased substantially. He did not have enough money to buy the car he wanted.

A Salesman’s Resolve

Robert, determined to do this one last thing for his wife, sold all his possessions – including his gold wedding band. The last time Katie had seen the oncologist, he’d predicted that she only had around twelve more months to live.

Robert was shattered. Although he barely had any money or possessions left now, what good would they do if his wife wouldn’t be with him anyway? But he had just learned that he was still short $5,000.

The Help He Needed

When Richard found out how much money Robert needed, he got to thinking of a way to help. Richard knew that the car dealership could hardly afford such a discount.

After escorting the old man, Richard went back to work. He couldn’t shake his thoughts of the old man and Katie’s dream. Later that evening, the young salesman found himself at the old man’s door. What could he have wanted?


Holding a bundle of cash in his hand, the young salesman told Robert that he had brought the cash he needed. He told him to buy his wife the car.

Since he’d be the one selling Robert the car, he’d take the $5,000 from his commission. He quickly turned away and left before seeing the old man tear up.

Inside The Bag

The next day, Robert returned to the dealership. The salespeople could not understand how he could have changed so drastically.

The old man was now wearing his business suit, and he was carrying the same canvas bag. The rude salesman, thinking he’d gotten a second chance, started fawning over him, even begging for him to buy the car. “No,” said Robert. “I want to work with Richard.”

Fulfilling Her Dream

The old man opened the bag and showed everyone the piles of money he had. The previously rude salesman was furious when Richard stepped out of his office.

Robert didn’t hesitate and bought the car on the spot. He signed the paperwork with Richard, who would get the money he had given him back from the commission he deserved. Although it wasn’t the full amount, he was happy that he had helped Katie fulfill one of her dreams.

Secret Letter

Everyone at the dealership was green with envy – for missing out on the commission for the sale and because the man they’d treated badly could buy such an expensive car. Robert went home; he took his wife by the hand and led her out into the street, gesturing at her dream car. Katie was overwhelmed with joy. Finally, her lifetime dream had been fulfilled.

But Robert’s story isn’t the only one that teaches us not to judge a book by its cover. One woman was horrified when she learned who the homeless man she saw every day really was.

Mary Aldrin

She looked down at the stained note crumpled in her hands. He had given it to her in a rush, something definitely wasn’t right. He had acted differently today.

As she unfolded the yellow paper, she couldn’t believe what it said. To think she had gotten so close to him every day on her way to work or that she had even offered him a simple bite to eat. Her pulse raced like an Olympic runner going for gold as she had to sit down. Her grip on reality was shattered.

Single Mother

Mary Aldrin was a New York-born and raised. She knew that many people didn’t see the city the way she did. Many saw it as a dirty, dangerous place with a growing homeless problem.

But Mary did everything she could to help out others in need to show them that this city wasn’t all that bad, at least not to her. But the next person she would try to help would only be wasted on, she just didn’t know it yet.

A Good Outlook

She worked in hospitality and owned her very own bakery. It was enough to make ends meet and to support her child – Dominique. But with her daughter’s father out of the picture, it wasn’t always easy.

They had divorced right after she was born, and even though the child support cheques came in, she found they didn’t even cover her daughter’s education. But she had no idea that someone important would appear in her life without warning.

Trying To Talk

Mary still kept a good attitude even with the hardships in her life. She knew a lot of people in the city had it worse than her. Recently she noticed a man staring at her as she walked past him every day.

He was clearly homeless but smiled at her through the dirt on his face. She could see a familiar spark in his eyes. Like he had hope even in his position. How could she stay pessimistic when he wasn’t? But she had no idea just who this man really was.

An Extra Lunch

Mary walked to walk every day and decided to talk to the man. He seemed friendly enough but not very talkative. There was a quality about him, though, like the kind that she knew him from somewhere.

She chalked it up to his friendly face, which always felt familiar. But she was wrong. If only she knew that she should have trusted her gut instinct about where she had seen him before.

Trying To Give It To Him

Mary knew what she had to do – she decided to pack an extra lunch for the day. One was for her daughter, and one was for the man. It wasn’t anything fancy, just a healthy salad roll with a slice of cheese.

She smiled to herself, thinking she was doing the right thing. But she wished she hadn’t tried giving him the lunch bag once she learned the truth about his identity.

Strange Look

She spotted him on her way to work and offered him the lunch bag. But without a word, he waved it away. Did he not want to accept this kind gesture?

She didn’t think too much of it while she lay in bed that night. But if only she knew the real reason why he didn’t accept her kind gesture.

Crumpled Paper


This morning Mary was running late for work, so she was moving at a busier pace than usual. But as she got to the corner where she saw the cheerful homeless man every day, she noticed something different.

He looked gravely concerned about something, almost on the verge of tears. What had happened? Then she saw a scrap of paper in his hand.

The Rest Of The Day

He seemed distracted, he was looking around. Were they back again? It was clear that he was being watched, but what was the truth behind it all?

She approached him to ask if he was alright, but he wouldn’t say a word. All he did was hand her a crumpled piece of paper and nod. Something clearly wasn’t right, and the piece of paper held the answers.

The Note

Mary didn’t want to read the note while she was at work. But the entire day, she couldn’t help but look down at her handbag where it was.

Questions raced through her mind. As soon as she got home after work, she put her things down and pulled out the piece of paper. But what was written on it would turn her world upside down.

Richard Gere

She felt her hands shake as she looked at the note in her hand. What could he have written inside a scrap of paper before handing it to her?

She had only been nice to him; were there things he was hiding that he couldn’t say out loud? Was he being watched?

Time Out Of Mind

It turns out that the homeless man was actually Richard Gere! The note explained that he was shooting his new movie and that’s why he was dressed up as a homeless person.

She had no idea that the sweet man she walked past every day and even offered food was worth millions!

Going Back

Gere was actually on set being filmed for his role as a homeless man that’s trying to fix his relationship with his daughter. The movie is called Time Out of Mind and is an American Drama.

His get-up must have been very convincing if it fooled Mary and probably many other New Yorkers.

An Experience

Mary went back to visit Gere after realizing who he really was. She understood that he couldn’t talk much to her because they must have been filming him for the movie. It was now obvious that he didn’t want to waste her precious food on him when he already had so much money.

She just smiled at him, and to tell her he knew she knew, she gave her a wink back. He had fooled many New Yorkers, but he let her in on the secret because of her kindness.

Mary felt touched and took it to heart. She knew that no one else would have an experience like that, especially with such a well-known actor! And on the set of his movie as well!

She would still see him every time she walked to walk until one day he was gone. Presumably, they had gotten enough shots. She still thinks of him when she walks past that corner every day, with a smile on her face.