Casino Refuses To Pay Woman Jackpot

A Thrifty Woman

Maribel did not know what to do. Becoming a millionaire was not something she anticipated. She believed living comfortably just wasn’t in the cards for her. She was overwhelmed with emotion as tears poured down her cheeks. “I’ve won…” she whispered to her daughter.

She managed to pull herself together and began walking towards the desk to collect her prize. However, within a second, the casino worker pulled her back to reality. It felt as if the rug was pulled from underneath her, and she didn’t know what to do.


Maribel Sanchez was a humble woman who rarely gambled. She lived a frugal lifestyle and rarely had any money to spare. However, when her daughter invited her on a trip to Newcastle, Oklahoma, the pair managed to find their way to the Newcastle Casino.

The duo could never in a million years have predicted how their lives would change due to this one decision. Life as they knew it changed within a blink of an eye.

An Unpleasant Sight

Once Maribel entered the casino, she felt overcome with a nagging thought urging her to leave. However, when she turned to her daughter, she could see how mesmerized she was by the bright lights and slot machines.

Maribel inhaled deeply, and the pair began walking across the beautiful velvet carpet. As they walked, Maribel heard a noise that sent shivers down her spine.

Causing A Scene

On the other side of the room, in the middle of all the chaos, a woman let out a piercing scream. “They’re all liars!” her voice echoed through the room.

In an attempt to see what was going on, Maribel turned and spotted a woman being carried out of the casino by large security guards. “They’re hiding something,” she yelled.

The Perfect Spot

“Everybody listen up,” the woman called out. “They’re all liars. They’re hiding something!” The whole room paid attention to the woman causing the scene as the security guards escorted her out.

“That’s pretty strange,” Maribel whispered to her daughter. She had no idea how peculiar the situation was about to get.

Just For Fun

Once the disruptive woman left the casino, Maribel finally felt ready to enjoy her time with her daughter. Maribel did not find the tables enjoyable, so she made herself comfortable by the slots. It was also a more intimate environment to just enjoy with her daughter.

She spotted two open machines and grabbed them. She had no idea what kind of stir this silly little game would cause.


Maribel was a hard-working loan officer and decided to place $1.25 into the slot machine. She was not playing to win but merely playing to share this experience with her daughter.

She began playing the game and what appeared on the screen made her jaw drop.

No More Struggles

“You have won!” appeared on the screen, and Maribel’s stomach turned. She had to pinch herself to believe it. According to the screen, she had won almost $8.5 million. She kept her eyes on the screen as she grabbed her daughter’s shoulder.

Her daughter nearly fell off her chair. They were rich! She had already started making plans on how she would spend her new fortune.

Dollar Signs

Maribel knew exactly what she would spend her money on. A luxurious cruise and a big house! She had been dreaming about this day for as long as she could remember.

However, she needed to pull herself back to reality so that she could go and claim her prize. The casino had something else in store for her…


Maribel was in shock. She couldn’t believe that she was officially a millionaire. She felt like she was on cloud nine. This money meant the world to her.

She could barely contain her excitement as she walked towards the counter. However, what the casino worker told Maribel shook her to her core.

Have This Instead

After seeing the huge jackpot number, an employee of the machine promptly came and unplugged it, insisting she couldn’t claim such a huge figure.

They shut off the machine, took it away, and handed Maribel $100. But luckily, Maribel had taken a photo of the prize money on the screen before it went black. This wasn’t over.

Taking It Further

Maribel straight away complained to the manager. As well as the mere $100 they claimed Maribel had actually won, as a way of an apology they offered Maribel and her daughter, a guest suite for the rest of the weekend, as well as free dining. But Maribel still wasn’t happy.

“To me, it’s cheating, maybe even fraudulent,” she stated. “My first thought was, ‘how many people has this happened to?’ They think they’ve won, then go away empty-handed.” Maribel didn’t want complimentary hospitality, she wanted an explanation.

A Faulty Machine

Maribel escalated the situation all the way to the top. The CEO of the casino John Setterstrom said this was the first time he’d experienced a guest winning a jackpot and being denied it like that.

Something had gone seriously wrong. And the reason she wouldn’t be given her prize money was very difficult for Maribel to swallow.

Posting It Online

The casino worker claimed that the machine was simply malfunctioning. At the time, Maribel was directed to a sticker on the machine that stated all payouts are voided if the machine breaks down.

She couldn’t believe it. How could they do this to her? Maribel was hardly a confrontational and vengeful person, but she knew she had to make them pay for this.

She Had To Take It Further

Maribel had luckily taken a photo of her prize money on the screen before it went black. She then posted this picture online to her hundreds of followers, explaining that the casino was refusing to pay her. Within a matter of hours, Maribel had gone viral.

But Maribel knew that merely online naming and shaming the casino wasn’t going to be enough to satisfy her. She had to go bigger.

Hiring A Lawyer

At this point, Maribel knew that it was more important to create awareness of how casinos work when the players get the big winnings rather than simply reclaiming the money that’s rightfully hers.

So to do this, she’s taking things further to make sure it never happens to another person again.

Sin City

Since that fateful day at the casino, Maribel has hired lawyer Bill Zuhdi. “Together, we are going to look at her legal options and aggressively pursue her rights,” Bill stated. “She should be paid for what she won.”

Although those idyllic thoughts of sunbathing in the Bahamas and driving around in a Mercedes slowly fade away in Maribel’s mind, the investigation is still ongoing. But as she awaited the final verdict, a different incident occurred in Vegas.

Running A Bookstore

Kimmy, her husband Jeff, and her husband’s brother Royce were visiting Sin City for a chance to blow off some steam.

Like Maribel and her daughter, the trio was by no means experienced gamblers. Well, that’s what Kimmy and Jeff thought. They didn’t know what kind of secrets Royce held and how it would lead to them having to sprint out of the casino literally.

Getting Everything In Order

Kimmy and Jeff had been working hard all year long. As summer drew close, they made a promise to set aside everything and fly to Las Vegas for a week-long vacation.

Given that they ran a family business that centered around a bookstore and Kimmy’s career as a celebrated novelist, the two could make the trip work without stepping on any toes.

Talking To Him

Kimmy and Jeff arranged for the Vegas trip in time. They ensured the store was in safe hands before leaving and even set up emergency safety nets in case something went wrong while they were away.

But as they were about to leave, Jeff got a call from Royce, his twin brother who had eloped three years prior without a word. Jeff had to hear him out.

The Plans Are Set

Royce explained that although he was doing good in life, he missed his family and wanted to see them. He had gone to their parents, spending time with them before calling.

“I wanted to see you, share a beer or read one of those books you have lying around,” he said with a nervous chuckle. He didn’t know he was too late.

Kimmy To The Rescue

Jeff told his brother he wanted to see and spend time with him. But the only problem was that he and Kimmy had booked a flight to Vegas. They’d made reservations at a fancy hotel, looking for some time to wind down.

Jeff hated having to turn down his brother, especially since Royce was the one who reached out. Jeff remembered that Royce wasn’t even there for his wedding. Could he reschedule?

New Plan

Jeff talked to Kimmy about his problem, and that’s when Kimmy gave a solution that would leave him stumped.

How about they invite Royce to their little trip? She projected that she’d spend most of her vacation time alongside their hotel’s pool with a novel glued to her face. Having Royce over ensured that Jeff wouldn’t lose himself to boredom.

He’s Different

Jeff called Royce and relayed the message, and to his surprise, his twin agreed. He even booked a room in the same hotel as them to be closer to his family.

Since he was in a different state, they agreed to meet at the hotel instead of having him fly to San Francisco, where Jeff and Kimmy lived. The couple didn’t know what they were signing up for.

Out On The Strip

As planned, Kimmy and Jeff landed in Las Vegas and checked into their hotel. But they weren’t even in for ten minutes when Royce came knocking.

He was changed, taller than Jeff remembered him. He was also covered in tattoos on his neck, arms, and legs. Regardless, he still radiated the warmth Jeff had always associated with him. But instead of coming into the house, he insisted Jeff and Kimmy join him for some fun in the city.

Playing Roulette

Jeff and Kimmy hadn’t been in Las Vegas in a while. Although it was already night, they locked their doors and left with Royce.

He took them to the first casino that came in sight, stating that since he hadn’t gotten them a wedding present, he would fund their gambling through the night. But they wouldn’t be in the casino for more than an hour.

Black 22

Royce took Jeff and Kimmy to play roulette, insisting he felt really lucky. He handed them a hundred dollars each in twenty dollar bills and asked that they follow his instructions.

They began playing the game, losing each twenty-dollar bill per spin. But although Jeff and Kimmy were slowly getting dejected, Royce insisted they continue playing.

Red 32!

He handed them more money amounting to two hundred dollars and repeated what he kept saying before they played. “Follow my rules.”

On the next spin, the ball landed on Black 22, but the electronic board displayed Red 32. Jeff and Kimmy cursed. They had lost again. But Royce was still in it to win it. “Put everything on Red 32,” he told Jeff and Kimmy as he placed all his cash. But they wouldn’t listen.


The next spin came, and the ball landed on Red 32. Jeff and Kimmy almost fell back. They watched as Royce received more than a hundred thousand dollars in chips.

But someone saw him as he took the money and came running. “We need to go now,” is the only thing he said as he turned the corner with his money. It was time to make a break for it.

Royce, Kimmy, and Jeff ran out of the casino and into the first taxi that came in sight, barely holding onto their chips. A woman rushed out of the establishment after them.

It turns out it was Royce’s boss enjoying her vacation. Seeing that he wanted to spend time with family, he didn’t want anything to ruin the moment. “Happy marriage,” he said as he handed over all his winnings to Jeff and Kimmy.