Couple Are Sound Asleep Until Wife Feels Something In Their Bed

A Safe Neighborhood

They hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before because of the raging storm. But they must have drifted off when the pelting rain and howling wind died. Jenna lay still and enjoyed the silence from outside.

But what had awoken her? That’s when she felt something strange moving in the bed alongside her and her husband. Jason’s eyes shot open, and he looked at her and her wide-eyed expression. They jumped out of their bed with yelps and immediately turned around to see what else was in their bed.

Stormy Weather

Jenna and Jason Ryder had married a couple of years ago and were still living happily together. They were happy with how the life they had made for themselves.

They lived in Tennessee and had found a safe neighborhood to live in that would be perfect for raising children. They had fallen in love with the fact that they could leave their doors unlocked. But it wouldn’t stay that way forever.


They could see the change in weather by the end of April, and they were all for it. No one wanted spring to end, but they had no quarrels with this time of year.

The rough weather started to present itself at the start of May. The Ryders had never experienced issues with stormy weather before and so went about their day like any other. What was the worst that could happen?

Worrying News

The Ryders had a huge love for animals and had taken in three dogs as pets. They had been waiting to have kids but were happy to share their bed with their furry friends whenever they wanted.

Everyone views their home as a place of sanctuary, and this couple was no different. They felt safest when they were home, having never felt uneasy in their home before. However, one day would change it all.

Fake News?

Jenna and Jason were both born and raised in Tennessee. They had never had to worry about much and continued living as they pleased.

But that was before they got wind of some worrying news. They learned that houses from the next town had been experiencing plenty of break-ins, and it didn’t seem like they would stop any time soon.

Still No Panic

Jenna enjoyed being on social media and keeping up with the latest trends. But that didn’t mean that she was unaware of the fine line social media had.

The information in the news was often inaccurate, but it didn’t seem to matter so long as it got the public interested. Where exactly did these journalists get their information? This is why the couple decided to keep their panic at bay. They had no way of knowing if the news of the burglaries was trustworthy.

The Weekend Weather

The couple raised their eyebrows when they heard that the burglaries had gotten closer to their neighborhood. But they still didn’t panic, trusting their fencing and security system.

That was their first line of defense. They knew that anyone would have great difficulty not alerting their three dogs if they tried to break into their home. They never thought their house would become a target.

Keeping Them Inside

The day of the events started like any other. It was the weekend, and the couple enjoyed the weather from the comfort of their home.

But the weather started to turn later that afternoon. Jenna had just returned from the shops and running errands when she spotted trouble in the distance.

Unnecessary Panic

Jenna followed several social media groups that warned the public about the weather. That time of year brought about a lot of rain, but these groups warned that it would become increasingly cold.

Jenna worried for the dogs, and Jason agreed that keeping the dogs inside for the night was a good idea. The night seemed to fall early because of how dark the sky had become. It wasn’t long before the storm started.

The Unexpected Surprise

Despite the storm’s intensity, the couple knew that the rising panic about possible “flooding” was all for nothing.

The noise was what concerned them most. They decided to head to bed early, doing their best to comfort their dogs from the booming thunder and howling wind. They had to prepare for the long night ahead.

A New Friend

The couple eventually managed to fall asleep. Around dawn, Jenna woke up with a start. She turned over as she felt something stir beside her. The weather was calmer outside now, and her mind instantly thought of the burglary stories circulating.

Jason awoke too, and it was suddenly clear that something or someone else was in their bed. As the couple moved aside the comforter and saw what it was, they both jumped back in shock.

The Mystery

For a moment, the couple thought one of their dogs had climbed into bed with them. It was indeed a dog. However, to their surprise, they had no idea whose dog this was or where it had come from.

The pooch, a gorgeous pitbull-labrador mix, was blissfully unaware of the fright it had given them. Despite being in a stranger’s home, the cute little intruder seemed to have spent the entire night snuggled up beside them.

The Next Morning

By the morning, the storm had passed, and the air was still. When the Ryders checked their yard, they realized that the wind, thunder, and lightning must have gotten rough during the night.

Their yard was a little messy from all the stuff that had been strewn about by the storm. It was now apparent that the strange dog had likely gotten a fright during the storm and found its way into their house. Still, one mystery remained.

Gaining Its Trust

They were confused as ever but they didn’t stay shocked for long. They couldn’t resist falling for the pup’s charm. It was one of the cutest things they had ever seen.

But where did it come from? They had to find out how the poor cold pup had gotten into their house and where its owners were.

Feeding It

Jason knew they had to be cautious. The pup was still a stranger and could do anything unexpected. They decided to see if they could gain its trust before going forward. They made sure all of their dogs were outside.

Then they could start gaining its trust. They took some dog food out of their cupboard and poured some into a small bowl. The puppy’s ears shot up.

Where Did It Come From?

Jason and Jenna were experienced dog owners and knew two things that puppies needed most. They needed plenty of sleep, which this little pup had already gotten, and lots of food. They could at least feed it.

The puppy greedily wolfed down the food and wagged its tail happily. It seemed to be calmer and less stressed now. But they still needed answers.

A Fallen Pane

While Jenna spent some time in their bedroom making sure the puppy wasn’t too nervous, Jason decided to check around their house. Surely he could find out how it got inside.

He went downstairs and checked all of their doors. That’s when he noticed that something wasn’t right. This must have been the reason the puppy got in.

Trying To Find Out More About The Pup

Jason checked their back door and could immediately see where the puppy must have come from. The bottom window pane of their door had been pushed out, perhaps by the dog in its desperate attempt to escape the storm.

He quickly got to work with putty fixing the pane. If there were going to be more storms in the week, they would need it fixed.

Missing Posters

The couple knew that they had to find out more about the dog. They managed to find out her name from her collar – Connie. Pitbull labrador mixes were uncommon enough, but they could tell that she had been pampered and looked after before she found her way into their home.

They would have to do the right thing and figure out how to find her original owners. But that would prove more difficult than they anticipated.

Her Family

For the next week, Connie got accustomed to their home while they printed out missing pet posters and put them on telephone poles, bus stops, and supermarket parking lots. But another week went by with no news.

They didn’t get any phone calls or any tipoffs as to who the owner of the dog was. That’s when Jenna had a brilliant idea.

A Post Online

The puppy was so cute and loving that they had come to love her. The dog loved to snuggle and instantly got along with the couple and their dogs.

They were happy to let her share their home for a while. Realizing that she was domesticated, Jenna took to social media to try and track down her family. But they had no idea what they were getting themselves into.

Bonding With The Puppy

Jenna made a post online about their new guest. She described the puppy’s traits and personality. After the post was made, she felt good about herself. Surely, their owner would find the post?

But what Jenna didn’t realize was who would see her post and decided to take action. She could never have imagined her life changing so drastically.

A Phone Call

It had been over two weeks since their unexpected guest, and the couple had fallen in love with her. Connie was the sweetest pup and got on spectacularly well with all of their other dogs. After all, who doesn’t love a puppy?

The little puppy seemed to settle in well too. She loved to play outside with their dogs, and during the night, she’d come and cuddle with the couple. But they had no idea who was busy searching for her.


Two days after Jenna had made her post about the pup. She got a phone call. It was from an unknown number, and when she answered it, she heard a gruff voice on the other end. The voice was intimidating.

He asked her about the pup and claimed that she was his. Jenna felt protective of the pup and wanted to make sure the man was the real owner. But she had no idea who she was dealing with.

A Knock At Her Door

Jenna, not wanting the pup to be kidnapped, asked the man on the phone to provide proof that he was her owner. He answered gruffly, “Her name is Connie, she disappeared two weeks ago, and I’ve been looking for her since.”

Jenna sympathized. She understood how it felt for a pet to run away. She decided that he was the real owner, but she should have checked just who she was dealing with before giving him her address.

A Man They Didn’t Expect

After arranging to give little Connie back to her supposed owner, Jenna heard a knock on her door not half an hour after the phone call with the man. She was busy playing with Connie at the time.

She got up and walked to the door before opening it. But the man standing on the other side of the door wasn’t who she was expecting. And she’d scream for her husband to rush to her side.

Disappearance In The Night

Jason rushed to the door and stood by his wife. He was just as surprised as she was when he saw the man. The air around him seemed special. Then they looked at his designer watch. Connie’s owner was no regular man.

They didn’t expect to see someone like this at their door. The man asked if he could come in and explain. They both nodded.

The Reunion

The man explained how Connie had ended up in their house. It was the night of the storm, and he had taken her out to make sure she didn’t have to go to the bathroom while they hunkered in their house.

But tragically, lightning struck while she was outside, and she bolted out of their property. He tried running after her but lost her. He thanked them so much for finding her and keeping her safe. But he didn’t only give them thanks.

A Generous Gift

The Ryder’s learned she actually lived 2 miles away. Jenna’s heart went out to the owner, but at least now she would be reunited with her family. Connie had clearly enjoyed her time with the Ryders, and they would miss her.

There were lots of last-minute snuggling and puppy kisses all around before she finally left. Jenna and Jason were left with some cute memories and one unusual story to tell. But then the man surprised them with something that would change their lives.

The man seemed beyond grateful and had decided to give the couple a gift for looking after Connie for two whole weeks. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out an envelope.

“I drew this money from the bank after our phone call. Please take it, and thank you again for looking after my Connie.” But when Jenna opened the envelope, she couldn’t believe it. One thousand dollars was in the envelope. The man smiled and told her his dog was worth all the money in the world. Now the couple was left speechless as the man left the house, reunited with his special companion.

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.