I’ll Take You Home Instead

We all know that snooping is wrong, but some people just can’t help themselves. Whether it’s because they had a sneaking suspicion that their partner may be hiding something, or because a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity arose, some people decided that going through their significant others’ phones was well worth the risk of being caught.
However, many of the sneaky people who went snooping through their loved one’s phones weren’t prepared for what they ultimately learned. From signs of dishonest mischief, to revelations of well-meaning but intentionally mysterious surprises planned for their partner, these people probably wished they hadn’t been so nosy into other people’s business. Well, you live and you learn not to mess with others’ personal business. These are some of the craziest things that people have discovered while nosing around in their significant other’s phone…
Her Friend, the Priest

She was not a significant other, but a girl I was seeing casually. She was very drunk at the bar and handed me her phone to hold while she went into the bathroom. The screen was on, and the text message app was opened to a conversation with her ex….
There was an entire screen full of messages from that night saying that she still loves him, something about if he does not answer right now she is going to take me home, and it’s over between them. It killed the mood for me. And I wasn’t trying to snoop at all. I didn’t unlock the phone and go snooping. I didn’t even scroll inside the message box. I only saw what I saw while trying to figure out how to turn off the screen of her iPhone. Reddit user: [redacted]
My Wife’s Camera

My wife was having an affair with her priest. I was extremely uncomfortable with their “friendship” for a long time. One day, she left her email open, and I saw one from him detailing how she could get an annulment, and they could go off and be together. I reported them both to the church.
He was ex-communicated; he was no longer allowed to be a priest in churches and schools. My significant other was kicked out of her parish and told to find another church to attend service. We got a divorce, and she got stuck with a house payment she couldn’t afford…. She lost a ton of money and had to move back in with her parents, who lived a couple of hours away. I got a new job making double what I was making when we were together. Reddit user: [redacted]

One afternoon, while trying to find pictures on my wife’s camera of an outing we had just been on, I found several images of her sitting on another man’s lap, furiously making out with him. She was not wearing her wedding ring in any of the photos, and I had no idea who the guy was.
When she came home, I decided to confront her about what I saw, and she immediately broke down crying. She apologized for what she did, but there was no way that I could trust her after all that. It changed our relationship forever. Reddit User: blazerFS231
Trying to Convince Myself Otherwise

My boyfriend of 5 years and I had just bought a house together. He was supposed to get off work around 10 pm, but he didn’t come home that night. We’d ordered something for the house, and I wanted to see when it would arrive. I asked him if he had the email with the tracking number, and he said he should have it….
He was busy, so I went to look for the shipping information on his phone. While I’m scanning his email for this tracking number, I see something odd. “Username sent you a voice message on VoiceApp.” I clicked it, and it prompted me to install the app. I did. I knew something didn’t feel right, my stomach dropped, and my adrenaline started pumping….
He must’ve seen the look on my face, because he leaped for his phone. He was furious and screamed at me for invading his privacy. I darted out of his reach and grabbed my keys and ran out of the house with his phone in my hand. I locked myself in my car while he chased after me and beat on the windows.
There in that app were some audio messages back and forth with a woman he claimed to be “just a friend.” It was extremely not clean; I’d never heard him talk like that before. The night before, he had stayed out leaving these messages with this woman. He later admitted he sat in his car, not even a block away, while he “enjoyed some alone time” with her. Reddit User: notfamousoranything
The Women from Other States

In my previous relationship, I suspected that she was cheating on me, but I was kind of trying not to care, to convince myself maybe she wasn’t. One evening, she went out without me again with this guy friend she always hung out with. So, I decided to just browse through her phone.
She never set a screen lock or password. I mostly just saw her posing romantically and closely with that guy friend, kissing, cuddling, them going on double dates. I was crushed, but at the same time, I wasn’t surprised. I placed her phone back into the exact position on the nightstand.
She came home, and I didn’t say a word for the following eight months, hoping she would be bored of him and decide to invest in me again. Eight months later, I came home, and her guy friend confronted me and asked me to pack all my stuff and leave….
About a year later, she ended up getting married… to some totally other guy. This new guy was financial broker who’s almost twenty years older than her. She dumped her “guy friend” a few months after she ended up dumping me. Reddit user: [redacted]
The Subscription Boxes

I found out that the man I was seeing was dating four other women from two different states besides me. It was totally accidental; I gave him my old iPhone, and he went and activated it, but the messages came to my new phone. I called every one of the women and told them.
It wasn’t revenge as much as I felt they should know he was using them. I also learned that he was getting Western Union money from them and that they were mostly older, divorced, or widowed women who really couldn’t afford to support a 64-year-old man. Reddit user: [redacted]
Her Best Friend

My fiancé’s Google Chrome opens automatically to his personal Gmail. So, opening a new window allowed me to see his most recent email, a confirmation of his package from BoxyCharm: a monthly makeup subscription box. I clicked the email, and he had received 2 months’ worth of boxes, none of which I’d seen in the house.
After a bit more digging, I found that they were being mailed to his office rather than our home. I freaked. I thought, no way, this isn’t happening. I wanted to wait, and it was approximately three months before our wedding. I think I lasted 5 minutes before I confronted him….
He’d been hoarding a few months’ worth of these boxes to give them to me for my birthday and Christmas. I was getting into makeup and skincare, and his coworker suggested it as a gift. I got half a year’s worth of boxes between the two holidays. Reddit user: russetriver
Her “Source”

While going through my significant other’s phone, I ended up reading a long conversation that she had between her and her best friend about the guy she was messing around with behind my back. To her friend’s credit, she said it was a bad thing to do to me, and she should just break up with me.
But of course, she didn’t do that. After we did break up eventually, she tried to hit me with a pregnancy scare, which seemed like just trying for a last resort. But I told her to expect a DNA test. She never called me back after that. Reddit user: Asssalt
The $1000 Christmas Present

I was going through a rough time, and I was seeing this girl who smoked too much “you know what”…like a lot. One night she went to sleep and left her phone on the counter. It buzzed at 3 am while I was watching television, and because of a couple of shady things going on, I decided to check her phone.
This was also back in the day when flip phones were still a thing, and to see a conversation, you literally had to check the sent messages folder. So, I look at the message, and it’s from her source, asking her when she is stopping by for more goods.
It was odd. Usually, you contact them….After spending a couple of seconds looking at it, I see that earlier during the day, she had traded “favors” for a discount on her supply and was asking him if she needed to get tested. I left that night. Reddit user: disgruntledrep
The Nether Regions

I discovered two things while snooping through my significant other’s phone one time. The first thing was that she was cheating on me with one of her coworkers. The second thing was I saw that she had just spent $1000 on a Christmas gift for me, which I attributed to a guilty conscience.
So I waited to see if she would come clean about it, but she never did. I already knew that our relationship was far beyond repair after that, so it didn’t matter if she fessed up or not. I ended it…shortly after Christmas and I got that $1000 gift. Reddit user: [redacted]
Whose Are Those?

I went through my ex’s photo gallery on her phone. I wasn’t really snooping per se; I was trying to send myself a picture that she had taken a few weeks back. Instead, what I found were pictures of men’s… you know…. There were lots of pictures of these parts: my friends’, my coworkers’, her exes’, downloadable ones, all shapes and sizes….
Pictures of mine were in there as well, but honestly, considering I was her boyfriend at the time, I felt rather underrepresented on the whole. Suffice it to say that I was single again pretty soon after that little incident. Reddit user: Roland_T_Flakfeizer
My Two Best Friends

My girlfriend lost a lot of weight over the past few years, and as a consequence, her bust size also decreased, but I don’t mind because she looks fantastic either way. We’ve been together for seven years. Last week she was looking through my phone, specifically through my picture gallery.
She then gets a mad look on her face, then shows me the screen and says, “Whose are THESE!” I just looked at the picture and laughed. “They’re yours.” Her face got so red from embarrassment, and she was just like, “Oh yeah….” It was a picture she sent me when we first started going out, and she forgot what she used to look like. Reddit user: nerdyxrealistx
My Parents

I found out that my girlfriend of three years was messing around with two of my best friends. I decided to bring her breakfast early one morning while she was still asleep. When I got there, I snuggled up to her and waited for her to wake up. I saw a lot of messages from one of my friends who I was already “suspicious” of….
I read the messages, and thank god that I did; I found out that they had done it earlier that night. I kept on reading the messages and found out it wasn’t just him. Before she woke up, I gathered everything I ever gave her, left one of the messages open on her phone, and left her there. I never met up with her again afterward. Reddit user: EyeZod
The Texts on My Wife’s Phone

After some snooping, which I now regret, I found out that my supposedly monogamous parents have been in a quad relationship with a married couple, who happened to be family friends. I’ve known them my whole life. They found out that I knew, and now they don’t bother hiding anything anymore….
When the family friends come over, my mother has no issue with PDA with the guy and my dad with the girl. Now, I’m an open-minded girl, and I’ve always supported doing what makes you happy, but it’s a little unsettling when you think your parents are monogamous, and a day later, they’re suddenly all affectionate with other people.
And the worst part is that they keep interrogating me about why I’m uncomfortable. They keep saying how they deserve to be happy, and they start getting mad at me when I didn’t do anything wrong. They keep bringing it up, and then when I don’t agree with everything they say, they get mad and yell. Reddit user: [redacted]
My Friend’s Nosy Girlfriend

This happened years ago; I found over 100 of the most lurid and crude texts I ever read…on my wife’s phone. There was over 4 months’ worth of conversations with several people on there. I was giggling to myself reading them. Eventually, I called her over, and we were sitting in her parent’s lounge room when I showed them to her….
She put her hand up to her mouth, and her eyes became as wide as dinner plates…and she just kept reading, trying to stop herself from laughing. After about 5 minutes of this, her sister looks at her, and at the phone she had just given my wife that was previously hers. She no longer needed it because she had upgraded….
The penny dropped, and she jumped the length of the room to snatch it out of my wife’s hands and started deleting texts furiously. My wife couldn’t look at her little sister (who was around 20 years old at the time) the same. Reddit user: BillyBrooks
She Fell for Her Coworker

It was not me, but my friend’s girlfriend that this story is about. She snooped through his phone and found the messages where I was coming out to him. He was the first person that I’d come out to, and it was a really personal thing between two friends, even if I did it kind of casually to mask how terrified I was….
I was super bitter about and upset that she not only invaded his privacy but also mine as well. To make matters even worse, my friend stayed with the snooper but gave her a warning. Reddit user: [redacted]
My Best Friend’s Advice

I snooped because something just felt off. It was a slow burn with my spouse, and if anything, it accelerated things. Yes, I told her, and then she cried on my shoulder about controlling, untrusting behavior. Of course, I ensured her that I understood that it is not right to be treated that way. But I saw she had fallen for a coworker and confronted her.
She began lying and gaslighting immediately. A little while later, I saw she said she loved him. I found she was texting him on our anniversary. Nothing had happened physically, but it was clearly heading that way; she clearly did not care what I thought, and my “controlling” behavior only made it worse….
D-day was when he created a fake e-mail and Discord account for her, where he assured her she was just trying to be happy, reminded her how controlling I was, and included that they had begun a physical affair. It was tough. Part of me wishes I’d never seen it. D-day was 01/05, separated 05/12, and began attempting reconciliation in late July. Reddit user: [redacted]
My Wife’s Facebook Group

Please let me preface this by saying that we know each other’s passwords, we leave our phones lying around, we’re not sneaky. The other day my phone had died, and my significant other was in the shower, and I wanted to tell my best friend something. So, I unlocked his phone.
I opened their message thread, and found him asking her advice on rings and how to find out my size….I’m so conflicted; my heart feels like it could burst, but at the same time, I feel like an incredible surprise-spoiling snoop! I’ll never snoop again. Reddit user: NOTkristenstewart
Pictures of My Wife

My wife doesn’t know that I know her login password on Facebook. When I logged on one time on her account, I saw her constantly berating me to a group of moms on this private page. She told them that I was disgusting, worthless, and unable to function without her.
And here all this time I just thought that I was below average. I’m sort of grateful for knowing the actual truth how she really feels about me, but telling it to a group of strangers, just wow. It was pretty tough to take. Reddit user: BelowAverageFatGuy
Texting While Angry

I once found this old picture of my wife doing something naughty with one of her exes from about eight years ago. It was on her old phone, and I’d found it while I was going through her old pictures. When I pointed it out, she was mortified and deleted it.
I had a hearty chuckle about it…Always be thorough, folks, you never know what information Google is syncing to and from your phones. It could have ended very differently if I didn’t know that it was an ex of hers. Reddit user: Assault_Rabbit
My Ex and Her Best Friend

I saw a conversation with her ex essentially saying that she’s going over to do the deed with him. She was drunk and angry at me and decided that it would be the best way to hurt me. She never went through with it; she had fallen asleep. The conversation took place exactly a week prior to the day I discovered it….
We were spending that last couple of days together before I reported to my unit for a year-long deployment. That was nearly 2 years ago, and we’ve come really far in terms of talking about it, among other issues. We’re cool now, but damn that was messed up. Reddit user: shazzao
“You’ve Matched!”

I found out that my ex and her best friend discussed in great detail how she wanted to leave me for my best friend, but she wasn’t sure if she was betraying me or not. Then when she realized that her friend told me everything, I gave her a week to figure out her feelings….
During that time, she hooked up with several men from Tinder and bragged to her friend that she had me wrapped around her finger and that I was dumb enough to leave her with all the apartment furniture. Reddit user: AMatofFact
“Not Safe for Work”

I was looking at something on Reddit with my girlfriend on her phone, and suddenly this app notification pops up with “You’ve matched with Tom!” or something. We’ve been together for years, so I’ve not seen Tinder, but I have heard of it. For about 3 seconds, I was silently furious….
So, I tapped the notification, and it brought up Pinterest. Turns out Pinterest matches you with people with similar interests or something. I think that’s the quickest I’ve gone through such a range of intense emotions. Reddit user: wickharr
New Year’s Eve

My husband and I have been together for 6 years and married for 1. My phone died while he was busy, so I started browsing Reddit using his phone. My thumbprint is programmed into his phone, and it isn’t unusual for us to use each other’s phones. When I opened the app, the entire front page was filled with “not safe for work” content….
So I looked at the profiles and saw that he was logged into a secondary account used only for “sexy time” video watching (which I have no problem with). I saw his user name and scrolled through a page of comments when he came over to check on me. I quickly closed the app, and he took his phone from me….
He logged out of that account and gave me back his phone. Later that night, from my own Reddit account, I searched his user name and found hundreds of messages on naughty subs but also subs for specific girls. His comments were mostly compliments to body types that don’t really match with mine. A few girls had posted fantasies on there. He once posted, “I’ve PMed you,” and that was just before our wedding.
Four years ago, he posted on an AskReddit thread titled “Reddit, have you ever met a psychopath?” He commented, “I may be dating one now. Wait a couple of months, and I’ll let you know.” We had been together for two years at that point. Reddit user: throwitaway975310
My Stepdad’s Secret

This was the conversation I saw on New Year’s Eve a while ago. It was between my girlfriend and her best friend. Girlfriend’s Best Friend: “Hey, GF, copilot [that’s me] just texted me asking if I’d seen you; he can’t reach you. I told him you were here with me.” Girlfriend: “Thanks, best friend.”
She then says to him, “Just tell him we’re working on that paper for school, and I’ll be spending the night at your place and that I will be back home tomorrow.” Let’s just say that that was definitely the end of our relationship. Reddit user: capilot
My Ex-Boyfriend and My Ex-Best Friend

My stepdad passed away, and months later, my mom wanted to use his laptop but was having a problem with it freezing up, so she asked me for help. I took a look and realized that it was almost out of hard drive space, so I ran a utility to find the largest files and see what I could delete….
I stumbled across a whole bunch of videos of my stepdad cheating on my mom and (obviously) recording it. I took one for the team, wiped the hard drive, and gave the laptop back to her to use. I was obviously pissed that he was a cheater, but I didn’t have the heart to tell her.
I didn’t think it would make much difference since he had passed away. She’d been grieving about it and was finally making peace with his death. I was left with this really big secret, but I’m pretty happy that she never found out about it. Reddit user: [redacted]
Something Unconscionable

I snooped because I saw a text from my best friend (at the time) pop up on his screen, asking, “Have you said anything to her yet?” So, while he was pumping gas, I scrolled through his texts. Yep. Ex-boyfriend, ex-best friend. The next time I snooped, I was staying at another ex’s house, and he was being weird about his phone….
He placed it face down on the bed and then proceeded to leave the room. I looked at it, yep. There were Facebook messages, an OkCupid account, dirty texts, etc. I feel justified in my actions, and I don’t care if that makes me a bad person. Reddit user: secretxletter
12 Missed Calls

When I was younger and with my first love, I did something I now find unconscionable; I went through her phone while she was asleep. There was no justification for that, and so the relationship had to end. It isn’t something I repeated, which at least I can say I learned….
But I found messages that seemed to confirm a long-held intuition of an emotional affair. I would seem to have been correct in this intuition, since she shortly after moved away and got pregnant, and if I remember correctly, it was by him. Reddit user: NuclearHyrule
“Dale and Jen”

My girlfriend at the time and I were fighting a lot. One day, we had a huge fight, which resulted in the “maybe we should break up” conversation. She called me that night, intoxicated at a show with her work friend, and said she didn’t want to break up and wanted to stay together….
I show up sober, and her friend leaves. We finally get to her place after 2 am, and she passes out hard while I’m sober. Because she passed out, she didn’t put her phone on silent, and after 10 minutes of constant texts and calls, I decided to put it on silent….
When I get to her phone, I realize that she has 12 missed calls from her friend from earlier. Her phone’s locked, but I see the text preview of “I thought we were going to do it again after the show.” Again, I peaced out. Reddit user: disgruntledrep
The Old-School Girl

My fiancé, “Dale” and I have been together for 5 years. We are as solid as I guess anyone thinks they are before something like this blindsides them. We got together after he broke up with his college sweetheart. She was his first love, and I was afraid that I was a rebound. He said that it wasn’t true, so I believed him….
I used his laptop to open the contacts list he has saved on there so I could get addresses for our wedding invites. I’d told him to get those to me for over a week, so I decided to do it myself. When I opened his e-mail, I saw an e-mail on the very top of his inbox with the subject line “Re: Jen, how can I when…”
“Jen” is the name of his ex from college. I decided he should have nothing to hide, so I clicked on it. The rest of the subject line was “Re: Jen, how can I when you still exist?” The e-mail was her reply to a string of e-mails between the two of them that had gone on for over a week….
Long story short, Dale is still in love with Jen. He thinks about her constantly; he’ll never find another woman like her. Even worse is that he makes fun of me, my body, and he even told her that he thinks about leaving me constantly. Reddit user: [redacted]
YouTube Videos

Not a phone, because this girl was old-school. I went to her place, and she was on the (landline) phone. When I went to give her a shoulder rub, she hurriedly got off the phone. It was really sketchy. So, I checked the number of the last call, then I went to her physical phone book and looked at the inside cover because, for reasons I forget, I’d noticed before that her ex’s number was there….
The numbers matched. I had a panic attack in the bathroom, and she tried to convince me through the door that it was nothing. I still don’t know if she “officially” cheated on me, but during a 5-day spat when we were “on a break,” she definitely slept with him. I was young and dumb, but I learned some lessons. Reddit user: TheBrownWelsh
HD Screenshots

I found out that my girlfriend watches those “intense 5-minute or 10-minute at-home workouts” that you see on YouTube. I tried doing one of them myself because it looked so easy, but after doing it for a couple of minutes, I started to feel the burn.
I was incredibly impressed that she does them and was slightly embarrassed that I couldn’t do it. Now I know that she’s telling the truth that she got fit without going to the gym. I don’t think that I’ll be doing any of those exercises anytime soon. Reddit user: NiceDoomfist
How Much He Loved Her

It wasn’t intentional but one time I was helping my boyfriend out by backing up his phone after it got wet. His screenshots weren’t hidden, and it was awesome to see them in full-size HD on the computer screen. I found out he’d been cheating for years.
Although our definitions of cheating are apparently very different….I was heartbroken more than anything. It felt like this big part of my life was a huge lie. There was no way that I could stay with him after I made that discovery. Reddit user: Rotary_phones
My Girlfriend’s Admission

I accidentally found out that my boyfriend and father of my unborn child was sending his best friend e-mails telling her how much he loved her. We were going through his e-mail together laughing about stuff when suddenly I spotted the “I miss you, I love you” e-mail.
He tried to hide it but he knew that the jig was up….We talked, and he promised me that he would stop. He didn’t, and after that, many of our arguments revolved around him still talking to exes who either had feelings for him or tried to break us up.
Each time, I found out because he always ended up giving me the password to his phone to do something for him. Once I had the phone, I’d find out through either snooping or seeing a message pop up as I was doing whatever he asked me to. It took me way too long to end the relationship. Reddit user: hobogauntlet
Not Technically Snooping

Back in March, my girlfriend admitted that she liked a new friend of hers. We live together, and she was very obviously sneaking out and staying out all night. One time, I caught her getting into his car. She denied anything but friendship, but one night she was texting like crazy, and I saw a few of them. She was calling the guy out for “using her.”
I confronted her; she broke down and cried and admitted to cheating. We got through it, and everything was good, or so I thought. Then she left her Gmail open on my computer, and I couldn’t help but check, and sure enough, she’s sending him e-mails saying, “Glad I got to see you again last night, you’re so handsome, I can come over again next week….”
Granted, this isn’t proof of any fornication, but it’s proof of an emotional affair where there once was that kind of thing happening. In the meantime, she’s telling me she hates his guts and doesn’t respond to his texts. I know what’s going on. Reddit user: NowISeeYou
Forget You

I know that it’s not technically snooping, but here’s my story about overhearing something. I one time was waiting to Skype call my long-distance girlfriend, and before the video comes on, the audio starts up, and I could hear her talking to someone.
I just ended up hearing her roommate yell to her, “You gonna dump that sorry little boy now?” When she realized that the sound was on, she immediately turned off the feed. She broke up with me over Skype text instead. Real nice of her. Reddit user: RandyTaco

I’m a zero-tolerance guy after having been cheated on multiple times. We were about to go to bed, and a text popped up on her phone. The notification usually shows the first line of the text, and it said, “I miss you too, beautiful.” I tossed the phone to her, said, “Forget you, it’s over,” and went downstairs and watched TV….
She said she’d stop texting him, which I knew would be a lie, and it was. I snooped through her texts and saw how emotional they had become, and because it was over anyway, she doubled down with him and had made it physical. No problem there. Divorce filing is days away. Reddit user: Kung-fu-Slim
Set the Alarm

My significant other and I shared a computer for quite a while a few years back, and autocomplete once took me to a search that he made during his “alone time.” I didn’t find this one that awful at all so much as it was honestly pretty hilarious to me. It was the wording he used.
The title of the video he searched for was something like “Big-chested blonde going at it the classic way.” I never watched it, so to this day I’m still not sure what “the classic way” actually means to be honest. Maybe I should ask him. Reddit user: hatcheling
The Secret Date

My significant other asked me to set an alarm on his phone. Out of curiosity, I checked his locked photos to see which pictures of me he had saved; I had no intention of snooping. I saw photos of an old ex that he had an on-again, off-again thing with until he met me….
It prompted me to check when the photos had been sent. It turns out that he was talking to her after we were together for about a year and asked her for the graphic pictures. I confronted him, and he felt bad, so I ended up comforting him. I still haven’t brought it up a year later, even though I still think about it and have lost trust. Reddit user: thhrowaway_
More Women Than I’d Anticipated

After going through my girlfriend’s phone, I found out that she had gone out on a date with an old friend of hers from high school. If that wasn’t bad enough, I learned that she was saying to her friends how proud she felt to be by his side, knowing that people saw her as his….
The discovery honestly floored me. I wasn’t sure if I should confront her about it or just go and leave her. It hurt a lot because I don’t recall her feeling that way about me whatsoever. It was really tough to get over. Reddit user: m4cktheknife
Who’s Henry?

Years ago, I went through an ex-boyfriend’s phone, and it confirmed my suspicions that he was cheating on me. But it wasn’t with one woman, not two women, but he was cheating on me with three different women. There were more women than I ever could have anticipated.
It also revealed that he had “a past” with a girl we were both friends with….The problem was that he lied about it. He said he never did anything with her, even after I asked him. I’m glad that I did it; otherwise I would have still been with him. Reddit user: thrownormanaway
Texting in My Presence

My boyfriend and I have been going out for some time, and I love him to bits. I could never imagine being with anyone else; he is the one I want to spend my future with. A few months ago, I got a DM on Instagram from this user called “Henry” who just said hello at first….
I ignored him, but then “Henry” sent a bunch of messages saying he wants to send nudes, so I blocked him. My boyfriend and I made a promise not to keep secrets a while ago, and I was following this perfectly. Recently he showed me a post on Instagram; my instinct is to always look at the profile photo….
I see that it’s not his, but it seems familiar, and I get mad at him for not telling me about this extra account. Soon, he started getting secretive when on his phone, mainly Instagram. One night when I needed to use the bathroom, I saw he left his phone there. He got a message from a friend that seemed important, so I wanted to open it: a big mistake.
I unlocked his phone, and the first thing I saw was that it was still open. It was open on the profile page, and I was upset by what I had seen. It was “Henry.” There in plain sight. I just show him the message from his friend and break down crying….
We had to go to work the next day, and I just left a note saying that I know he is “Henry” and asking him why he would do that. He told me that he made the account to see if I would cheat or flirt with anyone else and to see if I would snoop through his phone. Reddit user: GlueStick420
Brimming With Jealousy

My ex-boyfriend was texting this girl frequently in my presence. When I asked him about it, he claimed that she found him on Facebook and that she was “coming onto him.” When I asked if he could stop texting her constantly while lying in bed with me, he didn’t react well.
He ended up having a total defensive meltdown about the whole thing. I would never snoop through my current boyfriend’s phone or even ask him if he was hiding anything. I really don’t feel the need to that with him. But this other guy I did. And clearly, for good reason. Reddit user: [redacted]
I Don’t Really Want to Know

I went through an ex’s phone, as I suspected that he was continuing to talk to the woman he admitted to emotionally cheating on me with. He was, in fact, still talking to her, despite my having asked him to stop. I was sickened to my stomach. He had told me about the things they had talked about when I first found out….
I’m glad I didn’t find the details of their flirting and pre-dating-esque conversation. I was brimming with jealousy and rage, and for a moment, I felt I understood crimes of passion. I confronted him about what I found, but I was always suspicious from there on out. I checked his phone often and didn’t completely trust him again for almost another year. Reddit user: Ruvb00m
Finding What I Was Looking For

My boyfriend went out and left his phone on the table. It rang, and I recognized the call as coming from the office at our daughter’s school, so I answered it. After I hung up with them, it defaulted to his recent calls screen, and there were a TON of calls to/from a friend of his that I didn’t realize he ever really talked to….
They have known each other for over twenty years, and when she got married, she invited him, but I did not get an invitation, even though we’d been together for years, lived together, etc. I had known her since before we got together, and she has never really liked me. It’s either just completely harmless friend stuff, which is none of my business, or it’s something else, which I don’t really want to know about. Reddit user: youhaveonehour
Her Best Friend’s News

I’ve snooped quite a few times…well, more than a few and all, but one of my boyfriends took offense to it. It’s not like I don’t understand why, but I had my reasons. In every single case of my snooping, I ended up finding exactly what I was looking for.
They were either talking to or flirting with other girls….But that wasn’t all. Some of them even had naughty photos of their exes, and the icing on the cake was when I found out that some of them were physically cheating. As I said, I had my reasons. Reddit user: HarleySpencer
The Obvious Flirting

One night, my girlfriend’s phone buzzed, and a message popped up that was from her best friend. The message was her friend telling my girlfriend that she had gotten pregnant again. It was a few months after this friend had suffered a miscarriage.
I pretended I didn’t see it because I wanted her to “find out first” because she would enjoy telling me….I waited for her to get her phone, and as soon as she saw it, she squealed with excitement. It was fun seeing her call her friend and be so excited for her. Reddit user: Fallout541
Making Plans

My girlfriend has been going out a lot recently with her “high school friends.” They had a little reunion a couple of weeks ago, and she’s been hanging out with them every weekend since. I thought these were just a bunch of girls, but last night she admitted that one of them was a guy. When I had the chance, I took out her phone from her bag and went through her WhatsApp messages….
She was having a group chat with this guy OBVIOUSLY flirting with her. He was literally calling her babe and darling and other names like that, so I sent a message to the group chat just reminding them she had a boyfriend and saying she wasn’t going out with them again if he was there.
I was a little bit drunk, and maybe what I did was a bit extreme, but I feel like it was justified. She caught me with her phone in my hands, and we had a pretty big argument, and I went home alone. I just woke up really hungover. I’ve still got her phone, but I’m not sure I want to return it after last night. Reddit user: ColdParfait2
Every Now and Then, I Snoop

Out of nowhere, my ex was being weird with his phone. I mean really weird; he was taking it with him when he showered, angling the screen away from me every time he sent a text, and not giving me a straight answer when I asked him who he was texting, etc….
I felt like I just had to take a look at his phone. And when I did that, I found out that he was talking to this girl who I told him made me a little nervous. They were making plans to “hang out” and I really wasn’t okay with it. Reddit user: reachingpeaches
Getting Over My Insecurities

I went through my ex’s phone sort of by accident…at first. I picked up his phone intending to prank somebody, just sending some stupid text to a friend. I saw that his most recent text message was somewhat suspicious, so I snooped through the thread and was not happy with what I saw….
I don’t think that he was cheating on me, but a girl was sending him pretty flirtatious messages, and he was just going along with it. I confronted him about it, and we lasted a while after that, but every now and then, I would snoop. Reddit user: Erkala21
“Oh, and Don’t Read My Texts…”

I’m guilty of snooping, and it was with an ex-boyfriend that I didn’t exactly trust completely. It’s not something that I am particularly proud of, but I am happy that I did it. It was the way how I found out he was cheating on me with multiple people.
Now here’s what I’m not especially proud of though….I’ve also done it with my current significant other about once or twice. But I’ve since gotten over my insecurities about him. I do really trust him, though I guess that first guy made me nervous. Reddit user: kayleigh666
My Quiet Housemate

One of my really good friends left her phone at my house when we were younger. After she found out that she forgot it, she calls me from another phone to say, “Oh, and don’t read my texts.” I never thought about going through her phone, but now I wanted to find out what she was hiding….
I knew her password because we happened to be really good friends, and after unlocking the phone, I learned that she and my ex-boyfriend were being “really weird.” I didn’t like the fact that she was keeping it a secret from me. Reddit user: [redacted]
His Reddit Account

I was not actually involved in this myself but this happened back when I was in college. Two of my housemates in halls at university ended up reporting my other super-quiet Chinese housemate after she one time left her phone in the kitchen of the house.
When they were in there, the phone gets a text, and so they look to see whose phone it was and see her locked screen….My quiet as a mouse housemate had set a tastefully clothing-free photo of herself as her own lock screen. I admire her confidence. Reddit user: LouisCowell
You’re Great, But…

I met someone at a networking event. He talked a big game, but I knew he didn’t have the goods to back it up. He had mentioned an app, and I went googling for it. That led me to his Reddit account, where he was posting about the app on startup subreddits….
I went a little further into his history, and there were so many posts about his “hostess” obsession. I kept going even further down the rabbit hole. There were lots of posts about his “alone time” habit. Nope. I didn’t need to know that. Reddit user: sensitiveinfomax
The Family BBQ

It was quite by accident that I heard this. My girlfriend and I had a group of our friends over, and as the night went on, we all kind of broke down into little groups. Some of us were in one room playing games, while a couple of others were watching movies.
I thought she was watching the movies, but she and one of her close friends were sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee and talking. I got up to go to the kitchen to get drinks, and as I’m rounding the corner, I hear my fiancé talking, and before I completely come in the room, I hear her clearly say, “Jason is great, but….”
She finished her sentence by saying, “He will never be the lover that Bill was.” She then followed it up with, “It’s not really fair to Jason though, Bill was just really gifted down there.” It’s been almost a month, and I have zero desire to be with her physically. I can feel myself checking out of the relationship. Reddit user: AlarmingMonk
Our Anniversary

It was not snooping that I was doing, but I just ended up overhearing a conversation, and I’m honestly happy that I did. My ex-fiancé was saying out loud, “I probably won’t find anything better” at a family BBQ within earshot of me. I was even right there!
I hung around for a couple of weeks then moved out of town on my own terms….If I’m not the “someone just for me” in someone’s life, I’m out! Even though it hurt, at least it was before the wedding, so I saved a ton of money. Reddit user: [redacted]
My Wife, the Teacher

This happened with an ex-boyfriend of mine. The closest I’ve ever come was looking at Facebook on my computer and wondering who all these people on my newsfeed were. I didn’t know any of them. Then I realized he’d left himself logged in, so I logged him out.
With another ex, I looked at his e-mails because he swore he wasn’t cheating on me, and I was convinced that he was….I knew his e-mail password because it was our anniversary. I found an e-mail from the girl he was cheating on me with. Reddit user: ConnieC60
The Joke Text

I just found out yesterday that my wife, a teacher, started an affair with one of her students about 2 months ago. We have been together for 10 years and married for 4. We have a 4-month-old daughter, and she threw it all away: career, marriage, and family. I had no idea anything was wrong until 6 days ago, when I found her crying in bed….
She told me she was depressed, no longer in love with me, and she even wanted “to go quietly” because of my drinking habits. I took sole responsibility, swore off drinking, and had us signed up for marriage counseling the same day, plus got her in contact with a postpartum depression group….
Six days later, she gets sent to a crisis center by her school, and I find out everything after the psychiatrist there makes her tell me the truth when I show up. It’s safe to say, I will never see my wife the same way again. Reddit user: We_deal_in_lead
Regularly Looking at Each Other’s Phones

I’ve snooped, and I didn’t plan to do it, but while I was doing laundry this one time, his phone was in one of his pockets when a text popped up. It was a joke text, but I didn’t know that at the time. I was so upset, then he repaid me by snooping on my phone….
It was kind of a good thing because after that whole incident, we were very open with each other. We laughed at that fox song parody about a girlfriend who looks on her boyfriend’s phone and finds all these pictures of butts. Reddit user: SilverSpooky

My fiancé and I regularly look at each other’s phones, but it’s not like we’re snooping. Like, he got a text while driving yesterday and handed me his phone to tell him what it was about and who it was from. His phone charger in his car messed up, and we were out….
My phone once died in the middle of a conversation with my mom, so I started using his to text my mom instead. It’s kind of like neither of us have anything to hide, so we just use phones almost like they’re community property. Reddit user: MuppetManiac