Drive A Thousand Miles

Divorce, no matter how civil, can be a very difficult period for any couple. Having to give up what they thought would be their forever relationship, and embrace a new normal can be hard, especially if there are children involved. During the divorce process, strategy unfortunately becomes a big part of walking away with what you believe to be fair, and often times this means holding back from revealing the truth about absolutely everything.
There are some couples who, for whatever reason, decide not to disclose bits of information that could help to even the odds during a divorce. Sometimes, divorcees are successful in keeping their secrets, but there are other times when the information comes out long after the proceedings have ended, leaving one party extremely upset, and feeling downright lied to. Here are some of the most shocking secrets divorce lawyers have seen over the years…
Maybe It’s Best If We Settle

My parents, who are lawyers, told me this story. Throughout a couple’s divorce proceedings, there was a car that was a huge point of contention between the husband and wife. After months and months of saying he would never let his soon-to-be ex-wife have the car, the husband conceded in exchange for something great, like one of their summer houses….
They found out that he had been driving the car for 3 hours every day in a big loop around the city, putting thousands of miles on it, basically making it worthless. The amount of planning and spite that went into that was amazing. Reddit User: flintlock519
$10 Million In Returns

A lawyer friend told me this story. A man came into his office saying he needed representation, and my friend, who was fresh out of law school, was willing to take on any paying case. The man told him that he was the victim and that his wife blindsided him with divorce paperwork less than a year into their marriage….
The wife had some serious cash and was showing it off. After a few weeks, he got a call from an arbitrator on behalf of the wife’s attorney to set up a meeting. He thought that they were going to settle in the best interest of the husband, so he and my friend showed up, and things went completely sideways….
A few nasty secrets that he forgot to mention came up, and they were not pretty. He’d had an addiction to some certain websites, and he also had two children with another woman, which caused him to be in debt. The husband went pale, and he tried to figure out what to do next. I told him that it would be best to settle. My friend had to hire a debt collector to get paid. Reddit User: godbullseye
I Didn’t Actually Do It

I’ve heard several divorce horror stories, and while they’re not always fair, you have to give props to some of the people who hid their assets or money very well. A man in Australia was going through a tumultuous divorce and, as such, tried to hide as much as he could, but it wasn’t in a malicious way….
He was able to hide over $10 million. How? By making an overpayment to the tax office. At the time, the auditors thought that it was just a tax payment, but after six months, it was all refunded with base interest. Since then, the auditors have caught on, but no one is sure whether his wife did. Reddit User: [redacted]
A Revealing Will

In my early career, my then boss would take on divorce cases from time to time to help out a friend or acquaintance. There were times when I assisted, and most of the time, it was boring, but not this case. For any type of litigation, the parties exchange written questions as part of discovery. I was reviewing the wife’s answers to her requests and assisting the husband by answering his questions….
When we get to the part where it asks about engaging in extramarital relations, the husband tells me that he recently saw someone, “But don’t worry, it was in Canada, so it’s okay.” I nodded and took notes. In going over the wife’s answers, she listed something strange as a factor that led to the breakdown of the relationship….
I asked the husband about this, and he tells me he got really drunk one night after they separated, called her up, and told her he “had a goat,” but he swore he didn’t actually do it. My boss and I laughed about that for ages. Reddit User: CeramicOcttetNo
Living A Double Life

I once learned about a very high stakes divorce where the husband somehow managed to hide two entire apartment complexes. One was an oceanfront penthouse in a very expensive city, and the other was an offshore oil rig where he had two offshore companies that, again, his wife did not know about and therefore did not get any of….
It only came out recently, two decades after the husband had passed away. How? Because he left them to his two sons when he passed. They were able to see the entire history of the properties and knew that their mother had no idea they existed. Reddit User: andyjams
Burning It Down

An east coast husband had an income of $1.5 million, and throughout his marriage, he cheated on his wife 10 times. It was bound to end in divorce, and it didn’t take long for it to happen. Towards the end of the divorce process, we learned that the husband had another family in Seattle, a different name, and another $14 million due to tech sales….
The stock under his second identity had a combined net worth of $214 million. So how was his double life discovered? Well, his Seattle wife posted a picture on Facebook and tagged him with his west coast name. The east coast wife similarly posted a photograph of him. The facial recognition assigned him a possible name: his west coast name. So his two wives got in touch….
But that wasn’t all. They soon found out that he had a wife and family in the Czech Republic. He was planning on moving there to avoid family court. After doing so, he is now being pursued for extradition. Reddit User: cold_zero_
Lying For Years

I got a new client who wanted to divorce her husband. I explained to her the importance of being open about everything, and she said she understood, but I quickly found out that she wasn’t being honest. For quite some time, she concealed the fact that she had accidentally burned down the kitchen in their house. He no longer lived there….
He found out this important piece of information when he drove past their home. When he contacted her, she called me screaming and accusing me of telling him, colluding with him, and trying to ruin her. She even went as far as threatening to strangle my secretary. She’s definitely on my list of top five crazy clients. Reddit User: [redacted]
Straight Out Of Mrs. Doubtfire

I’m not a lawyer, but part of my previous job entailed reviewing the details of divorce decrees for people trying to get money to start businesses. They are usually pretty generic. I’ve been at this for quite some time, so I know a good story when I see one. About ten years ago, I got this one where it laid out the entire backstory….
The husband was a physician and the wife a hairstylist. The husband lied about having a chronic illness to his wife and her entire family. He used the lie to quit his job and stay home for years. His poor wife took on multiple jobs and tried to support him on her income alone. She found out that he was lying, and she filed for divorce. He was ordered to pay the wife alimony based on his theoretical salary. Reddit User: financial-jaguar
A $5,000 Secret

I’ve heard many stories of things that have happened while married couples who have children get divorced. I’ve heard this story before, and at the time I didn’t believe it, but after witnessing it firsthand, I’m a believer. While going through their divorce proceedings, the wife got full custody, and the husband was only allowed to see his children once in a while….
Unhappy with the arrangement, the man decided to take matters into his own hands. He began to disguise himself as the children’s nanny: a position that the now single mother had open. He had a face full of old lady makeup, a dress, and a wig. I don’t think his wife ever found out. Reddit User: Damtheman
Our Grandparents’ Gift

My husband’s uncle, who was very close to his age, was going through a divorce. Things seemed to be going fairly well (or as well as they can go for a divorce) when one day, he came home to find the house completely empty. We found out that she had packed up all her things, as well as their children’s….
While he was at work, his wife packed up everything and left. They didn’t go far, and it wasn’t like she was trying to kidnap them. But he did find out that she was keeping a secret. She’d won a $5,000 a week for life lottery ticket. She honestly thought that she could divorce him without splitting her winnings. It didn’t work out in her favor. Reddit User: jader88
Free Gas

Not a lawyer, but my parents were divorced by the time I was born. Over the next five years, my father proceeded to take my mother to court to pay less and less child support. He had us for approximately 30 hours a week, but school days were mostly spent with her. When I was around 12, he started bringing her back to court because he was paying about $100/mo for the four of us…
And that was too much. She finally got sick of it and had her lawyer look into his finances. His (now deceased) parents, our grandparents, had given him $200,000 for our college educations. He put it into stocks and had approximately $40,000 left. When the judge heard this, the case ended. He was forced to put the rest in a savings account for us. Reddit User: shrdbrd
Con Artistry 101

I’m not a lawyer, but I found out about a secret deal that will blow your mind. Back in 1972, a married couple got their gas utility account turned on at their house, but the gas company never finished the paperwork, so they were never billed. They got free gas service forever because their account was ‘on,’ but the billing was never set up….
Years go by, and they end up getting divorced. The husband gets the house with the free gas service, and in 2014, the gas company finally catches on to the problem. Legally, they could back-bill the customer for only a limited time, amounting to a few years of use, but the guy told the company to send the bill to his ex-wife….
There was a clause in the divorce settlement that said that if the gas company was ever notified or discovered the free gas deal, the ex-wife would have to pay any past bill payments. The arrangement was also made so that the wife could never alert the company to their error without having to pay herself. The worst part was that two lawyers and a judge signed off on it. Reddit User: Inkseep
Parking Lot Fines

This sad story happened to a dear friend of mine. His wife was married before to a rich guy, and after getting into a bad car accident, he died from his injuries. The now widow kept his last name and quite a bit of his money. Some time went by, and she shacked up with my friend, who had a drinking problem. Thankfully, he owned a small business that made a boatload of cash….
Fast forward to when I know him, 12 years later. He tells me that his wife is divorcing him and that he put everything in her name. She admits to cheating, and she also says that she conned him into putting the house and everything in her name. She goes on to say that she still loves her deceased husband, and my friend was nothing like him….
She made him move out, took half of his business, and then said that she was going to suck him dry of whatever money he had left. My friend was in a really dark place for a while after that. I couldn’t believe she basically used him like that. Reddit User: tommyguz007
60% Of Everything

I once read an article in the newspaper about a man leaving his ex-wife’s car in the airport parking lot for 3 years until it racked up $105,000 in fines. The guy would go to the parking lot every few days to clear off the tickets on the windshield so that a stack was never visibly amassed, and that’s not all….
He also moved the car around the parking lot, probably to reduce the chance of it getting towed. When the woman started getting notices, she went to the parking lot but couldn’t access it because it was the airline employee’s lot where her ex worked. She tried to get him to stop, to no avail. Luckily, the court told her that she only had to pay $4,000. Reddit User: [redacted]
A $70K Secret

One man had a contracting business that was doing quite well. During the divorce proceedings, they agreed to sell the business and divide the proceeds. It sold for just over $2 million, and she got 60% in lieu of alimony. Little did they know that selling the business would trigger a tax audit, and at the end of it, they owed over $700,000 in back taxes and penalties….
So now there is a $700,000 debt, and back to court they go. The ex-wife is claiming, “It was his business, so he should pay all the debt.” The ex-husband is saying, “Since she took 60% of the business, she should take 60% of the debt.” The judge agreed with him, and she ended up with 60% of the debt….
Unfortunately for her, she had spent most of the proceeds from the divorce in that short space of time and now owed $420,000 to the government, plus accumulating interest. He had used the money he got from the divorce to start a new business and paid his debt off right away. Reddit User: [redacted]
You Still Have To Pay

Some people do some really stupid things, and that’s the case with this story I worked on. I’m a divorce lawyer and my client, the wife, was in the dark about many of the things her husband did (that was probably why she was leaving him). During the proceedings, she found out that he had gambled away a good portion of their marital savings….
Her husband had gambled away $70,000 of the money they’d been saving for years, and she would not have known if she hadn’t filed for divorce. In a fit of rage, after the meeting, she hit him in the head with a hammer and was arrested shortly after. Reddit User: Ravenhairbeauty
Be Specific

A man was married to who he thought was the love of his life, but he soon realized how wrong he was. Not only did she cheat on him, but she had the other man’s baby and passed the child off as her husband’s. He never knew, and if it wasn’t for his lawyer who suggested he delve into it, he would still be in the dark….
So they do the paternity test, and he finds out that the child isn’t his. He goes to court with all his documents, and the court rules that he still has to pay child support. Why? Because it is in the best interest of the child. I’m still confused as to how things like this happen. Reddit User: bestjakeisbest
The $150k Parting Gift

I’m not a lawyer, and this is about a man I worked with over ten years ago. He really stuck it to his ex-wife. We worked at a sporting goods store making 8 dollars an hour. He was not like the other people working in the store; he was older, well-groomed, well-spoken, and clearly educated, etc. One night after work, I noticed him getting into his car: a very nice newish Jaguar….
Curiosity got the best of me, so I asked him how he could afford it, and he explained it to me; he had been a senior vice president at a well-known fortune 500 company. He was pulling in $300k with bonuses and stock options. He was married, but when it fell apart, she demanded that she get the house and 40% of his wages….
He and his lawyer managed to get her to agree to let him keep the house in exchange for 75% of his pay, with no dollar figure or employer specified. As soon as she took the settlement, he quit his job and looked for a minimum wage job. He said, “She gets 75% of nearly nothing now.” He had other money stashed away, so he didn’t even need the job, and he had the house and its equity as well….
She was furious and tried to re-sue him but failed at least once. She claimed that the settlement was not keeping her in the lifestyle she was accustomed to; he simply told the judge that the divorce was traumatic to him and he could no longer do his old job as a result. It was brilliant. He claimed he loved each payday because it reminded him of how little she was getting. Reddit User: kjagla
The Phantom $20 Million

A man’s wife racked up well over $150,000 in credit card debt right before their divorce had been finalized. Neither he nor his lawyer had any idea that she was doing it, and it never crossed his mind to check so that it could be cleared up during the divorce proceedings. As expected, the court ruled in his now ex-wife’s favor….
The poor man had to work overtime for literally the rest of his life just to be able to survive. Unfortunately, he died from a heart attack, and it’s probably because of all the stress she left him with. I told him that he should just file for bankruptcy, but he felt like it was morally wrong to do so. Reddit User: Bigguy1045
The Garbage Collector

I worked at a law firm that was subpoenaed as part of a divorce between one of our partners at the firm and a partner at another major law firm. The wife (other firm) issued more than 70 subpoenas to banks, firms, investment companies, the works because she was convinced that he was hiding $20+ million overseas without her knowledge….
It got so bad that she dug up receipts from 25 years ago to try to put together this big puzzle. In the end, she racked up $1.5 million in legal fees from 7 different lawyers. The judge had had enough, finally telling her that there was no conspiracy and that she was not entitled to a portion of this phantom $20 million. The sad part is that she made millions per year. Reddit User: Tchaikovsky08
Devalue Them

I’m not a divorce lawyer, but my friend told me about a secret that came up during her divorce from her now ex-husband. For years, they had a lot of trouble with the trash pick-up. The garbage collectors would just skip over their house, and they had no idea why. A lot of times, she would call and complain, but they never came….
Their marriage didn’t work out, and they decided to get a divorce. As they were going through their mediation, the garbage disposal issue came up, and it turns out that he was just too lazy to take the trash cans to the curb. He lied about the garbage company, and she would just believe him when he said he had done it. Reddit User: jimmy_talent
Power Of Attorney

My in-laws, who are really into food, told me this story a while back. It was about a couple who was going through a very nasty divorce. The husband was a wine aficionado, and his wife, who I’m not sure if she had a job, was very upset that they were getting divorced, as it was not her choice….
During the settlement, the husband got all the wine in their extensive collection. After all, it had been his. Before he was able to collect them, the wife soaked every single bottle, removing all the labels. Although the wine was not damaged, he had no way of telling which was which, essentially devaluing them all. Reddit User: stokels
Keep Acting Surprised

I’m not a lawyer, but I know a man who had a very successful real estate business. A few years into his success, he was informed that he had type 2 diabetes, and it put the fear of God in him. While trying to get it under control, he passed out and had to be taken to the hospital for treatment….
While in the hospital, his wife convinced him to give her power of attorney, and he did, without question. Soon after, she sold everything, took all assets, raided his retirement accounts, and then filed for divorce. He found out when he left the hospital, and he now lives in a 12×8 room at the nursing home trying to sell real estate between dialysis sessions. It was so sad. Reddit User: [redacted]
Married, But Not Really

This married couple, let’s say their names are Joe and Susan, are regulars at my bar. Every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, they come in and are very affectionate towards each other while they drink some beers. On Monday and Tuesday, Susan comes in with an ever-changing cast of men, and they’re very hands-on with each other. On Thursday, Joe comes in with an ever-changing cast of ladies, the same as his wife….
I spent seven years behind the bar, watching them, all the while thinking that they were in an open relationship. Then, one day, Susan comes in and tells me that she is divorcing Joe because he cheated on her. I act surprised and console her, and then she says she never cheated on him. Some time passes, and I see Joe at another bar. He explains to me that Susan is divorcing him, but he is going to ‘win’ the divorce because he had her followed, and she’s a cheater. I act surprised again. Reddit User: [redacted]
I’ve Been Married Before

This man does not want to break up with his girlfriend, but she says to him that she will not stay unless they get married. He does not want to get married, but he loves her. One day he comes home and says they’ll have a ‘destination wedding’ on a tropical island with a local ceremony, and it will be very romantic….
And they do have one. The man dies a few years later, and the wife finds out that they were never married. She learns that he just hired some resort staff to pretend to officiate a marriage ceremony, and no marriage contract was ever drawn up. She also learned that she was left out of his will. Reddit User: [redacted]
The Crazies Are Everywhere

My attorney told me this about a man and his fiancé, and I’m happy that it wasn’t my story. The happy couple are in the process of buying a house together; they’ve seen it and decided to buy it. Everything is ready to go, and all they need to do is sign the papers. It’s right in front of them, and they get to the part where you sign any former names, and the man stops….
He’s written only one alias, while his fiancée has a full page of former names. He looks at his fiancé and asks her, “What is this?” The woman casually says, “Oh, I’ve been married five times before.” The guy gets up and walks out of the room. Needless to say, they did not buy the house or walk down the aisle. Reddit User: -Dee-Dee
The Prize-Winning Garden

I had a client whose soon-to-be-ex-husband did everything he possibly could to ruin his wife’s life. He used her email address and phone number to sign her up for every bank and loan that he could. He took things a step further by joining and signing up for religious and mental illness groups. If that wasn’t bad enough, he then signed up for every adult website he could think of….
She was bombarded by different people contacting her about her interest in their products and services. But that was not the end of it. He even put out ads for partners on Craigslist using her information. The crazy thing is that she actually went out with one of the people who contacted her. I’m no longer practicing; there are too many nutcases out there. Reddit User: dirtlydlf
Savage Behavior

My mother’s best friend is a lawyer, and she once had a couple – a husband and wife who were going through a very bitter separation. The husband was extremely successful, and the wife was going after him asking for a ridiculous amount of money. The wife was a multi-prize-winning gardener who had an exceptional collection of rare and beautiful flowers, shrubs, you name it….
The divorce proceedings did not work out in his favor, and in a fit of rage, he went to their home. Soon after, she arrived in the parking lot to find her now ex-husband had ridden their lawnmower over her entire garden. Everything was shredded to bits: every last stem, leaf, and flower. Reddit User: italia4386
Prime Property

A client and her husband own a successful renovation company. They have a few marital issues, so they decide to divorce. They look at the money they have in the banks, the value of the company based on its past, and the value of the house. They make an agreement that she gets the company and house; he walks away with the ready cash….
He takes off and goes to a sunny place to start his life again. They soon find out that the husband had been planning to leave his wife for years. He stopped paying the vendors and the payroll taxes, which is where the money in the bank accounts originally came from. The company had been existing on credit for over six months while he emptied the bank accounts….
The employees’ paychecks start bouncing within weeks of him leaving, so they all quit. The jobs are not getting finished, so customers demand refunds. Within a year, she is looking for someone to buy the home in a short sale just to get enough cash to close out the payroll accounts before declaring bankruptcy. Reddit User: GoatEatingTroll
The “Forgotten” Storage Locker

A dentist and his wife, living on the Upper East Side of New York City living in a brownstone, were having a bitter divorce. The house was beautiful, and it was worth several million dollars. He had the house long before he met his wife, and he was very upset that its ownership came into question during the divorce proceedings….
Before a decision could be made, he went into the house without telling anyone, turned on the gas in the kitchen, letting it seep throughout the house, and blew it up. It destroyed the entire building, and the dentist didn’t have time to get out and save himself. It turns out that the empty lot was worth more than the house, and it all went to his wife. Reddit User: [redacted]
Not So Mainstream

The lawyer didn’t tell me this, my friend who buys storage lockers did. There was this lady who was going through a very nasty divorce. In an attempt to get back at her, for whatever reason, her husband moved all of her possessions into a large storage locker and conveniently failed to tell his ex-wife that it wasn’t being paid for any longer….
My friend who buys storage lockers saw the lady show up in tears with police officers at the auction sale after someone else had already purchased the locker. The police said that it was a civil case, and there was nothing they could do about it; she would have to pursue it through the courts. Reddit User: Muffhounds
Hiding It All

I’ve encountered many secrets throughout my career; debt, affairs, substance abuse, and adult website addictions have all popped up in my cases. It happens so often that it’s almost expected. This story is my favorite. My client was an elderly gentleman, some type of retired professional, and his son was a pastor. Everything seemed normal in terms of income, property, etc.…
However, it turns out he had a pretty serious adult film hobby, and he was concerned his wife might find out and use it against him in the divorce. I assured him that it was pretty run-of-the-mill these days and unlikely to affect anything. He then told me that it was not “mainstream.” I found out that he was into goats. Reddit User: TheLadyInReddit
Making Him Pay

One of my father’s friends tried to salt the earth before getting divorced. A rental house and a cabin were deeded to relatives, the cars they drove every day were sold to other relatives for tiny sums, stocks handed over to a trust ‘for the children,’ etc. He even vanished a chunk of cash from the company he co-owned with his wife using phony invoices and stopped paying himself a salary, electing to burn through their personal savings for over a year instead….
He learned that judges hate when you try to hide or intentionally diminish assets, and they will absolutely refer you to prosecutors for fraud. I don’t think he did any jail time in the end, but his ex-wife got EVERYTHING, plus the satisfaction of firing him from his own company. Reddit User: technos
X Marks The Spot

I’ve worked as a legal assistant for two family law attorneys for the last eight years, and there have been several cases that have made me angry, but none more than the one I’m about to tell. A man cheated on his wife when she had cancer. He then left his wife and attempted to hide all his assets while she was undergoing chemotherapy….
Luckily, my boss is amazing, and after teaming up with a forensic accountant, they took him to the cleaners. They made sure that he paid for everything, including the forensic accountant’s bill and attorney’s fees. He was wrong for what he did, and they thought that he should pay. Reddit User: Crepe_Suzette
A Woman’s Scorn

I’m a lawyer whose client didn’t settle, so it had to go to trial. The parties owned a business together, which was started while they were married. It was their sole source of income, as they worked the business together. Obviously, the biggest issue was who was going to keep the business, because it wasn’t worth much to sell and split the profit. The general magistrate temporarily ordered the husband (my client) to keep running the business and to pay the wife temporary alimony….
At trial, we were in front of the judge, not the general magistrate. She was older, had a bad memory, and was fairly new to family law. She ended up giving the wife the business and ordered my client to pay the wife alimony. How is someone to pay alimony if you just took away their only source of income for the last 10 years?
The only good thing was that the husband was awarded his home that he inherited from his grandmother. The wife had been living there during the divorce proceedings, and the judge gave her 30 days to move out. She stayed until the last possible day. When the client went back to the home, the wife had completely destroyed the inside. She took a screwdriver and scratched an “x” on the surface of all of the furniture and the walls. Reddit User: CtheBlahblah
The Wrong Address

I’m a lawyer, and I once had a case where the husband and wife were in business, which was split 50/50. Unbeknownst to us, the husband gave one extra share to his wife. Why? Because here, we have a law called “Black economic empowerment,” where females are worth more points than males, so he did it to win tenders….
Fast forward a year; he is caught having an affair, and the wife wants a divorce. The attorneys stumble on the 51% shareholding and are worried because she can make all the decisions. Within a week, she sells everything: their house in the city, their vacation place in Mauritius, their game farm, everything. He gets his 49% of the profits….
But she had sold hers for less than 10% of its value to an unknown trust. Later it came out that the trust was one that her attorney set up. She sold it to herself for nothing, gave him nothing, bought it back, and has all their stuff now. Reddit User: maxil_za
Too Many Lies

A friend’s wife was divorcing him because he’s an unreliable idiot, and I can call him that because he’s my friend. He thought he was smart, so he dragged out the process as long as he possibly could, making it as difficult as possible for her. He kept scheduling and rescheduling meetings. Then he didn’t show up. He promised to do a thing and then backtracked later. It was a mess….
His plan was to make the divorce so difficult for her that she would just stay married. After a year of this, his wife had had enough. She told her lawyer to make it happen. So the lawyer set a date, and the court served him notice of the divorce proceeding. She showed up to court, and he wasn’t there. So as the only party there, she got a very one-sided deal….
She got their business, custody of the kids, the house and all its contents, her car, and the bank account. He got his car, his clothes, and half the proceeds of the sale of the house when she decides to sell it. That was it. He found out about this when he called the court a week after it happened….
We found out that her lawyer served the divorce notice to an address in a different town with a similar name. Normally this would have been caught by his attorney, who would have received notice directly from the court, but since he had no attorney, there was no one other than him that the court could send it to…. Reddit User: tweakingforjesus
Hidden Agenda

A man was falsely accused of domestic violence during the separation from his wife. She lived in their marital home, and he had to pay for everything for her despite her having a full-time job. She got a boyfriend who didn’t have a job and had him move into the house. He went to meet her at the house for a final time to decide who would take what from the house….
Little did she know, he was recording everything on his phone, as he was afraid something would be said or happen that might be held against him. They couldn’t agree, so he left and soon found out she had called 911 and reported that he had made death threats and assaulted her. The divorce went downhill from there. He spent over $14,000 on lawyers to finally have the charges dismissed. The recording saved him from the police. Reddit User: TinktheChi
Secret Properties

I know a man who had a prominent position in the community, and after cheating on his wife, he decided to leave her. He was extremely popular until people found out about what happened to his wife. She then filed for divorce, and in an effort to save face and get it over with, he decided to do something that he thought would gain him favor….
He had given his wife millions of dollars in real estate, equipment from their construction company, his savings account, stocks, and bonds. Although it helped, he still ended up losing his position at the high-paying company he worked at. When he found out, he tried to appeal the divorce. Reddit User: d83r141

This woman marries a very rich man who owns a lot of property because his parents had set him up pretty nicely. There was one place by the beach that was making him $24,000 a month. Things are going well, but eight years later, she asks for a divorce. They have two children together, and she tells him she will take the beach house….
That’s when he told her he owned all of his property before they met. She only got $5,000 a month for two years. He and his new girlfriend now travel and party 24-7, and he occasionally hangs out with his kids. His girlfriend is a much better fit, even with his children. Reddit User: [redacted]