Dog Goes To Police Station Daily, Police Investigate

 The Heat Of Arizona

 As Cameron chased the dog through dusty alleyways, the sun had just begun to set. Where was it leading him? He followed it for what felt like three blocks before coming to a stop in front of a house.

 The doorway opened as the dog barked. However, detective Cameron could never have anticipated the predicament he had put himself in.

 Work As A K9-Handler

 Tucson was feeling the sting of the Arizona sun. Thankfully, there was air conditioning in the police station. Every officer who received summer office duty was grateful.

 Detective Cameron Davis was one person who was particularly pleased to be at his desk on that particular day. He was busy cross-referencing the evidence from different crimes, looking for shared characteristics among them. But that day, he wasn’t ready for an unexpected visitor. 

 Becoming A Detective

 For eight years, Cameron had worked in the Tuscon Police Department. He began as a rookie police officer and worked his way up. After five years of rigorous effort, he rose to the position of police sergeant.

 He was trained to handle K9s and worked the streets. While tending to them and ensuring they were fit for the job, he developed a love for German Shepherds. But he didn’t realize how helpful that talent would be after working at a desk. 

 A Strange Dog

 Cameron finally obtained the rank of detective after serving the police for eight years. He willingly exchanged his action-packed sergeant life for a more methodical one at the precinct.

 He spent much more time at his desk as a detective, which he especially appreciated during the Tucson summer. But shortly after, he received word that a mysterious guest had entered the building.

Why Was He There?

 On a hot summer day, a dog wandered into the station and sat on the precinct floor. Cameron would be lying if he claimed he wasn’t shocked, but then he remembered the same reason he was inside.

 Was it to escape the Arizona heat? A dog with a thick coat would undoubtedly choose air conditioning over the outdoors. But that didn’t fully explain what was happening. 

Looking Outside

 The dog seemed to be attempting to communicate with them. With his front paws on the desk, he would leap and turn to stare at them. Occasionally, he would bark before rolling up into a furry ball on the ground.

 He definitely had a reason for being there. Cameron’s background as a K9 handler would be helpful in this situation. But he had no idea how troubling the truth would be.

 Work To Be Done

 Cameron knelt and scratched the dog behind his ear. “What is it, boy? Where is your owner?” He scanned the lobby before peering at the open glass door. For the sake of the dog, he decided to launch an investigation.

 He headed for the door and glanced outside. He turned his head to the left and the right. The vehicles of his and the other police officers were the only ones in the parking lot. There were no healthy or injured people either. But he would soon notice a break in the case. 

 Not There Anymore

Back at his desk, Cameron continued his work. He promised himself he would try to find the dog’s owner if the dog was still there at the end of the day. There was still some evidence that he needed to look at, but fortunately, all of it took place in the precinct.

 He continued to go through the papers and kept an eye on the clock as the hours passed. By six o’clock, he was ready to see if the dog was still there. But he’d be taken aback by what he found.

In His Car

 Cameron gathered up all of his work and placed it in his leather briefcase. He always brought his work home with him in case he discovered any breaks in the case while lying in bed.

 Expecting to see the dog, he put on his jacket and moved toward the front door. But the dog was not there when he arrived at the door.

 Following The Dog

 In the cool evening air, Cameron walked to his vehicle. Thankfully, the heat had subsided as the sun was setting. He reached his car and placed his bag in the trunk before opening the driver’s side door.

 But that’s when he noticed the dog from earlier staring up at him. He walked along the street as he waggled his tail. At that point, Cameron decided to follow him on foot. 

A Man

 The sun had just set over the horizon as Cameron followed the dog through dusty alleyways. Where was it taking him? He followed it for what seemed like three blocks before it arrived in front of a house.

 The dog barked, and the front door opened. But detective Cameron could never have prepared himself for the situation he had put himself into. 

Breaking Down

 Cameron watched as the man walked outside to investigate the barking dog. He noticed him and the dog standing outside his house and did the unexpected. Cameron had a strange feeling about the situation.

 He prepared himself for the worst, and his hand hovered over his gun. The man walked closer to him and squinted at the animal. But what he did next caught Cameron off guard.

His Brother’s Dog

The man stared at the dog silently for minutes before finally breaking down and crying. The man was sobbing on his knees in front of a confused Cameron. The man eventually composed himself.

 He stared at Cameron and said, “Thank you for bringing him to me. It means the world to me.” Cameron was still confused as ever, but then the man explained more.

 The Precinct

 The man invited Cameron in, and they sat in his kitchen. He explained that the dog wasn’t his but his brother’s, who had tragically passed away a month ago. He hadn’t seen his brother’s dog until now.

 “He must have run away after he passed.” The man told him. He said that it made sense that he was in the station.

  A Good Deed

 The man explained that it made sense for the dog to have gone to the precinct. He explained that his brother had a long rap sheet while he was alive. And would often be thrown into the drunk tank.

 The dog must have thought he was there and gone to the station. Now he was at least reunited with a family member who would look after him in his owner’s place. But Cameron had no idea he’d be a magnet for dogs needing help.

 Getting The Call

 Officer Cameron felt good about what he had done. In his book, no good deed went unrewarded. And as a police officer, he was obliged to help those in need.

 He went home afterward and had a small celebration by himself. He had a glass of whiskey to himself and made himself a steak dinner. But he had no idea that his work would be cut out for him.

Arriving At The Scene

 The following day Cameron got a call he didn’t quite expect. He had only just managed to get his shift started before a 911 operator called in with an eerily similar event to the previous day.

 They explained that because of his excellent work the previous day, they also wanted to hand this call to him. It involved a dog again, but would he get there in time? 

Pup In Need

 When Cameron arrived at the scene, he started asking questions. A crowd had gathered around and were filming the incident with their phones. He wanted a better idea of the situation before jumping in.

 “Can you tell me more about what’s going on?” Cameran asked one of the bystanders. They explained what the operator had already told him. He looked around. He could see the car in question and knew he couldn’t just stand around.

 Getting Inside The Car

 He slowly approached the car. Thoughts of the dehydrated dog ran through his mind from the day before. He wouldn’t let this one down, either.

 By the time his backup arrived, the pup needed help desperately. The Arizona heat had reached as high as 80 Fahrenheit, and the car could even reach the 100s if left to back for too long. Things didn’t look good for them.

The Situation

 The police officers didn’t hesitate. They didn’t have much time to wait. They had to do something, or it might soon be too late for the dog.

 Cameron never liked crowds. He felt they complicated things. But at least he had more knowledge about the incident at hand. All they had to do now was get the poor animal out. But that would be easier said than done.

Getting The Dog Out

 Now that Cameron had some backup, they walked over to the car, and he gave the other officers the rundown on the situation. There was a dog locked in a hot car, and it was their duty to ensure it was safe.

 But when they got to the car, they realized just how bad the situation was. They needed to act fast if they wanted to save the poor animal. 

Out Of The Frying Pan…

 Cameron and the other officers prepared to get the dog out any way they could. But they had no idea just how critical the situation was. The dog had already been in the car for a while, and the owner of the car was nowhere to be found.

 They prepared water and got to work getting the animal out of the hot car. They didn’t care how they did it. The time for subtlety was over, and Cameron smashed the window himself. But it would be an uphill battle.  

 Into The Fire

 The crowd watched silently while Cameron got the poor dog out of the car. Once he had it out, he gave it some water. The crowd started cheering. But what they didn’t know was that it was far from over.

 The dog was in the car for no more than 30 minutes, but even that could be fatal if it were slightly warmer. Now was the time for Cameron to try his best to save another dog.

 Giving Him The Best Care

 Cameron shook his head to himself and once again thought about how he hated crowds during operations like these. The crowd was celebrating, but a lot of work was still to be done.

 The dog’s health was still critical, and Cameron had to work hard to ensure it would be alright. He would make sure that it would survive.


 Cameron knew that he could only do so much. He decided that the best care the dog could get was from the American Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). There they would take care of it, and from there, it would be out of Cameron’s hands.

 No owner would ever come forward to try and get their animal back. In Cameron’s opinion, if they left it in a hot car, they didn’t deserve to have an animal. The dog received great care and recovered well. There was just one more thing for it.

A New Home

 The dog was now back to its former health and was a lovable pooch. There was no reason that anyone wouldn’t want to adopt him. It was a miracle that Cameron acted fast and arrived on the scene when he did.

 Now the dog just needed a home. But no one could have anticipated that there was already a prospective owner looking. 

Reassuring Words

 One of Cameron’s colleagues, an officer on the scene, decided to adopt the puppy. Now that Cameron knew the pup was part of the PD family, he was beyond happy. He knew nothing terrible would happen to the dog again.

 The grateful dog even visited the police station from time to time, where Cameron got to see how he was settling in. 

 A Following

 Cameron’s colleague even had some reassuring words to say about the dog now that he was in her custody.

 “This pup will never be neglected again!” the NYPD 19th Precinct said on Twitter. “A month ago, this sweet doggo was rescued after his owner left him in his hot locked car for hours; yesterday, one of its rescuers, Officer Maharaj, adopted him! Thank you, @ASPCA, for taking such good care of this lucky pup!”

 Posting More

 The officer in question soon realized how big her post had gotten. People worldwide quickly fell in love with the rescued pooch just as she did. Many people said that it was a heartwarming story that they loved.

 Many also said that it restored their faith in police officers in general. People love animals, and an excellent way to find a trustworthy person is to see how they treat animals.

 With the help of officer Cameron, the officer decided to start a Facebook page dedicated to the little pup and his exploits after the rescue. They regularly updated the dog’s public and even had photos of him visiting the precinct.

 The pup went from being trapped in a car to the luckiest boy. The officers could feel proud of what they had done.