The Unforgettable Cow Conundrum

Funerals are somber affairs, with lots of crying and hugging. Funerals are said to be meant for the living, to get a sense of closure with their lost loved ones. It can be one of the worst experiences you ever have to face. So imagine how much worse it could be if everything went horribly wrong.
Funerals are super-formal, and we all know how they are supposed to go, which is totally by the book. No one knows this better than the people in our stories today. They’ve witnessed unfathomable events take place at funerals and have decided to share their tales. Get ready to be floored by some of these wild, real-life occurrences…
Blowing the Wrong Way

My favorite uncle had died an untimely death. The funeral went smoothly and the pastor did a really good job. I actually had a fun time on the ride to the gravesite. But when the funeral procession showed up at the cemetery, there was a cow in my uncle’s grave…
No one knows how it got there, but it was just staring up at us from below. We had to wait for them to remove it with a backhoe before we could proceed with the funeral. Reddit user: Sandor17
Making A Break For It

A lonely but rich client of my friend’s (a lawyer) wanted to have his ashes sprinkled over the Sydney Harbor. The lawyer had spent months trying to get official permission, without success. One Friday night, after hitting up a bar, a few of them decided to catch the Manly ferry…
They wanted to say a few solemn words and tip the contents of the urn (that had been sitting in their office for months) into the harbor. The wind caught the ashes and blew them all up over the passengers on the top deck. Reddit user: Damocles2010
Not Exactly As Planned

When my best friend’s birth mother died in high school, her brother was allowed furlough from maximum security prison (I’m not sure what crime he committed). He sat down quietly at the church with his guards and was then brought to the burial site to say his final goodbyes.
Even though they had him shackled and chained, with three guards watching his every move, he tried to escape at the burial. It was the best thing I had ever seen. Reddit user: jojewels92
The Nerve of Some People

I was working at a funeral/ burial service in Vermont and the next of kin decided to have doves released at the burial site (yes, that’s a thing). I mean, I had seen it done at a few weddings, but I had no idea that it was appropriate for deaths as well.
When they were released, a hawk flew out of nowhere and destroyed one of the doves. My co-worker and I had to usher ourselves to the hearse because we were laughing so hard. Reddit user: cready802
Courting Death At A Funeral

I almost fought the minister at my grandmother’s funeral. We were crying and upset, as per the occasion. He told us we were all sinners and going to hell, for what reason, I’m not sure; he didn’t even know us. He also told us to stop crying because she was in a much better place.
This happened because our family got a minister last minute. I was so close to taking him out, but thought better of it. I regret it though; that man was pure evil. Reddit user: Brandyce
A Complete Circus Act

One time, a man ran into the funeral I was attending and told everyone that they were going to hell. No one at the funeral knew who he was, so the pallbearers decided to do something about it. He got thrown out and the power went out roughly 5 minutes later…
It turns out he climbed the telephone pole out back and was swinging on the wires. He got electrocuted, fell 40 feet and lived. Reddit user: You_know_ it
Wrong Song

My family friend’s mother was lowered into the grave by machine, while everyone watched. The machine broke, the coffin went at an angle and she rolled out. My other family friend, who was filming (she was a big deal in a particular community), decided now would be a good time for a close-up…
The original family friend (whose mother’s funeral it was) got into it with the machine operator, while the videographer filmed the fight too. After the funeral, the videographer tried to charge my friend for the video cost; he is no a longer family friend. Reddit user: kibus
A Brother’s Love

It was a Saturday morning in a large Catholic church, with multiple weddings and funerals on the weekend. The funeral attendees were present for the death of this really old man who had passed because of old age. Everything was going as planned, until the body was wheeled inside…
Everyone turned around and looked up to the organ loft with confusion when the organist, by mistake, played “Here Comes the Bride” instead of the funeral procession. Reddit user: Back2Bach
Dirty Hands

My schizophrenic uncle got on top of the coffin at my aunt’s funeral (his sister) and started punching the (dead) body. He first had to open her casket, which he did, with no help. He thought she wasn’t really dead and this was just a ploy for her to draw attention away from him and his problems…
It was the craziest thing I’ve ever seen. But what’s crazier is that no one got up to stop him until he had already given her a good few hits. Reddit
The Revelation

My sister’s boyfriend died. My sister and I look very alike, so at the funeral, a woman came up to me (mistaking me for her) and grasped my hands in both of hers. “I’m so sorry for your loss, your father looks like Dr. House,” she said, in one breath…
Later at the ash scattering, she threw a bunch of ashes and 10 minutes later, was eating a panini in the café; she never washed her hands in between. Reddit user: wewakeful
The Eulogy

The wife of a married couple died unexpectedly and the husband’s divorce lawyer showed up to offer support to the grieving widow (his client). Initially, everyone thought he was just a friend or someone there to show support, but his identity was revealed when one family member asked him how he knew the deceased.
And so, he told them. The kicker is that no one knew, not even their very close family, that they were getting a divorce. That is, until the wake. Reddit user: Kudamaman
Burger King?

My uncle died and we decided to have a traditional church ceremony. The preacher giving the eulogy was someone we were acquainted with, but didn’t know too well. He proceeded to make fun of him by calling him cheap and lazy; he basically made light of my uncle while we, the family, were all somber…
We were all so in shock that the full what the heck of it, didn’t hit us until well after the ceremony. Some of the male members of my family wanted to go pay him a visit but were begged and pleaded with not to. Reddit user: dssx
A Clueless Cousin

A good friend of mine died last year; he was only 23 years old and it was absolutely devastating. His former boss thought it would be nice to come and speak during the funeral; he went on and on about memories of my friend first coming to work for them…
He talked about how great my friend was when he worked for Burger King; my friend never worked for Burger King. Reddit: WhatsThatSkaSong
Not the Average Grandma

We were all gathered at the church when my younger-by-two-years cousin pulled out a camera and started taking pictures of my grandmother’s corpse in the middle of the service. There was an uncomfortable atmosphere for a minute before someone pulled her away.
She was pretty pissed that she wasn’t allowed to take the pictures, and did not understand what the big deal was. Some people! Reddit user: HuggingTheJellyFish
The Reenactment

My crazy maternal grandmother showed up to my sister’s funeral dressed in a black catsuit with a red belt and matching red stripper pumps. Her hair was white and she wore it like Bram Stoker’s Dracula. She sauntered down the aisle, looked at my (dead) sister and said it was her own fault for being so fat.
She then proceeded to flirt and chit chat about gall stones with the men in my father’s family. I wish she hadn’t bothered making an appearance. Reddit user: Domesticated Glamazon
A Burial And An Arrest

I attended a funeral in my hometown for a wheelchair-bound man whose brother had hurt him; he eventually died. Their sister was an employee of mine, so I felt that attending was lending my support. After a brief eulogy was given for the man, a family member said that the man’s nieces were going to do a skit…
Two girls, about 9 or 10 years of age, got up and reenacted the murder, complete with the violent acts while one flailed in a chair. It was horrifying and beyond inappropriate. I have never been so speechless in my life. Reddit user: doocurly
A Death At A Funeral

My cousin ended his life and his dad couldn’t come because he was on the run and knew the police would be watching. After the service, some vehicles came roaring up. Several US Marshals jumped out and pointed weapons at all of us. They tackled my other uncle to the ground, mistaking him for his brother and a huge riot broke out.
They threw my uncle, who is disabled, into a minivan and drove away. We buried my cousin and spent the rest of the day trying to find out where they had taken him. They released him a few hours later with an insincere apology. Reddit user: Youdontevenknow1
Finally the Favorite

I was at a funeral in Ohio, when one of the attendees who had a problem with drinking too much showed up a little inebriated. Everyone expected it, and he paid his respects than sat down in a comfy chair and proceeded to fall asleep. Everyone just ignored him until the end of the session…
His wife went to wake him up and he just slumped over and hit the floor…hard. Apparently, he had a heart attack and was dead for at least an hour. It’s kind of sad dying at your own father’s funeral. Reddit user: MadLintElf
For the Ducks

The joke my uncle made at my dad’s funeral was called, by quite a few people, extremely inappropriate. He walked in to make a speech and the first thing that he said was, “Well, I’ve waited fifty-two years to say this, but I am now the number one son!”
It was horrible, yet one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard at a funeral. While some people, like me, found it ridiculously hilarious, most people’s mouths dropped open. It was the absolute best part of my dad’s funeral. Reddit user: Animosus5
One Last Message

My uncle lived by himself; my dad was the only person who would visit him. Eventually, he started letting other people pay him to live on his land; he loved it there and wanted to be cremated and have his ashes thrown into the pond. So, when he died, my family and his tenants gathered for the funeral by the pond…
My dad reached in and grabbed a handful of Uncle Joe and threw him into the pond. Other attendees followed suit. And then, everyone stopped and watched in horror as the ducks descended upon the pond and proceeded to feast upon the cremated remains of Uncle Joe. Reddit user: TheOpus
An Attempted Robbery

After an open casket viewing, a man came in saying he wanted to pay his respects privately. No big deal, that was fairly common. We led him into the viewing room, opened up the casket and told him to take his time. A couple of minutes later we’re sitting in the office and hear a really loud popping sound, followed by running and the door slamming.
We ran into the viewing room and the deceased’s mouth was hanging open and the skin was odd-looking. The best we can figure is that he punched the guy and took off. Reddit user: Gingervitus455
Funeral Flowers for A Wedding

Separated parents are mourning the loss of their toddler at the visitation before the funeral. The mom is grieving unlike any mother I’ve seen, almost to the point that it seems fake. She proceeds to pick up the child and hide him in her coat and walks out the door while no one is looking…
The funeral director realized there was an empty casket and finds the mom running to her car where he stops her and grabs the kid. We find out 2 months later that the mother and her new boyfriend were responsible for the death; the biological father had no idea. Reddit
A Family’s Superpower

At one service my mom was at, the wife of this older gentleman had passed away. He showed up at the funeral with his new girlfriend, who was much younger and was wearing a very busty outfit. When the husband would begin to cry, the girlfriend would bring him into her chest to comfort him while stroking his hair…
Shortly thereafter, the husband asked one of the funeral directors about the flowers from the funeral. He wanted to know if he could take them with him for the wedding he was having that weekend with his new fiancé. Yep. He sure was a classy man. Reddit user: vibree
A Mistress’s Confession

My family’s superpower is getting arrested at funerals. At my great-grandmother’s, my grandma threw herself onto the casket. Her sister then ran to her, screaming, “EVERYONE KNOWS SHE HATED YOU!” They knocked the casket over and my aunt was arrested…
At my uncle’s funeral, his mistress showed up and proceeded to get into a fistfight with my aunt (his wife) about who should be at the funeral. It ended up with the mistress and her family in the room with the casket (since they paid for it) and the rest of us in a different room, having to listen over the speakers. Reddit user: teachforgold
Paying the Priest

At my friend’s uncle’s funeral, the pastor asked if anyone would like to say a few words before the service was over. A few family members went up and said some kind words and then some woman no one knew got up and went to the podium. She started talking about how nice of a man my friend’s uncle was…
And how she enjoyed working for him (she was his cleaning lady). Then she started breaking down and saying how they were planning on eloping and she loved him. His wife was stunned. Reddit user: thesublieutenant
Taking the Stairs

My friend took his life and there is no way that orthodox priests would hold a requiem for him because it’s against church beliefs. We are at the funeral, there’s dead silence; the priest is nearby and comes to the brother of the deceased friend and says, “there will be no requiem for suicide deaths, but if you can pay up, maybe we can work something out.”
“Sure priest, come right behind this small chapel to give it to you.”And he and his two brothers beat the crap out of the priest, face swollen, the man was moaning, everything. The priest comes back and holds requiem. For free. Reddit user: operativac
Free the Butterflies

About 5 or 6 years ago, my cousin took his life by jumping off the balcony of his apartment. Nobody knew why. He seemed to have a great life going for him. He was a genius, had his PhD by 22 and was teaching at a university. He never gave anyone the slightest idea that he was battling this…
His dad, ever known as the family funny-man, gets up to the podium to deliver his eulogy and opens with, “My son was a special kid. Not like other boys. Other boys would have just taken the stairs.” Cue the most venomously awkward silence in family history. Reddit user: Iamthewarthog
Putting A Smile On His Face

My roommate’s aunt had a child who died, so he and his wife attended the funeral. The parents (his aunt and her husband) planned to release a bunch of butterflies from a box as a spiritual symbol of sorts, but forgot to poke holes in the box prior to the funeral…
And so, the butterflies sat in a box for hours with no air. There was absolute shocked silence as the parents dumped a box of dead butterflies on the floor, and my roommate had to leave the church to prevent himself from being seen crying from laughing so hard. Reddit user: tostadatostada
He Might Come Back

My own kids did this. They’re boys, aged 10 and 8. At their great-grandfather’s wake, they got a chair and moved it to the casket and started making his mouth into a smiley face, laughing the whole time. When me and their grandfather saw it, I immediately pulled them away and told them they shouldn’t do that…
Their grandpa laughed and said, “it’s fine, he would have really loved that they did that.” We later found out that the great grandfather had asked the funeral home ahead of time to put a sign in his hand that said “thanks for coming” but they refused! Reddit user: Cobra1190

My grandfather had a serious and severe love of drinking (sometimes at the expense of his own family), and my family made it no secret that he was a thorough idiot most of the time. His brother was speaking by the casket and joked that maybe we should bury him with a half bottle of his favorite drink to piss him off…
My dad yelled, “No! He might come back from the fiery pits of Hell for it!” A few people looked horrified, and at first, I thought my grandma started sobbing. But she was laughing so hard she had to excuse herself. Reddit user: Stev247
A Priest’s Advice

It was a funeral for an uncle and the church is very full and incredibly hot. Just as the priest is getting to the end, a man near the back faints. Now, this guy was very tall and rather broad and was also really difficult to carry outside to get some air.
Somebody suggested that the pallbearers carry him, since they’ve practiced it. They pick him up and start carrying him towards the door, as they would a casket. Suddenly, the guy wakes up, grasps what’s going on and immediately starts yelling “I’M ALIVE! I’M ALIVE! I’M ALIVEEEEEE!” Reddit: ioannas
The Insurance Check

At my mother’s memorial service, my dad had several members of his church come up and speak. My mom was not a member of this church, and in fact, she was agnostic. We let him do it anyway, as I felt it comforted him. Anyway, one of the guys proceeded to tell us that we were all going to burn in hell if we didn’t repent, just like my mom…
My mom would have found it hilarious that someone would say something about her going to hell. She would have the perfect comeback. That was who she was, a sarcastic, funny, silly, loving lady. Reddit user: iamdubioustoo
The Audacity!

My cousin walked into his dad’s funeral yelling for the insurance check; the dad’s sibling received the burial insurance check and arranged the funeral, but the son wanted the check for himself. We took him outside to calm him down, but he then proceeded to be the biggest drama queen- kept talking about taking his life because his dad was gone…
His dad actually had another insurance policy, which the son ended up getting. He blew through $20k in 2 months, and now borrows money from my family. Reddit user: Soso91
Jazz Hands

My father showed up 20 years after swearing he’d never see us again, at my grandfather’s funeral. He then asked me to step into the hall during a prayer, where he asked the funeral director to have me physically removed from the property. The family had no idea this had happened until after, at which point, everyone left the church in utter disgust.
While they did their best to console me, my father took advantage of the lack of people around my grandmother, and tried to talk her into moving into a home and to sign the family properties into his name. She broke her hand hitting him. Literally broke her hand. Reddit user: ElitistRobot
An Accident At the Procession

I technically did not see this occur (it was before I was born) but it is a frequently retold story, as an example of what a raging attention seeker my mom is. She knew she would be coming to the funeral late from work, but rather than slip into the back quietly, she came in from the side, crept up behind the casket, and popped out in a rather inappropriate red dress…
At the pivotal moment (just before she popped out), my dad and aunt, regardless of who is telling the story, always, always, do jazz hands. The entire thing is ridiculous to me. Reddit user: howsthatwork
A Tale of Two Juggalos

At my grandfather’s funeral a few years ago, a woman was trying to cross through our funeral procession at a red light, which is quite illegal here. A cop was coming up to block the next red light, and was going through the intersection as she stepped out into the street right in front of his car…
The policeman hit the woman and her friend so hard that they both flew up and over his car. I was about four cars back from the hearse and my brother, parents, and almost everyone else saw it. Reddit user: kavien
The Sound Clash

My childhood best friend died earlier this year. We lost touch in our teens, and he apparently changed a lot in the intervening 15-20 years. He got into a lot of bad habits and eventually wound up choking to death on his own vomit as his friends watched…
The funeral home did a slideshow of photos of him. Every single photo showed him getting into trouble, doing something illegal or wearing juggalo makeup. When his mom gave his eulogy, she proclaimed herself a juggalo in his honor. Reddit user: ElectricCharlie
The Ex

I was once at the funeral of a priest. He was so well-liked in the church, that not only were there dozens of other priests, but something like two or three bishops. More than half of the people in attendance even had to stand outside of the church just to listen to the whole ceremony on a speaker.
What made this all challenging? It was kind of hard to hear when the neighbor played anti-church and anti-god songs just as loudly. The neighbor actually got up at around 8 a.m. on a Sunday, just so he could mess with people. Reddit user: DefinetlyNotAPriest
Spending the Inheritance

My cousin was 27 years old when he died in a single-car crash. At his funeral, all of his siblings and parents sat on the front row at his graveside service. Then, lo and behold, my cousin’s ex-girlfriend of over a year showed up and immediately inserted herself into the front row next to his sisters and proceeds to scream cry periodically throughout the service.
All of the family just gave her awkward stares, with no one wanting to address her inappropriate behavior. I had never seen that type of attention-demanding drama queen antics before or since. Reddit user: she_linden_tree
A Proposal At A Funeral

A couple I knew, received word to rush to the side of the husband’s father as his death was imminent. So they do, but not before stopping at the BMW dealership to order a new car. Just after the funeral, the husband was publicly berating his mother about how he needed the money as the car was being delivered.
The entire time, his wife was egging him on to get the money. He finally told his mother that she had to write a check to cover the costs and that it is her fault he was in this position. This all occurred within 20 minutes of her having to bury her husband of more than 50 years. Reddit user: Attercrop
Getting It On At the Wake

My husband’s uncle had a few strokes that left him mentally equivalent to a toddler, and fragile when emotions were involved. When my husband’s grandma died, everyone came to the funeral, including this uncle, along with his daughter, who was fresh out of rehab. Then her new rehab boyfriend came in, acting like it was Christmas, and not a funeral.
He went up to her dad, who is literally crying like a baby and says, “Hi, I’m Eddie. I’d like your permission to marry your daughter.” Bewildered, the poor guy says “ugh, ok”, and then goes back to crying. The happy couple then goes around announcing their engagement. Can’t make this stuff up. Reddit user: Mrs_Milkman
All About Dee

About two hours into the wake, a man and woman show up; acquaintances of the widower. They walk around the house a bit, grab a drink and then disappear. I was asked to get some drinks from the garage, so I did. There was the young couple, leaning against a car and engaging in some pretty vigorous intimate relations…
Another family member who was standing in the kitchen saw what I saw. I backed out of the garage, while my relative told the widower what we’d seen. The next thing I know, the widower is telling these two people in no uncertain terms that they needed to leave. Reddit user: widsid19
Piecing Him Back Together

At the lunch after my grandpa’s funeral, his daughter “Dee,” who no one had seen in years, showed up. Dee had been writing bad checks all the way to the state prison and had definitely had some unresolved beef with my family. The last time my mom saw her was when she was 16 and Dee left her infant daughter for my mom to babysit, and never came back…
At the funeral, Dee was acting like it was a reunion, but no one was having it since she screwed them all. My grandpa’s last girlfriend, a legally blind woman, tried to physically fight her until others stepped in. Reddit user: PlebCityBaby
The Birthday Funeral

When I was a freshman in high school, one of my friends was decapitated in a car accident. For some reason, his mom decided to have an open-casket funeral against the advice of the funeral director. It didn’t even look like him and it was pretty traumatic…
You could tell they basically pieced his head/face back together and caked makeup all over it. His mom was so heartbroken and upset that she got in the casket; the pallbearers had to remove her to shut the casket and carry him to the hearse. Reddit
The Tall Pallbearer

About two weeks ago, my grandpa’s funeral was taking place and it happened to be on the day of my birthday. I wasn’t too bitter about the date arrangement. That is until my aunt announced in the middle of the funeral that we should all sing happy birthday to me…
So to list it all out: dead grandpa in the room, everybody standing around teary-eyed, funeral choir song just finished, and now everybody is being led by my crazy aunt in the most confused and out of place rendition of “happy birthday” ever sung. Reddit user: FadeCrimson
Hey Daaaaarlings!

While visiting my grandparents, one of their friends passed away. They were having trouble finding pallbearers, so they asked my father, who was 6 ft 2 and had to borrow a suit that was too short for him, for the occasion. There he was, a head over all of the other pallbearers getting ready to pick up the casket…
Since he was so much taller, the corpse rolled over and made a noise as everyone lifted since my dad’s side was higher. The funeral director opened the lid of the casket, shifted the corpse back over and said, “don’t worry folks, he’s still dead.” Reddit user: Parrot _Face_21
Grabbing It Straight from the Casket

A narcissistic family member arrived late (after everyone else was at the graveside for the burial, and probably lurking behind a tomb to pick the perfect time after the priest had just started talking), wearing an enormous hat and sunglasses and low cut gown like she was attending the Golden Globes red carpet or something…
She proceeded to begin loudly making an absolute scene of how devastated she was, daaaaaarlings and just generally making it all about her at someone else’s funeral. Reddit
A Bed Opened Up

When my dad’s mom passed away, there were a lot of people there; he comes from a family of 11, (10 now, as his sister passed away a while ago), so there were a lot of nieces, nephews and cousins. It was an open casket, I was around 12-13, but everyone was grabbing things from her/off her from the casket.
All the aunts grabbed things for their kids who didn’t even know her. The ONLY thing my dad has a keepsake of his mother’s is a little rose pin that she wore in the home she was in before she passed. It’s unfortunate and makes me feel very sad for my dad. Reddit user: ClydesyWide
Heaven and Hell

My grandma never woke up after being admitted to the hospital, and wasn’t dying fast enough for the hospital’s liking, so they sent her home. My family gathered at her house paying respects and four hours later, she passed. My sister’s room had been given to my grandma because of the hospital bed, and she was sobbing that she didn’t have anywhere to sleep.
Our mother said, “well a bed just opened up.” After moments of silence, a roar of laughter rang throughout the house. I still think about that night, but in my memory, I hear my grandma laughing with us which is odd because she was dead. Reddit user: simplyrick
Congrats At A Funeral

A friend of mine died when he was 17. At the funeral, many classmates showed up. There were two pastors; the first gave a heartfelt service since he knew everyone in town. The other was from a new-ish church in town, and spent 15 minutes ranting about evil teenagers and, “I saw it written on one of your cars that he’s your guardian angel as I was walking in…
Well, you’re wrong! When you die, you go to Heaven or Hell, and the way the youth in this town live, I’ll be surprised if I ever encounter him again in this life or the next.” Reddit user: PTech_J
Letting It Hang Out

At my grandfather’s funeral, a friend of my mother’s came over to her, hugged her and said, “Congratulations! Congratulations! I am so happy for you” in a very, very sad voice. This friend fell from his balcony a few months earlier and didn’t recover completely (or properly), so he always mixed up words or expressions…
We didn’t think it was possible, especially because of the occasion, but we laughed so much that moment, leaving this poor soul confused about our amusement. Reddit user: Milkncookie
A Grave Digger’s Tales

I grew up in a family that worked for funeral homes, doing the setups at the cemetery. I’ve seen fistfights, fainting, preachers falling in graves, you name it. At one funeral, the family gathered around, and as the preacher started talking, one man who must have had a few drinks turned and calmly whipped out his large privates and started peeing…
It was a long one that involved swaying and bumping the two large women he was standing between for support. No one batted an eye as he zipped up and turned back around. My brother and I were laughing our asses off. Reddit user: randye
A Series of Deaths

I work as a gravedigger and have seen a few good ones. At a military funeral for an elderly man, the widow was walking down a hill, slipped and rolled down the rest of the way. This was before taps was just a recording and the trumpet player was laughing too hard to continue playing…
Another time at a funeral, as they were walking the casket to the grave the bottom fell out of the casket and dropped the deceased on the ground. That one was actually pretty bad. I can’t imagine how I would have felt if that was a family member of mine. Reddit user: farmertom
He Wanted A Volvo

Years ago, my family had gone through a series of funerals over a few months- grandfather, grand aunt, grand uncle- so we got to know the funeral directors fairly well. One day, and a few months after the last funeral, my father was driving us along a country road in Ireland when the hearse of the funeral director came the other way.
Without thinking, my father gave a big smile and wave to the hearse and the procession behind were looking at us thinking what the hell is this guy waving and smiling at a funeral for. Reddit user: Sami295
Poo Poopy Doo

In the crematorium for my grandad’s (Will) funeral, my uncle was holding my 18-month-old cousin who was asleep. The priest was saying the final words, when suddenly, the kid started proper snoring. Me and my other cousins start sniggering- so does my uncle and a few others…
Then, when we get outside, my dad pointed at the hearse and says, “Will always wanted a Volvo!” Everyone around laughed and the whole mood lifted. Then we went back to my aunt’s house and let off some fireworks and it was just nice and peaceful. Humans are strange, but also awesome. Reddit user: sparkyfrodo
A Fun Remembrance

This is not super inappropriate, but my grandfather was always a trickster. He had a great sense of humor. He had this little song he would sing to me, my siblings, and my little cousins where he would just repeat the words “poo poopy doo” over and over…
At his funeral, my aunt was telling stories about him and in the middle of her telling a story, my 6-year-old cousin screamed “POO POOPY DOO” in front of 50 people. Needless to say, it lightened the mood a little bit and made everyone a little happier remembering him in a good way. Reddit user: poopydoopy

My dad put together his mom’s funeral. A lot of us had been really close to her; my cousin and I especially (we’re her oldest two grandkids, 6 months apart). It was a big celebration of her life and we all wore purple instead of black or dark colors (which seemed to life everyone’s spirits a bit).
My dad had the star trek theme playing as people arrived (she was a serious trekkie), we all shared stories, her carvings and paintings were on display near the casket, and by the end I remember a lot of us standing around laughing, even if we had red puffy eyes. Reddit user: VotreEsUne Chaussure