Is Living In LA Really All It’s Cracked Up To Be?

LA Is More Than Just Celebrities And Entertainment

So… you’ve fantasized about moving to Los Angeles since you were little. You’ve watched the movies and TV shows all set in LA, seen the commercials depicting LA as the land of beautiful people, and have always had this curiosity to learn more about this seemingly incredible paradise.

From employment to traffic to weather, there’s more to LA than just the entertainment industry. So before you let your imagination run amok any longer, it might be time to know the truth about LA, both good and bad, so you can understand a bit more about the magical, exhilarating, lonely, depressing, and certainly unique city that is La La Land.

You Don’t Have To Give Up The Great Outdoors

When people think of LA, they tend to think of celebs, Hollywood, and the entertainment industry. If that’s not your jam, fear not! There is so much more to Los Angeles than the celebrity scene. The tech industry is big, as are tourism and hospitality, among many others.

At the same time, if you’re hoping to start a career in entertainment, the connections here are unreal. If that’s important to you, you won’t be disappointed.

The People In LA Tend To Run Late

The stereotypical image of LA is one of towering, modern buildings, a bit of smog, and huge lines of traffic. Not much room for trees and the great outdoors. Thankfully, it turns out that this is a myth! Los Angeles is home to some amazing scenic views.

A lot of people enjoy the area for its numerous hiking trails, parks, and other lush and green areas. You don’t have to give up on your love of Mother Nature to live in LA.

Health And Wellness Is Big In LA

If you’re a punctual person, living in LA could drive you absolutely insane. It’s the traffic, it’s the huge city sprawl, it’s…well, it’s just part of the culture that people run late. A lot. If you find it irritating when people show up late, apologize for it, and then show up late just the same next time, Los Angelenos may wear you down quickly.

It’s not entirely their fault, though; a lot of the problem just comes from the way LA is set up. But you probably already know about the traffic reputation the city bears.

The Neighborhood You Choose Matters

You certainly don’t have to be a health guru to move to Los Angeles, but expect that the city reflects a positive attitude toward wellness. From juice bars and tons of dining catering to specific dietary wants and needs like keto, paleo, and others, you may just find it easier than ever to adapt your own lifestyle in a healthier way.

If that appeals to you, LA might just be calling your name. If wellness isn’t your thing, the city is huge; you won’t be forced to take on a lifestyle you don’t want to.

The Traffic Is Even More Insane Than You Think

Los Angeles is huge; like, bigger than you think it is. If you want to move near a friend and think that a 15-minute drive isn’t a big deal, you may be shocked to find that it really is. Don’t underestimate the value of living in a place where walking can get you where you want to go whenever possible.

Why does it matter so much? So you don’t lose that more-valuable-than-gold parking space. Some neighborhoods might be cheaper…but there may also be a not so savory reason for that.

There Is No Majority Population

Los Angeles is famous for its bad traffic, but even the stereotypes don’t do it justice. As mentioned before, a 15-minute drive to your friend could easily turn into 45 or more, and that’s without finding parking, which could leave you walking for quite a ways, as you need to take basically the first spot you find.

Many people commute for an hour or more each way to work, and crazy traffic patters and slowdowns are a daily part of life. If you can’t handle a few traffic woes, LA might not be the best choice for you.

You Have A Million Food Choices

Diversity is the spice of life, and that makes LA pretty spicy. There are so many different ethnic groups within Los Angeles that the city does not boast a majority population, which means you’ll be making friends from multicultural perspectives on the daily.

This also means a great selection of foreign food and products and little subsections of towns that sport the character of their ethnic background.

Finding A Job Can Be Extra Tough

Partly because of the ethnic diversity, partly because of the huge area the city takes up, and partly because entrepreneurs are encouraged in LA, you’ll find no shortage of food options. If you’re the type who loves to try a new thing every day, you won’t be disappointed by the variety offered by the Angelenos.

Except for California Pizza Kitchen. That place isn’t real California pizza, and everyone who lives here agrees. Don’t bother.

It’s Sunny, But It’s Dry

They say it’s who you know, and “they” are right; despite the vast array of business in Los Angeles and the entrepreneurial spirit, it can be ridiculously tough to find a job unless you’re already in the city. And even then, competition runs very high.

Because the area is home to powerhouse industries like entertainment, tech, and tourism, finding out where you can fit in can be challenging. Thankfully, because of the city’s appetite for variety, you’re likely to be able to find a few companies that do what you do…even if it’s super obscure.

It’s THE Spot For Art And History Lovers

Millions of people answer the clarion call of clear skies and sunny days each year and take a vacation to LA. If that’s part of what draws you in, you probably won’t be disappointed. Still, it’s important to know that while LA boasts more than 250 sunny days per year on average, those days are dry.

LA is in a desert basin, and rain is brief (when it comes at all). If that dry heat just makes your skin crawl, LA might not be the right place for you.

You Might Get Side-Eyed If You Dress Fancy

LA is a font of art and history knowledge, with over 100 museums contained inside. If your idea of a great time is strolling through the exhibits of an institute of learning, then LA has got you covered. This also means that the city attracts these types.

If you find art lovers snobby, know that they’ll be around almost every corner. There’s a museum for almost anything; go check out the ones that interest you the most!

Living Options Get Snatched Up Fast

In Los Angeles, business casual truly means business casual. The overall attitude of the city is one of laid-back relaxation, so people tend to dress down for comfort rather than style. That’s not to say that designer clothes are not a big hit; if they appeal to you, you’ve got plenty of places to shop.

But if your boss calls for business casual and you don’t feel comfortable in anything less than a crisp pair of ironed pants and a suit jacket, you may just get a bit of side eye from your coworkers.

People Love Sports In LA

Alongside the challenge of finding a job in LA is the equally difficult prospect of finding a place to live. Apartments can get snatched up the very same day they become available, and housing is expensive in general. If you don’t mind sharing a place with some roommates, you’ll have an easier time finding accommodations.

Many people recommend finding a job first and then looking at your living options in the areas near your workplace.

LA Is Home To The Well-Educated

The Lakers. The Dodgers. The Kings. The Chargers. These are just a few of the many sports teams that call Los Angeles home. Angelenos can get pretty fired up about their sports; on the one hand, that’s part of what makes LA an energetic place to live.

On the other hand, you may find yourself at a bit of a disconnect with all your friends if you’re not too much into sports. Thankfully, thanks to the plethora of teams available, you can probably find a team in the sport you like or can at least convince yourself to root for.

Smog Might Bring Down Your Day

Whether you’re going to school in the area yourself or simply want to be around the highly educated crowd, LA is the place to be. From Pomona to California Institute of Tech and the University of Southern Cali, Los Angeles boasts some of the top-rated schools in the nation.

That means that many areas of LA are populated by the hip young crowd who are their to get their degrees from some of the best schools on offer.

You Definitely Need A Car

Los Angeles used to have a massive problem with air pollution. Thankfully, that issue has improved dramatically since the ’70s. Still, you may want to steer clear of LA if you have problems handling smog, as the city has its fair share of moderate air quality days.

Thanks to the city’s modern and progressive attitude, though, this issue is only likely to continue to improve over time. So don’t let it bother you too much.

There Are Always Fun Events Going On

Los Angeles as a city is absolutely sprawling. It can take nearly an hour to go from the south side of the city to the north, and that’s not accounting for whatever frustrating traffic patterns are happening that day. Because housing is so hard to come by, you’re unlikely to nab a spot even remotely close to a train station.

Even getting to said train station requires a car (or some very aggressive biking). The sheer size of LA means you’re not getting far without a motor vehicle.

Angelenos Love Their Mexican Food And Culture

Los Angeles boasts a huge number of events each year. From celebrity concerts to the Tough Mudder and the Rose Bowl, you’ll be hard-pressed to go more than a month without finding an event you really want to go to, and that’s even if you consider yourself picky when it comes to events.

Even in the winter, LA features a slew of events and fun functions that draw crowds from across the country. If you love having things to do, Los Angeles is probably a great city for you to try on for size.

Food Delivery Just Doesn’t Really Work

Because of the diverse nature of the city and its proximity to the Mexican border, Los Angeles is home to a huge variety of super tasty and authentic Mexican food. Don’t pass up the food carts; they may just be some of the best places to get your taco on!

If Mexican food isn’t your thing, other cities in the US might be more to your liking. Those who never get tired of burritos will feel right at home in this massive city.

The Crosswalk Is Not Optional

We’ve all been there: you’re tired after a long day (maybe you sat for an hour or more in the LA traffic!) and you just don’t feel like cooking. Or dealing with people. So you hop on GrubHub or DoorDash and order something from your favorite food spot.

In LA, the traffic, huge area, and generalized chaos of parking make food delivery options just…bad. If they work at all. Your food will probably be cold, and you’ll likely have to wait a long time, if the delivery driver is even willing to make the trip.

You Should Be Willing To Pay Ubers Often

You can thank the traffic patterns in LA for the city’s strict adherence to crosswalks and signals. If you’re the type who’s too impatient to walk all the way down to the corner, know that jaywalkers are often (as in “more often than not”) ticketed, sometimes to the tune of up to $200.

If having to navigate busy streets this way stresses you out, you may want to pass up living in the bustling and street-heavy city of LA.

Alcohol Is Super Available

It’s been said before, and now it’s being said again: parking in LA is as close as you’re ever going to get to living in a nightmare. That means that the easiest way to get around for anything other than work is probably an Uber who can just swing by the curb, pick you up, and drive off.

If you’re not willing to shell out the cash for your favorite Uber driver (after enough time in LA, you’ll probably have one), you might not want to move here.

LA Loves Dogs

Yes, you can totally grab a bottle of whiskey while you’re running through the checkout with your dish soap and a pint of ice cream. Alcohol is widely available throughout Los Angeles, so if you’re the type who enjoys a nice adult beverage from time to time, you’ll find that you have more options than you know what to do with.

That also means that those who don’t drink may see their choices limited when eating out with friends. Places assume that people are up for a drink.

Local Produce Is To Die For

If you’re worried that you’ll have a hard time helping your furry friend fit into the bustling metropolis of Los Angeles, worry not! Dogs are a common and beloved part of the city’s culture, and you can find everything from doggy boutiques to dog-friendly (or even dog-only!) beaches around the city.

Dog parks are common, and you’re likely to make quite a few friends as soon as you head out the door with your four-legged companion.

And So Is The Wine

Something about the climate makes for some insanely tasty local products in LA. It’s very common for Angelenos to hit up a farmers market or two to buy some of the freshest and tastiest produce in the state. Thanks to the entrepreneurial culture of Los Angeles, locals find it easier to start up fruit stands and the like.

Because of this, you may find smoothie bars and local fare prepared with these same delicious ingredients. It’s a killer perk of living in the city.

Traffic Tickets Are Given Out Like Candy

Remember how the local produce is to die for? That includes grapes. It must be the sun, because the grapes that go into LA wine have a special something about them that produces some of the most recognizable and delicious wine in the US. Some of the most famous names come from this area.

People who love a good tasting or enjoy venturing out to wineries to relax will be right at home among the other Angelenos doing exactly the same. Not to mention that you’ll find tasty wines throughout the city’s dining scene.

Parking Is Complicated

It’s not just jaywalking that is constantly monitored by the authorities in LA (though that’s certainly a common ticket). Feel like maybe you can just roll through that red light because nobody’s coming? Think again. Los Angeles employs a huge network of cameras that enable ticketing for even the most “minor” of traffic infractions.

If you plan to move to Los Angeles, it’s smart to be on your best behavior while on the road. After all, you probably don’t have more time to wait on getting a ticket after you’ve been in traffic so long already.

Nightlife Really Does End At 2 AM

You can park on yellow lines at 6 but not at 10, and the green and white lines are only for every other day, unless you’re in this neighborhood…. Parking in Los Angeles is not for the faint of heart. Street sweepers take their jobs seriously, and if you’re parked where you shouldn’t be, you will definitely come back to see your car with a shiny new ticket under the wiper.

Match that with the traffic density and even if you do know where to park, finding a space can be a real challenge. Be ready or lose.

The Diversity Is Awesome

Visitors to LA tend to hop right into a club and order some drinks at 1:30, assuming that the staff will slowly start to prod people into going home at 2. Not so! When an LA establishment sets a closing time, you’re out. No dawdling. No leisurely hanging around for a bit until the barkeep gently shoos you out.

For some, the thought of packing it in at 2am is a bit of a disappointment, and they might find themselves more satisfied in another big city with longer hours to stay out and have fun with friends.

Medical Marijuana Is Allowed And Easy To Get

Whether it’s the food or the people that you love in a multicultural environment, Los Angeles has you covered. Its proximity to the southern border of the US opens the city up to a wide range of Latin American influences, but the tech and entertainment businesses draw people from around the globe.

If you’re trying to find a job with a global focus, there aren’t many better cities than Los Angeles. Many people love LA for its diversity.

You’ll Probably Be Invited To Dinner Parties

If you rely on the use medical marijuana to treat a condition or relieve symptoms, it can be challenging to find a great place to live that also allows for this. The good news is that medical marijuana is completely legal in Los Angeles, and on top of that, it’s not hard to find.

The city supports the use of the product, so if this is an important aspect to you, you’ll feel right at home in LA.

Some Neighborhoods Can Get Really Sketchy

You may be hard-pressed to find too many cities that include “hosting a dinner party” as a common aspect of living there, but in Los Angeles, it’s not unusual at all. Maybe it’s the parking and traffic issues, the huge size of the place, or just the more communal desire to spend time with friends at home, but Angelenos are big on inviting people over for a hearty meal in their homes.

And thanks to the large houses available in many suburbs, dinner parties are easy. And honestly, the parking isn’t so bad once you’re out of the city.

Who You Know Matters

It can be hard to find affordable housing in LA, so you may be tempted to jump at the lowest price you find. Be aware that some communities – for many, Venice comes to mind – may seem to have that old charm that you’re looking for…until nighttime.

While LA tends to be a city of friendly and laid back people, it’s important to remember that as with any big city, some areas are best avoided, especially when it gets dark.

Hipsters Are A Big Part Of The City

Because Los Angeles is focused so heavily on entertainment and tech among its many powerhouse industries, finding a job in these areas more often than not comes down to who you know rather than what you know. This also applies to some extent to mobility within the city.

If you’re coming to LA fresh-faced and without a contact in the world, it may be best to try to make some friends first. It will make the whole process much easier.

LA Has So Many Nice Beaches

Hipsters bring a ton of life to the LA scene with their fancy coffee and unique approach to life. While some people find this attitude snobbish, others view it as a great gateway to new experiences. Hipsters tend to cluster in LA, so if you’re into it, check out some of the areas like Echo Park.

These are locales where you can find businesses that cater to this crowd. Similarly, these areas are easy to avoid if they’re just not your thing.

The Seafood Is On-Point

Most people moving to LA have at least some fondness for the beach scene, and who can blame them? Los Angeles is full of beautiful beaches, from small, scenic areas to dog-friendly beaches and even gyms located on the sand. If a big draw for you is a vibrant beach community, LA has exactly what you need.

If you don’t care for beaches, you may actually save money in housing by living further away from them. Win win!

You Might Run Into Natural Disasters

Thanks to Los Angeles’ proximity to the ocean, you can expect that the seafood in the area is top-notch. And because of the diversity the city boasts, cuisine like sushi isn’t hard to come by – and it’s good sushi too. On the other hand, people who don’t really care for seafood might find it cropping up in restaurant menus.

Some people don’t want to see fish filling out a menu more often than it did in the places where they came from, so that’s definitely something to keep in mind before moving to LA.

LA Might Be Right For You

Some people aren’t bothered by the idea of an earthquake or a wildfire, but for others, its an absolute dealbreaker. While much of LA has been built and structured to withstand these climate events, it can certainly be a scary experience to be in town for an earthquake, fire, mudslide, or drought.

If these sorts of things give you the creeps, LA might not the best choice for you. However, rest assured that the city is as prepared as it can be for these eventualities.

LA has a ton of great things going for it, from diversity in culture and food to awesome free-time activities and weather. However, its notorious traffic and parking, as well as the possibility of earthquakes and other factors, can scare people away from moving to the city.

If you’re looking to move to LA, now you know the things to keep in mind as you make your decision. The city isn’t right for everyone, but those who make an informed choice before coming turn out the happiest!