Man Gets Revenge On Neighbors Who Keep Using His Pool

A Dream Come True

John had been longing for a paradise-style pool of his own. So after saving up some cash, he took the plunge and had one built for his family. He was stoked to finally enjoy some swimming with his loved ones and make the most out of the scorching summer season.

But it didn’t take long before he realized that his pool was the new favorite hotspot of the neighborhood. Everyone wanted to take a dip and things got pretty wild and out of hand.

The Neighbors’ Request

John and Anna Wilson had moved to a new house in the Old Sacramento neighborhood. It was pretty old and outdated, and was in dire need of some renovations – but the couple had plenty of ideas on how to make it stylish and livable.

But what they wanted most was a pool, so they started to save money to make it happen. After some time, they finally clocked enough dollars to get the project underway. It ended up being a lot more than just a hefty price tag, and the couple had to put in a ton of effort to make their pool dreams a reality.

John’s Rules

One morning, they were out in their yard catching some rays and noticed a bunch of heads peeping over the fence. It was their neighbor, Sharon, and her kids. Sharon had an interesting question for the Wilson couple.

She asked if her children and a few other neighborhood kids could use their new pool. Sharon was worried the kids might get into some trouble during their school break, so she thought it was better for them to swim in someone’s backyard. But John had some hesitations and wasn’t sure about opening up his home for the whole crew.

Rule Breaker

Though hesitant at first, John finally agreed after some thinking and convincing from Anna. But before anything, he wasn’t just gonna let them wreck the joint without laying down some ground rules to follow, so he gave them a rundown.

They were allowed on the pool to do as they please as long as there won’t any dogs involved. John was stickin’ to his guns on this one because the last thing he wanted was clawing on his brand-new pool lining. Anna and John were happy that the kids loved their pool, but were the kids actually going to keep their promises and play by the rules?

Dog In The Water

After the kids accepted John’s rules, the Wilsons went back inside and left them alone to have fun themselves. Almost every day, from inside their house, the couple could hear the kid’s laughter and the splashes of water as they played.

Until one day, they heard something else that made John rush over to the window. He looked out to confirm what he had just heard, and he was right – one of the kids had decided to break the only rule he gave them.

Time Of Their Lives

One of the kids had decided to sneak his very energetic Golden Retriever into Wilson’s backyard and pool. As John watched from the window, he could see the large dog jumping excitedly with its tail wagging before it threw itself into the water.

The other kids all looked thrilled as the dog suddenly joined them, but John wasn’t amused. All he could see was how its claws scratched up the pool liner as it played rough with the other kids. He had clearly stated there were to be no dogs allowed near his pool, and the fact that his only rule had been ignored made his blood boil.


Intending to give them a piece of his mind, John marched outside and made his way over to the pool where the kids were splashing around with the dog. Although he had already seen who brought it inside, he asked the kids who the dog belonged to.

One of the boys admitted that the furry swimmer was his family’s, and at the answer, John’s face grew stern. He reminded everyone about how dogs weren’t allowed in his pool, but they had broken it. He asked them to leave immediately, along with the dog, saying that they were gonna have to find a new place to spend their summer breaks because they were no longer welcome in his.

A Piece Of His Mind

John’s reaction was to be expected, but the kids hadn’t thought that he would actually kick them out. Though initially reluctant, one by one, they began to pull out of the water. The dog let out a disappointed whimper as its owner pulled it out before all of them sauntered out of Wilson’s yard. John watched as they left, feeling upset.

Then, his eyes inspected the pool lining, now ripped from the dog’s excited claws from earlier. This was exactly why he didn’t want any furry friends in the pool! Now, he had to pay for repairs, and he knew he couldn’t keep dealing with all this nonsense. He realized that he needed to find a solution so that his backyard paradise would remain for his and his family’s pleasure only.

Master Plan

John knew what he had to do to keep the peace. He and Anna didn’t have children of their own, so their loved having the neighborhood kids over, but they sure as heck weren’t gonna let all their hard-earned cash go down the drain.

The neighbors had been getting a bit too relaxed about the situation lately, and it was starting to take its toll. But John knew he couldn’t just let things play out. He was determined to nip this problem right in the bud, even if it meant ruffling a few feathers and causing some tension between him and the neighbors.

Bigger Barrier

John was determined to set his foot down. After a few calls, his plans were put in motion. Not long after his calls, a ginormous truck was parked and blocking up the whole street in front of John and Anna’s place.

From their houses and yards, the neighbors couldn’t help but take a look, wondering what was going on at number 25 Oak Lane. But, soon enough, John was gonna let everyone in on his master plan, and it was bound to turn some heads.

Ripple Effect

John decided to take matters into his own hands after thinking things over. He knew what he had to do to protect his property, and that meant making a bigger fence, something his neighbors could not climb up to keep the neighborhood kids from venturing in.

To make it absolutely clear, he installed a big sign that read, “Private pool, no trespassing.” Once they read it, everyone was sure to get the hint: keep out! He knew that his neighbors wouldn’t be the least bit thrilled about this new development, but he was dead-set on safeguarding all his hard work and investment.


John’s big decision to make a change by fencing off his pool certainly caused a ripple around the neighborhood. The kids and some parents were really outraged, and it wasn’t long before the whole block was talking about it.

Naturally, some of John’s neighbors took issue with his decision and approached him with some not-so-pleasant confrontations. They accused him of being unfair and harsh and saw him as nothing more than a big ol’ grump. But despite all the heat he was getting, John didn’t budge. He was confident in his choice, knowing that it was going to help keep his family’s slice of paradise intact and free from any unwanted damages.

Trust Your Hunch

As time went by, John’s neighbors began to comprehend and respect his new boundaries. They saw that John wasn’t just being unreasonable, but he had good reasons to put up that darn fence.

Eventually, some of the kids and their folks came around and even apologized for not following John’s only rule. They realized how fortunate they were to have access to his pool and expressed gratitude for being able to use it before. They humbly promised to behave better moving forward and stay out of any trouble so they could continue to enjoy a refreshing dip on a hot summer day.

Careless Trespassers

Despite their humbled approach, John still needed time to think about it. He had a hunch that things weren’t just going to stop there, but he hadn’t had much time to think about it as he needed to leave town for a couple of days.

In the meantime, his neighbors and their kids were still to keep their distance from his pool. Unfortunately, John’s hunch was right. That scratch on the pool lining was definitely the beginning of some major trouble, and he was going to know of this after returning home.

Leaving Marks

While he was away, John was completely unaware of what was going on in his house. It seemed the neighbors weren’t exactly as innocent and repentant as they tried to appear when they talked to John last time.

During his absence, his neighbors would take this perfect time to take advantage of the moment and sneak into Wilson’s yard. They made sure to keep one eye on John’s car, and the minute it was out of view, they would break in. At first, they were really careful and sly, not wanting to get caught red-handed, but they were too careless when they left.

John’s Plan B

After returning home on Sunday night, John felt that something seemed definitely off. Sure enough, the edge of the pool was all wet like someone had been running and playing around here just moments before.

John was totally confused; it seemed like somebody had definitely used his pool! The next morning, things only got worse. John grew even more furious when he saw that there was yet another scratch in his precious pool. The exact same spot too! He could tell it was a dog again, making trouble and destroying all of John’s hard work – the same dog he had just seen earlier shaking off its wet fur in the neighbor’s open yard!

Plan B In Motion

Seeing the damage and thinking of the costly bill he’d likely have to shell out to fix it, John was now beyond furious. He thought that he and the kids came to some understanding before, but it was pretty clear that they just weren’t going to learn. The kids showed no respect for his pool at all, and it was driving him insane!

It was clear that it was time for John to make some drastic measures. His neighbors might not approve of his plans, but he didn’t care. John had reached his breaking point and knew that he had to find a way to get revenge or at least make sure it couldn’t happen again.

First Step

John had to face the facts: there was no easy way to make this work. He felt like an idiot for even thinking the neighborhood kids could keep his pool safe without damaging it. It was clear to him that he was going to have to be the bad guy in all of this, but he didn’t care one bit.

That huge scratch was what did it for John. He knew he had to put a stop to this nonsense for good, otherwise, things would just keep escalating and getting worse. It had become crystal clear to him.

Work To Be Done

John wasted no time in confronting his neighbor, Sharon. But just as he expected, she denied everything and played innocent. But what she didn’t know was that he was already one step ahead of her. John had this in the bag, but he knew there was simply no nice way of going about it with her. In the end, he would have to be super harsh to win this battle. But he wasn’t worried. It was already all coming together.

After her denial, John knew exactly what he had to do next. He had come up with a plan that was bound to give her just enough rope to hang herself with. If she took this bait, it would be the sweetest revenge he’d ever experienced, and it was time to get the ball rolling. He just needed to get in touch with a few folks…

Nosy Neighbors

After John got back home, he got down to business and made some calls to kick his plan into high gear. And soon enough, a truck was parked again right outside John and Anna’s place, and delivered multiple boxes to the Wilson couple. It was definitely going to be the talk of the neighborhood, but it wasn’t alone.

Soon, the house was filled with workers. John knew that he couldn’t really keep his neighbor from seeing what they were doing, but that definitely didn’t mean he was going to tell them everything that was going on. It wasn’t their business anyhow!

Lesson To Be Learned

The whole neighborhood was abuzz with rumors about what was going down at 25 Oak Lane, but the big reveal was right around the corner. He was feeling pretty good about how everything was falling into place.

Between all the gossip and the movement of workers on his property, it was quite the spectacle he had created. What John was cooking up was something that his neighbors would never expect. They certainly wouldn’t be thrilled with the outcome – but he doesn’t care one bit!

Lying Through Her Teeth

When he would feel bad for what he had done, he just thought about who had really caused this. Even though John never wanted to go that far, he knew he had no other choice. His neighbors were blatantly disrespecting him, and that was something he wouldn’t stand for. They did this to themselves for being spoiled by his kindness.

He would teach them a lesson the hard way, and if they chose not to learn from their mistakes, he would go even further. He felt that he couldn’t be beaten. He had already laid out several contingency plans. But what did he have up his sleeve? Nobody in the neighborhood could guess.

Laying Out A Trap

Then finally, the vehicles from the IT company he was expecting finally arrived to install John’s brand new surveillance system. With everything now set up and ready to go, John called his neighbor onto his property to give them another warning. Unaware, they stood right in front of one of the fresh cameras he had set up when he told her about the whole sneaking-in business.

His second warning infuriated Sharon, denying again that the kids had snuck into John’s yard. But it didn’t really matter to him whether she admitted to it or not. What mattered is he would catch them red-handed the next time with video evidence. That’s when she would be going down. All he had to do is be patient.

Caught In The Act

Given that he had just warned them, John knew the neighbors wouldn’t try anything immediately, especially since they knew he was onto them. But sooner or later, they wouldn’t be able to help themselves and would sneak their way back into Wilson’s pool.

John decided to put his theory to the test, so he hatched a plan to catch them in the act. Just a few days after the cameras were all good to go, he told his neighbor that both he and his wife were going to be out of town and went on his way. When, really, they were just going to be driving around the neighborhood, waiting for the perfect time.

Bills To Pay

When they returned home a few hours later, it was clear as day that the kids had snuck into the pool and John had seen it with his own eyes. He didn’t even need to use the cameras to catch them in the act. Despite all the warnings, they made themselves at home and used his pool again. Not to mention, again with the dog in the water!

John went straight up confronted his neighbor, and her response left him completely baffled. “You can’t stop the kids from using the pool,” she said without even an ounce of shame. He was close to losing his marbles, but he eventually decided to play it cool.

Another Trap

It wasn’t worth getting all worked up about anymore. By now, what really bothered John was having to keep paying for all the repairs, over and over again, and the amount of cash he kept pouring down the drain with each one. If only he had a slack of money lying around his house, he wouldn’t be so problematic.

So, he gave his neighbor a quick rundown on all the bills he had to cough up already and let her know that, ANOTHER invoice was sure to show up, this time because the dog was back in the pool once again.

Lawyer Up

After handing her the bill, Sharon looked at him with big eyes, suddenly seeming at a loss for words. It was pretty clear that she didn’t know what to say, but there was no way she was going to give up being stubborn about everything. So, she just shoved all the invoices back at him, refusing to pay anything.

As if running away, she called out the kids and stormed out the Wilson’s yard. As he watched her leave, John couldn’t help but smile about how things had gone; the woman had played right into the palm of his hand by refusing to pay up for the repairs. Soon, with the surveillance cameras around his house rolling, she was going to regret everything.

Lies In Court

After he had all the proof that he needed, John knew it was time to take things to the next level. It was the last thing he wanted to do, but his neighbors had really given him no other options. So, John headed straight over to his lawyer’s office and told him everything.

John didn’t really want things to be this way, but he was pushed way past his limits and he couldn’t simply back down anymore. He had tried everything to sort things out peacefully, but that didn’t work for these people. Now, they would face the real consequences of their actions.

Video Evidence

It didn’t take too long before John found himself getting ready to square off with his neighbor in small claims court. In a weird way, he was grateful that she had stuck by her story this whole time – he knew it wasn’t going to bode well for her in the end.

Despite everything, Sharon just kept on denying that her kids and the others had ever been in his yard or that the dog had ever even set its paw in John’s pool. She was lying so smoothly, but not for long.

The Verdict

As soon as Sharon made those claims, John couldn’t suppress the smile that broke out on his face. Then, he got to his feet and handed over the USB stick with all the undeniable evidence on it.

Initially, Sharon didn’t know what was going on. Her eyes practically bugged out of her head in total disbelief when the video footage started rolling. There was no more denying anymore. The video showed everything – the kids sneaking in and having some fun, and the dog was right there with them.

The judge ultimately ruled in John’s favor – his neighbor had to cover every last repair cost down to the penny. And while he was definitely pleased to get his cash back at long last, he still didn’t feel like everything was dealt with just yet.

Even though it was clear that his neighbor had learned her lesson, John wasn’t exactly sure she wouldn’t turn up and cause even more trouble later on down the road. After all, he wasn’t looking to get tangled up in another court ruling.