Neighbors Ruin Girl’s Birthday, Dad Gets Even

“The Pitbull”

He felt his heart squeeze in his chest when he saw the tears running down his daughter’s face. But then it started pumping blood to his angry face and is felt his anger rise.

He practically felt the steam coming out of his ears when he glimpsed the neighbor’s smirking faces. They had done this, and he was vibrating with anger, trying to keep it at bay with clenched fists. But he couldn’t do it anymore.

A Day To Remember

He knew he could have let it slide, but it had gotten to the point where Scott Hunter no longer felt it was an option. He worked at an insurance firm, and his colleagues often referred to him as “The Pitbull.” Scott never let go once he sunk his teeth into something.

His daughter was his everything, so it broke his heart to see her crying on her birthday. He had to do everything possible to make her feel better. Those people would regret what they had done.


Scott and his wife loved their daughter with all their hearts and wanted to give her the best birthday party ever. Nina gleefully started decorating the yard with the balloons while the bounce house was inflated. She had no idea what problems would come next.

Evie would discover that the day wouldn’t be as she’d hoped it would be. Despite how much work her parents put into the party to make it a wonderful day, she would remember it horribly.

Buzzing With Excitement

Scott and Nina had moved to the suburbs four years ago and enjoyed their home. But the same couldn’t be said about the nasty elderly couple who were their neighbors.

They complained about everything they could, from the noise her daughter made when she and her friends played in the yard to the smoke from their BBQ. Scott and Nina would neutralize the situation every time to keep the peace. But it wouldn’t be that way forever.

Kids Act That Way

The day Evie turned eight had started wonderfully. The family was excited about the party, especially Evie, and the weather couldn’t be better. Scott quickly prepared the outside and mowed the lawn so that he could set up the bounce house and fill the kiddy pool.

Parents would arrive with the other children soon, so Scott started the BBQ. Nina brought out the snacks while he was busy. They were both too busy to notice the angry stares they were getting from over the back fence.

Her Favorite Gift

The miserable old man shouted to Scott. “Your kids are making an earsplitting noise! We are trying to

enjoy our porch! Tell them to keep their squealing mouths shut!”

Scott rolled his eyes before turning around and replying, “Bernard, it’s a birthday party for the kids to enjoy. It makes sense for them to be acting this way. They’re excited!” He returned to the grill, listening to the laughing children splashing about in the pool. But Bernard felt that his point hadn’t been made clear enough.


It soon came time for Evie to open her gifts, and she could barely contain her excitement. She loved the gift from her grandma most: a large inflatable ball. Soon, all the children tossed the ball to each other and bounced it against the fence.

Suddenly, one of the children kicked it a little too hard and sent it flying into the air. It landed in the neighbor’s yard, and nobody knew what was coming.

How Could He Do Such A Thing?

Bernard’s wife decided to take action and walked over to the ball. She scooped it up but made no move to throw it back, despite Evie’s pleading.

She turned around and gave the ball to her husband. Before getting his screwdriver from the garden shed, he ensured everyone was watching his every move.


Bernard looked Scott straight in the eye with a satisfied smirk. Then he lifted his hand holding the screwdriver and drove it into the ball with deliberate force.

The grumpy man took it further and crushed the ball between his hands to force all the air out. Scott couldn’t believe the man could do such a thing. Moreover, the old man seemed to enjoy hearing Evie wail and seeing her tears. But he had no intention of stopping yet.

Actions Have Consequences

It seemed like they would never be able to stop Evie from crying, but her mom finally managed. Nina wanted the children to have a fun day still and forget what had happened, but Scott felt differently. He was furious.

The anger he felt seemed to grow stronger as the day went on. He recalled the neighbors mentioning how much they wanted to enjoy their porch. He would ensure they never wanted to come out onto that porch again.

Careful Decisions

Scott had always been an easy-going person and had never been this angry before. His little girl’s birthday was ruined because of them. He had a simple plan showing them that their actions have consequences.

He stood in his yard and looked over at the neighbor’s porch. He would be ready every time the old couple stepped their miserable feet outside.


Scott had thought about it for a long time. He wanted his neighbors to realize that he wouldn’t stand for their nonsense anymore. He wondered about sabotaging their lawn and much more.

But he was careful with his decision as he didn’t want to do anything too extreme or anything against the law. He wasn’t happy that they had made his daughter cry, and the best way for him to give them payback was to annoy them as much as possible.

They Would Soon Realize

Every time Scott saw the neighbors sitting on their porch, he’d go to his garage and gleefully fire up his air compressor. Then, he’d make a racket with his gas leaf blower in the yard. At first, the neighbors would complain, but they couldn’t compete with the noise.

Every day, Scott would watch the porch and wait for them. It worked every single time.


Scott was eager to provide them with the payback they deserved, but he had no problem waiting for the perfect timing. He would also do it for as long as necessary, constantly reminding them that their actions were wrong. He would never back down.

They had crossed him and his family, and he would soon make them realize their mistake.

Sweet Revenge

Scott was relentless with the noise and didn’t stop for years. He had promised himself that he would never let the miserable old couple enjoy their backyard again, and he stuck to it. He wasted no time in pretending. He would make as much noise as he could every time they stepped foot outside, only for them to rush back inside.

His neighbors greatly inconvenienced Scott, but he was not the only one with that problem. Shenna Barry had a similar problem and had found a clever way of handling the situation.

Dream House

She knew she should just stay quiet and wait for the storm to be over, but she couldn’t help herself. After all, her neighbor was the one who had a problem with her. The gloves were off. They traded slur for slur, insult for insult, dig for dig. Without wiping the sweat from her furious face, her neighbor leaned closer and uttered three words: “just you wait.”

Then, with a barely-concealed smirk, the woman turned on her heels and walked away — as if she was strolling in the park on a glorious summer day. It was at that moment that Shenna knew exactly how she would make her pay. Her meddling neighbor was going to get what she deserved.

Moving In

Shenna Barry had waited her entire life for this moment. After working her way up the corporate ladder, she could finally afford her dream home. It had everything she was looking for: a giant open plan kitchen, three bedrooms, and a stunning garden with a beautiful fountain at its center.

The newly-single mom thought this would be her dream house, in her dream neighborhood. But there was something she hadn’t accounted for.

Introducing Herself

The moving day soon arrived, and after two days of unloading and unpacking boxes, Shenna was finally finished. But as she sat down on the sofa, she saw another moving van outside. But this time, it was for next door.

Shenna wondered what her new neighbors would be like. So far, everyone in the neighborhood had been incredibly polite and welcoming. Her new neighbors had to be the same, right?

Garden Work

Shenna swiftly went around to her new neighbors to introduce herself, taking note of the flashy red sports car that was parked outside. She rang their doorbell and waited for a few seconds.

Then, the front door opened and Shenna was introduced to the middle-aged couple, Alice and Louis. They seemed nice enough. But Shenna had no idea how wrong she was.

Trouble In Paradise

A few months later, the new neighbors had settled in. It was summertime, so Shenna and her neighbors were on a mission to tidy their yards.

Shenna liked to bag her leaves and grass cuttings, keeping them for mulch to fertilize her garden after she mowed the lawn. Curiously peeking over the fence, she couldn’t help but notice that her neighbors were much more ‘tidy.’

The Feud Begins

One day, Shenna finished her weekend yard work and left the grass cuttings and neatly-raked leaves on the lawn while she popped out to run some errands.

Despite having only been gone for half an hour, she returned from the grocery store and found something that left her at a complete loss for words.

A Rude Note

Shenna, juggling her baby and the bags of groceries, got out of her car and walked to the front door, but the sight before her made her mouth drop.

All the grass cuttings and leaves that she had left on her lawn had been gathered up and maliciously strewn all over her porch! But that wasn’t all.

A Threat

There was something else. A note was stuck to her front door. And what was rudely scribbled on it left Shenna reeling.

Rereading the blatant threat and looking at the mess in utter disbelief, Shenna’s temper began to catch alight. Just who did these people think they were? Who would do something like this?


The note read: “If this EVER happens again and you don’t do your lawn properly from now on, there will be consequences… and it will be worse next time.” Shenna was furious.

Why would someone do this? She wondered who would do something like this for a second, but she knew exactly who it was. And just like that, Shenna marched over to Alice and Louis’ house. They weren’t getting away with this.


Shenna rang the doorbell and as soon as Alice opened it, she burst inside her home, telling her that she would call the police for threatening her if she ever tried a stunt like this again.

But Alice had no response. Her husband walked into the room and embarrassedly apologized straight away, but she stood with an infuriating smirk on her face. Shenna wasn’t having any of it.

Pressing Her Buttons

A little voice in Shenna’s head kept telling her to just stay quiet, but she couldn’t help herself. Alice obviously had a problem with her, and after reading her threat the gloves were off.

She launched into a tirade against the woman, but all Alice could spit was “just you wait.” That’s when Shenna decided that she would make it her life’s mission to make her pay.

The Feud Continues

For six months, Shenna took delight in irking her neighbor. She purposely didn’t mow the front lawn but made sure to mow the backyard. You see, she wanted to make a display of bagging those cuttings and putting them out on the front lawn for her neighbor to see.

Her plan worked and Alice was boiling with anger at what she had done. That’s when Alice decided to retaliate.


The feud between Alice and Shenna continued for months. One night, Alice poured an entire bottle of dishwashing liquid into Shenna’s fountain while she slept, so Shenna doused Alice’s plants in vinegar, killing her prized rose bushes.

It was going too far. Then, Alice did something so diabolical that Shenna was forced to act.

A Nasty Surprise

Just when things couldn’t get worse, Alice started playing music at a deafening volume. Shanna tossed and turned all night, feeling the bass from Alice’s enormous newly-purchased sound system.

Shenna’s temper was like a firework, once the sparks started to sizzle there was very little time to duck and cover. This was the last straw.

A Plan

After a restless night, Shenna rubbed her tired eyes as she took a sip of coffee.

She blearily looked out the kitchen window, surprised to see Alice waltzing up her drive with a code enforcement officer. Alice was making a show of pointing Shenna’s front lawn out to the officer. What was she doing?

Playing Dirty

Shenna ran out the door to confront Alice and defend herself. She couldn’t believe that she had gotten law enforcement involved! But the meddling woman was adamant: the code officer was there to force Shenna to clean up her lawn.

Then, Shenna saw something outside Alice’s house. Suddenly, her stern mouth relaxed and a slow grin began to spread across her face.

33.Revenge Is Served

Shenna narrowed her eyes and looked at Alice’s red sports car that was constantly parked on the street. Right there and then, she knew what she needed to do.

Finally, Alice was going to get what was coming to her. If Alice wanted to play dirty, she could do it better.


Shenna sat quietly at the window, smiling to herself and watching the scene unfold. The tow truck had arrived, and sure enough, Alice had a problem.

She railed and yelled, frantically trying to stop them from towing her car. She fumed and raged, but she couldn’t stop them. She watched helplessly as the truck carrying her car disappeared down the road.

Poetic Justice

Shenna had spoken to the code officer and had Alice’s car towed from where it was parked on the street — right in front of her own house.

She sat and smirked as she watched the woman unleash a torrent of curses in a blind rage. But the poetic justice of it all was still to come.

Revenge Is Hers

Shenna knew that a code enforcement officer couldn’t force her to clean up her front yard — nobody could. Calling the authorities was Alice’s last-ditch effort to make Shenna’s life difficult.

The house was a freestanding unit and wasn’t policed by a homeowner’s association, either. But Alice hadn’t thought about what codes she was violating.

One Special Quality

Coincidentally, code enforcement can’t force you to mow your lawn, but if you leave a vehicle on the street for over 72 hours without moving it they will happily impound it.  $600 and a lot of frayed nerves later, Alice eventually got her car back. And Shenna? She hasn’t heard a peep from Alice since.

Our next hero is a man named Dave Miller. He exacted his revenge on his neighbors in an extremely creative way. All he needed were some cell phones and a bit of ingenuity…

Barking’s Okay, Within Reason

Dave Miller considered himself an average guy.

He loved to build cardboard forts with his kids, find unique solutions to family problems, and brought a burst of imagination to his job in web design.  Dave’s skills, however, are about to be tested by the neighbors and their dog.

No Idea When They Bought It

A little barking was okay – it was in their nature after all.

But one the first night they moved into their house and let their heads hit their pillows, the symphony yaps, yips, and howls started. From there, it was a domino effect. The kids would wake up. He and his wife would have to get up … and then no one slept.

Rude Response

They had only viewed the house during the day, so Dave and his family had no idea about the loud monster next door.

Things got so bad that he even timed it one evening. And, no joke, it barked constantly from 7pm to 5am! It wasn’t until he saw a man walk in during the wee hours of the morning, did he realize the couple worked nights and slept during the day.

Best Plan Ever

Weeks passed and his family started to suffer deeply.

There was no choice, he had to act. Dave had planned to keep the conversation civil – and it started that way. But it quickly devolved into some pretty thick vitriol and ending with a “Dogs bark, what do you expect?” and then a door slammed in his face.

Wait For It…

That was it. He considered himself a level-headed guy, but things were getting out of hand. He knew things wouldn’t change unless he acted – unless he broke out those special skills he was quite proud of.

The idea came in a flash, and he rushed home to get the needed equipment. It wouldn’t take much, but the result would be something to savor.

Gathering Evidence

He first took his secondary phone and, while the neighbors were away, set it up on one of their windows so it covered the area the dog roamed in.

Next, he took his primary phone and put it in the perfect spot – all the while, his wife looked at him like he had grown two heads. “Just wait,” he said. “You’re gonna love this.”

Blasting The Barks

As the sun went down and the unending barking echoed around the dimly lit street, all he had to do was press two buttons… and wait.

Finally, when 9am rolled around, and he was sure the neighbors were fast asleep, he pulled out his stereo, faced it at their window, hit play, and cranked the volume.

Time For Comeuppance

It was a simple plan, but still so creative.

Dave had recorded the dog barking … all … night. He then hooked his phone up to the stereo and let the new stretch of yaps and howls continue. It didn’t take long until they heard a loud bang on the door.

Take That!

Dave grabbed his morning coffee with a huge grin and slowly sauntered to the front door.

On the other side, a red-faced man with a scruffy mustache and angry eyes pointed right in Dave’s face. “We’re trying to sleep. Shut your dog up!” Dave stifled a chuckle and pulled out the other phone – the one that had taken the video.

But Would It Work?

He pressed play and said, “It’s not my dog. It’s yours. I recorded him, since you miss out on what dogs do.”

The mustached stood on the porch with a gawking stare. For good measure, Dave added, “I’m just playing the radio at normal allowable city time and I will do this everyday.” The neighbor stomped off in a rage. But would it work?

Yes, Finally Quiet

As Dave strutted back into the kitchen, his wife sat at the table shaking her head and finally letting out the laughter she had been holding back. “I can’t believe you did that,” she said. “But, wow, it was amazing.”

The hours passed and night finally settled in. The neighbor’s car pulled out of the driveway. Now was the moment of truth.

Share His Idea

It was utterly blissful.

All they could hear was the chirping of crickets and the occasional car driving by. There wasn’t even a tiny growl. The twins slept soundly for the first time in weeks and his wife didn’t look like she was going to pick up a baseball bat and handle things her own way. There was just one more thing to do.

It was just too good of a story. He had to share it.

He knew there were people out there who would find this useful for their own doggie problems and wanted a non-confrontational solution. But he had no idea that his Reddit post would go viral. It really was the best ending he could have hoped for.