Old Man Sees Wife In Cafe With Stranger, Decides To Follow Her

The Perfect Couple

He felt his blood boil in his veins, and his heart started to race when he saw them together for the first time. After 65 years of marriage, how could she do that to him?

But the explanation his wife tried to give him only made him angrier. What made matters even worse was the fact that it wasn’t a one-time thing. He began following her and soon learned that she met with the same man daily. But upon closer inspection, he came to a realization that sent a chill down his spine: he knew that man.

Loving Each Other

Sam and Amelia, from Florence, South Carolina, were the spitting image of an enduring, caring, and deep love to anyone who knew them. They married when she was 22 and he was 24. That was 65 years ago.

Their relationship had been a sanctuary of love and harmony ever since. They seldom argued, they settled their disagreements amicably, and they seemed to be able to read each other’s minds perfectly. What was their secret?

His Friends

To their two children, Brenda and Mark, who had families of their own, they often said, “We just don’t sweat the small stuff.”

Sam and Amelia’s trust in each other ran so deep that they didn’t perceive anything the other did in a negative way. They knew they loved each other and always tried their best to understand and support each other no matter what. But everything would soon change.


One day, Sam planned a night out at the bar with some friends. He had known these men since he was a young boy, and despite their old age, they still enjoyed getting together over a few beers to catch up on life and recall the good old days.

Sam didn’t realize that this day would bring a revelation that would turn his whole world upside down.

A Nice Walk

Sam kissed his wife goodbye and asked her about her plans for the night as he put on his jacket and then grabbed his wallet and keys. She answered, “I guess I’ll stay home and read my book. Maybe I’ll call Brenda.”

Sam walked out of the house and made his way to his car. But a few thoughts crossed his mind just before he opened the door and hopped into the front seat.

What Is She Doing?

He determined that he didn’t need to take the car. Although it would take him a little longer to reach the bar where he was meeting his friends, it was in the neighborhood and within walking distance.

So he started walking, enjoying the pinkish hues of the sunset and the evening breeze it carried with it. But 15 minutes into his trip, he noticed something that made his stomach drop to his knees.

At A Cafe

As he rounded the corner, he noticed his car driving down the street. And it was no other than Amelia behind the steering wheel! Where was she headed?

He could make out the vehicle parking on one of the nearby streets from a distance. Amelia stepped out and began walking. She wasn’t aware that Sam was watching her. Following her in confusion, the husband started to wonder what she might be up to.

Heading Home

Amelia entered a cafe after some minutes of walking. Sam hid behind a car and peeked through the window to figure out what his wife was doing. His heart started racing when he caught a glimpse of her sitting at a table with another man.

What on earth was that? Could Amelia be cheating? Sam’s mind went blank. He could have never suspected this of his wife, who he believed to be the best person he ever knew. He quickly grabbed his phone from his pocket and punched in a number.

She’s Lying

Over the phone, he told his friends that he was feeling sick and that he wouldn’t be able to meet them at the bar that night. He headed home, eager to find out from his wife what she had been up to.

Amelia returned from whatever she had been doing with that stranger shortly after. Without hesitation, Sam asked her what she had been up to. His wife’s response made him lose his temper.


“Oh, I just drove to the park. It’s so lovely outside. How about you? You came home very early,” she nervously replied. Sam was heartbroken to hear this. Why was she lying to him? She couldn’t possibly be up to any good.

“I just felt worn out. I’m headed to bed now. Goodnight,” he said as he turned his back on her and started up the stairs to his bedroom. When she came to bed after dinner, he pretended to be asleep. But he couldn’t sleep and kept worrying about what was happening.

What If…?

The morning after, Sam couldn’t look Amelia in the eye. He ate his breakfast in front of her in complete silence, without lifting his eyes from the newspaper.

But still, he didn’t say anything. He was still processing what he had seen the evening before. How could she be doing that to him? But suddenly, another possibility crossed his mind. Maybe she was?

Could It Be?

Sam suddenly remembered something. His birthday was right around the corner. He had stopped celebrating his birthdays years ago; he didn’t like being aware of how old he was growing.

Sometimes, he didn’t even remember his age, and he had to think for a minute whenever someone asked him when his birthday was.

Maybe She Was Just…?

Sam suddenly realized that he was about to turn 80. That was a special occasion, for sure. Could Amelia be preparing something for his birthday?

Maybe she was planning to throw a surprise party for him, and that man was involved somehow. Perhaps he was a merchant of some sort, and Amelia was buying a gift for Sam from him. Or…

She Asked Something

Or maybe he was an event promoter, the owner of a restaurant or a pub, or whatever, and Amelia was setting up the celebration. But could that be the case?

Sam kept racking his brains, thinking of possible options for why Amelia would be meeting with stranger men in cafes behind his back. And right then, Amelia said something.

He Remained Silent

“Are you alright, honey? You seem a bit dizzy,” she asked him, taking a sip of coffee and going back to her scrambled eggs immediately afterward.

This made Sam’s blood boil. Where did she get the guts to keep acting like nothing was wrong? Should he say something? Should he let her know what he had seen the previous day?

Sam’s Response

But he didn’t. Partly because he was too afraid to find out the truth. He could picture his wife blushing, stuttering while trying to come up with an excuse, trying to lie to him again.

He wouldn’t be able to stand it. So finally, partly because of that cowardice, Sam replied this to his wife:

He Couldn’t Believe It

“Hmmm, no. I didn’t sleep too well last night,” Sam muttered, going back to his newspaper. He still didn’t know how to approach the issue. But he swore himself something.

The next time Amelia left the house by herself, he would follow her. Sam was determined to get to the bottom of the issue, no matter how much it hurt to find out the truth.

Poker Game From Hell

He never thought he would ever find himself in a situation like that. It all felt nightmarish. But deep down, despite all their years together, Sam knew the truth.

Nothing would ever be the same after that. He would be unable to keep living with Amelia pretending that he hadn’t seen what he saw. Now he had to uncover the truth, even if the consequences were heartbreaking.

It Kept Going On

The following days felt like a hellish poker game to Sam. Amelia kept acting like nothing had happened, concealing the truth from him, and he had to act like he didn’t know what Amelia had done that evening.

It felt like torture having to endure the uncertainty, Amelia’s blatant hypocrisy, the mutual secrecy, and the terrible truth underneath. Until one morning, something happened.

He Was There Again

One day, Amelia left the house again to get some groceries. And once again, Sam followed her. After she left the grocery store, he saw her walking to the same cafe as the other day.

Sam strolled towards the cafe’s window, praying not to encounter the same thing that, deep in his heart, he knew he would see. His heart was galloping as he scrutinized the other side of the glass.

The Man’s Face

There they were again, sitting and chatting cheerfully, with big smiles on their faces and mugs of coffee in their hands. Sam didn’t get to see the man’s face, but he didn’t know if he wanted to. It would have made everything so much more painful.

He didn’t have the heart to keep witnessing the scene and stormed back to the house. How could she do that to him? Who was that man?

He Looked Closer

The same routine continued for days; every day, Amelia would give some excuse to leave the house, get followed by Sam, and meet with that stranger again.

Usually, Sam was just unable to keep looking. He didn’t know what to say to his wife either. He was just consumed by disappointment and sadness. But one day, he decided it couldn’t go on like that. He had to do something.


One day, Sam gathered the courage to get closer and examine that man’s face. Shaking and trembling as he positioned himself behind the glass to get a glimpse of the other man, he squinted his eyes to see the scene.

And when he realized who he was, he saw red. He became more enraged than ever before in his life.

It Was His Brother

His blood boiled as he stared at the man’s factions. Time hadn’t been good to him, and it took him a few seconds to recognize who he was.

But it hurt more than a thousand knives when he finally saw it. He would have never expected to see that man again, yet there he was, having coffee and laughing with his wife behind his back.

Time In Prison

That man was his brother Michael. Sam hadn’t seen him in more than 40 years. After he returned from his service in Vietnam, he became a loose cannon.

Some said it was because of the horror he saw in the conflict, and some said it was because of some substances he tried during his service. Whatever the case, he couldn’t lead an everyday life as a civilian; he got involved with the city’s underworld. And that wasn’t all.

A Fateful Day

He even spent some time in prison for his alleged involvement in a crime he always swore he didn’t commit.

For some time, Sam tried to do what he felt a good brother should do: he tried to be there for Michael, help him out every time he had it rough, guide him, support him, and get him out of the gutter. Until one day.

Confronting Them

Michael had taken his brother’s kindness for weakness. He ripped him off on more than one occasion, and one day, Sam decided enough was enough. He cut all contact with his brother.

Sam never expected to see him again, let alone in those circumstances. What was he doing there now? Why were his wife and him meeting behind Sam’s back? He decided that this was enough.


Blind with fury, he entered the cafe and stormed towards Amelia and Michael’s table. Michael saw him first. His face went pale as he stood there, petrified. Then, Amelia turned back with her mouth open, speechless.

“Is anyone going to tell me what the heck is happening here?” Sam yelled. And that’s when he felt something.


Tears were running down his face for the first time in dozens of years. A moment of silence followed. Then, Michael and Amelia got up and hugged Sam. Sam pushed them away and stared at them, his face contorted by disappointment.

“I’m so sorry, Sam. I’ll explain it to you. Please, don’t cry,” Amelia said as tears flooded her eyes. “I’ve been trying to reach Michael for some months. I found a way to contact him a few weeks ago, and I decided to reach out and talk to him.”

“I know you two had disagreements many years ago and stopped talking. But that was so long ago. You’re family at the end of the day. Life is too short to stay angry at each other after so many years, and I thought it would be nice for you and your brother to reconcile while you still have the chance.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about it, but I was afraid you may still be angry at him. Please forgive me,” she sobbed. Sam was left speechless, and tears started to subside. The three of them joined in a tight hug and headed home. They had a lot to talk about.