Not So Fetch
It would be easy to sit around and talk about the greatest things mankind has ever created or done- walking on the moon, the invention of pizza, and Baby Yoda, just to name a few. But when humans have been on earth for who-knows-how-many years, it’s a given that a few not-so-great things would also be in the history, books right…?
Mankind has achieved more than a few fails over time. When asked about the greatest fails in the history of humanity, the people of the internet had plenty of opinions. A few went with simple answers, like simply stating “The Kardashians,” or unnecessary film sequels. Others got deep, controversial, and even a bit weird. Read on for some of the most notable fails in the history of mankind, some of which might catch you by real surprise…

When you have a film that’s inspired countless catchy phrases, a Broadway musical, and a cult following, there’s no denying that you have big shoes to fill. Pink, strappy, high-heeled shoes, in this case. But “Mean Girls 2” takes terrible sequels to a whole new level of awful inspiration, honestly.
This made-for-TV sequel is definitely terrible, but calling it one of mankind’s greatest fails is pretty mean…pun intended! Reddit user: futhatsy
People Going Hungry

People going hungry even though we produce more than enough food to feed everyone. This sad fact is definitely a fail for all those involved and the reason some will go to desperate measures just to feed their families. It’s a major issue all across the world, but there are small ways you can help.
Donate any canned food you have, or just offer to buy a meal for someone in need. A simple act of kindness can change a life. Reddit user: taysto
Lack Of Concern For The Future

Our inability to care for this planet and plan ahead. Everything is about now and the needs of everyone at this moment. People just burdening resources and not having the means to care. Governments kicking the debt can down the road to let others deal with it later. All of the pollution and such from industrializing.
Not many people think ahead, and that is our biggest mistake. We’re hunting things to extinction, like some fish. Reddit user: trcymcgrdy1
Save The Sea Life

Plastic. It’s easy to produce, cheap, and light. Yes, it has saved lives, helped us communicate across the world better, and has given us access to products the middle class and the poor couldn’t otherwise afford. But it doesn’t degrade over time, and now it’s killing our oceans and animals.
Animals are getting suffocated by it, and it’s blocking out the sun when it congregates in large areas of the ocean. Reddit user: trust_my_shadow
Pen Is Permanent, Guys

So-called pen erasers that don’t rub out the pen but instead either create a splodge on your page or just tear a hole right through it. Erasable pens were a major thing in middle school while you were writing papers in cursive, but they’re rarely used in adulthood for this exact reason.
Why is there a need for erasable pens in the first place? Pencils exist, as do computers for all our writing and saving needs. Reddit User: [redacted]
Working To Live

One Redditor said that mankind’s greatest fail was “the rising cost of living.” Those who live in big cities like Los Angeles, New York City, or Chicago will resonate with this one, where you’re paying thousands per month to rent a tiny shoebox apartment, or spending half your paycheck just on gas to get to work.
Some might blame it on the millennials and say to work harder, but others understand that the rising cost of living is really a culmination of lots of different failures. Reddit user: [redacted]
Driving Me Crazy

If you asked 10 people about the place they would LEAST like to be right now, chances are that more than half would say the DMV…which is why it comes as no surprise that I’m not the only one who agrees that the creation of the modern DMV is a major fail. Can you blame us?
It’s loud, crowded, full of cranky people, and takes a million years. But at least now there’s options to renew your license online! Reddit user: 0pinwheel0
Fenced In

Fences, man. The first time an individual marked out some land and said “this belongs to me and anyone who disagrees can fight me for it.” That had to be a bad day. Or maybe “I’m going to put up a fence to keep people from stepping all over the grass and flowers I just planted?”
You could even argue that wars have been started over less. Who owns what land? Who should own it? Reddit user: fatfingers79
Question Everything

The premise that there are some ideas that you’re not allowed to question. Our parents and teachers always said that there are no stupid questions, even when we would ask why the sky is blue or if our pet dog could read minds. Sadly, things have changed a bit as adults.
We’re taught to just believe everything we’re told by our bosses and TV sets, and it’s a true shame. Don’t be afraid to ask the real questions! Reddit user: nulono
Would You Like Fries With That?

Fast food. It’s an opinion shared by tons of people, I think, though it’s hard to think of something as delicious as McDonald’s fries as one of humanity’s greatest fails. But the sad truth is that they’re full of salt and calories, and we probably eat far too many Whoppers for our own good.
They say fast food is okay as long as you eat it in moderation. So that means 4 cheeseburgers instead of 6, right? Just kidding. Sort of. Reddit user: Redriversandwich
Social Networks

Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. And if we’re being honest, it’s not just these three social media platforms. You can’t forget the iconic 2000s site MySpace or the way Vine got big before being replaced by TikTok. Either way, it turns out that not everybody is a fan of social media.
Sure, Facebook is full of annoying status updates from your old high school friends you haven’t talked to in years. I guess we probably wouldn’t have memes without it. That counts for something, right? Reddit user: Tarpy32
Artificial Intelligence… Maybe

AI could be the worst thing humankind has ever created, we just don’t know that yet. And that’s scary. While it’s nice to get your spam emails automatically sorted and ask Siri to schedule your Zumba class or remind you to turn in your homework, the rate at which artificial intelligence is growing is quite alarming.
Self-driving cars are cool, but will the machines take over? Artificial intelligence may not be a fail yet, but there’s nothing scarier than the unknown. Reddit user: [redacted]
Orange You Sick of Fake Oranges?

Ornamental fruit trees. I was visiting Phoenix and staying in an Airbnb in a nice neighborhood. I was walking around and kept seeing orange trees covered in plump, juicy oranges! Jackpot! But they were ornamental oranges that people plant in their front yard while planting real oranges in their backyard.
Someone figured out how to make oranges taste nasty, and people decided to buy those instead. They create a bunch of waste, because you have to throw out the oranges instead of eating them. Reddit user: timesuck897
Losing The Magic

Live action Disney movies. Each one is basically ruining the classic films just to make a few extra bucks, and it’s really lame. Yeah, I get it, Aladdin and The Lion King made over $1 billion each in 2019 alone, so it’s more than just a “few extra bucks” the company is making.
The remakes won’t be stopping anytime soon, but we just want the classics to be left alone. Reddit user: [redacted]
Worst YouTubers Ever

Logan and Jake Paul. It may seem harsh to call a pair of Gen Z brothers who create videos for a living “mankind’s greatest fails,” but these two really are the worst YouTubers ever. And that’s saying something, because everybody these days knows that there are a LOT of annoying and/or offensive people on the internet.
The Paul brothers have each had their fair share of scandals, and it’s likely because they have more money and fame than anybody their age can handle. Reddit user: shadynasty_etl
Superiority Complex

I think the worst thing humans have created is the idea that some humans are better than others. Many of the worst atrocities ever committed stemmed from this way of thinking. I know this is going to be controversial, and we’ll start debating what is “better” between humans and if this idea is justified.
The idea that some people are better than others has caused everything from wars to fights over the last Chanel bag on Real Housewives. Reddit user: Zejorureal
Not Feeling The Night Fever

One type of music does not appeal to all, and that’s okay. But still…don’t tell any of the ’70s kids, but if we’re being real, disco has to be one of the worst fails in history. Maybe Brendon Urie from Panic! At the Disco would agree with me. Many people have opinions on the state of music these days: that rock is dead, pop is trash, or hip-hop is too common.
But I honestly hope disco won’t be making a comeback any time soon. Am I too biased? Reddit user: I_Hunt_Wolves
Google Gone Wrong

Google Plus trying to be a viable social platform. It’s harsh, but also true. Even one of the biggest tech giants in the world can’t get everything right, and Google+ was a worthwhile failure for the company. The platform is long gone, but it still lives on in the form of jokes.
In their defense, it’s hard to create a social media platform that people don’t use for a hot second and then toss aside. Anybody remember Vine? Reddit user: [redacted]
Missed Opportunity

The soldier that could have shot and finally taken out Adolf Hitler in WWI but didn’t. For those who don’t know, I am talking about Henry Tandey, the soldier who supposedly chose to lower his rifle and walk away when he came face to face with the dictator in 1918.
Lin-Manuel Miranda rapped in the hit musical Hamilton, “I will not throw away my shot!” But Tandey sure did. Reddit user: MegaraTheMean
The Good Place, Or Not

Believing that what happens after we die is more important than this precious, fleeting moment when we are blessed with existence. Such a profound thought that seems to slip right past other people’s minds. Sure, consider the afterlife if you want, but don’t forget about living a good life now too!
If there’s anything we can learn from The Good Place, it’s that passing on is much more complicated than we could ever imagine. Reddit user: forthehumans
Lights Out

Our continued inability to live peaceably as fellow nations, and the fact that our 20th-century achievements in space exploration went cold as soon as the threat of nuclear annihilation dimmed. What we felt at the time to be the great work of enlightenment was, in fact, a byproduct of primitive fear and competitiveness.
Not saying that’s true of the scientists and engineers who made it happen. I’m saying it’s the wider truth of the societies that bankrolled and supported the mammoth undertaking at the time. Reddit user: tomjoad2020ad
Violence Is Not The Answer

Nearly 10,000 years after the dawn of civilization, we still teach our young that violence is not only the most effective means of problem-solving, we teach that in many cases it is the only means of problem-solving or getting out of a situation. Just take a look around and see what I mean.
You can tell your kids not to use their fists, but that doesn’t mean they’ll listen when the time comes. Reddit user: Lasting-Damage
As Seen On TV

Television. Here we have an invention that could have easily been used to change the world by educating and enlightening all of us, but instead we get mentally poisoned by advertising and reality TV. Television is the drug of a nation, breeding ignorance and misinformation. That being said, everything in moderation.
It’s great to learn from documentaries and CNN, but there’s nothing wrong with enjoying an episode of Keeping up With the Kardashians every once in a while. Reddit user: blondini427
In A Space Jam

Mankind’s decision to (mostly) give up on space. Now we’ll just die here, content in our mastery over our iPhones. Thankfully, not everybody has given up on space. In 2018, Elon Musk and SpaceX sent a Tesla around the sun hundreds of times, with a dummy in a spacesuit in the driver’s seat.
May not seem too impressive, but they’re still in the process of trying to find life on Mars. We’re getting there. Reddit user: whatabouteggs
Barney Ketchup

That nasty green and purple ketchup Heinz made. What were we thinking? If you find yourself wondering what on earth I am talking about, a simple Google search will tell you. But I wouldn’t recommend it if you ever want to eat ketchup again. You will be a changed person.
French fries are one of the world’s greatest foods, but you may never eat them again when you see them covered in purple and green goo. Reddit user: grocho
Making History In The Worst Way

Treaty of Versailles. Arguably led to WW2 and the Holocaust and ultimately the deaths of millions of people. Not what they were looking for. Interestingly enough, I am not the only one to have named this unsuccessful treaty as one of mankind’s greatest failures. Looks like others were paying attention in history class.
Alas, it’s true. The document was trying for peace and an end to violence, but essentially it did exactly the opposite. Reddit user: _ShadowWalker_
Finance Guy

The modern financial system. We think it’s so great, but it causes 100% of our problems. Who exactly thinks it’s so great? Well maybe Alexander Hamilton, who as treasury secretary designed the entire US financial system. Or the rich people who don’t have to worry about money and how the financial system affects them.
Ariana Grande once sang, “Whoever said money can’t solve your problems must not have had enough money to solve em’.” Maybe she was right, but maybe not. Reddit user: [redacted]
Lost Library

The destruction of the Library of Alexandria. So much knowledge lost…. I am not exaggerating by calling it one of our greatest history fails. Based in Egypt, the library was burned to the ground around 2000 years ago, taking with it a variety of works by Homer, Plato, Socrates, and more.
The library was a home of ancient knowledge and beauty, and the modern world could have been very different if it had stayed standing. Reddit user: Tokent23
Too Many Slytherins

Self-preservation over mutual beneficial-ism. If we worked together as a society towards the completion of mutually beneficial goals, we would be hundreds of years ahead in science, agriculture, exploration, etc. Instead, most people are more focused on their own personal preservation and will not do anything if there is no explicit and relatively immediate benefit for themselves.
So basically, people are selfish. It’s something we all know and live every day, but there are ways to get ahead of the game. Just a few small acts of kindness and selflessness can go a long way. Reddit user: jerryk414
Hate The Vape

Vaping. People think it’s this safer alternative to smoking, but it’s actually just super annoying and really not much healthier. Like if you want to vape, fine, that’s your choice, but don’t do it around me. It’s been the subject of controversy since it became “a thing” a few years back.
One Google search will show you all the doctors’ warnings about vaping, not to mention annoyance from the general population. Reddit user: [redacted]
Famous For Being Famous

The Kardashians. Everybody always has something to say about this “famous for being famous” family, and I get it. But they’re annoying and seem to show up everywhere you look. And sadly, they’re the ones living in multimillion dollar mansions for promoting weight loss products on Instagram, not me, haha.
In all fairness, they’re far from the first people to make bank off reality TV. Remember the days when Kimmy was cleaning out Paris Hilton’s closet on The Simple Life? Reddit user: bernimax52
Find Us On The (Sound)Cloud

Soundcloud rap. Also known as mumble rap, this subgenre was a major thing in the 2010s, with its own Wikipedia page and multiple rappers going mainstream after being discovered on Soundcloud. Ever heard of Lil Yachty, Lil Pump, or Lil Uzi Vert? I hadn’t, but apparently they’re topping the charts.
Rap is huge in the music scene these days, but even the most popular artists aren’t always liked. As the iconic Taylor Swift once said, haters gonna hate, hate, hate. Reddit user: ReptillianZen
Be Nice To The Planet

Pollution. Pollution is everywhere: the air, the oceans, and basically the whole planet. According to USA Today, pollution is the “largest environmental cause of disease and premature death in the world, three times more than AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined.” And that statistic was fairly recent, from not that long ago in 2017.
That same study also showed that 92% of pollution-related deaths occurred in low-income countries. Please do your part to keep the planet clean! Reddit user: [redacted]
I’m Sorry, Now Give Me Money

Influencer apology videos. Half of them just slap on extra ads for more money and clearly aren’t even sorry, just want you to keep watching them get paid to do nothing. You know Kendall Jenner’s very vague apology for scamming tons of rich kids at Fyre Festival? That’s what I am talking about.
Or the very public feud between James Charles, Tati Westbrook, and Jeffree Star resulting in more apology videos than I can count? When a kid literally dresses as an influencer apology video at Comic Con, you know it’s a major fail. Reddit user: [redacted]
Just Say No

Cigarettes. Movies and pop culture show cigarettes as the ultimate sign of epicness or overall coolness, but most know that they’re actually pretty bad for you and your wallet. Those who smoke a pack a day set themselves back about $2,300 a year. That could buy you something much better!
Do yourself a favor and don’t try to find an equally unhealthy alternative. Just look to stop altogether! Your body will thank you. Reddit user: VictorBimpmuscle
Spam Callers

Scam callers who either try to steal all your money or tell you that you’ve won a million dollars and THEN try to steal all your money. Or try to steal your social security number, or pretend to be the IRS, or tell you that your husband is in jail and they need money from you to bail him out.
There’s so many tricks in the book when it comes to the daily scam calls everybody seems to get these days. Just be sure to keep yourself and your information safe! Reddit user: [redacted]
The Complicated World Wide Web

The Internet. Simultaneously the best and worst thing ever invented. I forget exactly who said it, but it’s a great quote: “The Internet is the first thing man invented that he does not fully understand.” It’s both a blessing and a curse, depending on how you and the people around you choose to use it.
On one hand, you wouldn’t be reading this if not for the Internet. It’s created countless jobs, portals for knowledge, and incredible relationships…but it’s also created annoying influencers and an insane culture that we can never come back from. Reddit user: [redacted]
More Like “Out of Tune”

Autotune. If God didn’t intend for you to sing, you shouldn’t. Learn how to paint! Autotune should be to singers what Photoshop is to Instagram models: a tool to make you sound/look a little bit better, not distort your entire existence and turn you into somebody you’re not actually supposed to be.
That being said, that’s not always the case. Every once in a while, you’ll find singers like Lady Gaga who sound incredible live, and other times you won’t. Cough, Britney Spears, cough. Reddit user: XXXChromosome
The Blame Game

People who blame all of the earth’s problems on the generation after them. Not everything is the millennials’ fault. Sure, the baby boomers like to call millennials rude, entitled and lazy, but the millennials aren’t exactly innocent of stereotyping either. Just look at all the “Karen” baby boomer memes on Instagram!
It would be easy for every generation to blame the one after them, but here’s a crazy idea. How about we work together to make the world a better place for those after us? Reddit user: [redacted]