People Reveal The Craziest Things They’ve Seen At Their Workplace


Have you ever had a moment where you have to think to yourself, “Did that just happen?” Ever felt that at work? Working isn’t always a fun thing to do; it can be boring, tiring, and feel like a chore. However, what probably gets you through some days are the crazy things that happen while you’re at the office.

Whether it’s customers or your co-workers who are being dumb every day, you’ve probably seen your fair share of exasperating situations. And what can you do except for grin and bear it? And…maybe share it on the internet for all to see. Check out the craziest things these people have seen at work.

I was a manager at a small casino running a blackjack tournament. As soon as the hand was over, I was about to congratulate this one man. I saw the exact moment that he realized that something was wrong. He grabbed his chest, and his lips instantly turned gray. It just so happened that the person sitting directly to his right was a respiratory nurse. 

Courtesy of a Lion

She realized immediately what was happening, threw him to the ground, and started CPR. She took full control of the situation like a hero in the movies. Reddit user: [redacted]

I work at a zoo, and we have a sign warning people to stay away from the lion exhibit bars because lions spray urine. This guest comes in, and the first place he goes is to the lion exhibit and stands five feet from the bars. An hour later, he’s still there.

Threat of a Car Wreck

 I tell him, “I’m not kidding, they spray!” He nods. Ten minutes later, I find him closer to the bars than he was before! Half an hour later, he got sprayed. When it happened, he calmly walked straight back to his car. Reddit user: [redacted]

I was working at a car dealership and was standing outside with my friends drinking coffee on a Sunday morning. All of a sudden, we heard this sound like thunder and looked up to see an old Pontiac flipping end over end into the lot. It came crashing into a row of Yukons we had up on racks and knocked them over like dominoes.

I Don’t Miss Working Retail

Funny thing is that the guy driving the car was drunk as all get-out and climbed out of the wreckage without so much as a scratch. Reddit user: [redacted]

There was a fire in the store I work at. We were getting everyone to evacuate, but one woman would not leave. She told me that since where she wanted to shop was not on fire, I couldn’t make her leave. Luckily, an older authoritative firefighter had just walked by and heard her.

Safe Hotel

He turned around and physically picked her up, then cussed her out as he took her to the exit. It was as if the retail gods finally cut me a break. Reddit user: [redacted]

The weirdest thing for me (hotel front desk) was an old man (easily in his 70s, with his wife and kid) asking me if he could do donuts in our parking lot. Also, one of my co-workers told me on Christmas day that one of our elevators was currently out of service because it had bloody walls. 

A Wedding They’ll Never Forget

Turns out one of the guests (an already suspicious dude) had gotten smashed and beaten the crap out of the friend he had come with. Dude got arrested, of course. Reddit user: [redacted]

I’m a bartender and work a fair number of weddings. Sometime after dinner, we heard voices, shouting, and cursing. Two bridesmaids were having a spat right in front of all the guests, including the bride and groom. Obviously, people began trying to break it up. Unfortunately, in the middle of the scuffle, one of the bridesmaids was pushed forcefully into the cake table. 

One of the Duo

She fell over this 5 story perfectly decorated cake. Demolished it. I’ve never seen something so terrible and yet so hilarious at an event. Reddit user: [redacted]

I was working retail at an office supply store when one day, two guys walked in; they seemed really nervous. My manager came by and told me to just keep an eye on them. About 5 minutes later, another guy came in, and it was obvious he was looking for something.

Lenny Kravitz

He found the two guys and started yelling at them. I think one of the duo had slept with the other guy’s sister. The shouting guy grabbed a folding chair and started swinging it at them. Reddit user: [redacted]

My boss attempted to dress in black face for a Christmas party. My boss thought it would be a good idea to appear dressed as Lenny Kravitz, complete with black face. Thankfully, she used a kind of brown foundation that didn’t work as she’d intended. No one noticed but me. 

No Public Restrooms

I only knew because I saw her applying the makeup and told her it wasn’t a good idea. She just thought she was paying homage to Kravitz. I was relieved when it didn’t work. Reddit user: [redacted]

I worked in a clothing store that didn’t have a public restroom. The owners told us that under no circumstances were we to take people to the restroom that the employees use. One night, a woman was extremely upset because we didn’t have a public restroom, and so she walked to the big trash can we had by the back. 

Drunk Lady Just Wants Pizza

That’s where we were doing some work, and she literally sat in it, peed, and walked out. In front of everyone. As if it was no big deal. Reddit user: [redacted]

I did counter work at my family’s pizzeria for a while. One time, a lady came in obviously intoxicated. We knew who she was: a lawyer who was pretty wealthy, but she went downhill and became an alcoholic. Anyways, she paid for her pizza and held it like a shy kid in middle school would hold their books in the hallways. 

House Arrest Bracelet

She walked face-first into a pull door, making the entire pizza explode all over herself and the door. She got up, grabbed whatever she could, shoved it back into the box, and walked out. Reddit user: [redacted]

During a weekend, there was a massively overweight guy who wandered into our building wearing only a house arrest bracelet. He was naked besides that bracelet. This dude managed to sneak around for almost 10 hours before one of the cleaning ladies found him in the ladies’ restroom. 

Germany’s Next Top Model

The security footage of him sneaking around is hilarious, and apparently house arrest bracelets don’t do anything. Reddit user: [redacted]

When I was working on Germany’s Next Top Model about 10 years ago, we were doing a photoshoot on the beach in Venice, CA. For those of you that don’t know, Venice is an incredibly filthy beach. I was tasked with picking up all of the trash when I came across a little jar.

He Needs a New Fan

I bent down and picked it up and saw there was a label with Russian writing on it. I held it up to the sun, and that was when I saw the unmistakable outline of a human finger. Reddit user: [redacted]

I work at a distribution warehouse where it gets hot during summer. The forklift operator at the front dock had multiple fans going, and one of the fans caught fire. One was mounted to the wall, while others were on the floor. When he extinguished the fire, a fan on the floor sucked up the remaining powder and blew it everywhere on the shipping dock. 

Grandma’s Apple Pie

He then turned to me and said, “Well that sucks, now I need to get a new fan.” Reddit user: [redacted]

A sweet old lady in her 70s or 80s came in and said she needed to overnight a pie. I had never mailed a freshly baked pie, and it threw me for a loop. Apparently, her daughter called her out of the blue to ask about her apple pie recipe and to reminisce. 

Now It’s a Haunted House

A sweet old lady in her 70s or 80s came in and said she needed to overnight a pie. I had never mailed a freshly baked pie, and it threw me for a loop. Apparently, her daughter called her out of the blue to ask about her apple pie recipe and to reminisce. 

The mom immediately baked a pie and drove to the post office to mail it to her. It’s simple, but I’ve worked in customer service for over 15 years, and it was the sweetest thing I’d ever seen. Reddit user: [redacted]

It was my best friend’s first real estate client ever; a buyer wanted to see a home. Everything was fine until she got closer to the kitchen and noticed the floor was soaking wet. On the other side of the island, she nearly stepped on the owner, who was dead on the floor in front of the sink.

Return His Phone

The sink was on, flooding everything, and he had his hands in a prayer position on his chest. His body was covered in one dollar bills. My best friend just calmly called 911. Reddit user: [redacted] 

The lights were dimmed, the “We Are Closed” sign was put up, and the doors were locked. We figured this wandering guy would just leave after realizing we were closed. Nope. He kept tugging the door trying to force his way in. The doors were made of glass, and he eventually broke the glass.

She Ordered Her Dog to Pee

Instead of letting me tend to him, he insisted I go process the refund for a prepaid cell phone. When I told him I couldn’t do that right now because I was literally trying to save his life, he threatened to sue. Reddit user: [redacted]

An elderly woman with a little dog came in our supermarket, where dogs aren’t allowed. We told her that animals were not allowed here, and she got really mad. At first, she said that she couldn’t leave her dog in her car, because it was too hot, so she was basically accusing us of animal cruelty for 20 minutes straight. 

She Snuck in Via Suitcase

Then, she put her dog on the floor, and she ordered it to pee on our floor! AND it really did! We had to kick her out and wash the floor. Reddit user: [redacted]

I had the worst study position at a resident hall when I was in college. One of the residents’ girlfriends had previously been banned from the building, and her picture was on the front desk under “people not to let in.” Her boyfriend checked in with a suitcase. When he went through the turnstile, it whipped back around and smacked the back of the suitcase.

Box of Tea

I heard a very quick “eeeep” as the turnstile hit. The guy was straight up trying to sneak his girlfriend into the building via a suitcase. Reddit user: [redacted]

I worked at an organic grocery store. One night, there was a break-in, and some money from the safe was taken. When we watched the security video, the robbers were a man and woman wearing balaclavas. After taking the money from the safe, they do “you know what” using a condom, put the condom in a box of tea, and then mix all the boxes up. 

 Two Interviews

We had to go through dozens of boxes of tea looking for it. It turned out that it was a woman who had been fired and her boyfriend. Reddit user: [redacted]

I was a recruiter at a temp agency. Interviewee number 1: during our video interview, he was sitting there, drinking a Coors tallboy. Interviewee number 2 was my final video interview of the day. She moved the camera slightly for a second, and I saw medical equipment. I finally asked, “Are you in a hospital right now?” 

 Hot Blonde

She smiled and said, “Oh yeah! I just gave birth to my 3rd son. I’m fine!” She got the job in the end, and from what I hear, she’s still working there. Reddit user: [redacted]

I’m a bartender, and I was serving a beer to a totally random guy. The guy asked me, “Is it OK if I wait at the bar until a hot blonde walks in?” I said yes and laughed because I thought he was joking. A couple minutes later, a blonde actually walked in, he winked at me, and he introduced himself to her. 

She Was Cheating

I’m a bartender, and I was serving a beer to a totally random guy. The guy asked me, “Is it OK if I wait at the bar until a hot blonde walks in?” I said yes and laughed because I thought he was joking. A couple minutes later, a blonde actually walked in, he winked at me, and he introduced himself to her. 

She rolled her eyes and kissed him! I was like, what? What did I just witness? Turns out it was his wife, and that made my day. Reddit user: [redacted]

I worked at a grocery store a few years back during high school, and I went out to dump all of the bad fruit into the dumpster. I caught my 25-year-old store manager cheating on her husband with the gross-looking 60-year-old store district maintenance man in his van out by the dumpsters.

Truth Will Come Out

I just shrugged and didn’t say a word about it. The next day, she called me into the office to blackmail me. I planned on putting my 2 weeks in several weeks before that anyway, so that was as good a time as ever. Reddit user: [redacted]

I was an intern at a library when a woman falsely accused a male worker of assault. The man got fired. Turns out, she fabricated the entire story because he caught her cheating on her husband the day before a party and wanted to keep his mouth shut. We found out because the idiot was bragging about it to her friend and the friend reported her. 

Bus Driver

In the end, she got what she deserved. The man was hired back, the woman was fired, and the woman’s husband divorced her on the spot. Reddit user: [redacted]

Where do I start? I drove buses for 25 years. Someone overdosed on the bus. I have seen 3 people fall off motorcycles, 2 pedestrians hit by cars (one was extremely serious, not sure if he survived), and countless close calls myself with pedestrians running in front of the bus. 

 A Poster

I also had a full-on brawl break out on a packed bus with fists flying everywhere right next to me. That is just the stuff I remember; I have forgotten twice as much. Reddit user: [redacted]

I work customer support at an office retailer in the marketing supplies department. Sometimes, it was my job to help people create billboards and posters. I once stayed 30 minutes after my shift to help design a poster for a customer to commemorate the one year anniversary of the time he got shot in the butt.

Copperhead Bitten

I work customer support at an office retailer in the marketing supplies department. Sometimes, it was my job to help people create billboards and posters. I once stayed 30 minutes after my shift to help design a poster for a customer to commemorate the one year anniversary of the time he got shot in the butt.

I thought it was a joke until he sent me the photo with a gunshot wound on his bare bottom that I had to blow up on a 3ft x 4ft poster. Reddit user: [redacted]

I’ve worked at a golf course for the past 3 years doing course maintenance. One of the people I work with is a hard-working 61-year-old man named Mario. One day on the ninth hole, Mario was tasked with weed eating. I heard a blood curdling scream. It was Mario. 

 She Was Having a Psychotic Episode

I’ve worked at a golf course for the past 3 years doing course maintenance. One of the people I work with is a hard-working 61-year-old man named Mario. One day on the ninth hole, Mario was tasked with weed eating. I heard a blood curdling scream. It was Mario. 

I witnessed him yank a 3- to 4-foot copperhead off of his Achilles heel and throw it in the pond. Before I could offer help, he rushed to his car and drove himself to a nearby hospital. Reddit user: [redacted]

Only 2 months into my first pharmacy job, I had a woman try and convince me to look up 5 different birthdays all to find the same patient’s name while simultaneously acting like she was speaking into an ear-piece. After the 2nd birthday, I called for backup, because I realized that she was having a psychotic episode. 

 Petting Zoo

After the 5th, my manager finally arrived, and she realized that she had been “caught.” She was also trying to convince me that her curiosity was part of an investigation sanctioned by an FBI agent that was contacting HER. Reddit user: [redacted]

I used to work in a bank, and there was a homeless person who had come to the bank for a loan. He wanted to build an open air adult-only heavy petting zoo in a local park. This was promptly declined. In protest of the bank’s decision, he proceeded to defecate in front of the manager’s office, which was next to the crowded waiting area. 

 Not a Normal Office Job

Ultimately, he sprayed the manager’s door and wrecked the carpet. The bank smelled like his poop for 3 weeks until the carpet was replaced. Reddit user: [redacted]

In college, I worked for a small company run by a lunatic. Everyone was terrified of him, and no one questioned anything. One of the salesmen turned 40, and we were all called into the conference room for what turned out to be a stripper in her 60s. At one point she was slapping the salesman in the face with her bosom. 

Tickets Somewhere Else

My closest friend coworker and I were so young, and this was our first office job, so we thought it was weird but maybe normal somehow. Reddit user: [redacted]

I’m the head of complaints for a well-known business in the entertainment industry. I had a grown man crying on the phone to me, sobbing and screaming and begging and pleading because our tickets were slightly more expensive than a competitor near him, and he wanted a price match.

 It Was Out

I also had to explain to a middle-aged man that there is no such thing as “unmeltable” ice and that his frozen drink will melt in a hot room on a hot day and that we can’t change that. He didn’t believe me. Reddit user: [redacted]

I worked at Subway at a VERY busy truck stop. I was almost 17 at the time, and the place was packed as usual. I was standing at the cash register looking towards the soda machine. The soda machine was right by a corner. Before I even knew it, a middle-aged, heavyset man came around the corner with his entire man part out.

 Poor Guy

Like through the zipper. I don’t know if he didn’t know. He just walked past me and went in the direction of the bathroom seemingly unaware. Reddit user: [redacted]

An old man literally had poop fall out of his shorts on the way to the bathroom and continued walking like nothing happened. This happened in front of many of my co-workers/myself. I felt bad for him; he could have been sick, could have no feeling down there, I don’t know. 

 A Pile of Pig Heads

But all I know is that the whole restaurant smelled like poop, and one of the cooks had to pick up the crap with a napkin and throw it away before the old man came back to realize. Reddit user: [redacted]

Someone left a pile of pig heads in a conference room. I work in events, and normally a group comes in, uses the room, leaves, and we pack down. They sometimes leave things behind such as pens and booklets…just small stuff. One group (doctors I think) came in, and when they left, we discovered a pile of pig heads in the room.

 He Stabbed the Security Guard

When we asked about it, they told us just to toss them. One of my coworkers (who takes public transport) actually took one home for her dog. Reddit user: [redacted]

I went upstairs at work to go to the bathroom, and I saw that one of the upstairs corridors was taped off. Because I can’t leave well enough alone, I went and had a little look. Outside our first aid room, there was blood all over the floor, and the room itself was completely wrecked.

 Thou Shall Not Lie

Turns out, there was a guy freaking out, and security put him in there to cool off. But he pretty much destroyed the whole room, put his fist through the mirror, and stabbed our security guard with the glass. Reddit user: [redacted]

A coworker was hyper-religious and I’m fairly certain an undiagnosed paranoid schizophrenic. He had several breakdowns and was convinced that my boss was out to get him (my boss is really one of the nicest people in the world). He called my boss a liar once, and before storming out, he left a Bible open on his desk with “thou shall not lie” underlined in red pen.

Bikini Bottoms and Flip Flops

It’s pretty sad. He doesn’t work here anymore, and I hope that he’s getting some help. Reddit user: [redacted]

A woman came into our clothing store in ONLY bikini bottoms and flip flops. We were all too stunned to say anything (I live in Britain), and she literally just tried things on in the store. She picked out a dress, brought it up to the counter, and a male colleague just bolted out the door to somewhere else.

 Bouncy House

I served her, and she went on her merry way. My male colleague later said that he couldn’t look at her face, so he just got out of there. Reddit user: [redacted]

 I was at my desk in my office, and somebody poked their head in the door and said, “There’s a bouncy castle in the lounge!” and then ran off. I went to the lounge (which was a large room with a two-story ceiling), and sure enough, somebody had inflated a bouncy castle in the middle of it. 

 Jaguar At Hole 12

We dumped all the balls from the ball pit into it, and shenanigans were had for the next hour or so. Reddit user: [redacted]

One of the members at the country club I work at had a few too many drinks one night and decided it would be a good idea to drive home. The problem arose when he mistook the cart path for the road and ended up driving all the way across the golf course. 

 Piling the Spaghetti

One of the members at the country club I work at had a few too many drinks one night and decided it would be a good idea to drive home. The problem arose when he mistook the cart path for the road and ended up driving all the way across the golf course. 

The next morning, his Jaguar was found in a bunker on hole 12. Another time, while I was caddying, a nearly naked old man stumbled out of the woods into the middle of the fairway. We weren’t even sure how he got there. Reddit user: [redacted]

I wish someone would have gotten this one on video. I work at Olive Garden, and a guest came in highly intoxicated. This was fine, because he didn’t seem to be belligerent. Then he ordered spaghetti and started just piling it in his mouth viciously with his hands. Spaghetti was everywhere. 

The cops were called, and he was arrested. He yelled at my manager and asked him if he would fight him on the way out. Reddit user: [redacted]