People Reveal The Extra Perks They Enjoy Just By Looking Hot

Hot Guy Compliments vs. Ugly Guy Compliments

Hot people: we love looking at them so much that we dislike them, because we want to be them. They were given a little extra attention by the genetic gods, and for some reason, they often get certain perks that the less fortunate do not, regardless of anything other than looks. 

The people of the internet shared their real stories about hot people that will make you take a second glance in the mirror. If you’re hot, you’re just reading a nice reminder of the perks you get every day. Congratulations!

It’s always so flattering when you get complimented by someone who’s attractive, but it doesn’t have the same appeal when it’s someone who isn’t as cute. This happened to me. A hot guy compliments me with “look at those legs!” All the girls are jelly and say, “You should ask him out!” 

Princess Diary Pretty 

An “ugly” guy does the exact same thing a few days later. All the girls think he’s a “creep” and “wouldn’t want to be you, you poor, poor girl.” When I mentioned double standards after this happened, they got super rude and defensive. Reddit user: [redacted]

My sister and I call ourselves “Princess Diary” pretty, because we have frizzy curly hair, but when straightened, we clean up pretty nice. We tried an experiment for two weeks. Week 1: Wear sweatpants, no hair straightening, no makeup. Week 2: Wear cute outfits, straighten hair, do makeup, wear perfume. 

Talking to People

Week 1: People would let doors slam in my face and treated me meanly. Week 2: Everyone smiled at me, I got invited out with co-workers, and I even had my coffee/donut paid for. Anyone who says that looks don’t matter is living in a fantasy world. Reddit user: [redacted]

Literally just existing and talking to people is different. There’s a guy at work named Sean. Sean is unfortunate-looking. He’s a redhead, he’s balding, yet his the sides and back of his hairstyle are pretty long. He doesn’t cut his nose hairs, he’s constantly red/pink, pot-bellied, and yeah, he kind of lingers around your desk and talks a bit too much.

Cheating Is A-Okay

Everyone at work thinks he’s creepy. TBH, Sean is a sweet, nice dude. I know for a fact that if he were skinnier, had hair, and wasn’t ugly that people wouldn’t think he’s creepy at all. Reddit user: [redacted]

I can say I’ve seen this happen, and when we’re just chatting, they’ll say they have a zero-tolerance policy for cheating. Not a popular opinion, but from watching drama within my friend group, cheating is different. An average guy cheats, and his girl dumps him and never thinks about his sorry butt again. 

Hot People Get Higher Tips

A hot guy cheats and his girl says it’s over but is dating him again within a month or two. This is probably something not many people would admit. They’ll all say cheating is unacceptable regardless of looks, but as far as I’ve seen, their actions tell another story. Reddit user: [redacted]

For me, higher tips in the service industry. On days that I look real good, more people want to sit at my bar, the tips are higher, and people are just absolutely thrilled to do my survey. On the other hand, I might have more confidence on those days, so it’s hard to tell. 

It’s What’s on the Inside That Counts

I mean, can I really look that different from one day to the next, or is it my attitude that people feed off of? Personally, I think it’s a little bit of both. Reddit user: [redacted]

Have you ever seen an attractive person start dating someone that’s less attractive than them, and they go on and on about how it’s what’s on the inside that counts? If the same thing happened but it was an ugly person talking about another ugly person, it would be taken completely differently. 

Eating a Lot 

Going on about how inner beauty is more important than outer beauty is super common. If you’re attractive and say this, you’re humble and empowering, but if you’re ugly and say it, you’re just seen as whining. Reddit user: [redacted]

Being a skinny girl, I can relate to this. I do, however, also get the comment, “Just wait until your metabolism slows down.” But eating a lot is different. Skinny/pretty girl eats an entire pizza? Oh how cute! She can eat anything she wants and she’s still skinny! Adorable! How awesome!

Being Weird 

Fat/unattractive or average person eats a whole pizza? Just sad. I mean, I’m still gonna eat the pizza. Reddit user: [redacted]

Zooey Deschanel is a perfect example of this, I think. She’s quirky and cute. But anyway, being weird. People will tolerate a great deal of weirdness, strangeness, and psycho behavior from an attractive person, whereas these traits would be unforgivable in an ugly person. There was a social experiment conducted where a catfish profile of a beautiful blonde was created.

The Halo Effect

When guys talked to her, the catfishers responded with the weirdest, most bizarre, off-the-wall, creepy answers, but guys still kept pursuing. People will tolerate a lot of weirdness if it comes alongside hotness. Reddit user: [redacted]

I think the most noticeable thing is the halo effect. People tend to give you the benefit of the doubt and start off liking/trusting you. I live along a great hiking path that I go on every day, and puppy watch is my favorite part. People don’t get freaked out when I run up to their new puppy, pick it up and cuddle it, and then tell them I’m gonna steal their puppy.

 They Make Their Neighborhood Pretty

They just laugh and look pleased that I like their puppy so much. But I’m also attractive. If I weren’t, it would be creepy. Reddit user: [redacted]

Wouldn’t it be nice to sign a lease to a house because they think you’ll make their neighborhood pretty? My wife and I applied for many houses to rent, and the ones that were managed by the owners themselves (and not property management companies) immediately asked us if we would move in, because they saw our Facebook and liked the way we looked.

 Having Fetishes 

They felt comfortable having us as their tenants without us even going through background checks, income verification, etc. Reddit user: [redacted]

Having fantasies or fetishes is different when you’re attractive. If you’re ugly, having fantasies is seen as creepy and dirty. If you’re handsome, it’s attractive and exciting. When you think about Fifty Shade of Grey, if Christian Grey was ugly, he would have been a creep hands down.

 Smiling at Strangers 

Think about it. He made this girl sign a contract, change her diet, practically stalked her, and then bought her things that she didn’t really ask for…but he was hot? So it’s okay? Reddit user: [redacted]

 Making a lot of eye contact or smiling at a stranger. If I was on a bus and an old man that had no teeth and looked kind of suspicious was smiling at me, it would make me feel uncomfortable. I would probably avoid eye contact at all costs, make sure to not have good posture, and put on a jacket or tighten my scarf.


However, if it was a hot guy or girl and they just smiled at me, I would probably just smile back and feel flattered that I caught their eye. Reddit user: [redacted]

Never thought anyone could be given applause for doing a normal human function such as farting, but here it is. This super hot girl farted once in my high school class. People thought it was hilarious, and some of the football players hugged her and thought it was awesome…for some unknown reason.

 Letting Yourself Go

Later that year, in English class, an overweight girl let a ripper go and was mocked and ridiculed and was told she was disgusting. Reddit user: [redacted]

 A beautiful man can let his hair get shaggy, go a week or two without shaving, and bum around in jeans and a T-shirt. “He’s so rugged, look how carefree he is!” An ugly man does the same thing and he needs to put himself together, no wonder he doesn’t have a girlfriend.

 Small Talk

A beautiful woman decides to bum around the house in sweats with virtually no makeup and her hair tied back. “She’s a low-maintenance, natural beauty.” An ugly woman does the same thing and she’s a frumpy, lonely cat lady. Reddit user: [redacted]

 My friend matched a girl on Tinder who looked very attractive. He went to meet her for the first time, and he felt “catfished.” Apparently she was much larger than the pictures let on. I told him you gotta expect that a bit. Anyway, after knowing she was not very attractive, he said she was awful at conversations. 

She Was a Hot Girl

Looking back on his old texts, she was always awful at conversation, but he was never “bored” when he thought it was a really hot girl asking about his day. Reddit user: [redacted]

She was a hot girl living life, loving life, all cool until she hit middle age. Her looks went, and she realized that she had been receiving special treatment her whole life. She never understood when people would be so down about life and figured they just needed to have a more “positive attitude.”

You Don’t Need to be Charming 

Now she sees things as they are. No one will do you any favors. No one will help you when you need it, and she got to see both sides of the coin. Reddit user: [redacted]

Sometimes my more sociable friends and I would go out, and I would see a cute girl. They would give me the look, and my friends would shower me with “that girl is so obviously into you, do something!” I’d try my hardest to muster some courage and fumble through what very few would call a conversation, while the girl would just be staring at me. 

 Hot Little Brother

Eventually I would ask for her number, and she’d give it to me instantly. I have never had a rejection because I’m attractive. Reddit user: [redacted]

My little brother was a model for a short while. He’s got the body of a god. He would have tons of people bending over backwards to help him. Any girl less than an 8 is a sure thing for him, but he’s not a player. His long-term girlfriends have all been amazing people. He picks good ones.

Wearing Fancy Clothes

The most upsetting thing is having girls out of my league befriend and flirt with me just to get to him. It messes with my esteem. Reddit user: [redacted]

I wonder if this is why all those outrageous dresses and clothes they wear during fashion week are deemed fashion. It’s not the clothes. It’s the hot people wearing the clothes. Wearing fancy clothes is easy for hot people. A year ago, at this dance, one of the ‘popular’ girls wore this horrific candy-pink dress and was called ‘unique’ and ‘bold.’ 

 Hot Girls That Play Video Games

This year’s dance, an overweight girl wore the exact same dress and was mocked as being ‘poor’ and was asked if she got it from the costume store. Reddit user: [redacted]

 The video streaming world is a tough culture to break into, especially as a girl. Sadly, it’s easier for hot girls. As a woman who loves video games, I spend a lot of time gaming and streaming. Before I gained weight, viewers as a whole were a lot more friendly and willing to watch my stream; now I have a health condition, and I look pretty rough.


I get virtually no views now. I still stream and love my games, but it was different before, when I was “pretty.” Reddit user: [redacted]

Looking up someone’s personal information so you can find them again. When you’re ugly, you’re stalking them. When you’re hot, you’re being romantic, e.g., in Hitch, Will Smith tracks down where Eva Mendes worked and then sent a delivery guy there to give her a wetsuit in her exact measurements. 

 Being a Criminal

He was being romantic. But you would not be considered romantic if you were ugly doing this. Reddit user: [redacted]

Being a criminal is perfectly okay when you’re hot. I remember when that ‘beautiful convict’ guy was floating around the internet for a while, and similar stories still surface on my Facebook feed from time to time. Remember Ted Bundy? Back in the 1970s, people really thought Ted Bundy was hot, so they wanted to be killed by him too. 


Fast forward to 2019, and heartthrob Zac Efron plays him in that one movie, and every girl wants to be murdered again. You can literally get away with murder if you have the right look. Reddit user: [redacted]

 Intelligence. Generally speaking, incredibly hot people (especially women) aren’t expected to be intelligent and have to work hard to “prove” themselves in school and the workplace. Conversely, very good looking but not smoking hot people are generally perceived as smarter than a less hot person. People who don’t rank high on the hottie scale are generally perceived to be “book worms” and the “go-to” for answers on mundane and boring topics. 

 Mental Illness

I think intelligence can come in all forms, so it’s a shame that people’s perceptions are so skewed. Reddit user: [redacted]

As an incredibly shy and self-conscious ‘attractive’ girl, I was told growing up that I was too beautiful to be upset and depressed. My English teacher flat out ignored the fact that I had a mental illness and told me that I “don’t look like I have one.” The principal of my old school told my parents that “I looked so happy and was laughing with my friends,” while I was being constantly bullied and self-harmed regularly. 

 Saying You’re Ugly

I don’t know if that’s just the school, but it felt like the way I looked changed how I was treated. Reddit user: [redacted]

 If you’re actually ugly, you just end up making everyone uncomfortable. If you’re beautiful, people tend to fall all over themselves trying to reassure you that you’re beautiful. The age old “I’m so ugly” coming from a pretty person means everyone flocks around that person to say that they aren’t and that they’re really pretty, and they give them tons of compliments.

 Hot People Get the Job

We’ve all seen it. They post on Instagram and say “bad hair day” and everyone goes on and on about how they wish they could do their hair just like them. Reddit user: [redacted]

You’re about to go into the job interview of your dreams. You went to years of college, three internships, and stayed up all night answering practice interview questions to your mom over the phone. You don’t need luck, though. You need good looks. I’m a recruiter, so I can speak from experience when saying that, if you’re young and good looking, you will have a much better chance at getting the job, regardless of experience.

 I Get Whatever I Want

I’m not sure if that should make people that are attractive feel good or bad, but it’s something helpful to know. Reddit user: [redacted]

I pretty much get whatever I want whenever I want, and I have a sister who is a very beautiful redhead, and she takes getting whatever she wants to whole new levels. For example, she once walked into Verizon and demanded she wanted the newest, most expensive droid for free…and got it.  

 Women Get More

I’m more of a nerd with a cat, and I sit at home doing computer stuff and music stuff by myself, and people are shocked to find this out. Reddit user: [redacted]

Personally, I think a man gets some small perks if he’s good looking, but women can get way more out of it. Simply because men are suckers for hot women more than the other way around. Hot women have it easier to make a good catch for marriage, jobs, get free stuff, and so forth.

 Unemployment Looks Good

Good looking men sure have it easier, but most women won’t date/marry a guy just because of looks. Attractive men get smaller things like getting into clubs or served first at a bar. Reddit user: [redacted]

Hot people can get away with not having a job all because they’re hot. My ugly friend without a job is constantly abused by anyone he tells about his unemployment and labeled as lazy and worthless. Well, I’m pretty hot and like to have different jobs every so often because I honestly don’t like sitting in one place for a while. 

 They Get Free Ice Cream

People just ask me what kind of crazy experimental phase I’m going through and are incredibly interested in “what’s next.” Reddit user: [redacted]

When I was younger, my dad used to have me walk up to the person at the counter when I wanted ice cream somewhere and ask for it, and they would just give it to me. I told my boyfriend this casually one day because I thought it was normal, and he started cracking up (mainly at what my dad did).

 They Get Good Tips

I don’t know if my dad really knew that it would happen, but because it happened a few times, I guess he did. Reddit user: [redacted]

I’ve got a friend who’s about to be a roommate, and this girl is gorgeous. She’s smart all get out too. A group of girls used to be pretty nasty to her, and high school dudes didn’t give her the time of day. She can be pretty dominant, so most guys our age see her as intimidating. 

 No Dress Codes

She got a job as a bartender working in a rich wine bar in a really wealthy town. Businessmen and older dudes die for this girl; she’s great at interacting with them too. Reddit user: [redacted]

I was losing weight (coming down from 200 lbs), and I wore shorts to work. They reached my fingertips, just like our dress code said, but you know, I jiggled more than someone that was more fit. Needless to say, within 5 minutes of being at work, I was told I had to change. The very next day, I saw another girl wear similar shorts. 

 Male Model

No one said a thing because she was this fit hot blonde girl that hits the gym all the time. Double standards. Reddit user: [redacted]

An obvious answer for this is that hot people get more dates and probably have more love in the sheets than ugly people, but this is nuts. You know, I saw this male model. He had gone public with his Tinder matches, and this dude would literally just tell the girls he wanted to sleep with them.

 Hot People Coast Through Life

They would go, “Omg you’re so hot, okay, here’s my number.” So yeah, if you’re really attractive, you can just flat out ask people for love, and they will probably say okay. Reddit user: [redacted]

I have a sister that’s supposedly very attractive. She has blonde hair, blue eyes, goes to the gym. People are all the time asking me for her number. She COASTS through her life. She’s not very smart at all, but she makes very good money in her sales job, so she’s successful. 

 She’s Got Good Genes

She got her job despite the fact that she doesn’t know anything about sales. It’s actually pretty annoying. I, on the other hand, am much smarter than her, but I just don’t get the opportunities to shine that she does. Reddit user: [redacted]

I do have an amazing relationship and love life, but I get asked out a lot, I get free drinks at the bars, I can get into clubs very easily, and basically I can get my way for the most part. What sucks about being attractive, and on the thinner side, is that larger women (not necessarily unattractive women though) have actually yelled my way while I’m out.

 Being a Bookworm

They call me a “stupid skinny chick,” and people also expect that I’m stupid and anorexic. I’ve got great genes; blame my parents, not me. Reddit user: [redacted]

If a pretty girl loves Harry Potter and has her nose in a book 24/7, she’s “so cute” and “marches to the beat of her own drum.” Now, if a more unattractive person loves something like Lord of the Rings and will make the occasional remark related to it, she’s “a geek,” “has no life,” and is “weird.” 

 Depression Is Hot

A pretty girl who’s short is “quaint” and “petite” and a “pretty little thing.” Someone, like me, not so attractive is laughed at when she can’t reach things and is told things like, “Havin’ trouble, hobbit?” Reddit user: [redacted]

Not too long ago, my sister and I were enjoying coffee at the local coffee shop, and we struck up a conversation about mental illness. Some jock overheard her end and was all like, “You poor thing. I wish I could take all your pain away.” When we continued our conversation, ignoring him, I started explaining about my most recent issue.

 Sometimes Someone Better Comes Along

He looked over and said, “Since the hot one has issues, all of a sudden the pig does too.” My sister turned around and called him every name in the book. Reddit user: [redacted]

 I know a girl that’s very attractive. She was cheating on her boyfriend. Her one friend wholly supported it. They said, “Sometimes someone better comes along.” My friends seemed to think it was no big deal either. One said, “At the end of the day, the most anyone can say about cheating is that it’s wrong.” 

 Dressing Casual

My wife seemed to want to give the girl the benefit of the doubt and said, “We can’t consider her the bad guy here. We don’t know her whole story. Maybe her current boyfriend is abusive.” Reddit user: [redacted]

The hottest people are the naturally hot people, right? Keep up and listen to this: dressing down for the occasion is a thing. For example, a hot guy can wear jeans to a semi-formal event and pull it off, looks fine, no worries. The ugly guy wears jeans to a semi-formal event and he looks lazy and underdressed.

 Nerd Culture 

Sometimes going as natural as possible looks the best…unless you’re ugly. Then there’s nothing you can do. Even if you try your best, someone who’s hot will look better doing nothing to themselves. Reddit user: [redacted]

Anything “nerd culture.” Like, actual nerd culture like playing MTG, DnD, watching anime. Girls aren’t going to care if a decent looking guy does any of that, but they will definitely stereotype a dude if he’s overweight and/or doesn’t take good care of himself and also enjoys these sorts of hobbies.

If a girl is into that stuff, she’s branded as a freak or a weirdo. If a hot girl is into that stuff, she’s deemed hot and definitely should do cosplay so she can be as objectified as possible. Reddit user: [redacted]