A Secret Comes to Light
Weddings are supposed to be joyous occasions, but they don’t always go down that way. Anything from a disaster with the dress to the groom not showing up could happen. There can be fights, the officiant can bomb, or the best man could end up being totally wasted. But by far the worst is when someone objects….

It doesn’t happen too often, but when someone actually springs out of their seat to speak out against a union that everyone else thought we be joyous and problem-free, the drama can really take off. Whether it’s fists flying or broken relationships and bridges burned, wedding drama can be intense.
Check out these first-hand accounts that are centered around people who decided not to hold their peace. Strap yourself in for the wackiest wedding confessions and more.
The best man did this. It happened at the rehearsal the night before; it was a very large wedding and the rehearsal was even bigger. The minister was going over the vows while giving instructions on what to do. When he said something about objections, the best man interrupted, saying he had to put a stop to this….
Getting Her Power Back

He was in love with the bride and was sure she felt the same way. My sister and everyone else was horrified. It caused plenty of chaos and confusion. As far as I know, neither the bride nor groom ever spoke to him again. Reddit user: chadspdx
The bride read the groom’s cheating comments from his phone as her vows. It was the most shocking thing I’d ever seen. She said he didn’t deserve her and that he needed to excuse himself from the venue. We all watched him tuck tail and leave in stunned silence. She then addressed his family….
“All of you have been so good and kind to me over the past four years. My respect and love for you have not changed. Please join all of my family and friends at the reception for a celebration of truth, love, and freedom to make the right decisions even though they hurt.”
Is She Really Pure?

His brother and two friends didn’t go to the reception. Everyone else attended and had a blast. Reddit user: [redacted]
The groom’s dad interrupted the wedding to ask the bride’s father whether or not she was truly a virgin in front of the entire church. When the groom’s father interrupted the wedding, the bride’s father (officiating the wedding) did, in fact, say it was confirmed, although I’m not sure how he convinced the father of the groom….
Not the Best Idea…

They eventually showed the groom’s father out and continued with the ceremony, which was super awkward afterward. Reddit user: chickenbiscuit26
I was the best man at a wedding, and the groom’s older sister decided to play a joke by standing up and saying, “I object.” The groom’s mother stood up, slapped her, told her it was not an appropriate joke, and sent her home. This was not the first time the daughter had done something like this….
Not Mom’s Favorite

And her mom had had enough. Her mother still refuses to talk to her daughter four years later (she’d spent over $50k of her own money for her son’s wedding). Reddit user: Consequence6
I went to a friend’s wedding, and during the reception, his mother got up to do an impromptu speech. She said, “I can’t believe my son is marrying that horrible woman. She’s going to ruin his life.” The groom ripped the microphone out of her hand, then yelled at her to leave….
The Confession

This was seven years ago, and the couple is still married. For the record, the bride is not horrible; she’s actually quite lovely and nothing like the mother said. Reddit user: [redacted]
I went to a co-worker’s wedding and the maid of honor objected. Everyone was stunned, but then she admitted to being the other woman and revealed that the groom had been cheating with her for months. The bride left in tears, and the groom immediately tried to get with the maid of honor….
A Very Awkward Situation

She told him she wasn’t going to hurt the bride (who was supposed to be her best friend, anyway) further and that he needed to leave her alone. The bride is doing much better, got a huge promotion, and is now a manager, but I haven’t heard from the groom in over a year….
The maid of honor and bride are on speaking terms, but I don’t think their relationship is ever going to be what it used to be. Reddit user: saffronar
A random guest stood up and proceeded to basically declare his love for the bride and pour his heart out, saying that it should’ve been him up on the altar that day. The whole room went dead silent. The bride went red with embarrassment and the groom went red with anger….
Jerry Springer Mixed with Cops

The best man promptly called for the DJ/MC to start playing music. All this was in front of the random person’s wife; it didn’t go down too well. Reddit user: rubber_band_ball
My wife dragged me to a wedding that I did not want to be at years ago, but I’m forever grateful that she did, because I was able to witness one of the greatest spectacles of human drama that has ever taken place; this was like an episode of Jerry Springer mixed with Cops….
The bride’s lover spoke up at the “forever hold your peace” moment and yelled, “I’ll be a fool if I’m gonna keep my mouth shut and let you steal my woman, you sorry piece of crap.” The deranged old lover proceeded to come at the groom, threatening to hurt him if he didn’t give her up….
Bad Start, Horrible End

It wasn’t a huge wedding, maybe 40 or so people, but every single one of them went screaming and running; maybe two people stayed and called the cops. I grabbed my wife’s hand and we retreated outside to watch the rest of the scene unfold from the church window. Reddit user: jjett89
The groom himself objected. He just stood up there and started crying and, in front of everyone, told the ˇ that he’d fallen out of love with her a while before, but he didn’t know how to break it off. It was extremely uncomfortable, they both stepped out, and ten minutes later came back and got married….
Starting on the Right Foot

The bride had apparently told him she was pregnant. They’re still together, with three kids, and I’m not sure about the husband, but I can confirm that the wife is having an affair. Neither of them is happy, but she has a comfortable life and he doesn’t have the spine to leave. Reddit user: naked_nun_run
My mom invited an ex she was still rather close with to her wedding, and he stood up and yelled, “I object!!” Little did everyone at the wedding know, but my dad had gotten rather close with him and paid him to stand up and object just for the fun of it; he burst out laughing during the objection.
A Fight for Love

My mom didn’t find it as funny as my dad did and was pretty annoyed until the reception. It really started their marriage off on the right foot. Reddit user: [redacted]
I was at a medieval-themed wedding and the best man declared his love for the bride. He then challenged the groom to fight for her love. They marched outside, drew swords, and went at it. Apparently, they had choreographed the entire thing two nights a week for about six months before the actual ceremony….
Not That Traditional After All

But it honestly looked like they were trying to kill each other. The groom won and everything went on like normal. It was weird but cool. Reddit user: Andrakys86
Back in the late nineties, I was invited to the wedding of a guy I was in the Army with. He married his girlfriend from university in his southern (Italian-speaking) Swiss hometown; it was all very traditional. During the ceremony, a girl crashed through the door and started shouting at the bride in Italian….
A Bride’s Prank

She said that the bride could not get married in white in a church because she was not “pure.” The whole audience was stunned and waited for the reaction from the couple or someone in general. Suddenly, the groom’s mother stood up and screamed at the intruder in the most vicious voice I’ve ever heard, “Manuela, shut up.”
“Everyone knows where you like taking it!” the mother continued. I’ve been told that the girl was the groom’s high school girlfriend, but he left her because she wanted to wait until marriage. Reddit user: [redacted]
One guy got up at a wedding and pledged his undying love for the bride, followed by four or five others objecting for various reasons, including one guy’s love for the groom. By the second or third objection, though, it was clear that the whole thing was a clever and well-staged ruse.
Wrong Church!

I found out later that it was all set up by the bride as a prank on the unsuspecting groom, their family, and friends. It was pretty hilarious! Reddit user: stevo_james
One of my father’s brothers loved to play practical jokes on his friends when they were getting married. He said he was not worried about payback because he would never get married. Those were famous last words. When he finally got engaged, he warned his fiance that they would probably face lots of pranks, since his friends wanted revenge….
But everything went off without a hitch until the minister said that fatal phrase, “If anyone can show just cause that this man and this woman should not be married, let him speak now or forever hold his peace.” Suddenly, a voice rang out from the back of the church, “Stop the wedding!”
Maybe It Was a Sign

A man no one had ever seen before, wearing bib overalls and a checked shirt, came down the aisle holding a baseball bat in one hand and pulling a very pregnant young lady with the other. He came to the front and glared at my uncle, full in the face, for a long minute….
Then he glared at the bride and the minister. Finally, he looked around the sanctuary at the guests. He suddenly called out, “WRONG CHURCH!” and he and the girl ran out. Reddit user: [redacted]
I was at a friend’s wedding, which was being held outdoors. It had been sunny and hot every day up until the wedding. But on the day, some seriously dark storm clouds were rolling in. The ceremony began, and when the minister asked the infamous question, something really freaky happened….
An Objection and a Baby

Lightning struck a tree about a kilometer from where we were all standing. The couple got divorced less than a year later. Reddit user: [redacted]
I once went to a wedding where the ceremony was interrupted by the woman the groom was seeing on the side. And that’s not even the craziest part. She also happened to show up to the wedding WITH THEIR BABY: the one no one knew about until they saw the undeniable resemblance.
The Bride’s Revelation

It ended with the groom trying to talk everyone (his almost wife, family, and friends) into being more open-minded. It was the craziest wedding I’d ever been to. Reddit user: taradactyl819
When the pastor got to the part about “or forever hold your peace,” the bride said, “Yes, I’d like to say something.” Then she turned around to her guests and said, “I’d like to thank my maid of honor for sleeping with my fiance last night.” The stunned silence was followed by death stares at the groom and maid of dis-honor.
Coming Out of the Closet…Again

With that, she threw her bouquet and stormed off. The story even made it on the local radio at the time. Reddit user: ptsdpillowguy
One of my friends interrupted his cousin’s wedding to come out of the closet. He couldn’t understand why people were so pissed at him for basically hijacking someone else’s wedding. He thought that what he had to say was way more important than two people declaring their love for one another on their special (and very expensive) day.
Don’t Even Think About It

Well, this was not the first time he had chosen to come out. Plus everyone in the family already knew, and no one had a problem. Reddit user: Parkstreet2nort
This was in the early ’70s in semi-rural Washington state. My cousin was getting married, and my aunt and the mother of the groom did not get along well. During the ceremony, when the pastor got to the part about objecting, my aunt said something to my uncle, and the groom’s mom jumped up and grabbed my aunt by the hair. They started going at it, all the way out the door and into the parking area.
Ripping His Ear Off

They were separated eventually, and everyone filed back into the barn, where the wedding continued. Reddit user: [redacted]
I was at a college buddy’s wedding when an inebriated childhood friend of the bride tried to stand up and profess his love for her. The bride’s father immediately stood up and tried to haul off said guy by the ear, except the father was so angry that he pulled too hard and partially severed the guy’s ear.
Persistence at Its Worst

I laughed a little too hard when the dude screamed like a small girl, but I was not the only one; a few people even applauded. Reddit user: [redacted]
I didn’t have a traditional church wedding like most people expect, but my husband’s mother showed up at the courthouse to yell one last time about how I probably have STIs (because I wasn’t a virgin) and that I’d never belong in the family. I haven’t spoken to her since.
What a Damper!

Talk about burning a bridge. But it’s not like I was really missing out anyway. To be honest, good riddance, I say! Reddit user: [redacted]
The bride’s ex objected and said he still loved her. They had become friends again after breaking up, and as far as anyone knew, his feelings for her were just platonic, especially given that he had broken up with her. He got kicked out pretty quickly, and to no one’s surprise.
That’ll Teach Him!

The wedding continued, but it was pretty messed up and put a real damper on the day. Reddit user: CompetitiveIce8
I had a friend whose ex was awful; he was aggressive towards her, played around on her, and stalked her when she left him. Fast forward three years; she’s met a wonderful guy and she’s literally in the chapel getting married when the ex steps out from behind the confessional and objects. He says, “I’m Catholic. She’s Catholic! We’re still married!” which was not true. She was legally free of him, but he did not want to recognize it.
The Constant Rollercoaster

Her soon-to-be husband stepped up and decked the guy. The cops ended up being called, and they had to haul the ex out. Afterwards, everybody just stood there until the groom took out a handkerchief, wiped her tears, and then his bloody nose, took her hand, and turned to the altar again. He then said, “Please continue, Father,” to the priest and they did, hand in hand. Reddit user: [redacted]
When I was 13, I went to my cousin’s wedding. Everything was going great. They even got past the “speak now or forever hold your peace” part. The couple wrote their own vows, but before my cousin’s fiancee could even begin her vows, his son got up and announced to the entire room that the woman he was about to marry was cheating on his dad with a known criminal, and that he couldn’t let his dad marry her.
Proving a Point

My cousin yelled at his son to either sit down or leave. The son left, my cousin married her anyway, and 5 years and one baby later, he found out it was true. He then got married a third time, but his third (now ex-wife) had to pay for his divorce. This wedding had no objections; they moved to Missouri, and this time, instead of separating or asking for a divorce, he decided he didn’t want to be married anymore and just moved back to Cali….
To get back together with his second ex-wife. The one who was cheating with the criminal. Yeah, family dinners are a little awkward. Reddit user: [redacted]
Nobody had said “speak now,” but the bride’s ex still decided to get up and scream that he was her soulmate, that she forgave him for “this whole thing,” and that they should leave now because he’d proven his point (by breaking up with her five years earlier, falling in love, and holding a wedding).
The Wrong Place and Time

Needless to say that stunt didn’t get him very far and he was quickly escorted out. Reddit user: HammeredHeretic
Two guys who had dated each other for several years were about to get married. At the altar, one came out and said he wasn’t actually gay. He admitted that he was just afraid to hurt the other guy’s feeling and waited too long to do anything until right now.
Wasn’t There Supposed to Be a Part…?

Of course, when you’re talking about a confession like that, naturally no one among either of their families was prepared. Reddit user: [redacted]
At my cousin’s wedding during the exchanging of vows, my aunt shouted, “Wasn’t there supposed to be a part where you could object?” The entire family in attendance just stared straight ahead at the ceremony as if nothing had happened. The priest paused for a moment, but then continued on as well.

She had been waiting for her moment to object, and I was happy that no one paid her any mind when she said that. Reddit user: leshiye
I was a waiter for a venue that had a lot of weddings. We typically watched the wedding ourselves from the second floor and waited for everyone to come up for the reception. A guest from the wedding arrived a few hours early, so he sat in the restaurant and had a few too many drinks.
A Mother’s Request

He yelled “DON’T DO IT [bride’s name here]. HE DOESN’T DESERVE YOU.” There were the typical gasps in the crowd, then silence as people from the bar escorted him out. Reddit user: paroxysmattack
At one wedding, the bride’s mother stood up and objected. She said calmly, as if prepared, “I love you, [groom], and I don’t want anyone else as a son-in-law. But my daughter is exactly like me, and I wouldn’t be able to let this wedding continue if I didn’t warn you.”

“You need to know about the messes we make out of the lives of people we love. Make sure you want this,” she said, then sat back down. Reddit user: [redacted]
My wedding was at my grandmother’s house out in the country, next to a cattle farm. Surprisingly, no one really noticed; no smell or anything. The cows hadn’t made a peep until the objection line, when one finally let out a “Moo!” We had a laugh and then carried on.
Fighting All the Way to the Altar

It caused a hearty chuckle among the crowd, and to this day, it’s a cute little story for us to tell, so we’re sorta happy it happened. Reddit user: sylvester49
My friend (the groom) was getting married to this awful girl we all hated. They broke up during the rehearsal dinner after arguing about the order the groomsmen would stand in (she wanted her brother higher in the order). The wedding still happened the next day, even though they were “broken up.” We all showed up to the church not knowing if the bride would show or what would happen.
It Almost Happened

She showed up, the pastor asked for the objections, and her mom objected; she yelled something about how the groom is a piece of crap and isn’t welcome in her family. The bride just stood there staring at the groom with a smug look on her face and said, “Told you you should have put my brother second in line instead of fifth.”
The pastor didn’t know what to do, but just kinda kept on trucking and eventually, they were married. They’re divorced now, didn’t even make it a whole year. Reddit user: gc_5678
I saw it nearly happen at my uncle’s wedding. A friend of theirs had too many beverages, and when the officiant said, “Speak now or forever hold your peace,” he smiled and started to stand up. My mother grabbed him by his hair and sat him back down by force.
Mom Ruined the Wedding

There was a brief flash of movement in the crowd, but barely anyone else noticed that little stunt in the making. Reddit user: killj0y13
About five years ago, I went to a co-worker’s very fancy wedding. The bride and groom were at the altar, smiling and looking deep into each other’s eyes, when the attendees were told to speak now or forever hold their peace. I got anxious like I always do, despite the fact that nothing ever happens.
But right as soon as my anxiousness had faded away, the bride’s mother stood up and objected, blurting something about how she didn’t want to continue their family with “a man like him,” meaning the groom. The bride-to-be ran off crying, and the wedding went silent. The bride’s dad took the mom and ran after the bride.
“I Didn’t Know”

The groom, on the other hand, stood there awkwardly until the groomsmen took him away. I had to leave because it was too weird. Apparently, the reception went on, though they did not get married that day. They wound up having a private ceremony and are still happily married. Reddit user: ibi1kinibi
I went to my older brother’s wedding when I was a kid, and right before the “speak now” portion was done, little 5-year-old me thought it would be a great idea to say, “I object!” Everyone turned to me, and I was dead silent. My dad asked me, “Well, why do you object?”
Are We Fishing After?

I said, “I didn’t know what would happen if I did,” and I was promptly seated. Pretty sure I didn’t get too many chuckles. Reddit user: Camero32
My mom got married to my stepdad and my uncle objected. After the attention was focused on him, he just asked if they were still going fishing afterwards. After the initial shock of it wore off and people stopped mumbling, my uncle asked again, albeit this time much, much quieter.
“Hindsight Is 20/20”

To which my stepdad reached into his suit and pulled out his fishing hat. It was very sweet and bro-mantic. Reddit user: symbioticrelation
My friend almost paid me to jump up and object at my dad’s wedding; I was so close to agreeing, and I actually did, but my dad overheard and stopped me. At the ceremony, my dad turned to me at that moment and gave me a stern look, urging me to not stand up….
A Passing Joke

I would have definitely done it for free if I knew how crazy that woman was back then. Hindsight is 20/20. Reddit user: onelamequestion
Someone objected at my own wedding, but not in the traditional way. We were getting married along a river at the end of summer, and tons of wakeboarders and boats were out. I was a ball of nerves, and the ceremony felt so serious when all of a sudden, some guy on a boat blasting music screamed, “Don’t do it, bro!” and sped off.
Getting Approval

It was actually hilarious and made the rest of the ceremony a lot more fun. My husband and I cracked up even though his brothers looked like they were about to jump in the river after the guy! Reddit user: coopamonster
I was at my cousin’s wedding as a teen and sat pretty close to the front, where the other family members were. During the part where the officiant asked, “Does anyone object?” all of the groomsmen huddled up for about 10 seconds, grunted, and nodded affirmingly.
The Breadknives

They went back to their standing positions, and the best man gave a thumbs up. The wedding proceeded without a hitch after that sweet moment. Reddit user: philobus
When I was a very young lad, I attended a wedding where a man stood up at the point of objection and exclaimed, “You forgot the breadknife.” At that point, one of the groomsmen pulled the man aside to discuss something with him, and I never saw him again after that.
A Child’s Honesty

For the next 15 years, my brother and I were convinced that it was a wedding tradition to have a breadknife and forgetting it was a mortal sin. It turns out the guy was just nuts. Reddit user: beard0x
When my sister was getting married to her now ex-husband and they asked for objections, I just screamed, “I DON’T LIKE HIIIIIIM, HE’S NOT PRETTTTTY” and started bawling like crazy. There was a stunned silence around the room, and no one knew what to do or say….
Those Dirty Pirates!

I was 5 at the time, and I can’t remember why I did it, but maybe it meant something since they’re no longer married today. Call it a toddler’s intuition. Reddit user: CyperiaRose
I had a friend object at my first wedding. He came right up to the altar, spouting off about all my shortcomings. I and my groomsmen all leveled our weapons at him, but he just wouldn’t shut up. So, we fired. He lay in a heap on the ground for the rest of the ceremony.
Getting the Shot

ind you, this was all planned; it was a pirate-y, renaissance-y wedding. We all played our parts a bit too well, though. A few of the more gullible guests thought there’d been a legit murder at the wedding at first. It was awesome. Reddit user: ben0318
At my aunt’s wedding, everything was going smoothly until they got to the “hold your peace” part. The cameraman/videographer objected because something was wrong with the camera and he knew that this was the part that needed to be filmed. So he objected.
Making the Wrong Call

Most of the guests found it absolutely hilarious, but the bride’s mother did not; she gave him a stern talking-to at the reception. Reddit user: ThandiGhandi
My ex-stepmom was getting married to my cousin. I really liked my cousin, and my ex-stepmom was one of the worst people I knew, so I tried to talk him out of it, but he was committed. They said their vows and everything, but when the pastor asked if anyone objected, I stood up….
I talked about how terrible of a person my ex-stepmom was and how she was tricking my cousin. I practically begged him not to marry her, but he wouldn’t even look at me. After a minute of me talking, I realized that everyone else in the room was actively hating me, so I left.
A Blast from the Past

They’re still married to this day, five years later. They seem to be genuinely happy. I’m starting to wonder if I just had the wrong idea about my ex-stepmom. I go over to their house sometimes and eat dinner. Reddit user: [redacted]
I was at a wedding many years ago where a girl stood up, talked trash about the wife (the woman who was standing at the altar at that very moment) in front of her groom and all their friends and family members, and confessed her love for the groom, who was an ex (from 10 years ago).
A Sign from the Heavens

We all knew she felt this way, but we didn’t think she’d actually say it at the wedding. The maid of honor slapped her in the face, and the girl was kindly escorted out. Reddit user: [redacted]
I was at a distant friend’s wedding. My wife knew them better than me, but I was her date, so I went. Right as the priest proclaimed them husband and wife, there was this huge lightning/thunder, then a gust of wind, the church doors slammed closed, and a stone angel toppled over.
Elvis Did What?!

No one thought much of it after the day, although some said it was a sign. They ended up getting divorced after she slept with the best man a few years after the wedding. Reddit user: octavian_c
I was at one of my childhood friends’ destination weddings a few years ago in a small town in Europe. An Elvis impersonator objected, and it was hilarious! And we weren’t even in Vegas! We were in a small chapel in England. At the appropriate time, “Elvis” came in and objected….
Quoting Scriptures and Everything

He even sang one of his hits, then left the building. It was fantastic! The ceremony continued, and all went well. Reddit user: [redacted]
My grandpa got remarried to a woman he had known for two months, approximately three months after my grandmother’s death. Fast forward to the wedding at my grandfather’s house: my aunt stands up when the pastor asks if anyone has any objections and announces that her soon-to-be stepmother is a recent divorcee, then quotes a scripture passage from Matthew….
All the Pretense

She said that “anyone who marries a divorced woman is committing adultery” and that anyone who supports or condones this marriage is also sinning. She sat down. The pastor just stared around for a minute like he had no idea what to do next. Then he cleared his throat and said, “OK…” and went on with the ceremony as if that didn’t happen. Reddit user: [redacted]
I attended a wedding where the mother of the bride pretended to faint during the ceremony. She stood up, got herself together, and “fell” in the most dramatic ways I’ve ever seen, almost like she was in a play or something. She wanted her daughter to marry an Indian man, and she was marrying someone who was Jewish….
Wrong Wedding!

I guess it was her final attempt to stall the wedding. An attempt that failed miserably and caused her daughter to cut ties with her. Reddit user: [redacted]
This actually happened at my sister’s wedding. My soon to be brother-in-law’s boss decided to stand up at the right moment and yell, “Yeah, mate, I gotta speak my peace! Oh, sorry mate, wrong wedding!” Everyone laughed except my brother-in-law (the groom). He was pretty pissed that some “loser” (in his own words) had interrupted his wedding.
Let the Dog Speak

It took him quite some time to cool down and for us to get the wedding back on track. To this day, he still doesn’t think it’s funny. Reddit user: Recap1981
This happened at my friend’s wedding last year. It was outdoors, under the trees, with lots of people but very quiet and peaceful. The officiant got to the objection part, the pause after the words are spoken, and then the loudest, most excruciatingly mournful howl came out of the front row….
He Has to Go Wee!

The groom’s gorgeous big white husky, Shadow, was letting go of everything he had kept inside to that point. The groom tried to command him to be quiet, but the dog would have none of it. Reddit user: [redacted]
My cousin’s wedding was lovely; they’d been engaged for years but decided to delay the wedding because they had two boys. So, the officiant asked if anyone had any objections. Cue her eldest saying, “I do! Daddy, I need a wee!” And the timing was just impeccable. Honestly, everyone who heard it was in hysterics….
Dad’s Question

Somebody who was not the groom brought him to the bathroom. He’ll never live it down, I imagine. Reddit user: BobbieMcGee92
My grandfather humorously objected to my parents marrying, despite having given them his blessing before the actual ceremony. He held up a photo of my dad with two black eyes, a bleeding cheek, and a muddy face (university rugby game) and asked the wedding crowd, “Would you let this man marry your daughter?”
He Was Right, After All

Everyone laughed and said no, even the bride herself, who was at the altar with the subject of everyone’s humor; years later, we kids still hear the story at family gatherings. Reddit user: Bokka501
My ex-wife’s dad objected at our wedding on the grounds that we were too young. You could hear all the air get sucked out of the room as he stood up and made a list of points. It got really awkward for like 30 seconds, and then preacher got on with it.
Give Him the Gossip

It turns out her dad was right; we got divorced just a few years later. But he paid for an awesome wedding/reception. Reddit user: fuzzy_winkerbean
At my own wedding, we hired this amazing man who was referred to us by a friend (who had also used him). I had reservations about us using a traditional priest because my soon-to-be spouse and I were both very funny people and we didn’t want a normal, boring wedding. At the ceremony, the officiant said….
Just One Moment

“If anyone finds a reason these two should not be wed, now is not the time. You’ve had years. But find me after the ceremony. I love gossip.” Reddit user: 45minutesofroadhead
A wedding I shot last year (I was the photographer/videographer) got to the “does anyone know any reason why you two may not be married” bit and the bride disappeared behind the stage. The guests were fully expecting a jilting until the best man decided to take the edge off the situation….
Audio Problems

By playing a slideshow of embarrassing photos of the groom while she was gone. She came back about ten minutes later. It turns out she just felt sick. Reddit user: [redacted]
I used to be an audio engineer and was running sound for this one small chapel. The officiant got to the “I object” portion of the ceremony, and a woman stood up and said something; my station was recessed into the wall, and I couldn’t quite hear her. She spoke for five or six seconds, and the room had a few upset/shocked sounds….
The Baby Was Misinformed

Another woman on the side of the room near me just spoke up saying, “Don’t you listen to nothing she has to say! You two go ahead and get married!” The room laughed, and the ceremony persisted. Reddit user: worldsbestcoffee
My aunt was getting married to her second husband, and during the “speak now or forever hold your peace” bit, their baby started crying. The guy officiating said, “If anyone older than six months has any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace.” He got a laugh and the wedding carried on….
No Cake for the Cousins

They’re still together 10 years later, so I guess whatever my cousin had to say was misinformed. It’s still a pretty funny story to tell. Reddit user: GotAnyMoreOfThem
I went to a wedding when I was 7; it was my older brother’s and his fiance’s. The wedding was going as planned and I was well-behaved, for the most part. When they said the whole “speak now or forever hold your peace” part, my three cousins and I stood up and yelled, “I OBJECT!”

Everyone was confused until we all started to giggle, quite loudly too. Needless to say, we did not get any cake during the reception. Reddit user: [redacted]