People Reveal The Wildest Things They Saw At A Party

Scooby-Doo Party

Why do people party? For most people, the goal of a party is to hang out with friends, let loose, drink a little (…or maybe a lot), and create awesome memories. And don’t even get started on the food; whether it’s a birthday cake, pizza, or some bar apps, parties are basically the best of every world.

That being said, when you mix excitable people with sugar, alcohol, and a lack of inhibitions, some pretty wild things can go down. From mixed up costumes to missing shoes and even trying to start a car you only thought was yours, parties can get out of hand fast. The people of the internet didn’t hesitate to share the wackiest things they ever saw in their party days.

One year for Halloween, my sister tried to convince me to get a cardboard box to create a Scooby Snacks costume. She even photoshopped a picture of me in it. She would’ve loved to have gone to this one party, though. A friend of mine did a Scooby-Doo-themed party where he direct messaged people the costumes that they should wear.

“It Was Me”

I got Shaggy. Simple enough, just a green shirt and brown pants. I walked in the door to the party and was welcomed by the sight of 40 people, all dressed as Shaggy. It was glorious. Reddit user: twentytwowords

Some jerk did 14 jello shots in the span of an hour thinking they weren’t all that strong. Then that dummy decided to puke in the kitchen sink and all over the front porch. The vomit was this nasty, congealed mix of vodka, jello, and beer. He left the party and walked home with only one shoe, no phone, and missing his driver’s license.

The Funeral 

That jerk was me. At least I wasn’t blackout drunk and can remember this experience for the rest of my life. Yay. Reddit user: [redacted]

My friend’s wake was actually pretty sweet. He was a minor local celebrity. The event was several hundred people in a bar. No idea how authorities didn’t take notice of this blowout. It was so big it spilled into the surrounding streets. There were bartenders who were working at neighboring bars that came to help, the crowd was so huge.

The Pyro

If you’ve ever imagined the craziest things that could happen at a party, they happened that night. It was the kind of party you cross off a bucket list or see in the movies. Reddit user: [redacted]

There was this guy who turned out to become a pyro when he became drunk. He joked about setting some girl’s hair on fire. It wasn’t until he actually attempted to do it that we believed him. When we all started yelling for him to stop, he went outside, but a few minutes later, I heard people outside yelling at him not to light the Christmas tree on fire.

Naked Party

It was a weird night. I don’t get why he was so fixated on fire, but only when he was drunk. Reddit user: [redacted]

It was at your average college house party, but someone random yelled, “Naked party!” in an attempt to get the girls to undress. Unfortunately, it didn’t work on the girls, but 3 seconds later, this one guy was just standing in the living room full-on nude. He spent the next 15 minutes arguing with everybody and saying things like, “Dude, if you don’t want people to do it, don’t say it’s that type of party.”

We Were 14

He also had a crystal ball that he was really into doing tricks with. All around just a real oddball of a guy. Reddit user: [redacted]

A girl accidentally threw a huge party with my best friend when her parents went away. Originally, it wasn’t going to be an open house, but word got around. Someone stole her lawnmower, her bird, and her mailbox. Her washing line was pulled down. We ended up having to call an ambulance for a guy who wouldn’t believe that her electric fence was actually electric.

The Nail Polish Remover Fire

Her ferret viciously mauled 3 people. Around 300 people turned up. People talked about it for over a year. We were 14. Reddit user: [redacted]

Someone decided it would be a good idea to casually pour nail polish remover on the floor and light it on fire. A few months earlier, a friend of mine had lit a tissue on fire in my apartment, and I had to stomp it out. My drunken mind thought this was the same thing, so I went to stomp it out.

The Whitegas Fire

After a couple seconds of failing to stomp out the fire, someone else came by with a glass of water to put it the rest of the way out. Reddit user: [redacted]

A couple of my friends would spin fire every once in a while at parties. It was fun, and they made sure to stay sober before they put on their show. One 4th of July, this guy got invited who got progressively worse as he drank. One of his themes was that he could spit fire, but no one believed him.

He Offered Her Friend Money

The jerk found the whitegas, announced, “Hey, watch this,” and attempted to spit fire. He burbled out this mouthful of gas, which promptly lit his face on fire. Reddit user: [redacted]

This guy walked up to my friend group, grabbed my waist, and licked my cheek from jaw to almost eye. He proceeded to hand my best friend $20 and asked MY FRIEND if he could have me for the night to take home. My friend declined. The whole night, he was pulling this on other women.

Play Wonderwall

Apparently he picked the wrong girl, and it ended up being a girl in a relationship. The boyfriend decked this guy, and the host kicked everyone out because the two guys got in a fightReddit user: [redacted]

Some people just are not a fan of the classics like Wonderwall by Oasis. Shortly after arriving at a party, the “guy with the acoustic guitar” showed up. 15 minutes later, someone took the guitar and smashed him over the head with it, creating a large gash that bled profusely.

The Tree Branch

The attacker then proceeded to run off into the night with the guitar and was never apprehended. It wasn’t a good night for the musician. Reddit user:: twentytwowords

Everyone was outside in the backyard when my best friend’s drunken boyfriend decided to swing from a tree branch. The tree branch snapped, and my best friend’s boyfriend went flying and cracked the back of his head on a stone wall. The back of his head started gushing some serious blood.

Her First High School Party

The only somewhat sober person wrapped a towel over his head, threw him in the back of her car, and peeled away to the ER. He was fine. Reddit user: [redacted]

When I was 17, I went to my first high school party. It was lit. I decided to use the restroom, and when I walked in, I saw two people doing you know what. They saw me, and I walked out saying sorry. When I thought it was time to go, I decided to get some Pepsi before I left.

He Had No Reason to Run

When I was halfway done with my cup, a guy said someone had spit in it. I got sick three days later. When I went to my car, someone threw a brick at my window. Reddit user: [redacted]

I was at a college party with my brother and the cops showed up to bust it up. Well, one wasted guy heard that the cops were there, so he did the first logical thing he could think of: he dove out the window. Not too crazy, except the window was closed.

The Thai Menu

He shattered through the window and started running. The cops saw him do this and chased him down. He ended up resisting arrest, which was entertaining for a while. We found out he was 22 and had no reason to run, but he was just that wasted. Reddit user: [redacted]

I remember being at the party. I don’t remember leaving. I also don’t remember how I came into possession of a 4-foot-high metal sign on a stand with a Thai menu printed on it. I think I must have had help; I couldn’t lift it by myself the next morning.

Whole Bottle of Vodka

None of my friends recollect helping me carry it home. I googled the Thai restaurant. It was on the other side of the city from both the party and my apartment. Reddit user: [redacted]

A kid randomly walked out of a party we were having. He was blacked out, and nobody heard from him for a while. Got a call about 2 hours later from a taxi driver on his phone. Apparently our friend asked to go to the airport and didn’t have his wallet to pay, so the driver was about to kick him out on the side of the road.

Frat House Living

He came back with a whole bottle of vodka and still no wallet. I have no idea what happened. Reddit user: [redacted]

I can’t see the appeal of living in a frat house. I lived with my college boyfriend in a frat house. There was a party, and he forgot to lock our bedroom door. Later, I went into the room to find a random girl on our bed. She had her chest out and her pants pulled down.

Accidentally Walked into a Gay Bar

I was worried something happened until I realized she was having phone love with her boyfriend. In mine and my boyfriend’s bed. Needless to say, I had control of the door keys from that night on. Reddit user: [redacted]

I once accidentally walked into a crowded gay bar (me being a straight 17-year-old guy at the time), and we stayed there for quite a while. After a couple of drinks, the bartender notices that we’re not gay and asks me and 2 friends to come to him and whispers, “If you strip on-stage for these guys, I’ll give you free drinks for the whole night….”

Knocked Out with the Butt of a Gun

So there we were, stripping (as drunk 17-year-olds) for 80+ equally drunk gay dudes. It was actually kinda fun. Reddit user: [redacted]

I once left a party and went outside. I then stumbled around and got confused, then walked into the neighbor’s house and into the living room. I don’t remember any of this, but I must have made enough sound to wake up the neighbors. I woke up the next morning in jail.

Geologist Parties Rock

When I was in their house, drunk off my butt, the neighbor apparently knocked me out with the butt of his gun. I had no recollection but a knot on my head. Reddit user: [redacted]

At a geologist party. It’s all grad students and their professors. This dude gets blitzed and goes for a walk to the supermarket. He comes back with a watermelon. He then strips down to his underwear and starts dancing with his watermelon. Waltzing. He falls on the watermelon, and it explodes everywhere.

The Beer Tasted Like Pee

He rolls on his back in the watermelon, and his privates pop out of his shorts…in front of all his peers and professors. Reddit user: [redacted]

Back in high school, a guy at the party I was at was really drunk, so his sober “buddy” decided to play a brutal prank on him. He went up to the bathroom and filled an empty beer bottle with urine. Then he brought it back down and offered it to the drunk guy as his next beer.

Pumpkin in the Mailbox

Sure enough, drunk guy pounds it back, not even wondering why it’s warm. The drunk guy didn’t find out for several years. I still want to vomit every time I think about that night. Reddit user: [redacted]

This person really set a goal for themselves and wanted to achieve it. They wouldn’t stop at anything until the job was done. Someone I know spent 2 hours trying to put a pumpkin in someone’s mailbox. He wasn’t just pushing it in; he started punching it. Couldn’t believe the stamina on that person.

Star of the Party

Of course, everyone spent the first 25 minutes trying to get him to stop, but after we gave up and just watched, it became hilarious. Reddit user: [redacted]

This was ridiculous but honestly ridiculously cool. This dude showed up to a big house party of like 125 of us with his service dog. Not just any service dog, though: a giant Great Dane with a makeshift army pack thrown over him that carried beers around for people at the party. He brought me a beer or two. What a good dog.

It Wasn’t Their Dog

Definitely watched my friend feed the dog at least 5 hamburger patties at the end of the night in our drunken haze. Reddit user: [redacted]

We threw a party that got way out of hand, and too many people showed up. I went into my living room, and a girl was on the couch petting a dog. I asked, “Whose dog is this?” She said, “The people who live here.” I replied, “I live here; this isn’t our dog.”

The Unicorn

A stray dog had been walking by and noticed a party happening and just walked inside, got on the couch, and was pet all night by drunken people. Reddit user: [redacted]

This is one way to get free beer. We were throwing a house party in college, and some guy showed up in a unicorn onesie (before they were so widely available) and started saying “BEER? BEER FOR THE UNICORN? BEER?” in that sort of hear ye hear ye voice. Heck yeah, we gave that unicorn a beer plus several more throughout the night.

The Tailgate 

Every now and then when our group of friends is out drinking, you’ll hear someone repeat those hallowed lines. Reddit user: [redacted]

All of that college education going to good use in this story. We went to a tailgate party at a large house my freshman year of college. Not many people were there, as it was still early in the day before the game. Out of nowhere came about 6 frat bros dressed as Oompa Loompas: orange skin, green hair, and the whole outfit.

Eat the Whole Potato

They just walked into the backyard singing their songs and doing as bad a cartwheel as they could. Reddit user: [redacted]

Some guy found the host’s bag of raw potatoes. Another guy dared him to take a bite out of one, but he protested. More people heard of the situation and gathered around him, eventually starting to chant “eat the potato.” Succumbing to peer pressure, he took a bite and in a brilliant move passed it to the guy who dared him, who then took a bite and passed it to someone else.

A Very Powerful Wizard’s Story

It turned into communal raw potato eating with everyone chanting “EAT the WHOLE poTAto” and passing it to everyone at the party. Reddit user: [redacted]

I met a guy who was supposedly drunk, had taken a couple pills, and you know, just had a couple more pills to top things off. After trying to choke me, he then proceeded to tell me that he had “lost his human” and that he wasn’t allowed to move until his human told him to or the werewolves were going to come get him.

Grandparents’ House Rager

During the conversation, I also convinced him that I was 21 centuries old and was, in fact, a very powerful wizard. Reddit user: [redacted]

When I was a junior in high school (and had just started drinking), a few friends and I were raging at someone’s grandparents’ house. Needless to say, I drank too much and started puking around 10-ish. So my friends proceeded to sit me down next to the toilet in the bathroom.

Orange Juice

About a half hour from then, one of my big manly friends walked in and started to take a sit-down pee.  Anyway, I had to puke, so I grabbed his knees, spread his legs, and threw up between them. Reddit user: [redacted]

One time, this guy was drunk, and he peed in a cup. This girl came out of the bathroom (after being intimate with someone), and she asked if anyone had any orange juice. This guy said “I do” and handed her this warm glass of pee. She proceeded to chase it and found nothing out of the ordinary until we started laughing.

On His Birthday

We ended up telling her, and she was angry. The drunk guy all night said over and over, “SHE DRANK MY ORANGE JUICE!!” Reddit user: [redacted]

On the night of my birthday, I blacked out and disappeared for about 2 hours, and none of my friends knew where I went (it was winter, so they were worried). My girlfriend saw me just casually walking down the street towards my house, and she ran towards me to see what happened.

Ant Shots

Allegedly I charged her, stiff armed her straight into a snow bank, and continued sprinting all the way home, where I proceeded to promptly get naked and fall asleep. Reddit user: [redacted]

This isn’t crazy, just weird. The alcohol ran out once, and the owner of the house said that he had a full bottle of vodka, except that it was filled with ants because he left it out and open one night and ants had crawled in the bottle. I figured there would be a few ants, but nope.

She Got a Ride from the Pizza Guy

There was a layer about three inches deep of ants and a lot just floating around. What happened next we will remember forever. Everyone took ant shots until the bottle was gone. Reddit user: [redacted]

I got really drunk at the party and decided to walk home. I was underage and saw a cop, who I’m guessing saw me too, as he started following me. I ran for about 3 miles to a different city (Saint Paul to Minneapolis). From there, I bummed a cig and ran to a local pizza place and asked if I could get a ride home from the pizza guy.

The Bowling Ball

It worked, and my mother was angry yet impressed with me when she asked about it the next day. Reddit user: [redacted]

I was at a college party when I heard one of the hostesses say aloud to herself, “I hope nobody puts any holes in the walls.” I thought that was an odd (and oddly specific) concern, but at some point in the night, some moron threw a bowling ball in the middle of a wall and voilà.

On the Roof

The hostess locked herself in her room for the rest of the night. When I was leaving, I saw two other holes in the same wall with the bowling ball hole. Reddit user: [redacted]

I had a party on the roof of my ranch house. The cops eventually came but could not find any beer or any underage drunk kids, because they were all hiding on the roof laying flat on their stomachs. The cops searched through the house for a while and ended up just arresting one person who wasn’t lucky enough to be on the roof.

A Miracle

After they left, we just kept partying like nothing happened. I had many other parties on that roof after that. Reddit user: [redacted]

I saw a girl give birth in the living room. At first I was walking by and assumed it was 2 girls making out. After a while, I went to go in for a peak. The pregnant girl was on the floor with 2 kids who were in medical school sitting around her helping her, and everyone around her was chanting, “You can do it!”

The Turkey Baster

“Come on. Push! PUSH!” with beer cans in their hands. I don’t want to know how that kid is doing right now. Reddit user: [redacted]

A skeezy punk rock girl showed up to a BYOB party with a single beer. She walked into the kitchen asking for a turkey baster. She found said turkey baster, filled it with beer, dropped her pants right there in the kitchen, and shot the entire baster full up. Yeah, for real.

The Ceiling

She acted pretty drunk after, but nobody was going to touch that turkey baster again. I don’t know where she found the idea to do it, but she definitely didn’t seem to have many friends. Reddit user: [redacted]

A drunken couple wanted to get it on, but there were no available bedrooms. So they snuck into the attic. The attic was just plywood and panels. Well, that excited couple must have gotten off to a good start up there, because when the guy finally did fall through the ceiling, he was completely naked.

He caught himself with his elbows for a short time, so really it was just a naked body (from the torso down) dangling through the ceiling. Reddit user: [redacted]