People Reveal The Worst Parenting Fail They’ve Ever Seen

Sink or Swim

No parent is perfect. It’s only natural that you’ll make a few subtle mistakes, whether it’s getting your child to school a few minutes late or stopping to get them donuts for breakfast when you’re in a hurry. It’s not ideal, but you mean well and love your kids dearly. But sometimes, these mistakes can be…pretty obvious.

Every once in a while, you’ll witness a parenting fail so bad that it will leave you speechless and make you reconsider ever having kids. Seriously, get off your phone and watch your kids! The fine people of the internet took the time to share the worst parenting fails they’ve ever seen.

You’ll be hugging your children after you see these horror stories. Parenting is tough, but these fails easily take the cake.

 Party Parents

I worked as a lifeguard at a community pool. This one kid does a cannonball off of the board and immediately begins to sink like a rock. I blow my whistle, jump in, and get him, and once I reach the side of the pool, I ask him if he can swim, to which he smiles broadly and says “Nope!” 

Meanwhile, his mother comes over, and she says, “That was amazing! You’re getting really good!” I inform her that her son cannot use the diving board anymore because he can’t swim, and she throws a HUGE fit, screaming that it’s my job to fish him out. Reddit user: chemgeek33

 It’s Not Tough Love

Parents who try to continue their pre-kid party life with their babies in tow are annoying. I went to college in the archetypal college town, which means a street dedicated mostly to college bars. My friends and I would do bar crawls and would always end the night at this one particular pub.

On this particular occasion, I’m telling a story where I happen to swear. The couple next to me turns to me and angrily says, “hHy! Watch your mouth lady, there’s a child here.” I felt horrible until I realized they were the ones with a 3-year-old in a college bar at 11:45 at night. Reddit user: YouHadMeAtOthello

 Don’t Play With Wood

Was at a stockshow. Kid was with a sheep in the ring, with her dad on the other side of the fence, telling her she was showing terribly and berating her for not being able to perform how he’d like her to. She was sobbing in tears in front of about 500 people.

And that was just in the building. The show was also being live-streamed all over the country. I tried to help her from across the ring, but she was too distracted by her terrible dad. Reddit user: [redacted]

Daycare Terror

A mother let her kid play in the stream of wood chips coming out of a wood chipper and yelled at the guy who was cutting down trees because he told the kid to get away from it. She was on her phone the whole time; there could have been nails and stones in that wood.

You could tell the woodchipper was getting frustrated, with a look on his face like “who lets their kid play with a wood chipper?” Reddit user: thehandsomebaron

There’s a Time and Place

I work at a daycare, so I see a ton of this. Daycare is closed at 6, and one day the parents come in at 6:05 and let their kids run around the daycare, opening up the bean bag chairs and spilling the guts everywhere and pulling stuff off the shelf for half an hour.

 Meanwhile, my boss is obviously closing up and telling the kids to stop. The dad goes, “Let her do what she wants.” Reddit user: fluffyredcat

Breaking Free

Parents bring their kids shopping (I work in retail) and just spend forever asking these tiny kids (most of whom can’t talk yet) “do you want this cereal,” “do you think grandpa will like this for his birthday?” I mean in some cases it’s harmless and can be kind of funny.

But it’s obnoxious when you’re waiting on them, or when parents just let their kids throw animal crackers everywhere. It’s just rude, and they are just raising brats really. Time and place. Reddit user: NutlovingBANDIT

Asking the Real Questions

Saw a woman holding two kids on a leash at Walmart while having a conversation; the toddlers scream “Crisscwoooss!” and run in opposite directions around their mother. The lady is thoroughly wrapped by two toddlers who apparently have the strength of baby bison, and she can’t get free because her arms are tied to her sides.

The two littles then commence a solid high five with each other to commemorate their apparent victory. Reddit user: EsquireKing

 Kids These Days

Most know that children are curious creatures, as they should be. They’re still learning about their place in the world, and it’s only natural that they would have questions. I was at Wendy’s, and this little girl is sitting quietly and then asks her mom, “Why is the sky blue?”

The mom almost completely ignores the kid, hangs her head in her hands, and says, “Just shut up and eat your fries.” I tell you, when I have kids, I’m going to answer all their questions. Reddit user: [redacted]

Let Him Dream

I work in video game retail. I think the worst for me wasn’t so much how the kid was acting. The parent was buying a game for her kid. She started complaining to me while buying it about how “this kid has a PS3 and an Xbox and just got a 3DS. He has all the toys. Gosh, what’s the deal? I didn’t have this stuff.”

I just looked at her with the blankest look I could. “You’re the one buying the stuff. You could make the choice for them not to have it if it’s a problem for you.” She seriously didn’t get it. She didn’t even get upset. Reddit user: [redacted]

Definitely Not on a Roll

I was at the library when a woman and her two young children showed up; the younger one was in a big stroller, and the slightly bigger one (maybe 4) was sorta hitching a ride between his mom and the stroller. The older kid said, “Weee, I’m on a horse and buggy!”

And the mom angrily yelled, “NO, you’re on a stroller, it’s not a horse and buggy!” I was just thinking, “Wow, if you didn’t bring your kid to the library to expand his imagination, why are you here?” Reddit user: imeuru

Early Starbucks Run

I saw a woman at a gas station leave her baby in a stroller on a slope leading into the street as she filled up her gas tank. Thank goodness there was an attendant right there who caught the stroller as it started to roll downhill. Baby would’ve been squished.

Most parents would, you know, just hold the baby or at least check to make sure the stroller brakes were working. Reddit user: ilikecommunitylots

High Hopes…Or Not 

Are parents aware that if their kid asks for something, they’re allowed to say no? I work in a place that sells coffee. The other day, I saw a man order a smoothie for himself and large coffees for his son and daughter. Large coffees, with tons of sugar and of course caffeine.

The daughter couldn’t have been more than 10, and the son was probably 7. But I couldn’t refuse service. Reddit user: [redacted]

He Just Wanted a Ticket

Some parents have very high expectations for their kids. Go to school and become a doctor, lawyer, scientist, whatever. My mother, however, has already been pushing my life plan of “knock up a super rich lady, marry her, and live like a king.” That’s her master idea for how to make me successful.

So it’s like a multi-generational bad parenting scheme. Make bad choices + I don’t even know = profit? Reddit user: scottrot

Don’t Even Think About It

I used to work at Chuck E. Cheese, so I’ve seen my share of terrible parents. The worst was a mom who had her kid on one of those child leashes the entire time in the store. She seriously never let go, which caused me to believe she has him on a leash 24/7.

I take a handful of tickets and chuck them everywhere for the kids to grab. The mother yanks on the leash before he can grab any and tells him not to pick up things that have been on the ground. Reddit user: Jesters

Fail after Fail after Fail

Some parenting fails are just funny, but this one is dangerous, irresponsible, and should not be allowed under ANY circumstances. My mom and I got out of the car. It’s 90+ degrees outside, and in the parked car next to us is a baby and a 4/5-year-old…without their parents. With the windows up.

Yeah, we called the right people to make sure the kids ended up okay, but sheesh. It was hot for US. Reddit user: inanutshell

Username Checks Out

I live in the UAE. This country is one giant parenting fail. On any given day, I will see babies sitting in their mother’s lap in the front seat of a car (no seat belt), infants being fed McDonald’s food, toddlers running around shops screaming their ears off while the mother is on the phone, and so on.

Children slapping their nanny while the parents don’t pay any attention, little girls being scolded for doing the same thing their brother is doing (without being scolded)…I could go on for hours. Reddit user: CompanionCone


We live in a famously poor neighborhood, and it’s normal to see the teenage mothers out with their babies, talking with friends at 11:00pm or later. Kids are given soda bottles instead of milk and lollipops instead of pacifiers. Last year, I heard one of these mothers yelling at her young son.

She said, “If you don’t share that ice cream with yo sista, I’m gonna womp you like I womp that rat!” Reddit user: CentralHarlem

Fire Hazard

This kid I know sounds like Veruca Salt in the making. I know a mother that lets her son basically walk all over her. He yells at her, swears at her, calls her the B-word to her face, and she always just says yes to him. It is really kinda sad.

“Don’t care how, I want it now!” Imagine him as a teenager! I hope I don’t live nearby at that point. Reddit user: GormyGorm

Cruel Punishment

My previous downstairs neighbor was a large family, and the youngest kid was like 6 or 7. Of course, 24/7 he would be running around stomping his feet, screaming at the top of his lungs…the parents never did anything. What really set it off is when he turned on the gas on the stove and then went to bed.

I woke up, smelled the gas, and called the fire department, then grabbed my most important stuff and ran outside. After everything was all over with, about 5:30 am, the mother comes to me yelling at me about calling the fire department. Reddit user: [redacted]

Just Say No

Lived in a condo and came home from work to see a small child no older than 7 crying outside the entrance door. It was extremely cold out. I let her inside, and we walked to her condo and knocked on her door, but no answer. I sat on the stairs with her and called the police. The cops came, and I went down to my condo. After 15 minutes, the police knocked on my door and told me what happened.

The mom was home the entire time. She deliberately wouldn’t buzz her kid in as punishment for forgetting the key code and waking her up with the buzzer. Reddit user: flyingthedonut

Bad Luck Chuck (E.)

My cousin was never told the word “no” growing up; if she didn’t want to do something, she wasn’t made to do it. It started when she was 2 years old and didn’t want soap with her bath. As a child, they would let her interrupt any conversation they were having instead of telling her to wait.

Things like this went on for nearly 20 years. The result is a person who is now in her mid-twenties and doesn’t use soap to bathe. She smells, and we’ve talked to her about it. She’s difficult to have a conversation or really any sort of interaction with because she doesn’t fully understand the concept of no.

This also results in her being unable to hold a job. Even though she has a master’s, she just gets in arguments with her bosses without realizing it and is then let go for unprofessional behavior. Reddit user: infinity_power

It’s Not a Drill

I used to work at Chuck E. Cheese, and boy I saw a lot of bad parenting. A lot of people would use Chuck E. Cheese as a free babysitting service (it’s free to get in), and they would actually take naps at the tables and not buy tokens for their kids. This would happen all the time. 

Since I worked the floor and fixed the games, I would often just give these kids some tokens so they could at least play a couple of games. Reddit user: jsavage44

Going Over the Edge

I was a children’s librarian. There was a small fire, so we were trying to get everyone out of the building. The father ran out without his five-year-old daughter…just left her behind. She was hysterical. When we realized what he had done, we took her hand and started walking her out.

When we finally found her dad outside, she was crying and told him that she left her stuffed animal inside. He grabbed her and ran back inside the building. We kept screaming that it wasn’t just a drill, it was a real freaking fire. Reddit user: pickleeater

Hard Candy

I was assisting a commercial river trip in the Grand Canyon, and this one set of parents simply didn’t seem to care what their kids did. Worst instance? The kids were carving their names in rocks at a pristine and protected archaeological site on the river, which was obviously not okay.

I had to regain my composure and tell them to stop in a nice way, then told them why it was really uncool for them to do that. I looked away and they were right back at it, carving away. Reddit user: mauxly

Call the Doctor, Dad

If you thought kids sucking on pacifiers was controversial, just wait until you hear what I saw. There was this kid sitting with his dad, and the kid just picks up an old lollipop from the ground and starts sucking on it. Dad looks at his son and doesn’t do anything.

Like, germs are one way to get your kid used to being out in the world, but come on dude. Reddit user: Mast3rPooh

Drink of Champions (Not)

My father used to blame any health problems I had on being lazy in order to avoid getting me to a doctor. I mean, he still does, but now I’m old enough to go myself. To avoid sounding like a hypochondriac, I’ll give the last one that happened. I lost hearing in my left ear for a couple of days.

My dad said it’s because I don’t clean out my ears. He also said I was just tired when I was having breathing problems when I was 12. I didn’t get to see a doctor until I got lightheaded and passed out. Reddit user: wellgolly

Conceal, Don’t Steal

I used to work at Chick-fil-A. On a number of occasions, I witnessed conversations similar to this. Mother: “What do you want to drink?” Child: “Juice.” Mother: “No. You’ve already had enough juice today. Do you want Sprite or Coke?” Child: “I want juice.” Mother: “Ugh. Just get her a Sprite.”

If you’re going for the sugary option, maybe juice isn’t such a bad idea out of those choices. Reddit user: [redacted]

Accident in Aisle 12

My mom has a klepto cousin who trained her kids from a young age to steal. She uses them as decoys sometimes, and other times she lets them take the fall for the stuff she does. She also fosters kids just to take money and have them clean her house.

Trust me, I know it sounds like a scene right out of Shameless. Such a shame that the kids are so tied into this lifestyle from so young. Reddit user: kozmicblues

It’s Not Naptime

I worked at Toys R Us for three years; I could write a book on parental failures. The best one? It’s Christmas Eve, and I’m in the stockroom cleaning up. This woman barges through the doors and informs me her son has just pooped in the middle of the Barbie aisle.

Before I can register what was just said, the child runs in my stockroom, pulls his pants down, and pees right at my feet. His mom praises him and informs me, “He’s gotta go all the time.” Reddit user: [redacted]

Bad Landing and Parenting

Every parent needs a break every once in a while, but this is certainly not the way to do it. This couple left their young daughter (couldn’t have been more than 5 years old) in one of our display beds to take a nap while they went around and continued shopping around the store.

I understand that babysitting is expensive, but what if she woke up and they were gone? Not to mention, that’s not her bed! Reddit user: [redacted]

I Was Just Trying to Help

Some woman was busy on the phone as she was getting a shopping cart and put her 2-3-year-old in it. As she was discussing on the phone, instead of going on the little slope to enter the shop, she went straight into the little curb at quite a speed, which threw the kid out of the shopping cart.

He landed straight on his head. I have to say though, it was the most hilarious thing I have ever seen. Reddit user: [redacted]

Lifeguards Are Not Babysitters

I was stationed at a small hospital in Germany. One of the NCOs had this beast of a wife and this annoying kid. They come into the lab to pick him up, and the little troll opens up the corrosive cabinet and starts pulling out bottles. I run over there and scold him.

This causes the wife to start screaming at me for yelling at her kid. Her husband came over and locked me up, yelling at me not to correct his kid. I guess his kid doesn’t need eyes or skin. Reddit user: neil3wife

I Just Got Out of Jail!

I was a lifeguard for close to 10 years, and I worked in one of the toughest areas of my city. For 2 summers straight, this kid (say around 6) and his younger brother (around 4) would be waiting for us to open at 9AM and would stay there until closing at 9PM.

They would beg us for scraps of our lunch and dinner. Never once saw signs of parents, however, they had passes for the pool, so I’m assuming there were parents somewhere. Very sad. Reddit user: GoldyStarry

They Stole My Ball

I used to work in Gamestation, and I had two parents at the counter buying a second-hand PS2. They had a cute little girl with them, maybe 6 years old or so? While they were paying for the console, the little girl was tugging on the father’s coat because she’s picked up some kids game and wants it.

After some persistent tugging, the dad turns to the kid and yells, “I’M JUST OUT THE JAIL CAN I NOT HAVE ANYTHING FOR MYSELF?” and pushes the kid away. I was amazed. Reddit user: Prawnjoe

Junk Food Junkie

When I was 7-8-9-ish years old, I was playing soccer alone at the park when this new kid in the neighborhood came with his mother and asked me to play. I said yes, because you know kicking the ball alone can be boring. He said he would like to try to do some longer passes. 

The younger, innocent me was hyped to show him my skills, so we went and did that. That is where it got dirty. The little guy, seeing I was running on the other side of the field, took my ball and started running away with it. He wasn’t that fast, so I did catch up to him.

But that is when his mother stretched her foot out and made me fall right on my face. She then took the ball from her son’s hands, looked at me, and told me, “You are gonna need a new ball, little kid.” Reddit user: hazelmond

 Wolf Girl

I’ve seen a mother give her young child literally nothing but Poptarts, Oreos, and Little Debbie Snacks (I’m not exaggerating) because “he just won’t eat anything else!” Ok, but who’s the genius who introduced Twinkies and Ding Dongs to him in the first place, ma’am? Does he even have a choice?

He was very small for his age, with no muscle tone. I mean, what else would you expect with a diet like that? Reddit user: slothwisperer

A Pot to Pee In

Had a student that grew up in a foster care home with 62 dogs. I was told after CPS intervened that she would bark and crawl like a dog (a middle school-aged child). When I met her, she spoke English but was extremely quiet. When she was upset, she would bark at other students occasionally.

I can’t blame her for being the way that she was, because what other influences did she have to mimic? Reddit user: slunch

At a coffee shop, I saw a kid tell his mother that he needed to go to the bathroom. His mom told the kid to pee in a flower pot inside of the shop…and he promptly did so while she carried on eating her breakfast as if nothing was wrong.

The worst part is that not only am I sure that she knows where the bathrooms are, but this lady had also just come with her kid from their home…in the building where the coffee shop is! Reddit user: therazorsedge404