People Share How Disappointing It Turned Out To Be When They Met Their Favorite Celebs

That’s (Not So) Hot 

Many people have dreamed of meeting their favorite celebrity: walking up and telling them how much they love their movies, or that they’ve inspired them to keep practicing stand-up comedy (even though friends are begging them to quit and get a “real job”). However, not every celebrity encounter lives up to expectations. Whether someone unintentionally makes a fool of themselves or their favorite musician is just a major jerk, meeting a celebrity can go from a dream to a nightmare very quickly.

Case in point? The people of the internet, who flooded online message boards to detail their saddest celebrity encounters. Don Cheadle is one incredible actor but also a bad tipper. Tiger Woods is extremely arrogant (to the surprise of no one), while Michael Cera is as awkward as you’d expect him to be. And don’t even get started on Gene Simmons. Without further ado, read up on some of the saddest celebrity encounters.

My mom found Paris Hilton incognito in an airport, came to find me, brought me to a tiny lady in a hoodie and big sunglasses in the middle of the airport, and went, “Hi, are you Paris Hilton?” She then pushed me in front of her and said, “Here, say hi to my son!” Like I was a weird birthday gift or something. 

 Crossing the Line

She said, “Sup.” I said, “Sup,” then she did this weird little laugh. Then my mom went, “Okay bye!” That was my sad and awkward meeting with Paris Hilton in an airport. Reddit user: Invader_Zirk

I had waited an hour and a half in line for a ride at Great Adventure. Was in the front seat line, so the wait was even longer. Finally, I was next in line; I watched gleefully as my train pulled in. And Chris Rock and his family came walking up from the exit and were given my spot without waiting at all. 

 Unfinished Business

I was both sad and mad and have held a grudge against him ever since. At least make him wait a little. Reddit user: [redacted]

I met George R. R. Martin at the Blaze Pizza in Evanston a couple of months back when he was in town to accept an award from Northwestern University. At the time, I was listening to the audiobook of A Clash of Kings, and he very excitedly told me, “You’ve got a ways to go to catch up!” 

KISS of Career Death

When I told him that I’d already read what he’d published three times and was listening to the audiobook as a new way to experience the story, he just kind of…deflated. He let out a big sigh and just said, “Yeah, I need to finish the next book. People won’t stop bothering me about it.” Reddit user: rmpriest13

My brother met Gene Simmons backstage at a show he was playing in. Gene complimented my brother highly on his guitar playing but then said “too bad you’ll never make it” and just walked away. This wasn’t the first publicly sad fan encounter with Gene Simmons, and it likely won’t be the last.

 No Flash Photography

Why can’t he just be nicer? I get that he’s super famous, but people are still people and you should be kind, dude. Reddit user: [redacted]

I saw Nicolas Cage at a restaurant when I was 7. I tried to take a picture of him discreetly and the flash went off. He and his posse immediately got up and left. I mean jeeze, it’s not like I was trying to be paparazzi or something, I just thought he was really cool and he just dissed me like that.

 Even Movie Stars Get Denied

I kinda lost a lot of respect for him after that and haven’t enjoyed his movies for a while. Reddit user: [redacted]

Met Vince Vaughn in a bar in Hollywood. He was with his entourage or whatever and had quite a few drinks. He hit on a (girl) friend of mine, and I was amazed to see her totally blow him off. Not that she should have gone for it, but it was pretty incredible to see a multimillionaire movie star get rejected by an accountant.

Please Don’t Announce That I’m Here

Living up to the characters he plays, I guess. I was kinda glad that she dissed him though, since it put him in his place. Reddit user: False9FC

 I had an entirely eyeball/body language conversation with Chris Pontius in a Guitar Center. He was playing an acoustic. I saw him, he looked at me. I realized who he was, he saw that I recognized him, and he gave me a look that was so sad, like, “Please don’t announce to the world that I’m here.”

Not One for the Books

I nodded, and he smiled and looked relieved. The end. I feel like we’re somehow bros now. Reddit user: [redacted]

Betty White. It was right after the Golden Girls (and Golden Palace) had ended. Her career was not in the best place at the time. I was at the Beverly Center in Los Angeles and saw a poster promoting Betty White signing her latest book about how much she loves animals.

Casually Ran into a Rockstar

I liked the Golden Girls, so I thought I would swing by the bookstore to take a gander at Betty White. It was so sad. I’ll always remember she was sitting alone at a big table with a stack of books in front of her. People were in the bookstore shopping, but no one was buying her book or really acknowledging her. 

She just sat there, pen in hand, waiting. She would occasionally wipe off some imaginary dust to look busy. I’m getting the chills just remembering it. Of course, I was such a self-involved college kid that I just stared at her from far away. I should have just gone up and talked to her. Reddit user: IHSV1855

Sad for me…. I literally ran into Dave Grohl at the grocery store because I wasn’t looking where I was going, but I did see a bag of lentils I wanted. He kind of gave me an awkward smile, probably thinking I was some nutter that did it on purpose. I ran away into the produce section to avoid him. 

Bad Move, Man

I missed my chance to bond with Dave Grohl over lentils. I hear he’s a really chill guy, so I shouldn’t have panicked. Reddit user: [redacted] 

I sat next to Kevin Spacey on the tube when I was in London with my dad. My dad was so pumped that he was next to Kevin Spacey (he’s a huge fan), but he didn’t want to ask him for a picture while we were on a crowded train so he just let him be. He was just happy to have seen him. 

No Chance

Then this guy randomly shouted from the other side of the train, “Hey Kevin, how’s the acting going?” and everyone’s faces turned to him. Felt so bad for Kevin Spacey; no one would take their eyes off him, and everyone was taking photos and whatnot. Just felt sorry for the guy. 

He looked like he had just come back from a run or something and wasn’t wanting to be recognized. Can’t imagine living my life constantly trying to avoid being recognized. Reddit user: joeb7474

Met Samuel L. Jackson at a celebrity golf pro am. Shook his hand after I found his ball in the rough and asked him to sign my wallet (the one that says BAD MOTHER I’d bought off eBay, since I love Pulp Fiction so much). Had the marker and all. He just said, “No chance.”

“This Is So Weird, It’s Really You”

That feeling of disappointment will be forever with me. Like, it wasn’t that hard to sign it. Reddit user: noitaerc

Not me but my friend’s sister-in-law saw Jack Black walking down the street and eventually crossed paths. Not wanting to pass up the chance at meeting him, she quietly approached him. She said something like, “Is it really you?” And he said yes. Then she said, “This is so weird, it’s really you.” And he said, “It’s not weird for me.”

A Truly Sad Encounter

Then he asked her where she was going, and she said she was going to a dispensary, thinking he might find it funny, but he turned a bit sullen and said he was going to visit his mom in the hospital. She said she wouldn’t bother him for a picture, and he thanked her and left. Reddit user: nectarousness

I organized a good-sized comic con, so I’ve worked with quite a few famous people. But the saddest was really subtle: Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) was in the green room for lunch on the 2nd day. He often looked very tired and was almost totally wheelchair-bound because of his terrible joint problems. 

Drinks from the Joker

So I’m sitting across from him while we eat, and his assistant asks if his hand is feeling alright to sign more autographs (terrible arthritis). He closes his eyes and nods his head and whispers out, “How much longer will this go today?” To which his assistant delicately replies, “Just 5 more hours.”

And he whimpers a little and sheds a few tears as they wheel him away from the table and back out to the fans. The saddest part is that he’s the nicest guy and never denies a fan while he’s at the con and always smiles even though he’s in loads of physical pain. Reddit user: Gred-and-Forge

Joaquin Phoenix and the drummer from the Raconteurs once came into the bar I was hanging out at. (This was post crazy beard phase.) He wasn’t acting weird or anything, but a bunch of girls I guess he knew came in and they were all mingling. Having a good time.

When Your Fail Goes Viral

I thought it would be fun to buy him (Joaquin) a round of whatever he was drinking. The bartender served it to him, turned around and pointed to me, and Joaquin looked dumbfounded. Like totally flattered. He bowed and mouthed, “Thank you so much!” I felt kinda dumb for doing it. 

Later on, I found out (from the bartender) that he was acting like a madman. Not a total douche but just kinda wild. Irritating folks. Walking in front of cars in the street and being loud. When I asked for my tab (which had been pretty hefty), the bartender told me that he had picked up my bill. And all my friends’ bills as well. So, crazy weirdo or not, I’ll always remember that kindness. As sad as it was to see him drunkenly irritating the heck out of people, Joaquin Phoenix bought my tab. Reddit user: CBBuddha

This is more embarrassing for me. At 4 am in an airport, I ran into Adam Savage. Strike 1: don’t talk to anyone in an airport at 4 am. They’re just as delirious and tired as you are. Strike 2: don’t mess up and say his co-host’s name when you try to say hi to him. 

The Scary Part of Fame

Bonus. He tweeted about 5 minutes later complaining about idiots in airports trying to say hi by calling him Jamie. Learn from my mistake. Reddit user: Jay-3fiddy

I saw Stephen King while getting some food in Exeter, NH once. I didn’t walk up to him and say anything, but I saw two or three people following him trying to get him to talk to them, which looked annoying to deal with. Poor guy. I get thinking he’s cool, but I just wanted to leave him be to go about his day.

Falling Over Myself

Pro tip: Fame is not a free pass to harass someone. Celebrities are people just like you. Reddit user: ThatguyMalone

Keira Knightley and her plus one were at a bar/theatre/TV studio I used to work at. My manager told me to take a bowl of olives outside to her table. My hands were shaking so hard. She’s even more beautiful in real life. I tripped on the leg of the table before hers and landed right on my face.

Whatever, Man

She was ridiculously nice about it. I was mortified. Two of my colleagues were on a break a few tables over, and I never heard the end of it. Reddit user: wear_my_sock

I was on vacation with the family in Hawaii when I was little. While in the pool, I saw Pauly Shore walking through knee-deep water with nothing but a red speedo on and visibly hammered. He was carrying some Hawaiian girl in his arms. He walked right past me, and I stated, “Hey! You’re Pauly Shore!!” 

 She Tried to Be Catwoman 

(My first celebrity encounter…I was young). He looked at me with drunk googly eyes and said, “I am? Oh yeah. Whatever, man.” Reddit user: [redacted]

I used to go to a small gym. The owners were laid back and had their cats roam around all the time. It was never an issue, and people who went regularly would pet them in between sets. My husband and I went to the gym together one day. We were the only ones there aside from a trainer in the corner with someone. 

Crappy Timing 

My husband (a very observant man) told me to go do some kettle bell swings. I thought it was weird but headed over to the kettle bell section. There was a trainer with Ben Affleck (training for Batman). I didn’t want to disturb him, so I completely ignored him. 

Except it’s a small gym. So I’m working out on the bench next to nice guy Ben, and I can feel him trying to acknowledge me. Suddenly I notice one of the cats starting to pee in the corner next to Ben. I shout “NO!” to stop the cat and scoop him up. Ben turns to me and says, “Hey, is that your cat?” clearly trying to start a conversation.

I look at him and awkwardly say, “It’s not my cat” and walk away. I had an opportunity to talk to Batman and instead became the crazy cat lady. My husband was watching from afar, dying laughing. Now whenever I do something awkward, my husband will scream, “It’s not my cat!!” Reddit user: kikilovesmakeup

I was working on an upcoming Matthew McConaughey movie as a locations assistant. One of my various tasks was cleaning crew toilets (film school totally paid off, guys). So I’m walking out of the unit I just cleaned, gloves covered in everything unholy, and McConaughey walks off set to me.

They Fight Just Like Us

All I could get out was a grunt and a nod. He stopped in front of me, still fully in character, and just grunted and nodded back. Glad I didn’t try to shake the guy’s hand. Reddit user: jfowoot 

Probably when I met Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick was the most memorable. I went to the grocery store late at night and got in the checkout line and saw them; we were the only people in the store. They were arguing about something, so I didn’t say hi and just awkwardly stared instead….

I’m Not Crying, You Are

So Ferris Bueller and Carrie Bradshaw were arguing in the middle of a grocery store. Reddit user: whenkittiesattackk

A few years back, Robin Williams was having breakfast at my cafe and was sitting next to a little girl who clearly recognized his voice but had no idea who he was and was too shy to make eye contact with a stranger. So Robin pulled his sleeve down over his hand to make a puppet and talked to her with a silly voice through it. 

Feel Like a Snack? 

The only sad part is thinking back on how sweet that was. I wish he was still around to do stuff like that. Reddit user: alarbus

A buddy of mine was a student at the University of Michigan while Michael Phelps was training there under Bob Bowman. He and a few friends were walking outside the natatorium and ran into Phelps, who was eating a granola bar while heading into practice. 

Awkward Silence

They were pretty awestruck and headed over in hopes of a photo. Phelps quickly finished his granola bar in order to shake my buddy’s hand. As they were shaking hands, he transferred the wrapper to my buddy, leaned in, whispered, “You can keep that,” and promptly walked off. Reddit user: bubba3517

I saw Micheal Cera board the L at Williamsburg headed to Manhattan. He was dressed just like he was in Superbad and Juno. Juno had just released. We had an eye conversation. No words exchanged, but he was terrified I was going to speak up or ask for an autograph. 

Banished by Bowie

I just raised an eyebrow, smiled at him, and chuckled about it to myself for the remaining 20-minute ride. He kept nervously looking back over his shoulder at me. When he got to his stop, he paused and nodded at me in thanks. Almost certain he remembers this. Reddit user: Lets_Get-Weird

David Bowie at the Dali museum in FL. I’ve never been a celebrity worshipper, but this was Bowie. The museum wasn’t busy at all, and he and Iman had been there for a while, as had my GF and I. My GF really wanted to say hi and maybe get his autograph, since that’s apparently what people do with celebrities. 

A Doggone Sad Meeting

We eventually got close enough in the same gallery that I could lean over and talk to him. I quietly and apologetically greeted him and said we were enormous fans and…before I finished talking, he very loudly said, “F off, I’m not doing this today!” 

A little while later, as we walked out of the museum, he was standing at his stretch limo signing autographs for a small group of fans. It was more disappointing than sad at the time. But with his passing, it seems much sadder. Reddit user: [redacted]

I met Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys when he did a signing at a job I had in college (2009 or so). I really love the Beach Boys, and Brian Wilson is a huge musical inspiration to me. Brian Wilson was in an office sitting at a table, and his managers were standing there with him also.

Sad Case of Model Behavior

I was told to walk in and I could meet him and have him sign stuff. So I walked in and said how I was a huge fan and he was a big inspiration. He just looked up at me like he was a dog. There wasn’t a person inside that body; no personality, no signs of human interaction. 

So he signs my poster and hands it back. His managers start talking to me, and I stand in there for a few minutes talking to them. The whole time I was in there, he was just staring off into nothing. Didn’t say a word. It was just like a dog staring into space. Reddit user: [redacted]

I met Anna Wintour when I was 15; I was and still am a semi-popular model (from Australia). I met her because she was visiting my agency and choosing girls for a shoot, and I was chosen among another 5 girls. Anna spoke to me in private and said, “You’re a very beautiful girl; you look a lot like Miranda Kerr.”

Oh Hey, Keanu

I was very flattered because I really looked up to Miranda Kerr, so I thanked her. Then she said, “Guess what sweetheart, we already have Miranda Kerr, so we don’t need a copy cat little girl in this industry.” So yeah…that was fun? Reddit user: stellaaaa10 

I met Keanu Reeves at a Zwan show in Cali; the Glass House, I believe. We were hanging at the bar in there before Zwan went on, and I was feeling pretty good. Apparently I had about a half hour convo with the dude and didn’t even realize it was him. When the show started, my friends were like, “You just had a half hour convo with Keanu Reeves.”

An Awkward Flight 

I didn’t even realize it. Good dude though. It’s not like I would have asked for his autograph had I known. Reddit user: Nawz157

My dad sat next to Robert Redford on a flight from SLC to LAX in the mid to late ’80s (not sure of the exact year). My dad introduced himself and got a grunt in return, and Robert would never shake my dad’s hand. My dad said Robert said 6 words to him the whole flight: “Can you hand me that pillow.”

Not So in Sync  

The rest of the flight, they sat in silence. I guess it’s true celebs don’t really like to be bothered. Reddit user: lesnod

I was working as a concierge at a high end resort in Park City, Utah. Justin Timberlake was staying with us for Sundance, and one of his entourage called the front desk and let us know their internet was being flaky. I was the go-to tech guy, so I ran up to his room and restarted the router for them.

Beat It, Zoolander 

I was the hero of the night to everyone in the room. Literally, high fives and chest bumps. As I was riding the elevator down, I heard Timberlake in the garage (great acoustics) BELTING out one of his songs as he was waiting on the lift. The door opened, and we were standing face to face.

I said, “I dig your sound, man.” He looked at me dismissively and said, “You should. I get paid for it” and walked past me like a schoolyard bully, complete with shoulder bump. Reddit user: phreezinc

Saw Ben Stiller at The Troubador. He walked up next to me and ordered a drink at the bar. I gave him my generic “big fan” speech, and he was about to ask me something when one of my creep friends walked up behind us and said, “Beat it, Zoolander. I need to talk to him.” 

Say Goodbye to the Weeknd

He walked away with a look of disbelief. I could have had a nice conversation, but my idiot friend decided to be a jerk. Reddit user: PaulClarkLoadletter

I was at a music festival, and some guys were passing out some wrist bands promoting some music charity, and they said that The Weeknd was there at the festival and was going to be signing autographs. I’m not a huge Weeknd fan, but I thought it would be cool to meet him, so I started searching and found him.

The Sad State of Michael J. Fox

But I stood there like 3 feet away trying to google a picture of him just to make sure; I didn’t want to just walk up to a guy with some resemblance to The Weeknd and ask if he was The Weeknd. Once I confirmed that it was indeed him, he was gone. Reddit user: korythosaurus

Little late to the party, but Michael J. Fox has a house where I live, and I was putting a grill together for him; he was leaning against his car talking to me, and he was just all over the place. Being an ’80s baby myself, he was one of the biggest actors for me growing up. 

A Not-So-Shocking Discovery About Tiger Woods

It was hard seeing him like that; Parkinson’s is one heck of a disease to have to contend with. Reddit user: Tallywacka

I met Tiger Woods on a commercial shoot back 2010. Such a pretentious jerk. That and his entourage of smarmy orange fluffers telling him how great his shots were. It made me sad knowing how alone he really was. Yes, I’m telling you that Tiger Woods is ignorant and rude. Get over it.

Snubbed by an Icon

I don’t actually think a lot of people would be shocked upon hearing that revelation. Reddit user: cavejelly

My father met Jimi Hendrix through a mutual friend (Noel Redding, the bassist for the Experience). Noel introduced my father to Jimi. My father eagerly extended his hand and said, “Nice to meet you, Jimi.” Jimi did not extend his hand and instead looked my father up and down before declaring “Get lost, kid.” 

He Didn’t Seal the Deal 

Jimi Hendrix may have been legendary, but this wasn’t cool. I don’t get why they have to be so pretentious.Reddit  user: [redacted]

I was at a Brad Pitt Make It Right Foundation concert a few years back held in New Orleans. The lineup was Kanye West, Snoop Dogg, Rihanna, Seal, and maybe someone else; I don’t remember. Anyways, before Kanye and Rihanna were set to perform, I was in the VIP area, and I ran into Seal. 

Left Out in the Cold 

Not literally, we just made eye contact; he stopped to ask me if he knew me from somewhere. I proceeded to tell him no and laughed obnoxiously. He continued to insist on knowing me, to which I smugly replied,”Nah” and walked away. I think Seal was just really lonely at this concert. 

No one really seemed to get down to his music as much as the other performers, so he wanted to make a friend. I regret not befriending Seal. Reddit user: [redacted]

I had the happenstance to meet Ke$ha once. I was working in Montana, and she needed a “break,” so she decided to hop on her private plane and fly in to have us take her dog sledding. We were all very professional when we met her; I mean, none of us knew who she was a week before. 

Don Cheadle the Rich Cheapskate 

We all had to google her. Anyhow, she shows up. We go out for an 8-9 mile loop with the dogs, a bit of hot drinks and snacks, and head back to the trucks. Not only does she not pay for the trip, but she also doesn’t tip a single one of us. Four guides, four sleds, two trucks, and 24 dogs. That’s a lot of work. 

She does give us the honor of having drinks that night. We all show up, and she’s late. We’re all buying rounds and sharing the tab. She drinks, signs an autograph or two, and leaves without so much as even buying anyone a drink/round or offering to chip in for the drinks she had. Oh well. Reddit user: [redacted]

I worked at a pizza place in Santa Monica and answered the phone to a voice that sounded oddly familiar. I couldn’t really place it though. I put in his number and lo and behold, it was Don Cheadle; the notes on his account read something like this: YES IT’S DON CHEADLE THE ACTOR, BAD TIPPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I took his order, and he was quite friendly; at one point, he had ordered like five pizzas and was like, “Wait, how many pizzas do I have? Five? I must be crazy, okay, forget those last two.” I asked the driver when he came back what his tip was like on the $50+ order.

“Terrible. The guy’s a famous actor, has a big house here, and he tips me like he’s poor.” Even though he was friendly on the phone, I can’t fathom why he couldn’t pop out a few more bucks and not get a reputation as a rich cheapskate. Reddit user: [redacted]