People Share The Most Outrageous “Eating Sin” They’ve Ever Witnessed

My Sore Mouth

Just when you think that you’ve heard or seen everything on the internet, you come upon a list of the greatest food sins you will ever encounter. Forget eating cereal with water or putting ice in wine; the people in these stories have done everything from blending spaghetti to asking for warm gazpacho.

Did we mention microwaving the Thanksgiving turkey? Some truly despicable things. People are definitely allowed to have preferences, and they might enjoy some weird combinations (did you know that green and yellow Skittles taste like Pine-Sol when put together?). But these unique food “innovations” take the cake (pun only mostly intended).

Are you guilty of any of these heinous crimes? There is only one way to find out. See if you’ve tried (or want to!) any of these food sins.

His Gift from Overseas

I once had a really sore mouth, and it was so bad that I wasn’t able to chew food. During this time, my wife made Spaghetti Bolognese, so she ate it alone and put the rest in the fridge for the next day. I was so hungry from not being able to eat that I did something very odd….

I got the spaghetti out of the fridge, put it into a blender, and let it go for a couple of seconds. When it was done, I drank the cold blended spaghetti smoothie. My wife almost threw up watching me drink it. Reddit User: Down_vote_magnet

Scrap Salad

A priest at our parish went on a trip to Mexico and returned with a glorious tan and the most memorable sermon that I’ve heard in my life. After the sermon, he asked the congregation if anyone wanted to try some seasoning that he’d brought back with him, so I and a few others raised our hands….

He passed it around, giving it to the children, and I quickly noticed that I was the only one who liked it. It turned out to be dried cricket powder with salt and chili. I just laughed. Reddit User: skier28

The Dorito Thief

Over 10 years ago, I worked as a bartender at a restaurant with a group of servers. I distinctively remember an elderly (server) lady named LaLa who, although she was a very nice person, had a few issues with hygiene. Not only did she smell like cat urine, but she had some odd practices when it came to food….

Because of her personality, many customers loved her, so management decided to keep her despite the fact that she grossed out the staff. Anyway, when she was done with an order, instead of scraping the food scraps into the garbage, she would put them in takeaway containers, and she would save almost everything….

From crusty old fries to a bite of burger or a wilted lettuce leaf, she’d throw it all into the container. At the end of her shift, she would mix everything together and eat it like it was a salad. Reddit User: flowkitty

The New KFC Seasoning

My parents told me that when I was a child, around the age of 4, I would sneak packs of Doritos into a corner somewhere. When I knew that no one was watching, I would open them, lick off all the powder on the chips, then put them back into the bag like it was never opened….

When my parents went to eat them, they’d be horrified that the bag was filled with cold, soggy chips. I didn’t bother asking how they found out that it was me. Reddit User: Forhave

Inexplicable Food Combinations

My fiancé told me this story one day after picking her up from work. She once worked at KFC, where one of her work colleagues didn’t like the seasoning that they used on the chicken. One day he came in, bought some chicken, and did something very strange to the pieces….

The man wiped his chicken pieces with lemon-scented hand wipes, thinking that they were meant for seasoning the food. He then ate them without second-guessing his decision. Reddit User: Platinum93

My Strange House Mate

I worked in a nice building with very friendly people, but there’s one coworker who likes to eat unexpected and inexplicable food combinations and doesn’t understand why people are grossed out by it. Over the course of the time we’ve worked together, he’s made some questionable choices, but none as bad as this one….

He bought a slice of pepperoni pizza, then covered it in pieces of California rolls that he’d cut up. To top it all off, he coated the entire thing with nutritional yeast. Reddit User: Viking_Scientist42

My Wife’s Snack

I once had a strange housemate during a time when we were both in a transitionary state in our lives. When I cooked and had some extra, she would eat some, and it was never a problem. Because I am Italian-American, I don’t really understand portion control, so there would always be lots of food….

One night, under no coercion, she decided to make dinner “just for the two of us,” she said. I’m immediately confused. There is nothing in the fridge that could be used to cook anything, so I look on the counter and see a couple of half jars of salsa from a recent party, a bottle of ketchup, and a jar of olives….

Out of curiosity, I ask, “What’re you making?” She said, “Lasagna.” How do you make lasagna by mixing ketchup and salsa? It was at that moment I knew that this transition was over. Reddit User: NimanderTheYoung

The Things I’ve Seen

I love my wife very much, but some of her food choices gross me out, especially when she does it in my presence. The worst I’ve seen is when she takes a handful of raw macaroni (yes, the hard pasta), throws it in her mouth, and if that wasn’t bad enough, she then pours in copious amounts of vinegar and begins to chew….

It’s a good thing she has a strong stomach. I don’t know what it would look like if it came back out the same end. Reddit User: ObviouslyConno

Getting Our Money’s Worth

I’m a waitress, so it’s safe to say that I’ve seen it all. Imagine every food combination that you can think of; well, I’ve probably seen it. I try not to judge, but there was this one time that I could not help myself. A customer came in, sat at one of my tables, and asked for 3 eggs soft scrambled….

Okay, that’s simple, but then she asks to have spinach, goat cheese, and fresh strawberries in the mixture. It turned into a greyish brown color that no one should ever eat. I watched as she ate every bite. Reddit User: Rhymeswithfinechina

Gazpacho Soup

I once had a roommate, and the agreement was that we’d split the bill for food and other essential items. Anything we wanted for ourselves, we would pay for it separately. What I didn’t realize was that my roomie had a penchant for cutting costs, and under normal circumstances, that would be great, but nope….

Every time a sauce bottle (ketchup, mustard, steak sauce, etc.) was down to the last one-third of the bottle, he would FILL IT UP with water and shake. He called it “getting your money’s worth.” Reddit User: Daverotti

Almost Dialing 911

It was one of the greatest days of my life; I’d been invited to the captain’s table after working with the company for over 14 years. There were six officers and me, and soon the food was brought out. The restaurant served gazpacho soup as the starter, and my fatal flaw was not knowing what it was and that it is meant to be served cold….

In my ignorance, I called over the chef and told him to take it away and bring it back hot, and without question, he did. When the chef came out with the hot soup, they laughed, and at the time, I thought that they were laughing at the chef for his mistake….

But it turns out that they were laughing at me…eating the hot soup. The looks on their faces still haunt me to this day, and I was never invited back to eat at the captain’s table again. Reddit User: ABEN_ZIN

Finding Religion, Losing Interest

I watched one of my coworkers commit a heinous crime, and it still bothers me to this day. I love Oreos, like really love Oreos. I buy at least one pack a day, and before I’m home, it’s gone. While at work, I saw said coworker SCRAPE THE CREAM INTO THE GARBAGE and just eat the cookies….

When I asked her why, she said that it was because they’re “too sweet” for her. I almost called 911. A part of me died inside that day, knowing such evil exists in the world. Reddit User: ForeignPacksMoarLoot

Eating Everything Individually

My grandmother, bless her, found religion, and somehow that meant that she no longer needed to put effort into cooking. I’m not sure how she arrived at that conclusion, but that’s what happened. One Thanksgiving, she went to the freezer, pulled out a turkey (from the year before), microwaved it, then served it to our family as Thanksgiving dinner….

There have been very few times in my life when I’ve seen my grandfather get mad at her, and this was one of them. She was never allowed to prepare food on holidays again. Reddit User: P4ndybear

No Refills Needed

My mother, who I love dearly, has some strange habits that get on my last nerve. It’s not even what she eats, but how she does it; she likes to pick apart her food, separating it by ingredient and then eating it separately. Here’s an example….

Pizza: she’ll rip off the toppings, then the cheese, and then eat the pizza crust last. Here’s another example: a beef sandwich. She will eat all the beef and then the bread. It really bothers me. Reddit User: ApprehensiveCRD6

A Customer’s Order

One day, while working at a restaurant waiting tables, a couple who are regulars but new to me walks in. When the bartender sees them, he signals me to come over while he goes into the kitchen to grab something. Before I take their order, he gives me a crushed red pepper shaker and tells me to take it to them….

Confused, I do what he asks. The woman orders a small cup of French onion soup, and when it arrives, she uncaps the shaker and dumps the entire thing in her soup. She ate it like it was cereal. Reddit User: actorrent

Slurping It Up

When I worked as a bartender, I’d get some very strange requests from customers, but none stranger than when a middle-aged man walked into the bar and ordered a beer…with milk. I said to him, “Excuse me? You want the milk in the same glass as the beer?” Customer: “Correct….” So I did what he asked of me.

I poured him the beer and added milk in the same glass. It looked disgusting to me. I gave him the drink, and he paid for it, happily drank his beer-milk, and left. Reddit User: fadeinthelight

My Best Friend from College

Back in college, while walking into the dining hall I shared with my other dorm mates, I noticed one of them making sunny side up eggs. I didn’t think anything of it until he sat down to eat his food. He scooped his fork under one egg, brought it up to his mouth, and only touched the yolk with his lip….

He sucked out all the yolk, then slurred the rest of the egg into his mouth. I was horrified. I didn’t want to watch, but I couldn’t look away. Reddit User: lavidalaluna

Middle School Memories

A few years ago, back when my best friend and I were in college, she stayed with me a couple of times, and as you’d expect, you learn many things about a person when you live with them. I found out that my bestie liked to dip cheese into hot chocolate….

Not just dip but dunk it in, wait for it to partially melt, swirl it around the cup, then eat it. I love her, but I still haven’t recovered from seeing that food sin. Reddit User: Kaldus

My Friend, the Cake Decorator

I saw all kinds of things in middle school, but nothing scared me more than when I saw a kid rip open his carton of chocolate milk, then dip his burrito into it, then proceed to eat it. There was even another incident when I saw him pour his milk onto the beef and eggs in the burrito….

Because I knew him, I asked him why he was doing it. He said, “Creamify the meat.” The word “creamify” grossed me out just as much as him destroying the burrito. Reddit User: ZuckerRavioli

Destroying a Beautiful Cut of Meat

I have a friend who took up cake decorating as a hobby. She was great at decorating the cakes, but the cakes always tasted horrible because of the unusual flavor combinations. Almost everyone who tasted her cakes had to find a way to discreetly throw away their pieces without her noticing. The worst one was a cake she made for Christmas.

It was a beautiful fondant creation of Rudolph (the Red-Nosed Reindeer), which she made using orange spice cake and covered the entire thing with mint icing. Eating it was like brushing your teeth then rinsing with orange juice. Reddit User: TremulousHand

The House of Food Sins

I once worked in a high-end restaurant where they served authentic imported Kobe beef in many of their dishes. The customers loved it, but not everyone understood how it should be prepared. I once had a customer who ordered a 16oz Kobe filet mignon, and he asked for it to be prepared well done….

The chef preparing her meal nearly cried, and they muttered a few things as he was destroying the beautiful cut of meat. The guest was very pleased with his meal, but his chef, not so much. Reddit User: FloofyOrangeCat

Valentine’s Dinner to Remember

I live with a person who commits food sins almost every day. I’ve seen stories where people say that water with cereal is a sin, but it’s nothing compared to watching your roommate microwave a pickle topped with cheese, then dip it in ice cream like it was some kind of sauce….

I can’t stay in the kitchen when she does those things. The worst part is that there are more horrible creations. Reddit User: LuckOfZ

The Best Burger I’ve Ever Had

Last Valentine’s Day, my boyfriend decided to take me to a little cafe that had a special Valentine’s day menu. At some point between the appetizer and the main course, the waitress brings what looks like ice cream to our table, telling us that it is a surprise. It looked lovely, and I assumed that it was a palate cleanser, so we dug in….

Nope, not ice cream, but we continue to eat it, exchanging confused glances as we do. It tastes okay, but there is a strange oily aftertaste. When we’re done, the chef comes out to tell us what we just had: wagyu beef ice cream. With the biggest grin on his face….

We sat in horror as he told us how he cooked the steak then used the remaining fat to make the ice cream. To top it all off, literally, he mixed in a few crispy pieces. I still gag every time I tell this story. Reddit User: shrmpfrdrice

Fortune Cookie Anyone?

A friend of mine, and a fellow homeless person, once offered me one of two cheeseburgers he found in the parking lot of a McDonald’s restaurant. After I went on a rant about how I would rather starve to death than eat a burger found in a parking lot, hunger got the best of me, so I ate it….

It was the best burger I’ve ever had, and it’s been thirty years since. Every now and again, I would go to McDonald’s to remind me how a hundred-dollar steak does not compare to the joy I had while eating that burger. Reddit User: [redacted]

Toddler Problems

Most people I know don’t like eating fortune cookies, but my sister loves them, and I’m completely okay with that. What irritates me is the way she eats them. Whenever we get to a Chinese restaurant, she just drops it in her cup of water. Fine, maybe it’s too hard, but that’s not all….

She then stirs it until it gets soggy, then spoons it out and eats it. My entire family is embarrassed by it, but she doesn’t seem to care. Reddit User: MuIIaney

My In-Laws

Like many toddlers, my daughter was a very picky eater, but after observing her, we noticed that she would eat anything if she was able to dunk/dip it in something else, like ketchup, yogurt, cheese sauce, etc. She’s since outgrown the practice, but there’s one thing that has stayed with her….

She likes to dip garlic bread into strawberry yogurt. It’s both weird and gross. Reddit User: Amyfelldownthestairs

Poutine Anyone?

My in-laws who live in rural Canada value hot food above everything else, so whenever it is their turn to cook, they do odd things to keep the food hot. Take, for example, pasta night; dinner is supposed to begin at 6 pm, so they put on the hot water at 5, throw in the pasta when it comes to a boil and keep it there for however long the package says it should….

Then he turns it on low and keeps the pasta in the pot until it’s time to eat at the table. The vegetables are steamed to mush, so much so that the broccoli begins to smell like sulphur. Reddit User: wing03

Someone’s Leftovers

My coworkers would often go to Wendy’s for lunch and bring back food for those who couldn’t or didn’t go. I’m all for dipping the fries in their Frosty, because, who are we kidding, it’s delicious as heck, but there’s a difference between dipping and mixing, which is what one of my colleagues was guilty of….

He straight up poured all his fries and the Frosty in the same container, mixed it up, and ate it like it’s a poutine variant. I still can’t wrap my head around it. Reddit User: Allegiance10

The Best Substitute

While sleeping over at a friend’s house, at his insistence, I noticed that his family had a very strange eating habit; they had dinner at 4 pm. It was extremely early and not something that I was used to. By the time 8 pm rolled around, I was starving, so I asked him if I could have something to eat….

He said yes and proceeded to ask me if I wanted his mother’s leftover cereal from this morning. It was so soggy that I could not even pretend to eat it. Reddit User: tiagoroco

Thanksgiving with My Girlfriend

After coming home drunk one day after an enjoyable night out, I was desperately craving a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but there was one problem…I had no bread. I had an ah-ha moment when I thought that I could substitute bread, which was a grain, with another grain….

So there I was, looking for a grain. I poured myself a bowl of Cheerios, then added jelly and peanut butter to it. I don’t remember how good/bad it was. Reddit User: KevinDeerMan

Thanksgiving Mess

My girlfriend insisted that I spend Thanksgiving with her and her family, and she specifically said that the dinner was the best part of the day. Her parents, much like her, considered themselves to be foodies and excellent home chefs, so to say that I was excited would be an understatement….

When I got there and saw them cooking, I quickly noticed that they never followed the recipe and would make substitutions of ingredients based on what they thought was better. I wasn’t sure how to get out of the situation I found myself in. Reddit User: [redacted]

It Happens More Often Than You Think

Thanksgiving was quickly approaching, and my father, the embodiment of bravado, declared that he was going to cook the dinner this year. On the day, the oven was being used for cooking the sides, so he decides to cook the turkey on the stovetop. A 20-pound frozen turkey…in a skillet….

After a couple of hours, he notices that it isn’t cooking and quarters the turkey, only to find the bag of gizzards in the turkey’s cavity. He left it in, which gave the turkey a lovely charred plastic flavor. The sides, which were ready an hour later, weren’t much better; the gravy broke, leaving a greasy mess, the potatoes turned to mush, and the roasted vegetables were cooked in the microwave….

I secretly ordered Chinese food and had that for dinner when I had to leave for work. My girlfriend saved me a plate, which I dumped by the neighbors’ house the next morning. Reddit User: a_monomaniac

My Fiancé’s Habits

I took my then-girlfriend to a very high-end sushi restaurant to celebrate our anniversary. It’s the kind of restaurant where the chef hand-makes each roll right in front of you. Little did I know that she wasn’t the biggest sushi fan, and she refused to try anything if it wasn’t smothered in soy sauce….

When she left to go to the bathroom, I apologized to the chef. He said it happens more often than you think. Reddit User: ViperThreat

“It’s Still Good”

My fiancé, who I love very much, has some very strange habits, the worst of which is how he eats kiwis (fruits); he eats them whole, skin and all. He just bites into it like it’s an apple or something. The first time I saw him do it, I thought that he was trying to show off, but no….

He insisted that the skin is edible, even though it is spines. I can’t imagine biting into its spidery outside. I am repulsed by it. Reddit User: couchable

An Evil Entity

My mom had a friend who was eccentric, to say the least. She was a hoarder whose house and car were so full that she stayed with us for a few weeks until I had to kick her out (she started bringing her hoard inside). There was this one occasion while we were all living together that someone gave me a bag of lemons, which I used to make a lemon meringue pie….

I used every single lemon, but my mom’s friend didn’t think I “used” them to their full extent. She picked them out of the trash and put them back in the fridge. I’ve also seen her drink lumpy milk and eat moldy bread because “it’s still good.” Reddit User: crustdrunk

Why We’re No Longer Friends

We were staying with my mom’s friend for a couple of days, and it was a lovely place. Everything was going well until one evening when she offered us some Cheerios. We said we’d take some, so she brings out two bowls of cereal. She then brings out some apple juice, which I didn’t mind….

Without skipping a beat, she pours the juice in the bowl with the Cheerios. My mother and I looked at each other and knew that we were witnessing something evil. Reddit User: wackydetective

That’s Not How You Eat a Burger

I had a friend whose disturbing eat habits caused me to be friends with him no longer. I once watched as he poured cereal into a bowl, then poured the milk into a glass, and I was immediately confused. What he did with them after is the reason why we no longer speak….

He put a spoonful of cereal in his mouth, then took a drink of milk. He let the two sit on his mouth for a few seconds, then began to chew the food. I could not believe what I was watching. Reddit User: rysilk

There’s More Than One Way to Cook Bacon

My story is about a woman my uncle used to date. She came to the United States straight from China and wasn’t used to many of our customs, including how to eat a burger. We once went out to eat with the entire family, who all witnessed the horror of her eating one….

She started by eating the top bun, then onions, tomatoes, lettuce, then meat. By the time she got to it, she was full. We’d never seen anything like it. Reddit User: mckenna5794

Grandma’s Famous Recipe

I cook my bacon in the oven, and I get treated like a traitor by my own family for doing it. The sad part is that my cooking method doesn’t stop them from eating it all once I’m done making it. I’ve noticed that it comes out perfect in the oven….

There no grease all over the kitchen, and you don’t need oil, so it’s much better than frying it. Reddit User: thetarahrizer

Growing up, my family had many get-togethers where my paternal grandparents would host and cook all sorts of things. One such thing was my grandmother’s famous “cheese and potato scallops.” They were super creamy, perfectly cut potato slices and seasoned to perfection. It was always the highlight of everything they made….

Some time later, I went over to my grandparents’ house and spent the entire day with them. We had a dinner party later that night, and she asked if I wanted to come to the grocery store to get the ingredients for her famous scallops: a decision I regret almost every day. When we got there, I see my grandmother pick up a box of potato scallops….

There was no recipe; it was literally a box of instant potatoes that she’d been pawning off as her own. I felt like my entire life was a lie. The sad part is I don’t think my grandfather knows. Reddit User: Turbosauce1