Next-Level Jealousy

While some people may, in fact, be grateful to their ex, as per Ariana Grande’s hit song, most of us think “can’t relate, my ex was the worst.” Turns out, the fine people of Reddit have crazier ex stories than most of us could ever conjure up… and they’re here to share them with you today.
From insanely jealous guys to an ex-girlfriend who genuinely thought she was a werewolf, these crazy stories will make you feel better about the high school boyfriend you can’t believe you ever dated. Youthful naïveté, desperation, or just a misunderstanding – these and many more are the reasons you end up with someone unsavory. Whatever the cause, some people come out of the whole breakup experience with a story to tell. And if nothing else, they’re fabulous stories…
She Only Wanted Money

One day I woke up to find that all the men were missing from my Facebook friends list. This even included my cousins and uncles. I was a 23-year-old (female) at the time who had just broken up with an extremely insecure boyfriend a few days before this.
This kind of proves that I was right to do it after I saw what he ended up doing to me in retaliation. Once I logged on, I discovered what he has done. I don’t know if my ex-boyfriend didn’t think I’d notice, or maybe he just didn’t care. Reddit user: tomayto_tomaahto
Dead Wrong About Her

She was just so manipulative. I knew I should’ve listened to her friend who warned me not to date her in the first place. But I did… twice, actually. Just all sorts of stupid crap to get me to buy her things. When I finally just closed her out of my life, she threatened to get her dad involved, whatever that meant.
She was in her mid-twenties, come on. Then she would end up bragging to our mutual friends about how she would use me for money. I really don’t generally hold grudges against anyone, but for her, I decided to make an exception. Reddit user: njgreenwood
Law and Disorder

Me and an ex of mine were having some real relationship problems despite the fact that we were actually engaged. Every morning, she would wake up and tell me the same bizarre words. She told me that she kept having these weird dreams where I would be dead.
Then she said the ultimate kicker, which was even weirder than the dreams. She’d say right after, “And I always wake up happy.” I mean, who does that kind of thing? It’s safe to say our engagement was over shortly after that. Reddit user: Economy_cactus
A Majorly Dysfunctional Relationship

My friend found a psycho. Met her at the bar and ended up taking her home. She decided it should be more than just a one night stand and suggested a date the following weekend. He obliges. Their first date was meeting her parents, where she told them how they were going to spend the rest of their lives together.
She continued with where they were going to buy a house, the names of their two children, etc. He dated her for about a month and after they broke up, she started stalking his friends. Not him..his friends. She’d somehow find out where we would be and threaten us with lawsuits for ‘ruining her life.’ Reddit user: hmfiddlesworth
Not-So-Subtle Spying

I was dating a girl that demanded I call every day. She would hit me for “sitting wrong.” She once lashed out at me over a social media website that was popular in my country (Lunarstorm). You could see who went to look at your profile. She noticed that a lot of people from my hometown went to look at her profile.
She was furious. She said that “You should talk about me enough so that people aren’t curious!” When I said “Wouldn’t that make people more curious?” she lost it and screamed at me. She also screamed at me for telling other people that a family member of mine attempted suicide before I told her.
She was hot. But crazy. I broke up with her, and for years later, she would send me emails telling me I ruined her life. I met her on a train a couple of years later; she was with her new boyfriend. He looked like a whipped dog. Reddit user: Erikavpommern
When They’re Just a Terrible Person

Went out to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings one night with a few friends. I told her about this, and I saw a couple of her friends come in and sit at a table near us; they never ordered anything. They just drank water and sat there, occasionally glancing at us.
After we were done eating, we walked outside and sure enough, I saw my girlfriend’s (ex now for obvious reasons) car in the parking lot. Her driver’s seat was leaned all the way back, and I could just barely see that she was in the driver’s seat trying to hide from me.
So me and my friends left, and as soon as we backed out, sure enough, her car starts and backs out as well; she began to follow us through the parking lot. At this point, I was texting her asking her what’s going on, but she kept saying she was with her mom hanging out. Needless to say I ended things shortly after that. Reddit user: TehPangolin
Oh, Mother

I had an ex who managed to convince my entire friend group that I was a sociopath who was addicted to some pretty illegal substances, right after breaking up with me. She also said that I became a drug dealer and that I tried to get one of my friends addicted to that substance as well, all for money.
She found out that there was this socially-awkward guy that was in love with her, so she started flirting with him. She used him for his money, and now he can’t even pay for college. I’m so happy I managed to get out of that situation. Reddit user: swagerito
When Love Notes Become Hate Notes

I started dating this boy who I initially thought was really great. We had a really good connection and he was really cute. Plus he appeared to be very much the gentleman. All things seemed to be going well. That is, of course, until I saw his true, kind of crazy colors.
One time, we went out on a date, and he kept talking on the phone and texting his mother during the date. While this isn’t completely fine even under normal circumstances, there was a huge issue with this one. The problem was that his mother died years ago. Reddit user: TheOneWhoCared
Don’t Say I Do

My ex-boyfriend and I were in this long-distance relationship. He was living on one end of the country and I was living on the other. We would try to talk as often as possible and would save up some money to see each other maybe every other month or so.
While visiting him, I found handwritten love letters that were VERBATIM what he had written to me. Except these notes had different women’s names on each one. It’s safe to say I ended it right then and went home early. Such a waste of money. Reddit user: Hippotheh
I See Dead Relationships

The craziest thing that my ex had ever done was probably the time when she spent an entire night sobbing and was begging for me to propose to her. I honestly had no idea where it all came from, and it also just came about so suddenly and totally out of nowhere.
One second, we were watching a movie, the next, pure theatrics. But she was screaming for answers as to why I would not propose to her and threatening to hurt herself if I didn’t. Oh also, one small detail, we were 17 at the time. Reddit user: Orange_KidDon’t Say I Do
A Sick Lie

I dated a girl who believed she was some sort of clairvoyant. Now I’m not a complete skeptic to that sort of thing, so I supported her and her “visions.” But those visions would soon come to turn on me and make her really paranoid about our relationship.
If she had a dream or even the inkling of a feeling I cheated, she would take it to the extreme. I managed to talk her out of it one time, but then she started acting like those visions meant that I had done the deed pretty much right in front of her. It sucked. Reddit user: satanvacation
The Gift of Realization

My high school girlfriend told me she had cancer after our first date. She asked me not to tell anyone and that her parents got upset if it was mentioned, so I should not talk about it with anyone. I dated her for six months. She turned herself anorexic to appear “sickly….”
Once I started making friends, no one understood why I was with her and kept her secret. Well, I finally put two and two together after she told me she was going in for chemo on a Monday. She said she wasn’t going to be at school for at least a week.
I caught her trying to hide from me before the first class and asked her how her chemo went. She said it went so well and that all her hair fell out but they sewed it all together and sewed the wig to her head. Yeah. She was a special one. Reddit user: [redacted]
She Was Not Okay…

In a twist of fate, it turns out that I was actually the psycho in this instance. I mean, in the sense that I had literal manic psychosis episodes and I was my poor ex’s first serious relationship. Having bipolar disorder and it being at full blast is really not pretty.
I really hope I didn’t scar her too much. We’re still actually friends to this day, but I know I have this really big disclaimer to announce if I get serious in a relationship with someone again. It honestly isn’t very easy at all. Reddit user: Lashmush
The Definition of Gaslighting

I’m a male, and I was in a relationship with this woman who would hit me on a pretty regular basis. I have no real explanation for why I ended up staying with her for as long as I did. I guess, other than love makes you not see the bad sides of people and just shrug stuff off.
I finally saw that I needed to get out when I found myself crying one day….On the floor of the bathroom. I was pretty young, so that has to count for something in terms of my naiveté, but I’ve certainly come a long way since then. Reddit user: lewwyle
Making A Clean Break

My ex once memorized my Facebook password and then logged in, going through my old messages until he found one where I had picked up an older conversation with one of my male coworkers I was friends with. He then proceeded to pretend to be me and hit on this guy….
Eventually, he took it as far as to even plan a time and place for the two of us to hook up. Then he texted me asking what these messages were about and why I was cheating on him. I was so confused initially that I didn’t realize it was him who had hacked me.
I just pleaded my innocence and begged his forgiveness because I had no idea where the messages were coming from. Eventually, he told me that he was the one coercing my co-worker to meet up and that somehow because my co-worker agreed that clearly meant we had hooked up before? Reddit user: HikingMakesMeHappy
A Scary Encounter

My ex had wanted me to text him my work schedule and then would end up calling me on the work phone and wait in the parking lot for me to come out of work when I was done. And he was so controlling that he even wanted to know how much was in each paycheck.
One time I texted him my work schedule and he misread it. He then freaked out non-stop for 6 hours searching for me, called my whole family, and was even about to call the police. It was his own fault that he misread what I had texted him and he really panicked.
I broke up with him in public because he would not believe it when I broke up with him in private. It was finally to the point where random people who were nearby were like to him “you just got dumped.” I hope I never get another psycho like him. Reddit user: babeyribs
One Gross Wake-Up Call

I had been dating this guy a while and (I thought) things were going really well. I’ll never forget the day, because he took me to see Aladdin. We get back to my place and everything’s normal. We’re talking and suddenly he gets this really weird and glassy look in his eyes.
He says, “I can’t see you anymore. I’m afraid I might hurt you.” I’m thinking hurt, like cheat on me, you know, psychologically. I kind of laughed and told him not to worry about that, that I was a grown-up and whatever happened we could try and work it out.
His voice changed and he looked even worse and said, “You don’t understand. I’ve been having these dreams where I hurt you. I mean really hurt you.” Then, he jumped off the couch and ran out the front door. I never saw him again. Never tried to call him cause it really shook me up. I guess I should be glad it stopped there. He just seemed so normal up to that point, and it came out of the blue. Reddit user: spacednlost
Heartbreak Gets Literal

It was a normal Sunday evening. My ex-husband had been without a job for going on a few years. He was well aware of the fact that I had to approve several dozen employees’ time-cards before Monday so I could submit payroll. I did this every Sunday evening for three years, and the process takes about an hour and a half.
Another thing that was common was that he loved to drink and had a very bad temper. Apparently this evening he had some severe issues with me completing my employees’ time-card approvals after I had spent an hour cooking him and my son dinner. Despite the fact that this was completely normal for me.
So I’m sitting there on the floor of my living room because I couldn’t afford a couch because I was dirt poor. And as I’m eating dinner and working, all I hear is him yelling at me to put down work and pay attention to him. Before I could say, “I’m almost done, just a few more moments….”
…He comes up to me with a full plate of food and dumps it all over my face, keyboard and all. I was in complete and total shock. I couldn’t believe the man that I was married to would do that all over my work. I just sat there in awe of it all. I am so glad he’s out of my life. Reddit user: Cognito
He Was Incredibly Manipulative

I was seeing a girl for a while who I thought I really hit it off with. We were into the same stuff, etc., but something in my gut was telling me something was off, so I broke it off and tried to remain friendly with her. I found out later from her roommate that she was playing a long con with me….
She was only pretending to be into everything I liked in an attempt to domesticate me. I also learned that once I broke things off she got so angry she smashed a shot glass against their door and said, “No, leave it. Those are the shattered pieces of my heart.” Safe to say I have no regrets and have never doubted my gut instinct since. Reddit user: FishoftheNorth
It Was All In His Head

I was really young and innocent at the time of this relationship. It kind of started out of nowhere, but it’s stuck with me forever and definitely had an effect on my mental state. It started with him posting all of my personal and private information online.
He put my full name, my address, and a bunch of other info out there for people to find…. That was already pretty bad. Then, he started sending me pictures and videos of him hurting himself and using items he shouldn’t be using. That was when I knew I needed to get away from him. Reddit user: [redacted]
He Stalked Me

When I was in high school, I was dating this guy, who was a psycho, and was honestly obsessed with his “ex.” He had a literal shrine to her in his closet with pictures of her and her bad poetry. He even told me that he was cheating on me with her at one point.
I later found out they never even dated, it was all in his head.He sent her videos of himself doing different things. If by some internet miracle that was you, then I’m sorry and also we should start some kind of survivors support group or something. Reddit user: pdx_duckling
I Never Spoke To Him Again

My ex posted all of my personal info on social media for all the world to see and then sent me a personal message saying that he was hoping that someone would break into my house. I called the police on him and they talked to him about staying away from me.
But then he left me a voicemail telling me that “snitches get stitches.” He stalked me for 3 months and had his family members calling me on a regular basis saying they knew I cheated on him (I never did). It was just insane. Reddit user: GhostQueenSW
What Just Happened?

I was once dating this guy for a few months, and I had some pretty serious reservations about him at that point. There was just something about his character that I could tell was off, but I just couldn’t manage to put my finger on what exactly it was.
One day, we were out taking a walk and it changed my idea of him forever….When I noticed an injured bird on the ground, he walked over, picked it up, and then threw it against a wall. I walked away and never spoke to him again. Reddit user: [redacted]
“I Noped Right Out of There”

Laying in bed one night after a fight (most likely over something trivial), my girlfriend fell out of the bed; maybe she rolled out, but it seemed like a fall. She then stood up and started running into walls. Bloodied herself up real good, and I couldn’t get her to stop.
The downstairs neighbor heard the commotion and called the police. The police show up and see her sitting on the couch all bloody; they become very interested in me. I try to explain to them she is running herself into the walls…and they do not believe me (who in their right mind would?).
Fortunately for me, she stands up and runs across the room, right into a wall, practically knocking herself out. The police provide me with an escort to the hospital (still don’t trust me, I suspect). After the hospital staff take her into the back by herself (to ask her if I was hurting her, I’m sure), they allow me in the back room.
While waiting, she then gets out of bed and grabs a bunch of gauze from the cabinet and starts wiping the floor with it. I ask her what she was doing, and she tells me that she is cleaning the floor so the fish can see out of it. Reddit user: QuinicAcid
Tragedies All Around

I had a seizure this one time, and when I ended up coming out of it, he [my ex-boyfriend] was standing above me, yelling at me that I should “stop being a drama queen and stop looking for attention.” He then says “this is embarrassing.”
Then he dragged me up to my feet, slammed me against the wall, and bellowed at me to never do that again. Yes, I noped right out and that was the first indication he ever gave me that he was capable of something like that. Reddit user: ayarbee
I Will Not Be Talked To Like That

On 9/11, my ex and I heard about the planes hitting the towers on the radio on our way to a coffee shop. After the second report, I said, “That wasn’t an accident.” He proceeded to call me ” stupid” and rambled on and on about how dumb I was to say that.
We get to the coffee shop, where they’d wheeled out a TV on a cart and had it in the middle of the restaurant so patrons could watch. We sat and eventually one of the towers came down. Immediately, I burst into tears. I knew I had just watched innocent people die.
I was wondering, “oh my god, how many people were still in that building?!” Plus my brother was on a flight when it happened and one of my friends worked in the financial district in NYC. I was distraught. Anyone with any humanity would have been distraught. But my ex was not having it.
He leaned over, put his arm around me — I thought he was trying to comfort me. Then he hissed in my ear, “You’re embarrassing me and making a scene. Stop crying or go sit in the car.” That was the moment I knew I was done. Reddit user: [redacted]
Danger Alert

He sent me to pick up a present he got for his friend’s baby shower at Kids R Us. I went there and asked for it and they said they didn’t have an order. I called him and gave my phone to the cashier. After a moment, she gave the phone back to me saying, “I will not be talked to like that.” I was so confused.
She said he was very rude to her and refused to help me. I left the store. When I came home he denied being rude to her and got mad at me for taking her side. Later he told me I had ruined everything, we wouldn’t be going to the baby shower, and his friend was very upset.
I was confused and felt awful so I called his friend to apologize. She had no idea what I was talking about. I realized he lied about the whole thing to make me feel like a bad person, and it made me realize he was gaslighting me our entire 3-year relationship. Reddit user: wittysnhere81
Grateful For His Ex

We were eating dinner one time at a restaurant when my ex suddenly just gets up and starts yelling these threats to the people working at the restaurant. And it was stuff like “I’m gonna knock down all of your windows!!” It was because he caught a waiter glancing at me.
He also tried to yell at me and claimed he was younger than the waiter….He hid his ID from me; I realized why later on. He lied about pretty much everything. He was shady as hell. I left him after he kicked our kitten out of anger. I took the kitty with me. Reddit user: [redacted]
The Truth Came Out And It Sucked

Interestingly enough, my ex’s ex-girlfriend had cornered me at my place of work right when I started hanging out with him, and she proceeded to very much WARN me about him. I brushed it off and wrote her off as crazy, because girls can be that way sometimes.
And sure enough, literally everything she said came true. Her warning always lived in the back of my mind and eventually helped me get the nerve to kick him out. I’ve always wanted to run into her again and thank her and apologize for calling her crazy. Reddit user: Sassquapadelia
It Was A Big Deal

When in the shower one time, he casually mentioned that he had 2 kids (we had been dating for a month), was 14 years older than me (and not 5 that I though), and that his kids’ mom had a restraining order on him. Before this, he was just a slightly eccentric hippie with a kind heart and a love for spontaneity and bike trips.
He ended up pouring patchouli oil all over my door (it’s a love oil), leaving cursed voodoo eggs on my porch, and sabotaging my bike so when I went down a steep hill the brakes fell off and the bike crumbled (he had just returned it). Reddit user: hhHolmes09
Fast And Super Furious

My ex and I had an argument as we were going to bed. Realizing that we weren’t getting anywhere, we decided to deal with it in the morning. I fell asleep, and she kept fuming to the point of her turning towards me and elbowing me in the kidneys. I woke up unable to breathe.
I don’t react well to violence and just got dressed and left the apartment for the night. She apologized in the morning, and we talked it out and in some warped logic agreed that since she is so petite, her hitting me was not a big deal. Nah, it is a big deal, and there is no justification for violence. Reddit user: saadazaidi
A Sick Game

My ex nearly got us killed tons of times when he was driving, while he had his Initial D-like fantasies of going around tight corners super fast and cutting it real close with rock walls. This was despite how many times I would tell him not to do it.
I would almost have a panic attack nearly every time I had to hop in the car with him. I’d finally just had enough when we had too close of a call near, and almost ended up hitting a child. I ended it and never spoke to him again. Reddit user: TheTrueBrony
You Go, Girl!

Despite any pleasant, romantic, sweet, loving, or gratuitous thing I did, he would treat me like crap. When I would show zero interest in him for being so mean, he would treat me like royalty. Pull out every stop, every trick in the book to romance me and make me forget about it….
When I would be sweet back, it turned him off. The more I ignored him and rejected him for being horrible, the more he wanted me. It was this weird game that we did. After a while, I grew tired of it. I didn’t want to play anymore. Reddit user: Jizuzcrust
The Nightmare Relationship

I went for a shower and he was in my college bedroom along with my phone, and I came back to him saying he was leaving and was visibly upset. I asked what was wrong and it turned out that he had looked through my phone while I was gone for three minutes.
During that time, he had gone into my deleted pictures and saw a picture of my male housemate that I had deleted along with many other pictures in order to free up some space on my phone. He knew my housemate and knew we were friends (in a very platonic way).
Yet this caused a huge fight about him believing I was cheating and me denying it honestly. I tried to break up with him then, but he changed completely and begged me not to. I’ve been free of him for two years now, and I’ve never been happier! Reddit user: cwinty
She Warned Him

Dream-cheating was the problem in one of my relationships. She’d dream that I was cheating on her, and then get mad at me in real life. It was so crazy that I didn’t know how to process it, let alone respond and then try to understand what her logic was.
It was one of the most foolish things I’d ever been through in my life….Look, if you have dreams like that, don’t hold the other person responsible. I should be the one that’s mad at you for having such an incredibly low idea of me. Reddit user: r55r44
Drama Queen

I watched my ex-girlfriend be abusive and manipulative towards the guy she was dating when I met her when we were still just friends. For some reason though, I guess I thought that it wouldn’t be like that with me. But it most certainly was like that.
She also told me herself, when we first started dating, that she was really messed up…. And that most people who dated her ended up hating her. I didn’t believe it. She turned out to be really messed up, and I ended up hating her. Reddit user: FearlessLingonberry
The Girl That Cried Werewolf

One time I was driving a girl home from a nice date, and she suddenly started crying right before we got home. I asked her what was wrong, and her response was simply, “This is who I am, I’m drama.” I sat there stupefied for about a good five minutes.
I then drove the last three minutes to her house. I acted as though everything was okay then never texted her again. I mean, come on. Even if you have problems with being emotional, that’s probably not the best way to introduce them. Reddit user: [redacted]
The Least Soothing Bath Ever

This one is an easy one for me to answer. I had dated quite a few girls back in the day, but this one was by far the craziest I had gone out with. The first insane thing she did was to make out with her cousin. If that wasn’t enough, she threatened to hurt herself.
But the icing on the cake, and this is utterly ridiculous, was what she did next….She then confided in me that she was actually a werewolf, as if this detail was supposed to clear up all the crazy things she’d done prior. Reddit user: Fething-Idiot
She Almost Ruined Me

My ex and I were on a road trip and got a romantic suite that had a bathtub in it. On the first night, we decided to take a bath together. Immediately after I got into the water, he gave me this weird look and bluntly said, “I have something to tell you….”
“I have a daughter that was taken from me when she was 7 months old. Now she’s 14 and I have not seen her once.” I started to feel some sort of compassion until he added (again, very bluntly), “Yeah, I just smacked her grandmother once in the face as she was being very annoying during church time.” Reddit user: dalego25

I didn’t really fully understand how unhealthy and crazy my ex-girlfriend was until after the two of us had broken up. She keyed the side of my car about a week later because she had assumed that I had already started seeing other women, which I wasn’t.
She tracked down every person I know on Facebook (including family members and the CEO of my company) to send them a risqué picture of me. The picture also came with a page-long story of how I couldn’t be trusted, as I’d hurt her, stolen money from her, etc. I had to get a restraining order and take her to court over trying to sabotage my life/career. Reddit user: Dpg2304