Accidentally Being the Other Woman
When you hear the word cheating, you almost always cast a look of disapproval, but this issue isn’t always as black or white as it sounds. While there are some people who are incapable of being faithful, there are also those whose cheating ways make you sympathetic towards their situation.

Whatever the case may be, there’s always a back story, and have we got some stories for you. Some of these entries are so complicated that they are worthy of their own soap opera. Life can be complicated, and while that’s unfortunate, it can at least produce some pretty interesting stories.
Have you run into anything like this in your own life? These are some pretty crazy stories, so we certainly hope not!
Getting Texted a Sonogram

I was the secret lover of an old boyfriend who I dated off and on from high school. During our off periods, he dated this other girl, and after our final break up, he married her. A year after our break up, I was back in town for my college summer break when I ran into him while working at my summer job…
He told me that his wife wanted a divorce and that she was going to take his child from him. Stupidly, I believed him, and we exchanged numbers, talking almost every day. After a while, he invited me to ‘his’ apartment, showing me the divorce papers. It didn’t take long for things to get sexual, and it continued for a couple of weeks.
One day, I stopped by his house to get a pair of earrings I’d left there the day before. His best friend from high school answered the door, and when I asked where my ex was, he said, “Why would he be around?” It turns out that my ex was just house-sitting for his friend. His bestie also informed me that my ex’s marriage was great; in fact, they were in the process of buying a house.
Not only was I furious, but I was also disgusted. I went to work the next day, and it was as if the heavens had parted and sent down an angel: his wife. I asked her what she was doing later, and we eventually met up to talk. I told her everything, and understandably, she was upset but more irritated than anything. She then gave me their address and told me to show up unannounced the following day….
I did, and my ex looked like he saw a ghost. In the end, she filed for divorce, told the “right people” about his pot plants, and he had to pay a lot of child support. We haven’t spoken since. Reddit User: [redacted]
It Was Love at First Sight

I was in a five-year relationship with my girlfriend when this happened. I started talking to an old colleague from when I was a teen. I always had the hots for her, but because we lived in different states, I knew nothing would come of it. But then I learned that she had family in my city who she visited regularly….
We decided to meet up for dinner just to catch up, but we ended up getting drunk, booking a hotel room, and making good use of it. It became a regular thing over the next few months until she texts me a sonogram of our child. I planned on telling my girlfriend the truth because I didn’t have a father growing up, and I’d never want my child to experience that.
However, she lost the baby a month into the pregnancy, and that was the end of our relationship. I’ve never felt so guilty and anxious. I would never do it again. Reddit User: [redacted]
Being Unavailable

I was 19 years old, and my girlfriend and I had been together for just over a year. My parents told me that I should start paying rent, so I left home and got a roommate and an apartment. On the first day of my lease, I walked into the office to turn in some paperwork when I saw a girl who made my heart skip a beat. The girl in the office made me believe in love at first sight.
She moved into the apartment across from mine a few weeks later, and we began hanging out. We ended up sleeping together one night, and by the next day, I broke up with my girlfriend. After talking to the new girl, we realized that we both wanted to be together.
A month later, we were living together, and that was 17 years ago. She’s now sleeping next to our daughter in the upstairs bedroom. Reddit User: [redacted]
The Girlfriend’s Best Friend

I started a relationship with a co-worker who was separating from his wife. After she found out, she contacted me to tell me that this was not the first time that he had done something like this. As it turns out, there was a big reason for the estranged wife to offer this warning.
She then explained that they were not separated or even considering divorce, as they were Muslim. Apparently that wasn’t a thing they were willing to consider. She’d said that although they were not close emotionally or sleeping together, they were still together. I felt so horrible that I had believed him.
His wife was a remarkable woman. As far as I know, they’re still married. Probably not super happy, but married at least. Reddit User: [redacted]
A Work Flirtation That Became More

I was an 18-year-old, and I had been with my girlfriend for approximately three months. During that time, I became very close to one of her female friends, and I soon realized that I was happier with her friend, to the point where I wanted to spend more time with her than my girlfriend.
To be fair, three months isn’t a super long time to be with someone. The reason behind cheating instead of ending things with my girlfriend was because I did not want to be the reason why their friendship ended; they’d been friends for a very long time.
Additionally, I didn’t want her to be labeled as a ‘tramp’ or ‘homewrecker’ who just moved on to her friend’s man. It seemed like an impossible situation, but we were young and didn’t know how to handle the situation. Reddit User: CaptainLeviA
An Affair with a Co-Worker

I was the ‘other’ person in an affair that lasted over two years long. She’s still married to the person, and there’s no happy ending in this story for me. We were former co-workers who hung out a few times, but I was always attracted to her, and the feeling was mutual. However, we never crossed the line….
While out at a party, she got too drunk, and since I was supposed to be her ride, we both stayed in the person’s spare bedroom. I wanted the intimacy of being next to another person, but I also wanted to make sure that she didn’t get sick while sleeping. I never made a move; neither did she. We just slept.
About a week later, we were hanging out, and she told me that she liked it when my beard was rubbing up against her. Over the next few days, things progressed. It went from cuddling to grinding, to groping, and then I kissed her. It was amazing. After making out a few times, it progressed to oral, then one night, she wanted to have sex. At first, I said no, but then we did it, over and over again….
After some time had passed, she explained to me that at the beginning of our ‘relationship,’ she felt distant from her husband; he kept asking to have children. Reddit User: other_guy123
An Old Flame

I was a 40-year-old who had been married for over 10 years with a couple of children. I was not in a happy marriage, we barely had sex, and we lost our connection somewhere along the way. We fought often, and I would always be the one who had to apologize….
I met a woman at my office who was 15 years my junior. Innocent flirting turned into an intense affair that lasted for a little over a month. I fell for her and considered divorcing my wife since I was miserable. I came clean to my wife and told her that I wanted a divorce….
She begged to give things another shot and go to couple’s therapy, and she started having sex with me every day. I agreed to take three months to see if it could really work. It was tough, but we overcame it, and we’re still together. Reddit User: giantemotionalmess
Six Months, Three Weddings

A couple of years ago, I met a guy who I fell in love with; not only was he sweet, but he was also very kind. We made out a few times, slept together once, but after he started seeing this other girl, our relationship never went any further. I was devastated….
Fast-forward a few years, and I’m in a terrible year and a half long relationship with another guy. He was a compulsive liar, verbally abusive, and he threatened to break up with me every time I did something he didn’t like. I’m at a concert (without my current boyfriend) when I see my ex, the guy from a few years ago, dancing, looking glorious as ever….
I hadn’t seen him since we broke up, and my heart skipped a beat. I went over to say hi, and we ended up speaking for hours about everything. He kissed me goodbye, and I knew. I stayed with my boyfriend, but I still saw my ex on the side.
I eventually got the courage to break up with him. Ever since that day, my ex and I have been together, and I’ve never looked back. Reddit User: tsbae
Actively Trying to Cheat

My high school sweetheart broke up with me because she could not support my decision to join the military, even though I had an entire year before leaving for boot camp. I started dating this other girl who I was friends with through my ex-sweetheart. Things were going well, but right before I left for boot camp, my ex-sweetheart approached me while at a party, telling me how sorry she was, and gave me her blessing….
One thing led to another, and we were back in bed. I left my current girlfriend for my sweetheart, but I eventually found my way back in her bed. My high school sweetheart and I broke up, but we remained friends with benefits. I began dating another girl while being friends with benefits with both of my exes. Then, within six months, all three of the women got married to other people, even the most recent one….
A bit of time had passed, and two out of three women wanted to rekindle things, but I declined. They were married; they can go somewhere else. Reddit User: Throwaway12312213
“You’d Better Tell Him”

My marriage was a mess; I was too young, and I didn’t trust my gut. My husband was controlling, sexually repressed, and we had no respect for each other. I found out that my husband was on multiple dating sites, talking to women in an attempt to solicit dates and whatever else comes with it. This man was actively trying to cheat on me; the only thing stopping him was that no one was interested….
Over the years, we tried to work on our marriage, especially to stop his online cheating, but he kept going back to it. I was emotionally drained to the point where I didn’t care anymore. We began flirting, and then I started sneaking off for hours at a time to meet someone for outdoor activities, dinner, etc. My husband never noticed because he was too busy with friends or talking to women online….
We were careful not to make any physical contact, until one day when he kissed me while helping me with my jammed seat belt. Our dinner date turned into make-out sessions, which then led to more. I couldn’t get enough of him. I felt guilty because I never thought that I would be the type to cheat. I told my husband about the affair before it went any further….
I broke things off and decided to work on my marriage, but it didn’t take long for me to change my mind. During an argument about me not wanting to go to church, my husband slapped me, then told me that I ‘wasn’t allowed to have any unsupervised visits with friends or family.’ I filed for divorce and officially began dating my co-worker.
My husband harassed and threatened us, telling all our friends, family, and the church members what happened. He even posted it on Facebook. My boyfriend and I got married, and we’ve been together for 10 years. Reddit User: The_Two_Trees

I was married to this woman for 7 years and had a daughter with her. It was our kid’s birthday, and she received a phone call from someone. She played it off as the wrong number, but 20 minutes later, she informed me that she was having an emotional affair. I asked her, “Like on the internet?” And she replied, “No, in person.”
I then ask, “Have you slept with them?” She said yes. I found out that the phone call was the guy’s wife. She told my wife that she was dropping him off at our place, so she’d better tell me. It turns out that they had been having an affair for 6 months….
After the dust cleared, I dropped a bunch a weight, started traveling the world, took my daughter to places that I never imagined going to, and my ex hates me for it. She’s still with him, and they both are hateful and miserable people. Reddit User: surfryhder
Being Oblivious

This sounds like a soap opera, but I swear it’s true. My high school sweetheart and father of my two oldest kids was MIA. I called his mom’s house and his buddy answered. I asked for him, and he asked if this was “Angie.” Who is Angie? Turns out she was his new girlfriend, and she was pregnant. I left him right then and there….
A few years later, I’m married to someone else for approximately 4 years and my ex is married to someone else. I suspect my husband is cheating, but it gets weird when my ex’s wife who was picking up the kids for the weekend asks me if husband and I are ok. It turns out that my husband’s truck was at Angie’s house.
Wait. What? I drive over, see his truck, knock on the door, and guess who answers? Shirtless? Yep. Darling hubby. He follows me home and a big fight ensues, and I kick him out. I’d like to say that this girl [Angie] is gorgeous and they just couldn’t resist her, but the opposite is true….
A couple of years later and I’m remarried and we’re at a bar, watching a friend in the band that night. Angie shows up. I point her out and threaten to dismember his bits if he ever even looks at her. Reddit User: [redacted]
Girls Around the World

I was pretty oblivious to it all for a long time. We lived in a fairly small town with approximately 5000 people, so people “know things.” I was actually bragging to a coworker saying how proud I was of my wife for finally getting a job that she loved after being a stay-at-home mom for the last 8 years. I told them that she was working as a ranch hand on a few weekend-long cattle drives, staying in the bunkhouse of the cattle ranch….
My coworker said she knows that ranch, and that there is NO bunkhouse. The only residence is a single house that the ranch lead hand lives in by himself. I asked my (now) ex about it, and she denied it and had an explanation for all of it. A few more weeks later, another person I know in town is talking with me, and I mentioned my wife being at home, which surprised them. They told me that they thought we were split up….
Turns out the lead ranch hand was this person’s cousin, and he had told them all sorts of graphic details about what he and my wife had been doing. They were now sharing them with me as I kept saying things like “no way” and “they must be talking about someone else….”
I confronted my now ex-wife again just outside our house as the kids were inside. She initially tried denying it again, but then finally came clean. I was absolutely gutted. Reddit User: LurkBrowsingtonIII
Really Wanting a Baby

I came home one day, and my husband’s work phone was going crazy. He had taken my son snowboarding, and they weren’t going to be home for a while. I was trying to turn it off, but then I found dozens of messages between him and another woman. He met her while he was working in China….
He’d even offered to move her to the US and have her take my place. I confronted him, and he swore he’d end it. Well he ended it with her and moved on with a lady in Israel where he was working. I found out about that one when I found photos of them on a trip to Egypt that he said he took alone….
But there was more. I found out about the third girlfriend when I found naked pictures of her on his tablet and phone. I left after that. I knew he’d never change, and I don’t think he ever truly loved me. Reddit User: HarleyQuin1031

My ex-wife really, really wanted to have a baby. She was in her mid-30s, so according to her, she was running out of time. We tried, and it wasn’t happening as fast as she wanted. After a month+ of no intimacy (which in retrospect should have been a big red flag), she comes home one day, starts an argument, and just leaves….
Only when she was gone did she eventually admit to me that she went and got herself pregnant by another man. We got divorced. And just so you know, the other guy was someone she had not known long or well, and he wanted nothing to do with the kid. So, she is now raising it as a single mother. Reddit User: AnomalousAvocado
When the Light Bulb Came On

I had a sneaking suspicion, but nothing was solid, so I never brought it up. But my husband didn’t realize that the Apple devices got synced together. One day, I was using one of the devices for something, and messages started popping up in real time. I got to read their conversation as it was happening, as well as past messages. It was gut-wrenching, because neither of them cared….
If I remember correctly, they were talking about a past hookup and how I had no clue, and his response was “YOLO” (you only live once). I confronted him about it that night. He begged and pleaded for me to stay. He tried to convince me they never actually hooked up. He also tried to convince me it was just a big mistake on his part and that I mattered more than her….
But in the end, I knew I could never stay. How could I stay with someone who reduced long-term cheating on his spouse to “YOLO”? I moved out and got therapy. Reddit User: raptorsarerepteryble
The Skype Call

My husband came home one evening after 16 years of marriage and said “we’re in trouble.” I asked him if he lost his job, forgot to pay the mortgage, or something along those lines. He said he had a 5-year-old and another child on the way. We had a 15- and 13-year-old, and there was momentary confusion. Then the light bulb came on….
I went to see a divorce attorney a few days later. She went with him on business trips, was in our house when I was at work and the kids were at school. I moved out 15 days after finding out all of this information. Reddit User: Rudys1girl
He’s Cool With It

One night, I walked into the living room to find my girlfriend passed out drunk on the couch with her phone in her hand. On the screen was the other guy, shirtless and in bed, on Skype. I told her to leave, and she did, two days later. She told me she was going to her mom’s, but she didn’t….
The funny part is, we had been together for 8 years, and she never worked a day that we were together. I didn’t mind at all, as I had enough money for the both of us. My credit was horrible, though, so all of our assets were in her name. Which came in handy, of course.
I stopped paying for her car, her insurance, and our house. Let’s see the man you left me for do that by selling ink cartridges. Reddit User: Bullfist
Her Sister, the Spy

My ex wife’s guitar teacher (who taught the lessons I got her for Christmas) was acting cagey around me when I went to get a bass string for myself at his store. He talked to me and said that he wasn’t sure if I was there to kick his butt; apparently, since I was friendly to him, he “assumed the note was true.” What note?
The note my then-wife had given him saying I was ok with an open marriage and that she really wanted to go get drinks with him. It said, “I really want to get a drink with you and a bit more. It’s ok, my husband knows and is cool with it. We have an open marriage.” I wasn’t mad at him. Hell, I wasn’t even mad at her. Had she said something, I probably would have been down for an open marriage….
But she lied to me and him. I kept the note. Showed it to her. Told her I was out, and we were done. I ended up meeting my current wife that very night. But that’s another story. Reddit user: jepensedoucjsuis
Losing a Friend and a Fiance

My ex-wife was very covert about it; she had spent years sneaking around behind her parents’ backs with me when we first met, so I should not have been so surprised. Regardless, I trusted her. She was my wife, and it’s not much of a marriage without trust. She made one fatal mistake when she told her little sister about it….
The problem was that her little sister liked me and hated her, but she never realized how much her sister disliked her. So my little spy came and told me everything. It was a really bad way to end a 10-year marriage. Reddit user: LordAziDahaka
The Homeless Dude in My Bed

I was engaged to the love of my life. One day, I went shopping with my best friend and noticed that she was texting someone with a huge smile on her face. I asked if she had a new boyfriend. (She was overweight and very self-loathing over how no guys would ever date her, so I was genuinely happy for her….)
She kept acting suspicious, so I snatched her phone and ran off with it to see who she was texting. It was my fiancé. She didn’t even save his number. From as much as I could read before she caught up with me, it was obvious they were hooking up.
Not only did I lose my boyfriend of 5 years and fiancé, I also lost my best friend too that day. Reddit User: anri_chan
My Amazing Sister

We were engaged but were together for 5 years. Two weeks before our wedding, I got off work early and came home to find her with some scraggly, homeless-looking other dude in our bed. Instead of hurting both of them on the spot, which was my first instinct, I walked out and stayed at my parents’ for a couple of days…
When I got back to the apartment, she was gone…with half of my stuff. I went to her work and found out that she quit and they hadn’t seen her. I called her parents, and they wouldn’t talk to me. They didn’t even get the ring back. A year later, a notification pops up on Facebook’s “People You Might Know.”
The profile picture was my ex-fiance in a wedding dress next to the guy I caught her with. So maybe she’s happy. I don’t know. Reddit User: luminiferousethan_
The Accidental Voicemail

My ex-fianceé cheated on me several times, but now I’m married to a different girl, so I’m married but I was cheated on. I found out by my sister showing me the naked photos my ex was sending to the different guys she was having intimate relations with. Many of these guys happened to be friends with my ex, but they did not know about me or that she was married.
That engagement ended very quickly. What I did: year of alcoholism, depression, and eventually a failed life ending attempt. I got help and I’m now much better. Reddit User: Trigger93
The Medical Resident

My wife tried calling me, but I was not able to answer. She didn’t hang up once it went to voicemail, and she accidentally left a 2:45-minute-long voicemail that consisted of her and her boyfriend talking a lot of crap about me. She also said that she was much happier when she was with him….
At the time, I was home with our children, and I thought she was 1,800 miles away visiting her dying father. Two years later we are divorced, and her father is still alive. Reddit User: NorthMahkato
Needing Space

This happened to a medical resident who I met on rotation. He was one of the nicest guys I ever met, super intelligent and hard-working, and training to be a trauma surgeon. He had been married for 2 years to his wife. One night, he gets off a 30-hour call early and heads home to surprise his wife with some flowers and her favorite dessert (it was the anniversary of the day they first met)….
He found her in bed with a random dude. He was so exhausted and confused, he didn’t know what to do and just left and went back to the hospital. I saw him at 5AM, sitting in the parking lot, hunched over crying. He didn’t even have his phone with him, he was just sitting there.
The guy ended up taking a leave from his residency. Turns out, it wasn’t the wife’s first time sleeping around. Hope he gets back on his feet; he will make an amazing physician. Reddit User: joppike
Losing More Than Just My Girl

We were together for 10 years and married 2. I flew home for a week to visit family and came back to him saying he realized he didn’t miss me and wants to move out. There was no prior fighting, no issues, no signs at all. He initially said he didn’t know what he wanted in his life, but he needed space to figure things out and that once he figured it out, he’d move back home….
I found him texting a married co-worker while packing, and that’s when I knew. The two of them had been “chatting” for months, apparently as friends. He moved out, and she left her husband and kids. Two months later, I found out she was pregnant. I filed for divorce and moved far away.
I don’t know if they are together still or married or what the situation is; it just hurts to be betrayed so callously. Reddit User: runn4life
Life Is So Much Better

My coworker told me he saw my girlfriend being carried to her car at 4 in the morning by another coworker of mine. She conveniently left this part of the story out when she stumbled home drunk that night. I confronted her, and she confessed that they had made out….
Fast forward to present day, and I’m still trying to recover from what she did to me. After this “kiss,” she kept going out with him, and they eventually did the deed…twice. She told me about it both times. I literally had to walk into my apartment one day to find her in bed with him….
I quit my job because we all worked together, and we broke up finally. That was three months ago, and I’m still not myself. She was my best friend and all of a sudden set out to destroy me. Reddit User: JimBobC00ter
Find My Wife

My wife got involved with another man, and I knew something was wrong, because things just didn’t feel right for weeks at a time. Getting her to tell me the truth was like pulling teeth every step of the way. She asked for a divorce. I gave it to her willingly….
I then took the standard advice: forgot about Facebook, hit the gym, hired a lawyer, and made entirely new friends in my late 20s. Life is so much better now than I thought it would be, even when I was married to the love of my life. Reddit User: Byizo
“You’re a Danger to the Kids”

I had no clue that I was being cheated on until it was blatantly obvious. We have two kids who were 3 and 2 at the time; that was 5 years ago. She, my now ex-wife, started going on “girls’ nights out” a lot, like 1-2 times a week. One night, I finally caught her lying. She said that she was out “shopping” very late, but when I did a “find my iPhone,” I saw that she was at some house when she was supposed to be at Target….
I confronted her, and it resulted in us crying and talking all night. We decided to fix it, but just a week later, I came home and caught her with a dude in our bed. Our children were napping in the room right next to them. Reddit User: m5online
Not Being Surprised

One evening, my wife told me, “I don’t want to be married to you anymore.” The next morning, I told her that if she didn’t want to be married, she should probably leave. She said she wouldn’t leave me alone with our kids because I was a “danger” to them….
I had very good reason to be suspicious she was cheating on me, so that afternoon, I called the other guy and told him, “I know my wife no longer loves me, I know she loves you, I can respect that this is the way it is, I won’t try to get in your way, I just need you both to not try to get in the way of my relationship with my children.”
There was a long pause, and then he (unwittingly) confirmed the suspicion for me. That evening, my now ex-wife told me that, despite what she told me in the morning, I wasn’t a “danger” to our kids, and she would move out. I’d like to say the crazy got dialed down from there, but it didn’t.
At least I have an amazing and wonderful relationship with one of my kiddos. That softens the blow. Reddit User: kip_twings
Looking Like a Fool

I came home to do laundry in the middle of the day because I was on a student schedule, and I found a guy in his boxers in my kitchen. I wasn’t surprised, but it still hurt. I moved out and later married someone who cares about me. She’s still looking for mister right, but that guy is still around from time to time from what my kids tell me.
She later shaved her head and started day drinking. I’m pretty sure she got the short end of the situation. Reddit User: djtravels
Fixing Things

I had suspicions for a few months, because all of a sudden, she began going on a lot of business trips. One day, she asked me to move out, and roughly 2 months later, someone made a fake Facebook account and informed me that she had been having an affair with a co-worker for the last 4 years….
It was well-known at her company. I must have looked like a fool for all the times I hung out with her and her co-workers. Reddit User: sleeze02
Violating His Privacy

My boyfriend was acting like a completely different person; our fights got more toxic, the intimacy had completely stopped, and he went out of his way to never be alone with me. These were all red flags for me, so I snooped through his phone and found the messages confirming his cheating….
So, I sat down and thought through things; we got together right out of high school and had our oldest soon after. Four months after that, we got pregnant with our youngest, so we were trying to figure out how to be parents, adults, and partners all at once with no support. So after the initial screaming match, we sat down and figured out just where we both went wrong that had led to this point….
We started from square one. We both got into therapy for our personal issues, I went back on my meds, then we picked up and left the state. We learned how to fight fair and slowly started building trust back and making sure we have an open line of communication at all times.
Three years later, we’re still married and doing better than ever. Thankfully it wasn’t the end of the road for us. Reddit User: tori_44
Doing the Math

My husband started a new job some time ago. A few months in, he started acting different, but I didn’t think anything of it. He started hanging out with work friends after work, and I was cool with it because I wanted him to have more of a social life. It got to the point where he was constantly texting coworkers and going out about once a week….
In not my proudest moment, I looked at his Facebook messages. I had never violated his privacy like that before, and sometimes to this day I still wish I hadn’t. He had been seeing a coworker for months. I was pregnant at the time, and it turned into a giant mess.
We’ve mostly got everything worked out, but it still hurts even though it’s been 3 years now. Reddit User: the_drawingroom
I Still Love Her

I found out by counting the pictures. This was in 2000, before everyone had a camera on their phone and you had to get your holiday snaps developed at the Walgreens photo lab. She brought home the pictures of her vacation to see her “old high school friend” in Vegas, but there was something missing….
See, back in the day, the rolls of film were made up of exposures of 12, 24, or 36 pics, etc. depending on the film you bought. I went through the photos, and it didn’t add up. Literally. The 24 exposure roll only had 18 pics. Something was very fishy.
Eventually, I found the remaining photos. They were of her and the new boyfriend looking very happy. Reddit User: gogojack
My Mom’s Bad Taste

We were together for 8 years and were engaged. We went on a break on Christmas Eve for a month, and she asked if I would date other people, and I said probably not. We ended up having a nice weekend in Sedona after the month, then she moved back into our apartment….
I was giving it my all because I realized my opportunities as a partner, and she had some things she needed to control (like alcohol, not blowing up over little things etc.). A few weeks later, I got suspicious when I found text messages about her making out and doing the deed with a coworker while we were on that break….
I got angry, but technically we were on a break. A week later, I’m still suspicious, so I go through her phone, and there they were, nudes and dirty messages with a different guy. I kicked her out, and we’ve been tying up loose ends since we shared a bank account and phone line, etc.
All I do is think about her constantly and want to start over. It’s probably a bad idea, but I’m sadly still in love with her. Reddit User: DesertRatOutlaw
Negotiating a Deal

This happened to my mother. My dad cheated on my mom when I was about 5 years old. She found someone’s underwear in their bed. About 20 years go by, and she thought she was happily remarried. Then, her second husband of the last 12 years gets mad one day and moves in next door to her best friend’s house….
Turns out they’ve been sleeping with each other for quite some time. She’s got bad taste in men, but mom is doing great. She’s keeping her chin up. Reddit User: Quinada
The Pseudo Intervention

I found out that my wife was cheating on me after I saw her Facebook messages to him. They were planning a mountain trip together. At the time, we were separated and trying to work on rebuilding our marriage, which I don’t recommend doing. Just as bad as the affair was, I then found out that they took my son to see a movie together….
I hired a lawyer, filed for divorce, and ended up taking custody of my son, the house, the dog, and she is paying me child support. So I have that going for me, which is nice. Reddit User: xuthakug

I kinda knew something was going on, but then my close friends had a pseudo intervention to let me know I was in a broken relationship. After doing some research, I found the guy and talked to him for confirmation, which I got. After that, I left and kinda disappeared for a little over a year….
I just spent a lot of time reflecting on who I became through that relationship and then spent a great deal more re-establishing some sense of self-worth. Reddit User: ZombiebNE