My Old Love Letters

People break up all the time, and aside from having to deal with the heartbreak, you also have to deal with adjusting to being newly single again. Leaving the love of your life can be a difficult process for anyone, but some people take it worse than others. Much, much worse.
It’s true that breakups are rough no matter whether they’re amicable or unexpected, but sometimes they can just make people crack and do some crazy things they never would have imagined they were capable of before. And for those experiencing the fallout, there’s usually a pretty big share of embarrassment, resentment, and sadness. Some breakups are so bad though, that they deserve a special mention…
Breaking In

My ex decided to take all of the old love letters I had written him and cut them up. If that wasn’t bad enough, he arranged some of the words to make a desperate note to me, similar to what you would see on a ransom note in a thriller movie. But that wasn’t all….
He then showed up at my work to hand-deliver it. He waited outside during my entire shift to make sure I left work alone. It was really scary. Reddit user: [redacted]
Being Detained

One of my exes broke into my house, twice, after I ended the relationship. The first time I was home, but after a moment of regret, he snuck out before I found out he was in my house. The second time, his friends came to get him before I got home. He then refused to get in the car with them, and he began wandering around my neighborhood….
My neighbors ended up calling the police on him because ironically enough, “he had a crazy look in his eye.” We’ve been broken up for over a year and have had no communication. I just learned this week from a mutual friend that he and his new girlfriend tried to jump me a couple of months ago. Reddit user: cookbook54
Calling Over the Entire Family

She called the police after I made her leave. She told them that the house was full of dangerous objects and that I was going to harm myself. They showed up the next morning and put me in cuffs. It was around 11 am, and I had already started drinking the hard stuff. They explained the situation, and I said that I clearly didn’t look the type considering how well I was taking the situation.
I just went along with everything so as to not make it worse. They took me to a hospital, as is the procedure for these types of threats. The staff was kind and understanding enough to let me have the television remote for my room to watch football. I wasn’t going to miss a Lions game over this. It got weird when she showed up at the hospital with her friend….
She then began to fill me in on her day: went to my friend’s house to make up lies about me. She then called my brother to get my parents’ address after she fed him some made-up story about caring and wanting to make sure I’m okay. Then she called my parents to lie about me.
I calmly listened then politely asked the nurse that showed up to check on me to please remove her. My ex resisted, and she was promptly carried out by authorities, all while yelling obscenities about how I was crazy. There are some other small details, but my thumbs are getting tired. Reddit user: Degosauce
The 150-Mile Drive

My ex called her entire family to tell them she was breaking up with me. She took it a step further by inviting them over, and then with the whole family there, she broke up with me. It was like being the second runner up on a popular singing competition….
You think you’re about to get some big news that will change your life, then you do…except the other way around. And in front of a live studio audience. Reddit user: produce_this
100 Prepaid SIM Cards

An ex-boyfriend drove over 150 miles to where I lived and showed up at my part-time job about 30 minutes before we closed. First tried to propose to me, but after telling him no, he talked me into meeting him at a local Wendy’s to talk. I’m no dummy; I showed up with three of my co-workers, two of which were decent-sized guys….
After not getting what he wanted after an hour of talking, he actually tried to guilt me into giving him money for gas to get back home. I left, and he had to call his parents to put the money in his bank to get home. Reddit user: lilith4507
Lesson Learned

When I broke up with my boyfriend, I never thought that I would ever be in this type of situation. I had to block his number, but that wasn’t enough. He went and bought about 100 prepaid SIM cards so he could try to contact me; I kept blocking every single one of them….
Every week he would sit in his car at night and watch my house. This went on for about 4 years, even after he got married and had a daughter. Reddit user: [redacted]
The Night We Broke Up

Me and my then-girlfriend had been living together for two years, and it wasn’t going well. One day she said that she wanted to move out. Okay, cést la vie. She said she just wanted her clothes, the big TV, and her kitchen stuff. She moved out on the weekend and took them. Three weeks later, I came home from work, opened the door to the apartment, and it was completely empty….
I checked the apartment number because I thought I must have opened the wrong door, but nope! She came back and took everything. She just left my clothes and my fish tank. That day I learned: CHANGE THE LOCKS WHEN A PARTNER LEAVES! Reddit user: Damocles2010
Bringing Us Closer

The night I broke up with my ex, he stopped me in the apartment we shared, and with the most insane look I have ever seen in his eyes. He wouldn’t let me out of his sight; he wouldn’t blink. I had to sneak away with my things while he was at work. Once I left, he called me, sometimes as much as 900 times in a single day….
He sent unsolicited flowers to my job on multiple occasions. He is also stalking my current boyfriend’s social media (mine is private), and I had him arrested for stalking, but unbelievably, they let him go because they couldn’t prove all the phone numbers were him without subpoenaing his phone records.
He then called me and taunted me that my efforts were unworthy. We have been broken up for 8 months, and he has tried to get in touch with me as recently as last week, and I have completely shut him out. Reddit user: elgatogorda
My Ex-Husband

My ex-boyfriend sent a physical letter to my mother’s house, telling her all the things he knew about me that she didn’t know. The truth is that I was going through a rough time, experiencing mental health issues, etc. but it didn’t turn out the way he was expecting it to…
His letter ended up bringing me and my mother closer together. All credit to my mum for seeing what he was trying to do! Reddit user: feeling_daria
Move in With Me

The first time I left my ex-husband, I had to sneak out with two children. My sister and a family friend helped me. He called the police, of course. I drove from Pennsylvania to Florida with my sister following so I could bring all my stuff. He didn’t know I was headed there until I got there and told him….
Things were good, but after about a week, he told me he went to the doctor and they discovered that he had a mass in his brain; he didn’t know how long he had to live. I have one kid with him, and after only being gone two weeks, I went back against my family’s advice.
It turned out that he was lying. Then I was stuck again. I just didn’t believe somebody who was supposed to love me could lie like that. Two years later, I finally left for good. Reddit user: num1wench
Just Kidding

I had an ex try and move into my house while I was at work. I had a two-bedroom apartment, and we were neighbors. We broke up the night before, and once I came home, all his stuff was in my other room. I had to send him out for beer to “celebrate” and locked him out when he was gone….
He kicked down the door to his “old” apartment, and I called the cops. The whole time, I heard him telling them that I slept with his friends, and we apparently stole all his stuff and put it neatly in my apartment. I never met any of his friends and am convinced he didn’t have any to this day. Reddit user: Wishin4Name
I Hope You Never Succeed

An ex-girlfriend told me she was pregnant when I tried to break up with her. I was scared, but after I collected myself and started to accept it, she told me that she was “just kidding.” I was upset but slightly relieved. Two weeks after I broke up with her, I wake up at home on a Saturday morning….
There she was, sitting in a chair right next to the bed with her chin on her hand, all cute-looking. “I just love to watch you sleep,” she says. Reddit user: statterstall
More Money, More Problems?

My ex-boyfriend sent me many texts saying that he loves me and doesn’t want to lose me, then next minute I got an email from Facebook saying that someone was trying to log into my account. After looking into the matter, I found out that the person’s IP address came from his house….
Then he sent a long list of rude texts calling me names and saying that he hopes I never succeed and that I never get into university. I got an offer from my first choice. Reddit user: schmezzles
My Last Few Moments on Earth

When I was with my ex-girlfriend, she thought that sleeping with other men for money would make me want to be with her more if she had more money “for us” to buy things and go out. More money wasn’t ever a problem for us, so it was just a lie to cover a lie….
When she knew I was trying to leave her, she stole my eyeglasses and contacts and hid them. I was literally unable to leave. Reddit user: aaroncoolguy
My Mom, the MVP

My ex was deaf. She moved in with me when we were still teenagers because her mom put her out. Well, I ended up getting tired of her, because I had my own issues, and told her we had to break up. I let her stay with me until she found somewhere to go.
One day she asked if I wanted her to make some food. I, not expecting to pass away from eating it, was like “yeah sounds good.” She put her entire ear medicine prescription in the food and then rolled out. I was bedridden for 2 weeks, and I legit thought that these were my last few moments on earth. Reddit user: NecroCorey
Light ‘Em Up

A few days after I broke up with my girlfriend, she pretended that she had passed away. She made someone contact me to let me know that she had passed. When I didn’t believe her, she drove by my house and put candy and soda in my mailbox. But that wasn’t all….
She then burst through my door and just stood there crying. My mom told me to leave through the back door and that she’d handle it. You the real MVP, mom. Reddit user: [redacted]
Making a Copy

After breaking up with my now-ex, I found out that they read all my diaries then burned them after we broke up. I left them in our storage locker, and I never remembered to have my stuff removed. For months, I was freaking out because I couldn’t find my 20 years’ worth of writing….
Some time had passed, then one day, I got a picture of a fire pit then text after text of stuff I had written about. He ended up burning everything. Reddit user: oceansparkmick
The Ride of My Life

Our relationship was coming to an obvious end, so unbeknownst to me, my soon-to-be-ex stole my house key and made a copy. One night shortly after we broke up, I had friends over to hang out. We were sitting around the kitchen table, having drinks and laughing when I heard my door open….
Up the stairs comes my ex. Sadly for him, he didn’t expect that some of my friends were big guys who were more than happy to “talk” outside. They took the key afterward. Reddit user: [redacted]
Moving to Another State

When I ended a 3-year rocky relationship, my ex stole my new sunglasses on purpose and told me to come outside and get them back. I, stupidly, got into his car to get them. He sped off with me, taking me to the outskirts of the city, and told me to get out and find my own way back home….
I was only 17 years old at the time. In hindsight, I should have gotten a restraining order or at least called the police. Reddit User: lululemon22_ _
My New Job

My ex had a psychotic break and is currently stalking my partner and me, sending us intimidating text messages while he is “equipped” and homeless in our new town. He is not from there, he has never lived there before, and the dude followed us from another state just to be crazy.
So now I’m always worried about running into him. I’m trying to get a restraining order, but it’s very difficult trying to prove that someone is following you. Reddit user: snugginator
45 Missed Calls

I don’t know what I was expecting when I broke up with my boyfriend, but it certainly wasn’t this. The breakup went very smoothly, but it was what he said after that plays on my mind…to this day. He told me that it was my job to find him his new girlfriend….
According to him, I’m the one who dumped him, so I needed to find a replacement. Do you understand why I left him? He is grade-A crazy. Reddit user: [redacted]
Staying With Her

After many months of fighting, my boyfriend (now ex) came home one Friday afternoon and told me he loved me, but he wanted to end it. I spent the whole afternoon crying because I was absolutely devastated. My cousin found out what happened and encouraged me to go out that night to get my mind off things.
I go to the party with my cousin, and I was surprisingly having fun. Around 3 AM, I get a call from my ex, who asked in a stern tone, “Are you planning on coming home anytime soon?” I spoke into the phone and said, “No, it’s none of your business.” He then said, “If you don’t come home right now, you’re going to regret it.” I hung up and turned off my phone….
About an hour later, I decided to turn on my phone, and the second I do, I see about 45 missed calls from my mom and 10 voicemails. She was screaming over the phone in a panic. She and my father were on their way to my apartment, and I couldn’t understand why. My ex had called them and told them that I was out at a night club doing “magic elixirs” with all my friends, who are already deep into it.
He also tells my mother that he knows that she cheated on my dad some time ago; he proceeded to call her a filthy tramp. Around 5 AM, I head back to my apartment with my cousin and two friends, all of them guys. My cousin opens the front door and sees my ex standing in the middle of the living room, holding a large kitchen utensil….
He had destroyed my sofa, smashed my television, slashed all my curtains and beautiful paintings, smashed my picture frames and all my artwork, and lastly, he took the knife and carved an expletive into my living room wall. We all immediately left and called the police. Reddit user: Peaceloveanais
The Call from a Talk Show

After breaking up with my girlfriend, she threw her car straight into reverse and rammed it right into a gasoline pump. Lucky for her (and everyone else at the gas station that day), it didn’t just explode and kill us all. And, in my teenaged stupidity, the scare attempt worked….
I got so freaked out that she would do something like that I stayed with her for another month before I decided I didn’t care anymore. Reddit user: thehumanscott
Our Future Together

I was going about my daily business when The Tyra Banks Show called me to ask if I wanted to come onto the show and make things right with a girl that I had broken up with 4 months prior. They said that they would fly me out for the taping, all expenses paid….
I said nope and hung up. I could not believe that she would go through such great lengths to get me back. I was flattered, but there was no way that I would get back with her. Reddit user: CannibalVegan
A Terminal Illness

Here’s a little background. I just wanted to talk about our future. My girlfriend took it as a breakup call, overreacted, and freaked out. I didn’t even get a chance to really explain myself. Fast forward a day, she calls her mom; then her mother called me to chew me out….
Her mother called me two-faced and pretty much every bad name imaginable. I was 17, and her mom was in her 40s. Then, she came to my school and confronted me outside my dorm, just screaming at me. When I tried to walk away, she would walk right beside me and get in my way. I had to call public safety to get her to leave. Reddit user: swaglfar
My Facebook Account

This happened to a friend of mine, and I feel bad every time I tell it. He and his girlfriend were in a long-distance relationship when she told him that she was terminally ill and she only had 6 months to live. My friend was absolutely devastated by the news.
He would have stayed with her, but it turned out she wasn’t sick at all. She made the whole thing up because she wanted to break up with him. She got what she wanted. Reddit user: OmniTheWise
A Bar Full of Witnesses

One of my exes broke into my Facebook account and posted some very private photos of me on my timeline. He also posted a bunch of statistics about how much of a lying tramp I was for leaving him. He was the one who cheated, but I’m the tramp….
To this day, I don’t know how he actually got my account information. I was beyond mortified and took down the photos as quickly as I could. Unfortunately, some people already saw my goods. Reddit user: necro-asylum
The Brownies

One evening, my then-girlfriend and I were out at a bar having a good time. We had a big argument that ended differently than I thought it would. Before I knew it, she was on the phone with the police; she told them that I hit her. It was not true, but they were on their way to the bar….
The funny thing was that we were in a packed bar full of people who had just witnessed her slapping the living daylight out of me. Do you see why we’re no longer together? Reddit user: Franz_Kafka

I didn’t talk to my ex for a month after we broke up when one day, she offered me brownies in class. It turns out that she put rat poison in the brownies and brought them to the school for me to eat them. I had 2 friends who she offered the brownies to as well, and they ate the brownies while I jokingly said, “Sorry I don’t want one, I don’t want to be poisoned….”
Shortly after that, people I never talk to messaged me warning me that she put something in the brownies. I thought it was weird, and I instantly had the feeling that she actually did something, because she is the kind of person that would do such a crazy thing. Anyway, friend A ended up at the hospital getting his stomach pumped, and friend B just had a bad day. Reddit user: ElectricWaffle
Leaving Me in Canada

My ex-boyfriend told me that he was transitioning into a woman. He spent a week wearing skirts, then stopped, presumably because it didn’t make me come running back to him. After his next girlfriend broke up with him and slapped him with a restraining order, he repeated the want to transition….
He wore skirts for a week, then stopped. Recently, I was told he was transitioning again. I think someone broke up with him. I wish he would find another vice for post-breakups. It’s insulting to actual trans men/women. Reddit user: PetticoatBandit
My Jeep’s Gas

My ex left me in Canada, not for breaking up, but because I didn’t want to try the weird-looking shepherd’s pie that he offered me. He also took my birth certificate, ID card, etc. Yeah, that was really fun once I got to the border, the strip and cavity search….
Lucky for me, my uncle worked for Homeland Security, so I gave him a call. It didn’t take long for me to be back in the country. Reddit user: CollectingDegenerate
Inappropriate Exposure

The day that I “broke up” with my now ex-girlfriend, I quickly learned the hard way that she cut a gas line in my Jeep right before I left her house. We didn’t even break up, we’d just had an argument. I didn’t even notice when she slipped away to do it….
I was a couple of miles down the road before I noticed, and when I pulled over, gas was spewing everywhere. I was horrified. It was certainly over after that. Reddit user: corrileigh0322
The Neck Tattoo

My ex-girlfriend ran away with our children, and then she had the audacity to leave a note instructing me to call her so we could talk it over. She refused to take said calls and then filed a restraining order using my “persistent phone calls” as evidence of my harassing her….
She also told the court that I was exposing our children to “inappropriate” video games. It was The Legend of Zelda. How is that inappropriate? Reddit user: squeamish
My Dorm Room Floor

When my relationship with my ex ended, they tattooed my name on the back of their neck…after I had ended things. I did not find out about it until a year later, and I also learned that my friends knew the entire time, but they didn’t want to tell me….
I guess they must have really loved me, because I wouldn’t tattoo my name on my own body. I wonder what it looked like. Reddit user: dashingjimmy
Coming to My Wedding

My ex lived on the same floor as me and a few friends during my freshman year of college. When we broke up, she ended up crawling into my bed, unclothed on three separate occasions, the whole time trying to “cuddle” with me while my roommate was also in the room….
It was scary to say the least. We had to start chain locking my door at night because the door lock was clearly faulty. Reddit user: kgrizzler
Showing Up Uninvited

After we broke up, my ex showed up to my wedding late at night. It was almost 3am, and the wedding celebrations were at their climax. I wasn’t wearing my suit jacket, and she went into the service room, took off her undies, and put them in my jacket pocket….
She then told my new wife that she (my ex) and I just did it in the bathroom. “Check his pocket if you don’t believe me.” That night, nothing happened. My wife didn’t bring it up until 2 days later; she woke me up on our honeymoon and asked for an explanation. Reddit user: laldoma
Breaking into My Home

Where do I start? She doesn’t take no for an answer. She started showing up at my work and my flat uninvited, sometimes at early hours, banging on my door and crying. She found out where I was going to be on nights out from mutual friends and appeared halfway through the night, all of a sudden, without anywhere to stay….
She once snuck into the back of my van when I was parked near her place and got a free lift back to my place to start the drama all over again. This ordeal went on for about 3 months and ruined my social life, affected my work to the point where I almost lost my job, and also affected my future relationship prospects. It was absolute hell. Oh, and the best bit? I broke up with her because SHE cheated on me! Reddit user: Rap-master6000
Stealing My Dog

My ex broke into my house several times, and he even got physical with my best friend. He later peed all over my new guy’s car, and he constantly called me. The relationship was bad. He tried to hurt me when I was about to leave to be induced to give birth….
At one point, I had security outside my door, my phone number changed, and I had a password for people who tried to contact me. Reddit user: Jeffries09
The Country CD

My ex-girlfriend stole my dog. I bought the dog while we were together but a little while before she moved in with me. We broke up after 2 years of being together, and after she moved out, she wanted to watch him over that fateful weekend because she “missed” him….
She was supposed to get him back to me on Sunday. Then I get a call from her. She told me that she took him to the park and he “ran away.” Reddit user: [redacted]
“I Didn’t Mean It”

My ex-boyfriend made me a CD of him singing covers of his favorite country songs with little explanations as to why they made him think of me. At the end of the CD, there was a 10-minute rant of him yelling about how I broke his heart and screwed him over….
His friend delivered it in this weird gift-wrapped box. To make things weirder, he also chalked the walking route that I took to school with things like “I love you” and “please take me back” on it. Reddit user: deyousc
The Post-It Notes

My ex broke up with me, and when I accepted it, she said that she “totally didn’t mean it.” After that, she spent the entire night clawing at my bedroom window like someone who Google searched “creature who scratches at windows during the night.” I didn’t want to make any sudden moves or do anything….
She lent me a Craftsman wet/dry shop vacuum, and I was really attached to it. I didn’t want her family to ask my family for it or anything. 10 years later, my car is spotless thanks to the fine workmanship of a Craftsman wet/dry shop vacuum. Reddit User: liquorlanche
Every Name in the Book

My now ex and I went to the same college, and for a few months after I left her, I would find Post-It notes on the door to my dorm room with random insults. I knew it was her because I recognized her handwriting. It was especially weird because she was the one that cheated on me; if anything, I should be the one that was upset.
I think maybe she was pissed off because when she asked me if we could still be friends, I told her, “No, a friend is someone I know I can trust, and I can’t trust you anymore.” That was the end of our friendship. Reddit user: eDgAR-
Chasing Me

I can’t remember why we broke up, but I’ve never had such a bad experience with an ex. For several months after our relationship ended, he sent me super angry and rude texts. He called me every name in the book, some of which I’ve never even heard of before….
He also told me, “Have fun being a meme for the rest of your life!” Whatever that’s supposed to mean. We were dating for two weeks! Reddit user: lovetempests
I Want My Fish Back

Here’s what happened during my breakup. My ex-boyfriend chased me down the street with a cricket bat screaming something along the lines of “why don’t you love me!” If that wasn’t bad enough, he later stalked my house; he was always out at the front, waiting for me at all times….
He also threatened any guy I went near. I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared to date in my life. Reddit user: Progfect_imperfects

I had two goldfish that I bought for 50 cents as a joke. When I bought them, I asked my boyfriend for a quarter to help pay for it because I didn’t have change in my wallet at the time. When I broke up with him a few months later, I watched as he stuck a Solo cup in the tank and took back the fish….
It was the pettiest thing that I had seen in a very long time. I still have the one goldfish. Reddit user: L1O9
My Stepdad

My wife and I were going through a divorce, and if you’ve gone through one, you’ll know how tedious it is. After our lawyers helped us negotiate the division of property, we were waiting outside the judge’s chambers to sign the paperwork when my soon to be ex-wife did something unexpected….
I don’t know if she changed her mind, but she called her lawyer out in the hall to let him know she was several months pregnant. Renegotiations were in order. Reddit user: [redacted]
Christmas Celebration

Not my story, but here goes. When my mom broke up with my stepdad, he stalked our home and threatened to cut our vehicle’s brakes on several occasions. He’d be outside in the middle of the night, he followed me around town and took photos of me to send to my mom….
There was even one occasion when he tried to check my little sister out of school. This went on for three straight years. Reddit user: [redacted]
Her Dad’s Goons

My girlfriend broke up with me three years into our relationship and 2 months after we had just moved in together. Around that time, it was three weeks before Christmas. She then asked me if I still wanted to come and spend Christmas with her and the rest of her family.
I was so shocked by her invitation that I didn’t know how to respond. As you might have guessed, I didn’t go Reddit user: chunkinthetrunk
Spray Painting My House

My ex-girlfriend tried to get her father to send his goons after me. She honestly believed that she would be blameless if she never actually told her father to do it, but rather got him angry enough at me to want to do it on his own (like it was his idea)….
He never sent them after me, and I’m very relieved that he didn’t. This story would have ended differently if he did. Reddit user: BayushiKoji
Her Gay Friend

My ex-girlfriend decided that the best way to get back at me for breaking up with her was to break into my house and spray paint some really nice words on all the walls. If that wasn’t enough, she took whatever was hers at my place and trampled my room that I had just tidied up the day before….
I don’t think that I’ve ever been so upset. Imagine having to explain something like that to your landlord. Reddit user: Redditttor
The Door to the Garage

She told me that she needed space and wanted time to hang out with her new friend, but don’t worry; he is gay. So, I went to the fair with my best friend, who is like a sister to me, and I ran into my girlfriend’s folks. A day later, she texted me accusing me of cheating and proceeded to block me on everything.
Two weeks later, who do I see her smooching on? Her gay friend. I still haven’t forgiven myself for staying with that one for so long. Reddit user: BrutalWarPig
The Same Class

I broke it off with a girl, and a few days later, I’m out for a drive with one of my buddies. When I get home and pull into the garage, I see the door from the garage to the house open. I lived alone, so I’m reaching for something to defend myself, and the girl comes flying into the garage, screaming at me….
She had broken into my house, and I don’t know how long she had been there. She’s begging me to take her back, so I send my friend home and have a nice talk with this girl. We ended up in bed and getting back together. This was about a year and a half ago. We’re still together. She screams at me regularly for nothing, and I love her to pieces. Reddit user: ChockingTermite
Moving On

Not particularly crazy, but my ex-boyfriend drove from his home 2 minutes from our school to my place 30 minutes away, broke up with me, then we got in our cars and drove back to the school to go to class. We had the same class, and it was super awkward….
Why the heck could he not have broken up with me in the hall after class or outside or anything other than before we had to spend 3 hours together!? Reddit user: buggiegirl
The 30-Page-Long Letter

When I told my ex-husband that I was leaving him and he realized that I was really leaving him, he smashed all our wedding photos. I decided to break things off after finding out he cheated on me with several call girls. His reaction was so dramatic that I didn’t know what to expect next….
It took him less than 2 weeks to move on with another lady. We had been together for 9 years. Reddit user: shouzu88
Calling the Police

A few days after I left my ex-boyfriend, I learned that he mailed an envelope to my parents’ house. It was a manila envelope with exactly 30 pages. It turned out to be a typed up letter addressed to my parents explaining that he was a good guy and that I was the bad person in the relationship….
I had to apologize to my parents, but I was relieved that there weren’t any nudes in there. Not that I would ever send them. Reddit user: operasinger000
You’re Going to be a Dad

When I left my ex-girlfriend, she refused to give me my stuff back unless I gave her $100 in cash. She then said, “You know what, just come in my house and get it.” I had a feeling that she might have been up to something, so I called the police to let them know what was going on….
Heck no, I’m not getting arrested for breaking and entering. Luckily I was able to get my stuff without too much of a fuss. Reddit user: Valiantful
Having to Find a New Job

After my breakup, my ex-girlfriend went on Google, typed in “positive pregnancy test,” then copied, pasted, and sent me the picture claiming I couldn’t leave her because she’s carrying my child and I have to stay with her. She kept saying it’s your child and threatened me with child support….
I found out it was fake after I saved the picture onto my phone and uploaded it to my computer. I saw its original file. I then typed in “positive pregnancy tests,” and on the first page, picture number 4 was the same picture as the one she sent me. I showed her the links, and she got so mad. After that, she slashed my tires, but I had a warranty on them, so it was cool. Reddit user: Steveology
His Pinky Finger

My ex-boyfriend secretly got me fired from my job. But that wasn’t enough; he then decided to tell me about it a couple of months later in the middle of a fight about him logging in to my Apple ID. He then told me that he had read every single one of my iMessages….
I didn’t know what to say. I was impressed by his honesty but mortified. What else was he capable of? Reddit user: alexipharmic

When I found out that my ex-boyfriend was cheating on me, I immediately ended the relationship. Then for whatever reason (which I’m still trying to figure out, to be honest), he decided that the only plausible way to win me back was to go all Van Gogh on his pinky finger….
If you don’t know what that means, he’s now pinky-less. It was a weird situation to be a part of. Reddit user: fvrick