The Top 13 Countries The US Government Doesn’t Want You To Visit

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Have you ever wanted to travel abroad? Maybe you long to visit an enchanting castle in the rolling hills of Ireland or crave some coastal fun in a Caribbean paradise. With nearly 300 countries in the world, it almost seems like the possibilities are endless. However, there are several countries you can cross off of your list immediately. Why? The US government doesn’t want Americans traveling to these specific regions for a reason.

Many countries across the globe are plagued with violence because of poverty, terrorist threats, and other unforeseen acts of danger. Sectarian violence dominates the Middle East, while dangerous raid areas dot Africa. South America is prone to gang violence as well as narcotics and human trafficking. Before you start packing for your dream safari or a majestic trip to the desert, make sure you take these dangerous countries off of your travel bucket list…

This Central African country goes by many names, including DR Congo, DRC, and even Congo-Kinshasa. Some simply call it the Congo. Formerly, it was known as Zaire. DRC covers the largest area in sub-Saharan African; it’s the second-largest country in Africa. Despite covering tons of space, this African country is impoverished, with over 81.34 million people in 2017 but just $457.85 GDP per capita…. 

El Salvador

Americans need to stay away from the Congo because of the violent 2016 election. All US government workers were forced to leave as violence carried throughout the region. Congolese forces and other armed groups kidnap and rob anyone they want. Killings are often carried out indiscriminately as well, which makes this African country one of the most dangerous in the world.

El Salvador is located in Central America. In fact, this country is the smallest but most densely populated region in all of Central America. It borders Guatemala, Honduras, and the Pacific Ocean. San Salvador is the country’s capital and largest city. Despite having a decent GDP per capita compared to other countries around the world at $3,889.31, Americans should be careful traveling there…. 

South Sudan

Why? El Salvador is known for its notorious crimes such as extortion, mugging, and home invasion. Car theft is relatively common, and the country’s murder rate is one of the worst in the entire world. The US State Department warns Americans to be on high alert if they are traveling to this Central American country. Although there might be a plethora of activities in El Salvador, you should pay attention to your surroundings. 

South Sudan gained its independence from Sudan in 2011. The capital, Juba, is also the largest city in the country. In 2016, the population reached 12.23 million, with a GDP per capita of just $237.44, making it one of the poorest countries in North Africa. This landlocked country is a sovereign state; however, there are still many issues throughout the country…. 


In the summer of 2015, violence continued to plague the country of South Sudan. Although a peace treaty was eventually signed with a transitional government put in place, the country is still not safe for travelers. Foreign workers, as well as political parties, are targets for violence, including assaults, robberies, and shootings. It’s best for Americans to visit a different country if they want to remain safe during their stay. 

Who doesn’t love Jamaica? Here’s another gorgeous Caribbean island with stunning beaches, rainforests, and even mountains. The all-inclusive resorts on Montego Bay rely on tourism for income. After all, the population of Jamaica in 2017 was 2.89 million with a GDP per capita of $5,109.55. So why do Americans have to be careful when traveling to this delightful little island? 


The birthplace of reggae doesn’t have a lot of violence necessarily. Travelers need to be aware of the hurricane season. During this time, the US State Department urges people to leave the island when a category four hurricane or higher is heading to the land. If you must visit the Bob Marley Museum in the capital city of Kingston, do it at the right time of the year.

Libya is a North African country that is actually called the State of Libya. There are several countries that border this country, which is located in the Maghreb region. The Mediterranean is also to the north. However, Libya is not a country that’s safe for Americans and other tourists for several reasons. Bordering countries like Chad, Tunisia, and Algeria are part of the problem….


The Benghazi attack killed four Americans, including the US Ambassador to Libya and three other officials. About two years later, in 2014, the US government closed the embassy because of terrorist threats. The US government urges all Americans to leave Libya because of the ongoing violence, especially toward Americans. Crime is already abundant, not counting the terrorist threats to tourists. 

Mali is the eighth-largest country in Africa but also one of the poorest. This landlocked West African country had over 19 million people in 2017, with nearly 67% of the population being under the age of 25 years old. The GDP per capita for 2017 was a mere $824.52. Like other countries in the region, poverty increases violence; it’s sad but true. Mix that with terror groups, and Americans should avoid this country at all costs…. 


Terrorist groups that operate in Mali include al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb. These violent organizations target Americans and Westerners specifically. In the fall of 2015, they killed 19 people in a hotel attack, including one American. The area is unstable, and there’s no safe area for Americans. US embassy officials can’t travel outside of the capital, Bamako, because of ongoing violence.

Tunisia is located in North Africa. It borders the Sahara Desert as well as the Mediterranean Sea. Despite its beautiful environment, this region also borders Libya, which is where a lot of the threats come from for this country. ISIS groups have targeted tourist attractions through the country in the past, which made the US State Department put this country on a caution list for travelers…. 


Not only does this country have its fair share of terrorist threats, but it’s extremely poor. In 2017, the population reached 11.53 million people, with a GDP per capita of $3,490.83. If you’re considering a vacation abroad, Tunisia should not be at the top of the list, or on the list at all, for that matter.

Iraq is another Western Asian country in the Middle East that Americans must avoid. The region has active terrorist groups that target Americans specifically for kidnappings and other violent acts. One of the primary groups is ISIS, which is present throughout the majority of the country. Not only do the extreme groups control areas of the country, but they also control Mosul….


Mosul is the second-largest city in the country with Baghdad, the capital, being the largest. Not only are Americans attacked by the terrorist group, but any supporters of Western governments or the Iraqi people are at risk. LGBT people, as well as ethnic and religious minorities, should avoid Iraq because of the dangers that may ensue, including imprisonment or execution. 

Turkey has a rich culture thanks to its connections to the ancient Persian, Roman, Greek, Byzantine, and Ottoman empires. However, this Middle Eastern country is not a place for Americans to visit. In 2015, the population was 77.7 million, which had risen to 79.81 million by 2017. The 2015 GDP per capita was $9,437, which also went up to $10,540.62 in 2017….


There was an attempted military coup in Turkey during the summer of 2016. It happened right after Istanbul’s international airport was bombed. It was a deadly terrorist attack. Turkey is often in a state of emergency, which means the State Department doesn’t prefer for Americans to travel to the country. After all, the terrorists target large crowds at tourist destinations, so you don’t want to sightsee here anyway. 

Ukraine is an Eastern European country. Kiev is the capital city, and it’s know for St. Sophia’s gold-domed cathedral as well as mosaics and frescoes from the 11th century. Although it has a rich history and a Black Sea coastline, this country is not an ideal place to visit. In 2015, the population was around 42.6 million. By 2017, that number had slightly decreased to 4.41 million people…. 


The GDP per capita increased slightly from $2,125 in 2015 to $2,639.82 in 2017. Americans should stay away from this country because Russians invaded the Crimean Peninsula in 2014. The State Department says Americans should steer clear of cities like Donetsk and Luhansk. They are controlled by pro-Russian separatists, which makes it a site for deadly explosions in the area. Some Americans have also been detained or killed there.

Venezuela is a stunning South American country. It has beautiful coastal beaches along with amazing natural attractions like the Isla de Margarita and the Los Roques archipelago. However, despite its tropical islands, this country is not a resort spot. In 2015, the population was 30.9 million people, with a GPD per capita of $7,745. The year before, the GPD per capita was more than double that number…. 


Why did Venezuela lose its $15,692.41 GDP per capita from 2014? The country experienced rapid inflation of the currency, which has led to massive food and water shortages. People also lack adequate electricity access as well as treatment of medical needs. Not only that, but Venezuela has the world’s second-highest murder rate. The criminals in this country are ruthless and will target shopping centers and colleges. 

This Middle Eastern country is officially known as the Republic of Yemen. It is the second-largest country in the peninsula with Arabian sovereignty. It borders the Gulf of Aden for nearly 2,000 kilometers. In 2015, Yemen had a population of 28.3 million people with a GDP per capita at $1,303. These numbers continued to decline and were only 27.58 million and $660.28, respectively, in 2016….


Currently, amid a civil war, Yemen is a very dangerous country to visit. The US embassy in the country was shut down in 2015. Do you know what this means? If you ever wanted to travel to Yemen, it would be almost impossible for the State Department to assist Americans there. Besides the ongoing war, other conflicts include fights between rebel groups and the government, terrorist organizations like al-Qaida, and other deadly issues.

Cameroon is a country in Central Africa on the Gulf of Guinea. There is a variety of wildlife throughout the country, including the Limber Wildlife Centre, which takes care of rescued primates. There are also beach resorts near the majestic waterfalls known as the Chutes de la Lobe. Despite the dreamy postcard description of the country, Americans should proceed with caution in this country…. 

 Central African Republic

The terrorist group known as Boko Haram is present throughout the country, especially in the northern and eastern regions of Cameroon. The US State Department wants Americans to be extra careful if they choose to travel there. Violent crimes, such as kidnappings and suicide bombings, take place. Often, tourists are the target of such violence and should think carefully before traveling around the cities. 

As the name suggests, the Central African Republic is located in Central Africa. It is a landlocked country surrounded by multiple countries. It’s a very developing country with a population of 4.6 million in 2017 and just $418.41 GDP per capita. Although the Central African Republic is not a prosperous country, that’s not the only reason why visitors should avoid this area…. 


In 2013, the government was overthrown. It’s dangerous for both tourists and residents alike. A new president was elected in 2016, but the conflict continues. The US State Department notes that the United Nations has helped with stabilizing the area. However, travelers may find it difficult to leave the country. There is a high risk of indiscriminate and sectarian violence throughout the Central African Republic.

Officially known as the Republic of the Philippines, this Asian country is not the best place for Americans to visit. This region consists of over 7,600 islands in the Pacific Ocean, and although the idea of a tropical vacation sounds nice, it’s not like visiting an all-inclusive resort in Hawaii, which is still in the United States. Not only that, but the 2017 GDP per capita was just under $3,000 for over 100 million people. 

Saudi Arabia

Areas such as Davao City and Surigao City are much safer than they have been in recent years. However, other regions still deal with terrorist threats and other criminal incidents. The island of Mindanao, as well as the Sulu Archipelago, are quite dangerous. Make sure you steer clear of these areas if you really want to travel to the Philippines.

Saudi Arabia is a country located in the Middle East. This Western Asian country is not very safe for Americans in terms of traveling. The bulk of this country is located in the Arabian Peninsula, with over 32.94 million people in 2017 and a GDP per capita of $20,760.91. It’s one of the wealthier countries in the region by far, but it still has violence…. 


To the north of Saudi Arabia is the country of Iraq, and Yemen is to the south. Across the Arabian Sea is Iran, and Sudan is just over the Gulf of Aden. These countries are notorious for terrorist groups, including al-Qaida and ISIS. Both of these violent organizations target Americans as well as other Westerners during attacks in Saudi Arabia. They target hotels, schools, restaurants, mosques, and other crowded, accessible areas.

Another landlocked country located in Central Africa is Chad. It’s also another place that Americans must travel with extreme caution. It’s bordered by Libya, Sudan, the Central African Republic, Cameroon, Nigeria, and Niger. Several of these countries have already topped the US watch list as unsafe places for travel. Most of these regions are dangerous areas for Americans to travel because of the presence of terrorist groups like Boko Haram….


The US State Department tells American travelers to avoid border areas if they must travel through Chad. There is no need to really stay in Chad during a vacation. In 2015, Boko Haram carried out multiple suicide bombings, and al-Qaida also started attacking Westerners from Chad. The population in 2017 was 14.9 million people. The GDP per capita was just $669.89, which has continued to decline since 2015.

Colombia is located in South America. Officially known as the Republic of Colombia, this country had a population of 49.07 million in 2017. The GDP per capita was $6,301.59, which is by no means the most impoverished figure in the region. So what makes this culturally rich country so dangerous for Americans? Why does the US State Department warn Americans about traveling to Colombia? 


This South American country is plagued with drug trafficking. While terrorist groups don’t necessarily target the region, drug lords and violence are present. One of the home terrorist groups includes FARC. They reject western American influences throughout the country; however, the state does border land within North America, touching Nicaragua. American tourists from the United States should be extra careful when traveling throughout Colombia. 

Have you ever heard of the East African country of Eritrea? It’s located on the Red Sea coast and borders three other states. Although the area is known for vast architecture, from Italian colonial buildings to art deco structures, this port city has more than a colorful history. Americans should avoid traveling to Eritrea because of the ongoing violence throughout the region….


In June 2016, Eritrea’s military tensions grew higher, and fighting ensued along its border with Ethiopia. As a result, the government forces all foreign nationals to get permits to travel beyond the capital’s borders. The capital city is Asmara, which holds St. Joseph’s Cathedral, St. Mariam Cathedral, and the Imperial Palace. Although it sounds lovely, Americans can’t travel to and from this East African country. 

Haiti is a Caribbean country that borders the countries of the Dominican Republic and Hispaniola. It’s home to some historical sites such as the Citadelle la Ferriere and the ruins of the Sans-Souci Palace. The latter was the home of King Henry I. Besides mountaintop fortresses, this country is blessed with sunny weather. However, this is also part of the problem…. 


Like other Caribbean countries, Haiti is a direct target for hurricanes. It still has not recovered fully from the 2010 earthquake that devastated the small island country. Another issue is that even by 2017, the GDP per capita for Haiti was just $765.68. The impoverished country does not have the resources for medical services or better infrastructure. They are underdeveloped as a result. 

Afghanistan is one of those countries where it’s best just to stay away. The primary threat in this country is terrorist attacks. There are extremist groups all around, like ISIS and the Taliban. The United States has been fighting against these terrorist groups since 2001. The ongoing violence in Afghanistan makes it unsafe for American citizens, as travelers have encountered explosives, gunfire, and the risk of kidnapping….


It’s been reported that Afghanistan had a population of 32 million people as of 2015. This country has a low gross domestic product, with just $600 per capita. This number actually declined to only $585.85 by 2017 because the population increased to 35.53 million. The country has suffered from the ongoing struggles with terrorist groups, and it’s just not a safe place to travel.

Kenya is one of the most well-known countries in East Africa. It borders the Indian Ocean and has a plethora of lakelands, savannahs, and other dramatic terrain like Mt. Kilimanjaro. It’s also famous for wildebeest migrations, safaris, and other wildlife excursions. So why should Americans be cautious when traveling through this African paradise? The lions, elephants, and rhinos aren’t the reason…. 


Although thousands of people travel to Kenya every single year to enjoy the safari, they must proceed with caution. There are terrorist groups in the area, including al-Shabaab. This group usually operates from bordering countries, but they are known to strike nightclubs, public transit, government sites, and other popular spots. In 2015, the group attacked a university that resulted in 150 lives lost.

Officially known as the Lebanese Republic, this Middle Eastern country is located in Western Asia. Lebanon is boarded by Cyprus, Syria, and Israel, as well as the Mediterranean Sea. In 2017, the GDP per capita for over six million people was just over $8,500. However, Americans are advised to avoid traveling to Lebanon because of the ongoing violence that plagues the area…. 


These threats come from terrorist groups like ISIS and Hezbollah. They have been occupying Lebanon for several years, making it dangerous for Americans. The State Department even warned that Americans who choose to stay should be aware that the airport may be overrun in the future because of the suicide bombings across the region. This country shouldn’t be on your vacation list now or anytime in the near future.

Have you ever heard of Algeria? Well, you shouldn’t plan a trip there anytime soon. This North African country has a Mediterranean coastline that eventually meets desert plains. Although this picture might sound stunning, the GDP per capita was just $4,318 in 2015. That number actually decreased two years later and read $4,123.39 by 2017. That’s because the population rose from 39.9 million in 2015 to 41.32 million in 2017….

 The Bahamas

That’s not the only problem, however. Algeria has terrorist groups that operate there. Both ISIS and al-Qaida organizations are responsible for kidnappings and bombings throughout the country. The capital city, Algiers, is an ongoing target and has a massive police force present to help the vulnerable area. Although this country has many ruins left from ancient empires, it’s not safe for Americans to visit.

The Bahamas, which is officially known as the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, is located in the West Indies within the Lucayan Archipelago. Although it is a gorgeous island with tropical resorts, the weather is dangerous. In 2017, the population was only 395,361. Although the GDP per capita is higher than in other countries at $30,762.01, there have been several hurricanes that have devastated the land…. 


If you decide to travel to this Caribbean country, make sure you plan your trip according to the weather. Hurricane season has damaged multiple islands over the past several years. However, the Bahamas have been affected by Hurricane Matthew in 2016, Hurricane Irma in 2017, and Hurricane Dorian in 2019. There are more to come; it’s guaranteed, so proceed with great caution.

Mexico is one of the three countries in North America, along with the United States and Canada. It even shares land borders with Arizona, Texas, California, and of course, New Mexico. This very warm country has a plethora of well-known, all-inclusive resorts that people visit year-round. So why would it be so dangerous for people from the United States to visit their neighbor to the south? 


If you travel to Mexico, you should stay at your resort. Don’t venture off to local spots and try to find some hidden gems. It’s just not safe. Much of the violence in Mexico is related to drug trafficking, human trafficking, kidnapping, robbery, carjacking, and killings. Sure, some of this happens only between the rival gangs, but other times, tourists get caught in the crossfire.

Niger is a West African country that is quite impoverished. Officially known as the Republic of the Niger, this landlocked country was named for the Niger River. In 2017, with 21.84 million people, the GDP per capita was just $378.06, making it one of the poorest countries in the region. Not only does the poverty increase the crime rate in this region, but Niger also borders several other countries that deal with violent issues as well, such as Mali, Burkina Faso, and Chad, just to name a few….

Burkina Faso

Although there’s a US Embassy in Niger, many areas within the country are remote; thus, in the event of an emergency, it would be difficult to get help in time. Communication and resources are severely limited. However, terrorist groups also occupy the region as well, adding the problem. Boko Haram and others wreak havoc on the people but assist organizations and companies that suspend aid to Niger.

Burkina Faso is a landlocked country located in West Africa. It’s surrounded by six other African countries, covering about 274,200 square kilometers. The hot and dry region is very poor; in 2015, it had 17.9 million people and only $615 GDP per capita. Luckily, the number has risen to $670.71 as of 2017, but so did the population by nearly two million…. 

North Korea

One of the biggest problems in this African nation is roadside banditry. That, along with other travel concerns such as harassment and robbery, are why the State Department urges Americans to visit other countries. The US Embassy is unable to assist visitors in Burkina Faso, so tourists are virtually on their own if something wrong happens to them while traveling. 

North Korea is a country in East Asia. According to the World Bank, it had 25.49 million people in 2017. The capital is Pyongyang, and the supreme leader is Kim Jong-un. However, the GDP is not known for North Korea. Americans are advised not to visit this country, but not because of terrorist threats, per se; rather, because of its strict dictatorship…. 


In North Korea, many aspects of life are controlled. For example, electronic devices, such as computers, smartphones, or USB drives might be searched. Numerous forms of media content are prohibited throughout the country because of the government, which may include certain music videos, films, and other entertainment. Americans are prone to be targets of fines, arrests, long-term detentions, and hard labor policies if they get in trouble in North Korea.

Pakistan is located in South Asia and is actually known as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It’s the fifth most populous area in the entire world, with over 212.7 million people. However, the per capita GDP was just $1,547.85 as of 2017. The dense area is not the safest country for Americans to visit. The violence is probably linked to the poverty, considering those figures…. 


This South Asian country has its fair share of violence, from kidnappings to killings. However, the terrorist groups present commonly target Americans and other Westerners. US officials are prohibited from staying in Pakistani hotels and using any public transportation as a result of kidnappings. With that being said, it’s not very safe for American tourists to travel to Pakistan either.

Have you ever wanted to travel to Africa? This country shouldn’t be your top pick. In 2015, Burundi had a contested election. Since then, this East African country has been in constant conflict. Some incidents include firearms and explosives. Not only that, but the government has lost partial control of its military, which makes it increasingly dangerous for Americans to travel….


In 2017, the population of this landlocked country was 10.86 million people. However, the GDP per capita was just $320.09. Burundi is located in the Great Rift Valley, which is where East Africa and the African Great Lakes converge. Nonetheless, don’t visit the splendid Republic of Burundi. It’s a dangerous area, and the State Department urges Americans to travel elsewhere. 

Honduras is a country located in Central America. It has coastlines that border the Caribbean Sea as well as the Pacific Ocean. The country is home to Mayan sites, rainforests, and the Bay Islands. So why would this enchanting land be so dangerous to Americans? Although it’s a diver’s dream being part of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, there’s a lot of violence…. 


From 2001 to 2015, 37 American tourists were killed in Honduras. Kidnappings and killings are rampant throughout the country. Not only that, but the South American area lacks the law and order necessary to report, investigate, and prosecute crimes. Many murders go unsolved in this country, so Americans should be very cautious traveling to Honduras. Even though it sounds stunning, proceed with caution.

Israel is a Middle Eastern country located on the Mediterranean Sea. The area is best known for its religious roots for Jews, Muslims, and Christians alike as the Holy Land, according to the Bible. Because of this notion, Israel is full of ancient areas like the Old City’s Temple Mount, Dome of the Rock shrine, and Church of the Holy Sepulchre. However, it also has beaches and nightlife in the financial hub of Tel Aviv. So why is Israel so dangerous for Americans?


The Holy Land is highly contested. In 2014, the Hamas terrorist group of Gaza finally called for a ceasefire with Israel. Violent attacks often continue, though, and are unpredictable. The West Bank and Gaza Strip are particularly dangerous areas that tourists, including Americans, should avoid when traveling. Unlike other countries on this list, Israel is not poor, but just in conflict over land. 

Have you ever heard of the country of Mauritania? Officially known as the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, this African country is one of the poorest in the continent, with over 4.42 million people in 2017 but only a GDP per capita of $1,136.76. However, it’s the eleventh largest sovereign region in the continent as well. It borders several other countries as well as the Atlantic Ocean…. 


Like the other countries in the area, terrorist groups make the location violent, marking it unsafe for Americans to travel there. Kidnapping is prevalent, as well as other acts of violence. The US embassy officials are even restricted from traveling outside of its capital city. They need special authorization for fear of retaliation from violent terrorists, which means tourists shouldn’t visit the country of Mauritania either. 

Nigeria is a West African country with beautiful landmarks and wildlife thanks to its location on the Gulf of Guinea. The Zuma Rock is a well-known site that features a monolith in Abuja, the country’s capital. There are also the majestic waterfalls, rainforests, and savannahs within the Yankari National Park and the Cross River National Park. However, Americans must be careful when traveling to this country….

Islamic Republic of Iran

Boko Haram, a deadly terrorist group, has carried out many attacks from Nigeria. The US State Department recommends all people with non-essential travel stay away from this country. Kidnappings and robberies are already frequent in Nigeria, but popular destinations like malls, churches, markets, and clubs are at even greater risk of attack. Americans especially are advised to travel with caution because of terrorist threats.

Americans should not travel to the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is often simply referred to as Iran. It’s also called Persia and is located in Western Asia. This Middle Eastern country had 81.16 million people in 2017, with $5,415.21 GDP per capita. However, as the second-largest country in the Middle Eastern region, Americans must never visit the area…. 


Since 1980, the USA hasn’t had an embassy in this country. The State Department warns that American citizens who are Iranian citizens as well might be imprisoned for espionage if they visit. Not only that, but if they need help, the US will be very limited in helping tourists. ISIS is just one of the terrorist groups that are highly present in Iran.

Officially known as the Federal Republic of Somalia, this East African country is located in the Horn of Africa. Somalia is a sovereign state, but it still has issues in terms of violence, especially with Kenya and other problematic countries bordering it. In 2017, this country had 14.74 million people with a GDP per capita of only $499.82. It’s a developing country that has active terrorist groups…. 


There’s no US Embassy in Somalia, so the State Department explains how help is limited to US citizens in the country. Not only that, but the terrorist organization Al-Shabaab operates out of the area. In 2015, the capital Mogadishu had eight attacks at various hotels and restaurants. Some violence has also targeted international relief workers, so it’s best for Americans and other travelers to avoid Somalia.

Bangladesh is a South Asian country that’s east of India. It boasts miles of lush green foliage and stunning waterways. Despite being home to the royal Bengal tiger and the vast mangrove forest known as the Sundarbans, this country is not an ideal vacation spot. In 2017, the country had over 164.7 million people but only $1,516.51 GDP per capita…. 


In July 2016, there was a deadly terrorist attack in Bangladesh at a popular restaurant. The US State Department had to evacuate embassy workers and their families in that country. The terror threat remains, so people visiting the area should take precautions. They aren’t allowed to travel on foot or in open-air vehicles. Avoid attending open public places with large groups of people.

Sudan is a country in North Africa. It borders many countries, including Libya, the Central African Republic, Eritrea, and Chad, among others; the region along the border with Chad, known as the Darfur region, is marked with tribal violence, banditry, and other criminal acts. Americans should avoid this North African country because it’s so dangerous for tourists as well as residents. 


Other parts of Sudan have random yet active minefields as well as rebel groups that cause violence. There are multiple terrorist groups that target Americans and westerners on purpose. They dislike Western ideas and influences; these violent organizations use kidnappings, shootings, and suicide bombings to promote their agenda. In 2017, the population was 40.53 million, with a GDP per capita of $2,898.55.

Americans should not travel to Syria right now. If any are currently in the country, they are advised to leave immediately by the US State Department. The country is fighting between rebels, backed by the US, and the government, supported by Iran and Russia. There have been ongoing deadly attacks on the civilians in the country. Chemical weapons were also used to kill people. ISIS utilizes bombings and shootings out of the city of Raqqa….

Despite the civil war, the country is increasingly deficient. Current data is not available for this report. However, in 2007, the population of Syria was 19.63 million people, with a GDP per capita of $2,058.04. This Middle Eastern country borders several other countries, including Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, and Israel. To the west, this country also touches the Mediterranean Sea.