The Weirdest Things People Have Found In Their Houses After Moving In

The 1850s House

It can be fun to find things left behind by the previous owners after purchasing a home. But some of the people in these posts won’t be able to share that sentiment. From some very weird collectibles to old heirlooms that were left behind, these homeowners have found it all.

Some of their discoveries have added value to the home, but there are also those that make them regret purchasing the house altogether… From entire bedrooms to videos, love letters and secret affairs, these people have found it all, and it makes for some pretty exciting and eccentric stories, to be honest. Here are some of the strangest things that people have found after settling into their new homes. Did you come across anything weird when you moved in?

The Previous Owner’s Secrets

My parents moved into an old 1850s house a few years back, and it had a large basement. Just before we were moving out, a surveyor noticed that one of the walls in the basement was temporary. So out of interest, the wall was ripped down, revealing another huge room (~70m2)…

This room happened to be stacked floor to ceiling with old wartime furniture. At the end of the room, the wall had a big red cross painted on it. It was unlike anything I’d ever seen before. No wonder our dog always freaked out when he went down there. Reddit User: [redacted]

The 1940s Flooring

The house I’d just bought had a two-person jacuzzi tub with mirrors on the three walls surrounding it. There was also a four-poster canopy bed with a mirror built into the canopy. Needless to say, the previous owner had a thing for being able to see what he was doing….

When I was moving in, I decided to check out the basement, where I found a bar with cuffs on either end hanging from the ceiling and two eye bolts in a board on the floor. I’ve now been in the house for 15 years, and I still occasionally find a secret panel in a wall, switches that don’t turn on the lights. When will it stop taunting me with its secrets!!! Reddit User: deaddyRuxpin

My Old Friend

My dad moved into an apartment, and the place had beautiful original wood flooring from the 1940s, with the exception being the living room, which had carpet. It was kind of a bummer because the wood looks nicer, but oh well. There was one problem; when it’s warm out, the living room smells.

My dad decided to investigate and eventually peeled the carpet up to find a large black stain on the subfloor. The stain was so large that a person could lie inside of it. The last tenant passed away and “melted” in the living room, and all they did was pull the hardwood up. Reddit User: jeansonnejordan

The Cardboard Box

An old friend of mine grew up in the house I now own. I had no idea, but he struggled with severe mental illness from around high school onward. His mother left a few boxes behind in the garage, and one of them was full of all of his personal information.

There were letters from his parole officer, and most depressingly, a letter from the judge recommending he be remanded to a psychiatric facility instead of prison. Apparently, he lived his adult years in a home for schizophrenics and passed on a few years ago. The whole thing was just very sad. Reddit User: ebjoker4

The Funeral Parlor

I once found a cardboard box containing some…er… toys, and we’re not talking about the kind that you’d find in your toddler’s nursery class. I honestly thought that it was a box of extra hardware for the closet shelves, but alas, it very much was not.

This was after the last owners sent a message through the realtor asking if I had found a digital camera. I had not, but at this point I’d be curious (see: afraid) to look at what was on it. From the looks of what was in the box, I was happy that I didn’t find it. Reddit User: mcgato

The Paper Bag in the Bedroom Closet

My parents bought a home that we later learned used to be a funeral parlor almost 100 years ago. Dad had never questioned why there was a second bulkhead that went nowhere, and when there was a busted pipe, they finally had to cut it open to see what was inside.

We found a small walled-off room that had hundreds of old bottles, odd equipment, chemicals/perfumed salts, stained glass windows from the original building, and a few old ledgers + accounting books. My parents had no use for it, and a local town historian happily took it when offered. A few years had passed, and we were going about our daily lives when we received some old copies of photos of how the house originally looked. It was way more beautiful back then. Reddit User: KnittyViki

An Illegal Lab

I had a friend who actually once found $200,000 cash in a small paper bag in a bedroom closet. This was found in a rental in the cove area of Stamford, Connecticut. They turned it in to the police and had to make a list of people they’d told about it.

This was just in case that a person came forward claiming the cash, lying to say it was theirs…. After a certain amount of time had passed, it would be theirs to keep, minus taxes of course. I’m not sure if I would have reported it. Reddit User: bigd203

The Door of Secrets

I found an uncomfortably obvious illegal pharmaceutical lab and a secret passageway in my home. The passageway ended up leading from one of the bedroom closets into a linen closet all the way to the back door. That wasn’t the only thing I stumbled upon.

Also, in the same house, I found an antique piano which dated back to the early 1900s. It had been kept in better condition. We were told it would have been worth at least like $100,000 because that particular model was so rare. Reddit User: Crispy_Apple_Pie

The Hidden Hooch

My mom bought her house 12 years ago, but last year, my mentally ill brother kicked the front door down. It had a giant metal lock on it, which didn’t work, but we kept it because it looked cool. The lock broke off, and a bunch of little papers and cards fell out of it….

Among them were CIA ID badges, business cards that had to do with cryptography, and other things that had to do with the CIA. A few days later, I thought I would look through the house in search of more CIA stuff and stumbled upon a WWII explosive round under one of the floorboards in the attic. That week was wild. Reddit User: kyldefr0gg

An Urn of Ashes

When I was a kid, my parents had bought this old house that used to have a general store in the basement. Beneath the basement stairs, there was a hidden hooch room with empty old bottles and two little stools. This was also rigged to a pulley system.

The pulley was added so that the door would slam if someone opened the side door to enter the shop…. After doing some research, we found out that our new home was a hooch house during the Prohibition Era. It’s a really cool story to tell. Reddit User: loeden

The Wooden Box

My friend’s father found an urn full of ashes inside the basement of their house. The urn had a plaque on it that said the word “baby” and had a picture of an angel on it. The previous owners had left the urn there along with the ashes of their baby.

My friend’s dad actually displayed the urn in their living room…. After they had ended up selling the house and moved away, I found out that her dad took the urn with him. He now displays it on his mantle, next to other valuables. Reddit User: grilled avocado

The Basement’s Past

We found a small wooden box filled with black and white photos. The photos had belonged to the previous owners of the house, but they weren’t the only ones that were in the photos. There was also another couple with them in various compromising “positions and situations.”

I was pretty surprised that they would forget something like that there. But that wasn’t even the most disturbing thing that was in the box. It also contained a couple of teeth. It was definitely a strange day, to say the least. Reddit User: [redacted]

VHS Tapes

My husband and I rented a house right after we got married. The previous tenants were evicted, so there was some cleaning to be done. On move-in day, I was cleaning out the kitchen cabinets to figure out how to set up the kitchen when I found some papers.

I read through them, and it turns out the previous tenants ran a dogfighting ring in the basement. The guy was talking to people online about getting some pit bull pups. It was disgusting. I turned them in to the property manager, and I don’t know if he did anything with the information. Reddit User: browneyedqueen1982

Voodoo Doll in the Attic

We’ve owned our house for some time, but we had never thoroughly explored all parts of it. When the water softener began to leak, we had to replace the drywall in the room that it was in. Hidden between the wall and the furnace, we found something.

What we had found was a small “toy” and a couple of VHS tapes. Let’s just say that these were the types of cassettes that I wouldn’t have been excited to have my kids find one day. I wasn’t sure what to do with them after that. Reddit User: [redacted]

“Put It Down!”

I’ve lived in my house for 10 years, but until recently, I’ve never been in the attic. It’s a push-up hatch, rather than the common pull-down/ladder combo, so it wasn’t very accessible. There was a weird smell one day, and I was afraid something might have passed away up there.

So I pulled out a ladder, lifted the hatch, and poked my head up there to check it out. Right next to the hatch was a huge pile of what looked like stuffing, but on further inspection, it turned out to be a gigantic (6 or 7 foot) stuffed person. Like the biggest voodoo doll that ever was, but all white…. I tried moving it around a bit to get it out of the way, but it was insanely heavy and hard to move. I just left it there, closed the hatch, and called it a day. Reddit User: withcinnamon

The Crawlspace in the Bedroom

My family bought a house that used to be a rental, and the idea was to fix it up. It wasn’t a high-end rental, and the last tenant left quite a bit of trash and random stuff all over the place, so our first project was to clear everything out. In one of the bathrooms, I found a burnt spoon in one of the medicine cabinets.

I call my dad into the room to show him, and he walks in holding a bright purple string of pleasure beads and says, “Look what I found. They must have had dogs.” I quickly tell him, “Dad! No! Put it down!” That’s the day I got to explain what beads were to my dad. Reddit User: great-Atuin

The Dentist Before Me

Not too long after my family and I moved had moved into our new home, my children were playing and ended up finding a crawl space up in one of the bedrooms. Inside the space were several Ken dolls with melted hands. They also had razors embedded inside them.

I tried my best to make light of the freakishness and joked that Sid (from Toy Story.) must have lived there. I disposed of them before showing anyone, which, in hindsight, I should not have done. I’m not sure whether they believed me or not. Reddit User: rackfocus

The Sliding Glass Mirror

My friend’s father purchased a place that used to be a rental property. It was a dentist’s house to be specific. I found out that the dentist had brought home all the teeth he pulled. How did I find this out, you ask? Well, the mailbox was on a concrete pillar.

And it turns out that the person who made it (presumably the doctor) did not use pebbles as aggregate, they used teeth…. It was full of human teeth. There were hundreds, maybe thousands of them. I’m pretty sure I know a few of the people who had some teeth in the pillar. Reddit User: Veritas3333

The Room With Multiple Locks

This is a rental story that my parents told me about a home we once lived in. They found devilish symbols inside the closet in my room, behind the sliding glass mirror. When my parents asked the landlords about it, they told my parents they found lifeless chickens inside the same closet, but they probably didn’t see the writing.

They also said that people kept coming to the house, asking if we knew the old owners. It happened for a couple of weeks until, eventually, people stopped coming. My parents think the people who lived there were dealers, but I’m sure something else was going on. Reddit User: yeetyeetmybeepbeep

The Strange Mattress

It didn’t happen to me, but a close friend. He lived across town from us in a rough neighborhood before he and his wife moved closer to where we lived. When we went to visit him at his new house, he told us how happy he was that he moved because the old house gave him the creeps.

Apparently, when he had moved in to the house, there was a room in the basement with multiple locks on the outside and an old dirty mattress on the inside. He said that there was something off about the room and that he rarely went in it. Reddit User: [redacted]

The Secret Stash of Love Letters

In 2010, we moved into a rental property in Australia. My parents had to do a walk-through because the previous tenant treated the house terribly and left quite a lot of things behind. When they walked into what would later be my bedroom, there was a bed frame and mattress….

Upon closer inspection, the mattress wasn’t actually a mattress. It was $200,000 worth of “Mary Jane” wrapped up in a bedsheet made to look like a mattress. The police were called, and an investigation was underway. When they inspected the garage, the ceiling collapsed, revealing a large hydroponics system set up in the roof.

I don’t know what the outcome was, but according to my mother, the previous tenant knocked on the door a year later, asking for a toolbox that he left in the garage. My mother lied to him, saying that they got rid of everything once they moved in, and he left. Reddit User: Cbran41

A Husband’s Confession

While doing some renovations to our recently-purchased house, we ended up finding a secret stash of love letters inside one of the bedroom walls. They were tied up by a small ribbon. After reading through them, we learned who the letters were between.

They were actually between the wife of the house and a married man living in the next town over. The letters included postcards and brochures of trips they’d taken together. They were over 100 years old and spanned more than a decade. Reddit User: Blicero1

My Wife’s Dog

This happened not to us, but happened to our neighbors. They found a confession note in one of their walls while remodeling their home. It said something about how his wife had expired while he was in a drunken fit. He even described where she was located.

Our neighbors gave the note to the local police, but they couldn’t find any evidence to verify if the confession was legit. They didn’t investigate much since the possible crime had occurred several decades ago. There were no living relatives, and there was no Jane Doe. Reddit User: 0Smoothbrotha


This is my wife’s story, not mine. When she was a little girl, the family had a dog who used to love whenever they had pancakes for breakfast. Most mornings, my mother-in-law would make pancakes, and the dog would end up taking a couple of them right away.

They never saw him eat it, but they always assumed that he scarfed them down as quickly as he could… A few years later, all the pancakes were found in the back corner of a rarely used closet. Imagine their surprise when they discovered that their dog was a hoarder. Reddit User: Tejano0369

Security Cameras

It didn’t happen to me specifically, but happened to a family member of mine. My aunt bought a house in a small, poor neighborhood in the southern part of the country. She was well off and had a good job, so she was able to get the house of her dreams.

The house was built in the late 1800s to early 1900s, and it had a big secret….Inside the walls, cupboards, and behind boards was “firepower” (read: weapons) on a scale undreamt of. They came from every period imaginable. It still creeps me out to this day. Reddit User: Rslashwhat

A Creepy Hidden Room

We found security cameras in our house. It may not sound very odd at first, but trust me, it gets weirder. I was aware that there were some cameras before I bought the place. I could understand one on the front porch, but the old owner had two there.

There was another above the garage door, two around the corner of the driveway, one on the back patio, one inside the garage, and one inside the living room. The first thing I did was disconnect the control system from the power supply and internet feed; it was still connected.

Second, I had to make sure that I wasn’t missing any other cameras. My brother helped me remove all the cameras, and I spent quite some time pulling the cords out of the walls. There were probably hundreds of feet. It was completely ridiculous. Reddit User: CommodoreBelmont

Someone Else’s Undies

I recently bought a new home only to find that it had a creepy hidden room in one corner of the attic. I was not informed by anyone that there was going to be an extra room on the property, and I only noticed the space while I was moving boxes into the house.

I could tell that this room was creepy, and then I noticed a metal grate door that was around only four feet in height. When I opened it, I came across a small bed, a wall with foam padding, and a single light. There was no doorknob inside this room.

It was clear that whoever was inside would not be able to get out until someone opened the door from outside….What made it worse was that the home was in a sparsely populated area. So a scream would not have helped. No one knew what the room was used for; however, there were tons of wild guesses. Reddit User: Nukestorm

Find the “X”

I’m not a particularly tall person, so I was never able to see this before. While I was cleaning out my bedroom in preparation to move out of the house that my family had rented for the last three years, I found something completely disgusting in there.

At the top of the closet, right at the back…. There was a balled-up pair of used underwear, and it certainly wasn’t mine. I soon realized that it had been there for at least the last three years we’d been living there. I was completely grossed out by it. Reddit User: wompguinea

A Secret Videotape

When I lived in a townhouse a couple of years ago, my then-roommate and I had noticed a message scratched into the side of the refrigerator. We’d only just noticed it after living there for a while. It was a just short sentence that said, “Find the X.”

We searched the entire house high and low, but we were never able to find an X….I really just hope that it was someone messing with us, because if I moved out and it turned out to be buried treasure, I’m going to be really upset about it. Reddit User: demicus

The Famous Painting

While walking through the basement of my newly-purchased home, I came across a VHS tape from one of those old video rental stores. The previous owner had had it stashed away in the wooden boards of the ceiling and just left it there after he moved out.

A part of me felt that I was about to get cursed by The Ring ghost if I watched it….But I popped it into an old VCR anyways. I started it at the halfway point and found out that it was just a crazy ’80s flick that certainly wasn’t for kids. I couldn’t stop laughing at the absurdity of it. Reddit User: madmike32322

The Children Museum Owners

I found a painting done by a famous Cambodian artist named Nhek Diem in the back closet of my recently purchased trailer home. I have no idea how it even got there, but it turned out to be the first painting he’d won an award for at an international exhibition.

It’s actually the painting that made him famous. I found out that he later studied at the Disney Studios before eventually returning to Cambodia. Apparently, he disappeared during the rule of the Khmer Rouge and was never heard from again. Reddit User: Malcom_Y

A Note to Myself

My family rented a house that previously belonged to the owners of a children’s museum that had recently closed down. While looking through the attic, we were all shocked by what we saw up there. There was a life-sized plastered great white shark and a swordfish.

There were also few other aquatic animals. We ended up bringing he great white shark to college with us, dressed up in it to go to parties, then hung it on the wall. We then decided to leave it for the other kids after we graduated. Reddit User: slugvegas

The Swinging Bookcase

This was weird because I found a note in my old handwriting that read, “Run [my name], they are coming.” I found the note after going through some things I’d picked up from the old house I had lived in. The note was in my elementary school handwriting.

I’m pretty sure that I did this intentionally to spook myself whenever I found it later….I don’t remember writing it, but I certainly successfully pranked myself. Way to go, me. I stayed pretty creeped out about it for weeks. Reddit User: Kuronekostories

Neighbors, not Roommates

When we bought our house and moved in, I said, “Oh, the owner left a bookcase.” I walked up to it and saw that it was attached to the wall. There was a single book left there: an old Reader’s Digest book. I thought that he must have missed that when packing, so I grabbed the book and it snagged….

I jumped and knew exactly what it was. I gave it a pull, and the bookcase swung open. There was a hidden crawl space behind the bookshelf. There wasn’t much use for it other than storing things like Christmas decorations. Reddit User: Originalthrowwaway

The Evil-Looking Door

I found bees in my house: yes, real bees. There were two hives to be exact, and both had taken up residence in different parts of the roof. I had both removed by a beekeeper after desperately trying to talk my wife into keeping them, not inside but out in the yard.

A year later, we had bees again…in a different part of the roof. This was the third set of bees we’d had, so my wife let me keep them. After the first year, she took over as the main beekeeper, and we’ve had bees as neighbors rather than roommates ever since. Reddit User: w00gle

Surviving a Nuclear Attack

In 2014, I found a hidden crawl space that led to a locked door while I was poking around in the attic. The crawlspace led to a locked evil-looking door that opened to a strange room. It was completely soundproofed, and there were four power outlets and a small raised area, about the size of a single bed….

I also found a strange briefcase that contained envelopes with currency from different parts of the world. There was also an old jewelry box and four silver ingots. I also found a safe that contained six VHS tapes, but I was unable to play any of them because my VHS player wasn’t working. I gave them to the police, and I always wondered what they were used for. The most disturbing thing that I found was a message written on a piece of paper saying, “Save Yourself.” Reddit User: Imbrjack

A Pillowcase With Red Stains

While going through my new home just after I had been given the keys, I ended up finding some old radiation prevention tablets and a guide on how to survive a nuclear attack from the previous owner’s mom. These were real things that they used to give out.

Ever since the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, Americans have been stocking up on items to protect against radiation. It would have been weirder if I found biohazard suits and gas masks to go along with it. At least they were prepared. Reddit User: smdonova

The Remains of Battle

My husband and I bought our house this past July. Our dogs like to dig, and our new place has a garden bed up against the back of the house. We also have a square concrete patio. A few months go by, and I notice what I thought was a torn-up dog toy sticking out from under the patio. I ignore it.

My husband comes home one day, and we’re playing with the dogs in the backyard when he notices it. He walks over and realizes that it is not a toy; it’s a child’s jacket. I grab the shovel, and he begins to dig the jacket out from under the concrete pad because if there’s anything we’ve learned from crime shows, you do not touch it. It was a little girl’s jacket, and there was more….

There was a pillowcase with weird reddish stains on one side. Fast forward to a few weeks later, and there’s a police officer and a cadaver dog scoping out our yard. The good news, there were no traces of bodies. The bad news, no one knows who the jacket or pillowcase belong to. Not even the neighbor who lived next door for over 50 years. Reddit User: o0lala

Seeing My Landlord Differently

This happened at my family home in Ireland. We were digging up the land behind the house for an extension to the existing property. We dug down about 3 feet into the foundation when we came across a metal object. After carefully working our way around it, we discovered that it was an old helmet….

My dad yanked it out of the soil, and to our surprise, there was an exposed skull inside. After contacting the local museum for an excavation, we were told it was probably a 14th- or 15th-century warrior who perished during battle. Reddit User: zep2floyd

My Brother’s Find

The apartment that I’m currently living in had ended up coming with a computer desk that the landlords didn’t end up wanting. I figured that I could use it, so I decided to keep it for myself. While running wiring for the speakers, I found a few things.

The most interesting of my findings was a dusty, unlabeled DVD….I popped it into my computer, and what popped up were some unclothed photos of my landlady from the early 2000s. Kind of wishing that I didn’t find that, and made me question if I wanted the computer desk. Reddit User: blanksy81

Drinking on the Job

This didn’t happen to me, but my brother. Approximately 20 years ago, one of my brothers found a first addition Frankenstein book autographed by the author Mary Shelley. He found it while fixing up the upstairs of our old neighbor’s house after he bought it.

He had it appraised by a legitimate antique book dealer and discovered it was the real deal, and it was worth a lot of money. He never said how much, but it’s worth enough to have his eyes light up even to this day when someone brings it up. He still hides it in the bank safety deposit box. Reddit User: Indianamedic

Ahoy Matey!

My family recently had bought a home that was from the 1930s, located in a nice part of town. We had to end up renovating one of the bathrooms. And upon smashing it down, we were surprised to find there were a bunch of old empty whiskey bottles inside.

My dad said the builders of the house were probably drinking on the job and just ended up hiding the evidence in there. Those guys were probably laughing as they did it, thinking, “I wonder if anyone will ever find this.” Well, we did. Reddit User: jdsizzle

“Enjoy It”

When I went off to college, my parents bought a large property that was once a functioning farm for them to retire on. The farm had a dilapidated barn which had fallen into further disrepair in the 5 years between owners, and fixing it up would be more trouble than it was worth.

My dad needed some wood for a project, and so he went to the barn to grab some of the scrap lying around. He noticed a door that was hidden behind some planks leaning against the wall. When he opened it, he saw a small sailboat. Reddit User: kutuluMike

The Evidence

I used to rent this crappy, little studio in this crappy, old apartment when I was in college back in the ’90s. There were these random, weird gaps all over the apartment, especially in and around the built-in wooden bookshelves. It was really strange.

After digging around a bit, I ended up finding a plastic bag with what once was a “paper plane.” There was an almost illegible note from someone telling me to enjoy it. I had no idea how long it was there, so I left it. Reddit User: notsurewhereireddit

Someone’s Former Pet

Shortly after buying my home, I was doing some renovations on it. I tore down the drop ceiling in the basement when this envelope ends up falling out. I was praying that there would be some money inside of it. Nope, and actually it was far from it, honestly.

It happened to be a collection of emails, receipts, and pictures of the private bits of a guy and the 55-year-old woman we purchased the house from…. There wasn’t a husband, so I thought that it might have been evidence the ex-husband collected for the divorce. He must have forgotten it when he left. Reddit User: Iforgotredditpsswrds

The Tombstone in the Crawlspace

This was at a rental. Who knows how many past tenants left things in the basement over time, but there was a lot of stuff down there. I found a treadmill, filing cabinets, a big-wheeled chalkboard, and a variety of vases. The weirdest thing I found was a wooden urn with the cremated remains of someone’s former pet.

I didn’t know that’s what it was until my own cat died, and I received an identical wooden urn. It’s now the tomb of the unknown cat, and I will bring it with me when I leave. I can’t understand how someone would leave a pet behind. Reddit User: HamfacePorktard

Paying Off Some Debt

I once ended up finding a tombstone under the house inside of this random crawlspace. After doing some more digging, I found out that a girl had passed away in the 1920s and was laid to rest in the backyard right where the house ended up being built.

The previous owner had moved the stone into the crawlspace area so he could move easier…. I almost fainted when I found out about it. When I recovered, I had it removed from the property. I wasn’t sure if I should look for the body. Reddit User: andre2p

The Dungeon in My Victorian House

My friend and his wife were buying a new house despite already being in debt already. The owner was selling cheap because her husband had died, and she was moving to another home. So, they got the house pretty cheap. She took the furniture and whatever she needed, then told them, “Everything in the house is yours now.”

It turns out that the husband was a jeweler and worked out of his house. In random nooks and crannies, they’d find gold rings and necklaces, even a few diamonds. My friend called up the previous owner to ask if she wanted any of it, and she said no. So, he pawned most of the stuff and paid off all his debt. Reddit User: Skellington0101

The Sword and the Wedding Cake

I found a dungeon. I kid you not, an entire dungeon in my new house. There were no records of any basement in the 120-year-old history of the house. How did we find it? When we moved in, we had the floorboards looked at, and one of them needed to be replaced.

When we pulled up the board, we found a 6-foot-deep cellar with a rusted iron Victorian bed with a meat hook attached to it. Our surveyor even told us he was concerned the floor was too low-lying before we bought the house, but we didn’t listen. Reddit User: gabjam

My Drunk Friend

This happened to my parents. They bought a house in the mid-1980s in the San Francisco Bay Area. We were fixing up the backyard when my dad hit something he thought was a big root. When he looked, he saw that it was a sheathed sword. The sheath was all rusted, but the sword was in great condition…

Fast-forward a few months, and my parents are celebrating their wedding in their new backyard. They were about to cut the cake when, out of nowhere, my dad shouts “Wait!” and runs inside the house. He comes out with the sword and then proceeds to cut the cake with my mom. In 6 months, my fiancé and I are going to use the same sword to cut our wedding cake! Reddit User: coreyannder

Investigation Records

We ended up finding a full-sized bedroom. There was this dog door-looking thing in our living room, but my roommates and I would just ignore it because we thought that it was a part of the insulation or something. Until one day when we had friends over…

While our friends were over at our place, one of them got pretty drunk, crawled through the door, and found something shocking…. There was a full bedroom with a bed and a working washing machine. Neither the landlord nor the housing agent had any idea. Reddit User: elesdee

The Amazing Writer

While looking around my new home, I found a pair of handcuffs and a small filing cabinet full of investigation records for a federal agency. I wasn’t sure which agency it was, but I know that it definitely wasn’t an official one like the FBI, NSA, or CIA.

I was scared at first because I thought that my home might be monitored. The things I found explained why the house was blurred out on Google Maps. I still have them in one of my closets, just in case the previous owner comes back for it. Reddit User: fire_thorn

The Full Human Skeleton

When my family and I moved into our little rental house, we had found this whole stash of extremely stimulating letters the owner’s father had written to his wife while he was deployed in the army in Korea and Vietnam during the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

Not only was the guy an amazing writer, but I also found out that they were both into things I thought people didn’t do back in those days….I know that I shouldn’t have, but I read almost all of them before turning them over to the landlord. It would make a great romance novel. Reddit User: madisonpreggers

The Infestation

After looking through the ins and outs of my new house, I actually found a full human skeleton in a black bin and bag in the loft. It was absolutely one of the most terrifying I’d ever seen, but before I could call the police, I noticed something else there.

There were hanging hooks and bone names written on it (probably by the previous tenant, who was a doctor). It was at that moment that I realized that it was a medical skeleton. I know that they are expensive, so I took it to a local university. Reddit User: speedy_Dragon46

Crystal Pepsi

Our friends were looking at this house as part of the contract before they committed to buying it. They brought their father along for the inspection, since their dad owns a few rentals and does a lot of home improvement. While in one of the rooms, my friend hears her father-in-law casually say, “Huh? Waddaya know….”

When she went to look, there were snakes in the basement ceiling lights, just crawling around in the lights. She got out of there so fast and then didn’t buy the house. They weren’t pets; the house was infested. We live in the suburban Midwest, so it was not a normal thing. Reddit User: sillystring2222

My Used 2000 Explorer

After digging through some of the old things that the previous owner of our house had left behind upon moving out, I found a can of Crystal Pepsi. I was super excited because they were sold during the early 1990s but ended up being discontinued by like 1994.

It had only been a couple of years after they stopped making them when I found the can. When I cracked it open, it actually still had carbonation. I happened to love Crystal Pepsi, so I drank that sucker, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Reddit User: CaticusXIII


This happened in my car, not my house. I brought home a used 2000 Explorer, which had a couple thousand miles on it. I saw a piece of paper behind the plastic of the glove compartment, back where the lightbulb is. I carefully pulled it out, and it was a white envelope.

Inside was roughly $1000. We called the dealership to ask them what to do, but for some reason, they either could not contact the seller of the vehicle or the seller of the vehicle refused to be contacted. I wanted to turn it in because I would be financially devastated if I lost that much cash. That was a good year. Reddit User: mechaoprah

The Fart Jar

After a year of living in my house, I finally decided to go into the attic for the first time after a year of hesitation about it. And of course, it was a decision that I instantly regretted. I found an old rusty bed frame that had leather straps attached to the posts.

I also found several old journals that were just completely blank. It gave me real goosebumps honestly, and I’ve been having nightmares about it ever since. I guess that’s why I took so long to go in there in the first place. Reddit User: dragonborngarbage

After moving into the home that my parents recently purchased, I found a mason jar on a shelf inside my bedroom closet that was above the door. It had a piece of white fabric that was taped on it. Written on it were the simple words, “Jay’s Fart Jar.”

I did not want to open it to confirm whether it was indeed a fart jar or not….I decided not to find out and I threw it right into the recycling bin. I wonder if anyone was brave enough to find out after fishing it out of the trash. Reddit User: TheDannyO