For You To Be A Man
There are certain things that almost all women want, but quite honestly, are often afraid to ask for. And these things have the potential to destroy a relationship completely. So what are men supposed to do if their wives, girlfriends, or friends-with-benefits are too shy to speak up about what they truly want?

Whether it’s because it’s embarrassing, or it’s simply that they don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, many women are afraid to ask for some of the biggest things they’re craving in their lives. By keeping quiet about their wants and desires, they leave their partners and loved ones to guess how best to fulfill their needs. And no one is that good at reading minds. Check out these super common needs, as told by women from all over…
More Acts Of Chivalry

Now, different people have different definitions of what a man should be, and we’re speaking for most women out there when we ask that you take the reins while still seeking our opinion. Be the protector–even though we can do it ourselves–and be confident, even though you need a little guidance sometimes.
We appreciate men who can be the ones who forge the relationship’s path and take charge when needed. That requires confidence and assuredness.
Creative Date Night Ideas

People like to say that chivalry is dead, and for the most part, they’re right. Women would love it if men opened the door more, didn’t walk in front of them, and offered them their coats. It makes us feel special. Feel free to cook dinner without being asked and give the kids a bath.
This doesn’t mean that men need to pamper women constantly and be at their every beck and call. It just means that small acts of service are very much appreciated.
For You To Put Your Phone Away

One of the reasons why flames go out in relationships is because there’s nothing new or special about them anymore. And the easiest and quickest way to spice things up is by going on some unconventional dates or doing things you wouldn’t normally do. Ditch the movies for a paint and sip party.
You should never stop dating, even after you are married or in a long-term relationship. New adventures make for great memories.
For You To Be More Accountable

We understand that technology has basically taken over the planet, but this doesn’t have to be evident in your relationship. Whether it’s your cell phone or your laptop, it’s polite to put them away, or at the very least look up, pay attention, and show interest when your wife or girlfriend is talking to you.
This rule should go for anyone you are trying to converse and/or eat with, because it is only polite. Studies also show that looking into someone’s eyes when talking creates a deeper connection.
For You To Be More Patient

To most women, there’s really nothing more amazing than a man who can accept the blame and apologize for it. Too often, women are stuck having to explain why your actions were wrong/hurtful, and it can be very exasperating. Did we mention how big of a turn-on this is as well?
Just feel free to chime in instead of waiting for us to bring it up, too. If you feel you’ve done something wrong, just speak up instead of wondering if we’re upset about it.

Most women aren’t afraid to ask for patience, but they do get tired of requesting it. It’ll help your relationship (and life) to understand that not everything will happen when you want it to. Patience is a virtue (an important one!) and one you should make a habit out of using.
Stop pushing ladies to do things. They will do them when they are good and ready, and you’ll find that they’re often waiting for a specific reason.
Intelligent Conversations

Aretha Franklin wasn’t just making a hit song when she sang out “R-E-S-P-E-C-T.” Women want to be respected the same way you’d want to be respected in a relationship, no matter what her role in your union is. Respect can be shown in several ways, too. For example, not flirting with other women or bash-talking her to your friends.
Basically, treat others the way you want to be treated. You know, that golden rule. There’s a reason it’s been so popular for so many years.
Better Communication

It’s nice to talk about the funny and exciting things in life, but lots of women also want a man who can hold an intelligent conversation. It may be to your advantage to put the charm away for a few minutes and show her that you can tick that intelligence box too.
Everyone loves to be heard and enjoys a great conversation once in a while. Women appreciate when they don’t have to explain everything because you’re smart enough to just know.
Make Your Intentions Known

This rule is important for everyone. It’s not an understatement to say that communication can make or break a relationship. In fact, it’s probably the reason why most unions fail. So, talk to us, tell us how you feel, and listen, even if you don’t necessarily agree with or understand what we’re saying.
Men can be in tune with their feelings. Let it out. We’ll listen to you just the same way that you listen to us, because relationships are a two-way street.

We know that some women (just like men) are afraid of commitment, but there’s nothing cool about being in a relationship where no one knows what’s really going on. So tell us if you’d like to see a future with us or if you aren’t quite sure of what you want.
No woman wants to ask a man what his plans for the relationship are. Plus, if two people see two different outcomes, it’s important to know that early on.

Passion is often described as one of the most attractive traits or emotions a man can have. And it’s much more than being passionate in the bedroom. Passion displays a thirst for something, whether it’s love, growth, or knowledge. It’s a trait that all women want in their men–at varying degrees, of course.
Whether you are passionate in bed or passionate about a hobby, show it! We want to know what gets you excited and why so that we can help to make you happy and support you!

Ambition is defined as having a strong desire to accomplish or do something. Everyone needs ambition. It’s usually a goal that someone has that requires hard work and determination. And women love that kind of thing. There’s almost nothing worse than being with a man with no goals or dreams.
So have one, even if it seems a little far-fetched or far from your reach. It’s great to set goals that challenge you because they encourage you to grow.
Great Hygiene

Many women are drawn to a man who is sure about himself, knows what he wants, and isn’t afraid to go after it. This type of man knows that he is capable and is secure with himself and his abilities, and it shows a woman that if she ever falters, she’ll have a confident man at her back.
Confidence is very attractive, regardless of your actual outward appearance. It proves that a woman doesn’t need to do everything all alone.
For You Not To Let Yourself Go

Being with or living with someone allows you to see them in ways that are very personal. Depending on what a woman sees, she could be there to stay or out the door. Things to avoid: not brushing your teeth or showering for three days. Or wearing a pair of dirty underwear for a week.
It can turn us off faster than the flick of a light switch. We want to be with someone who puts forth the effort to take care of himself.
More Talking About Your Past

Let’s not get it twisted by believing that women are the only ones who “let themselves go” when they’re comfortable in relationships. If you expect your girlfriend or wife to keep up appearances, you better do the same without her having to ask you to. If you’re fine with changing together, that’s fine too.
Sometimes, it is more about health than looking “hot.” We want to have as long as possible with you, which means we want you to be healthy.
More Talking About Your Feelings

Everyone should connect with this one, include men. Sadly, most men don’t have a great reputation in the communication department, and it’s even worse when they’re asked to talk about their pasts. We get that this information might be personal, but it’ll help us women understand so much more about you.
If it’s not too much, open up. We want to know where you came from and what experiences, good or bad, made you who you are today.
Signs That You’re Committed

In the realm of opening up, a man should be able to talk about his feelings, especially to a woman he cares about. Forget about the nonsense our elders used to say about men being strong 100% of the time. Show us when you’re vulnerable and tell us when you’re mad.
It can work wonders in a relationship. We can’t read your mind, and we want to be able to offer help and support when you need us.
For You To Show That She’s Important to You

A man can say that he’s committed, but what would be the point if he doesn’t show it? This is definitely a case where actions speak louder than words. You can’t say you’re committed, then shy away from doing activities that exclusive couples do. Give gifts to show you’re dedicated.
Maybe not an engagement ring, but something to show you are staying for the long haul. Perhaps a promise ring or a puppy.
To Be Included In Decision-Making

It’s great to offer gifts to demonstrate commitment, but you don’t need to buy gifts to show you care. Like showing us you’re committed, it’s also important for all men to show women how much they care. Different women require different gestures, but let us know how much we mean to you with more than just an “I love you.”
Make breakfast, clean the house, or take us on a date. You know your woman best and will know what sort of gesture she would most appreciate.
For You To Defend Her

Women love a man being confident, passionate, and knowing what he wants. But it doesn’t mean that he’ll always know what his woman wants. A relationship should be a partnership, which means that both parties should make important decisions as a team. After all, how would you feel if you were left out of important things?
Excluding your woman because you think you know better just won’t cut it. Even if it’s something she’s not familiar with, letting her have a say might provide valuable insight.
For You To Comfort Her

One of the best qualities of a man is that he can make a woman feel protected, even if she doesn’t need protecting. But when she does, you should step in respectfully and in an appropriate manner. The best way to figure out how to do this is to talk about it beforehand.
Preparation is key here so that both parties are happy and not left feeling confused, taken advantage of, or patronized.
For You To Be Sensitive

Over the centuries, women have gotten the reputation of being the more emotional gender. We’re not here to debate whether it’s true or not, but we are here to let you know that when it does happen, you should be at her side. And most times, you don’t even have to speak.
Simply holding on like you won’t ever let go is enough. You don’t always need to offer solutions and can just be a listening ear.
No Judgment

It’s one thing to be able to comfort someone and another for you to be sensitive. Being sensitive to a woman’s thoughts and feelings requires you to put yourself in her shoes so you can understand how she’s feeling instead of brushing it off as yet another “girl thing.” Guys can be sensitive.
In fact, they should sensitive because they are human, after all. This goes beyond gender and just has to do with the ability to empathize.

Women get the short end of the stick a lot when it comes to things we’ve done in the past, and even things we’re doing currently. It’s not fair to think that it’s okay for a man to sleep with fifty women but it’s a crime against humanity if a woman sleeps with fifteen.
Don’t make her feel bad for the things she’s done or is doing. Just try to help her through them by listening and communicating.

One thing that’s a little unfair is how easily most women seem to accept the good and the bad about their men, but when the coin is flipped, the favor isn’t returned. We’re not asking you to accept dangerous habits or behaviors, but accept the parts about us that are not so appealing.
Remember, no one is perfect. The good comes with the bad, and you just need to decide if the “bad” is something you can accept.
No Lying

Support in a relationship goes both ways, no matter what your role is. Your woman shouldn’t have to ask for your support. You should let her know that she has it whenever she needs it (and even when she doesn’t). When a man holds up his woman, she can reach the stars.
And when a woman holds up a man, he feels like a king. That’s because a relationship can bring out the best in both people.
No Cheating

This one is huge for men and women alike. Being 100% honest is very hard, so we’ll excuse the little lies–like you forgetting to pick up the eggs or not buying a gift for national girlfriend’s day. But when it comes to the big things, be honest, even if it’ll hurt for a little while.
We’ll respect you a lot more for telling the truth. The best way to mitigate this is just by doing the right thing the first time so you don’t have to lie.
Impromptu Trips

This one goes without saying, and it should not be something a woman has to ask for. If you’re not ready to fully commit or you have a history of cheating, please don’t go about breaking any hearts. It’s not cool to do this to people, and you’ll be in for some serious karma.
Just break up instead of sharing possible diseases. Thanks. We are interested in honesty, and cheating is never honest. If you want an open relationship, be upfront about it.
A Positive Attitude

You don’t need to be in the best place financially to spend a night at a hotel in another city or even take a road trip through a few states or countries. And you don’t have to do it that often, either. Just surprise her every once in a while; she’ll appreciate the effort you put into it.
Even if she doesn’t like surprises, she will like this type. If you’re worried about it, pose her a question like “where would you want to go if you could go anywhere this weekend?”
More Laughs

Positivity in a relationship can help a great deal, especially if your girl is the kind who gets stressed easily. It allows you to get over disagreements and rough patches much faster than you’re used to, and it can go a long way in helping you understand your partner’s needs.
Keep in mind we said “positive,” not “preachy.” Offer the optimistic side of things, but don’t lecture about why it’s wrong to feel negative in a certain situation.
Cute And Silly Texts

You can never laugh too much in a relationship. Really, have you ever had a woman break up with you because you made her too happy? Whatever you’re doing may be fine, but it won’t hurt to make her laugh a tiny bit more. There’s a reason laughter is said to be the best medicine.
Not to mention that laughing (and making others laugh) is a great way to loosen up and really have a lot of fun with friends and family!
More Compliments

Women love this no matter their age. And it’s not something we can ask for, because the message is never as sweet if we ask you guys to send it. It should be funny, cute, and from the heart. These little moments let a woman know you are thinking of her in all of the best ways possible.
Make sure you do it in the morning and at night, too. It’s always nice to be greeted with an inside joke or a cute image that tells us you’re thinking of us.
More Romantic Gestures

A girl can never get too many genuine compliments. But be sure to mix it up; if you keep saying the same thing over and over again, it will sound forced. You could also say the same thing in different ways. The compliments don’t have to be just about her looks and appearance, either. Although those are nice, too.
However, what about her brains, sense of humor, fashion style, and other things? Or what about more obscure things like you about her, like her attitude or choice in food?
More Physical Contact

Buying flowers, getting her favorite kind of chocolate, and surprising her with a lunch date are all things that men should do (and often, too) to keep the romance alive in a relationship. At the end of the day, you know your lady the best. Being romantic can go way beyond food options (although ladies love food too).
Try writing a poem, singing a song, or cleaning the house. How romantic. It sounds sarcastic, but really, completing a menial task so she doesn’t have to makes a big difference.
More Eye Contact

In our experience, women love being touched. There’s something about knowing that your man can’t keep his hands off you that makes a woman feel attractive and wanted. Don’t overdo it by not allowing her space to breathe, but sneak a few touches here and there (especially in public places).
Besides, one of the differences between you and a friend is the touchy-feely stuff. Women want to be special to you.
More Kisses

Eye contact, whether it be during kissing, making love, or even sharing an unspoken message in a group of people, shows that you and your girlfriend have a deeper connection than most, and it’ll make her feel special. Besides, there’s nothing like losing yourself in the depths of the eyes of the man you love.
Take our word for it! After all, aren’t those eyes one reason why you fell in love? Communication is important, and this is one often ignored aspect.
Forehead Kisses

To our knowledge, most women love kissing: all kinds of kissing. And it can go a long way in helping set the mood. A man who takes his time to kiss his woman properly is a man capable of taking his time to do other things, like pamper his lady and make her feel special.
Please don’t pack on the PDA, but you can make her feel loved with more love. A woman’s threshold for physical touch varies by individual.
Intimate Appeal

There’s a funny meme which says that forehead kisses are how men steal a woman’s senses and, to a certain extent, it is true. This little act makes us feel small and protected and loved and wanted. The more, the better. A simple forehead kiss is easy and quick, but it means the world to women; trust us.
Plus you can avoid morning breath with a forehead kiss instead! What a covenient way to wake up each morning and show your woman you love her.
The Occasional NSFW(ish) Photo

We didn’t list physique here because different women like different things. But we can’t find one woman who isn’t a fan of general physical appeal. This is something you exude naturally, but as with anything, there are ways to improve or magnify the appeal you give out on a daily basis.
These options can be more than lifting weights and wearing lingerie. Try giving your mate that look. You know which look we are talking about.
For You To Be A Friend

You might be shocked to see this one, but yes, we like this kind of thing too. But note- it doesn’t have to be a photo of your private parts. In fact, it shouldn’t be a photo of your private parts. Send your lady a picture of her favorite body part of yours- your lips, your abs, your butt, that freckle next to your eye, and so on.
Just make sure nobody else on your phone can see them, like the kids, parents, or well, anyone. Privacy is a big concern here, so be careful.
Someone They Can Be Proud Of

Have you ever wondered why relationships that started out as great friendships go so well most of the time? It’s because each party knows each other well enough to carry that over into a romantic relationship. So be a friend to your girl, even if she has five best friends already.
You wouldn’t yell at or cheat on your best friend, would you? Have this same consideration and affection for your romantic partner…who is hopefully the same person.
To Be Loved

If you didn’t know, women love a man they can show off to others. But more than that, they enjoy being with someone who makes them feel some kind of pride. So be that kind of man, whether it’s with your job, the little things you do for others, or the things you do for your relationship.
Always try to impress your girl. Yeah, you can be yourself and be comfortable around her, but never lose that spark.

At the end of the day, this is what it comes down to. No woman wants to be in a long-term relationship with a man who doesn’t love her, or at the very least shows that he cares. If you aren’t ready to share your love, you should let her know in advance.
Jackie Wilson sang it best (and actually, Berry Gordy wrote it): To be loved, to be loved! Oh what a feeling! To be loved.