These Celebrities Suffer From Allergies Like The Rest Of Us

Lady Gaga – Allergic to Ammonia

When you’re diagnosed with an allergy, it’s easy to feel frustrated and even isolated as you watch friends and family enjoy things that make you sick. It always helps to know that you’re not alone. In fact, even famous people suffer from allergies. Read on to discover if you share an allergy with your favorite celebrity…

Lady Gaga’s eccentric outfit choices may make it easy to forget, but she’s human just like the rest of us, even suffering from allergies. To avoid rashes and sneezing fits, the star has to steer clear of ammonia, a chemical often found in hair dye, beauty products, and household cleaners. 

Jessica Simpson – Allergic to Gluten, Coffee, and More

Celebrities often go on strict diets to look their best for a big event or role, but Jessica Simpson’s allergies keep her on a strict diet year-round. The singer and actress has reactions to gluten, coffee, corn, hot peppers, cheese, tomatoes, and even chocolate. It’s hard to imagine how the mother of two manages to avoid coffee, pizza, and chocolate cake, but she seems to manage her allergies without much complaint.

Britney Spears – Allergic to Bee Stings

It’s a good thing Britney Spears performs most of her concerts indoors. Outdoor venues could put her at risk of a bee sting mid-performance, which would have her breaking out in hives in no time. Of course, many people with bee sting allergies keep an EpiPen on hand in case of emergency rather than avoiding the outdoors altogether.

Halle Berry – Allergic to Shrimp

If you’re ever so lucky to grab dinner with Halle Berry, don’t suggest seafood. The Oscar-winning actress is allergic to shrimp. She’s one of 7 million Americans with a shellfish allergy, so on second thought, you may want to double check with any friend for allergies before suggesting seafood— famous or not.

Ray Romano – Allergic to Peanuts

Peanut allergies are no joke, but having one doesn’t keep comedian and actor Ray Romano from smiling. Although peanut allergies can prove fatal, those who are cautious can still enjoy a full and healthy life. Romano has a thriving career and is well-known for starring in Everybody Loves Raymond.

Zooey Deschanel – Allergic to Eggs, Dairy, and Gluten

You probably already love Zooey Deschanel for her beautiful voice and lovable characters in New GirlElf, and 500 Days of Summer, but did you know she lives with multiple allergies? Eggs, dairy, and gluten are all off limits for the star, and those allergies can be just as frustrating for her as they are for everyone else. She once tweeted, “My allergy pill to cups of coffee ratio is WAY off today. WAY OFF, you guys.” 

Joshua Jackson – Allergic to Tree Nuts

From the outside looking in, life often seems easier for celebrities. However, those with allergies still have to be extremely cautious every single day. Former Dawson’s Creek actor Joshua Jackson went to the emergency room with a complication from his allergy in 2011. He has to stay on guard against cashews, walnuts, and other tree nuts in order to avoid any more trips to the hospital.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck – Celiac Disease

While some stars stay pretty quiet about their allergies, former co-host of The View Elisabeth Hasselbeck has used her platform to speak up and encourage those who share in her diagnosis of Celiac Disease. She even authored a book titled The G-Free Diet to help others navigate allergies to gluten, wheat, rye, barley, and oats. 

Clay Aiken – Food Allergies 

When American Idol shot Clay Aiken into stardom, his life changed forever. Unfortunately, one thing that didn’t change was his long list of food allergies. The singer is reportedly sensitive to coffee, chocolate, shellfish, tree nuts, and mushrooms.  After refusing to let any allergies hold him back from chasing his dreams, Clay Aiken became one of the most famous American Idol runners-up of all time.

Kim Kardashian – Allergic to Cats and Baby Powder 

Kim Kardashian was filming when she discovered that she was allergic to cats— including her kitten Mercy. The star isn’t alone in having to adopt a cat-free home. Up to 25% of Americans have this same allergy. In addition to a cat allergy, Kim is also allergic to talc, which is found in baby powder and many cosmetic products. While it’s impossible to imagine the reality TV star giving up makeup altogether, she does have to keep an eye on the ingredients to avoid a rash.

Kelly Clarkson – Allergic to Pollen, Dog Hair, and Peanuts

After experiencing a wide range of allergy symptoms, Kelly Clarkson took a trip to a specialist in 2013 to find out what was going on. The star was stuck with 54 needles in a prick test in order to discover she had a long list of allergies, including pollen, dog hair, and peanuts. With a list like that, it may just be easier to stay home, but the singer continues to travel frequently to perform for her fans.

Selena Gomez – Allergic Rhinitis

Everyone loves the relief of a good sneeze, but can you imagine sneezing all the time? Selena Gomez sure can. She has allergic rhinitis, a condition that causes a runny nose and excessive sneezing in response to allergens. For the former Disney channel star, freshly cut grass is just one of the things that can set her off and have her reaching for a tissue.

Miley Cyrus – Allergic to Certain Antibiotics

An allergy to antibiotics can be particularly frustrating. No one wants the medicine they take when sick to make them even sicker. Plus, allergic reactions can pop up suddenly after multiple doses of an antibiotic. Miley Cyrus understands. Her allergic reaction to antibiotics sent her to the hospital in 2014, even delaying the start of a tour.

Steve Martin – Allergic to Shellfish

You can find Steve Martin in a number of popular movies including Father of the Bride, Cheaper by the Dozen, and The Pink Panther— but you certainly won’t find him in a seafood restaurant. The actor can’t have shrimp, lobster, or clams due to his shellfish allergy. 

Tina Fey – Allergic to Dogs

Tina Fey is undoubtedly a beloved actress and comedian, but she’s also a doting mother. She allows her kids to have a pet dog— despite her dog allergy!— simply because they love animals. Many moms pass on puppies and the work they entail even if they don’t have a dog allergy, so you have to admit that this was a pretty selfless decision.

Cyndi Lauper – Allergic to Dust

When Cyndi Lauper appeared in the ninth season of Celebrity Appearance, it was revealed that she suffered from a dust allergy. It didn’t keep her from giving the show her all, however. After coming in sixth place, the star donated her winnings to the True Colors Fund. 

Diane Kruger – Allergic to Candle Wax and Flowers

When it comes to fragrant items like candles or flowers, Diane Kruger has a firm policy of look but don’t smell. Although she collects candles in appreciation of their colors and styles, burning them gives her an allergic reaction. Her flower allergy, on the other hand, made for an interesting first date with her boyfriend Joshua Jackson after he took her to a restaurant full of beautiful but sneeze-inducing florals.

Amy Adams – Allergic to Certain Flowers

When Amy Adams’ husband Darren De Gallo is in the dog house, he can’t just send flowers like most husbands would to apologize. In fact, if he did, it would probably just put him in even deeper trouble for forgetting his wife’s allergies. The actress, who has won Academy Award nominations and the hearts of millions of viewers, is allergic to certain flowers.

Kelly Osbourne – Allergic to Cat Urine

If you follow Kelly Osbourne on Twitter, you can’t help but wonder if she has some undiscovered allergies. She tweets quite often about being tired of sneezing constantly. At least one allergy has been identified, however— cat urine. The star opts for pups as pets instead.

Drew Barrymore – Allergic to Garlic

While you may have to avoid garlic on a big date, actress Drew Barrymore has to avoid it for the rest of her life. Her garlic allergy means she has to carefully examine all food labels to avoid having an uncomfortable reaction, though it certainly doesn’t seem to have stood in the way of her successful career in Hollywood.

Kate Middleton – Allergic to Horses

Although Prince William loves horses, his wife has to be cautious of spending too much time around them. Rather than having a dog or cat allergy, Kate Middleton is allergic to horses. The animals can cause her to sneeze, though it’s admittedly difficult to imagine the graceful duchess sneezing uncontrollably, allergies or no allergies.

Eva Longoria – Allergic to Perfume

Actress Eva Longoria may be friends with a lot of celebrities, but you won’t find her trying any of their perfume lines any time soon. The star is allergic to strong colognes and perfumes, which can cause her to sneeze and her sinuses to swell. In order to prepare for the red carpet, Longoria must spritz herself with a chemically-altered perfume that won’t cause a reaction.

Vanessa Hudgens – Allergic to Chlorine

When looking for Vanessa Hudgens in the tabloids, don’t expect to see her relaxing in a swimming pool. The actress is allergic to chlorine, and swimming in a chlorinated pool could cause her to develop rashes and red patches. At least she can still enjoy a dip in the ocean when on vacation!

Jeremy Clarkson – Allergic to Nickel

Jeremy Clarkson, writer and host of the TV show Top Gear, is allergic to nickel. Fortunately, this allergy is probably far less infuriating for him than it would be for most women, since nickel is often found in necklaces, earrings, and other jewelry. Symptoms of a nickel allergy include itchy, swollen skin following extended contact with the metal.