Every Shape and Color

Have you ever seen a picture of a dog and a cat — one of the most iconic pairs of enemies — cuddling together, as if they were the best of friends? Or have you ever come across a story of a dog that befriended a cub, or an elephant?
Dogs seem to be able to befriend so many other species of animals, and as you might picture, this has resulted in some of the most adorable photos imaginable. Check out these incredible snapshots of dogs bonding with other animals, and learn exactly how dogs befriend other animal species in the first place…
Why Does It Happen?

Dogs are extremely social animals and any lack of social interaction can really be hard for them. They tend to get along well with each other (though some breeds may not). Friendship isn’t limited to shapes and colors and dogs easily prove this. But why does this happen?
Young Mammals

Is it just in a dog’s inborn nature to be outgoing and friendly? Psychologist Dr. Stanley Coren aims to give us a clear answer. It basically appears to be a mix of biological and environmental factors that shape this behavior and dogs seems to enjoy it a lot. But not everyone is accepted to be best buds with dogs…
Foster Moms

Dr Stanley Coren states that the fact that dogs are mammals means that they’re more keen to befriend a young mammal as they feel that they’re helping one of their kind. “All mammals have certain pheromones— biological scents—they give off, and they have a certain communication value,” Dr. Coren explains.
A Special Bond

Dr. Coren also says that female dogs are more likely to befriend and adopt a young mammal. They consider the new animal a member of their family and they seem not to discern between species. They essentially become foster moms.
“Pheromones indicate if an animal is young, and often we find female dogs respond to that. They start to mother these animals very much as if they were their own pups,” Dr. Coren says.
Young And Fuzzy

By the time a dog shows some interest and becomes friends with another animal, the pair has to establish a special bond that usually takes some time to develop. This bond can become stronger with mutual exploration, play, and walks, though just cuddling together seems to do the job. There are cases that bonding couldn’t be established but they’re rare as pups tend to bond with everyone.
Why Other Animals?

“It starts with a female dog who decides to mother something that is young and fuzzy,” Dr. Coren comments. But why do dogs choose other animals and not other dogs? After all, dogs would be the most obvious choice for bonding, right?
Like A Teddy Bear

As stated before, dogs being extraordinarily social beings need human company more often than we think. They will bond with everyone that will keep them company. Also as dogs are bred by humans, they learn that other species aren’t necessarily a threat, at least those animals that people tend to be comfortable around.
Under The Right Conditions

Sometimes, dogs seem to find great psychological support and compassion in other animals like a human finds it in a teddy bear or toy. Dr. Coren states: “I think that’s the way the bonding occurs between a dog and a cat; the other animal becomes their support object, like a personal plush toy.”
Can’t Stand Isolation

Bonding though can’t always be successful. It has to happen under the right conditions as the animal has to feel secure and trust the environment in which his new friend will be introduced.
Is It Empathy?

It also appears that dogs can’t stand isolation. As Dr.Coren puts it: “Dogs feel very uncomfortable when they’re isolated, so they would much prefer to be with other dogs. But they’ll settle. It’s a companionship kind of a thing.”
Emotional Intelligence

There are multiple reasons why people welcome an animal into their lives, but why do dogs do it? Do they find them cute? Do they feel empathy for them or is it again biology? Dr. Coren again enlightens us by stating that: “It depends on how you define empathy. Dogs do respond to stress in other animals, but it depends.”
One Of Their Pack

Dr. Coren also says that dogs can feel and express basic emotions like a two or three-year-old human child would be able to do. They feel basic emotions like happiness, anger, sadness, but nothing too complex. If they can feel these emotions, it means that they likely can recognize them in other animals.
Wild Animals

By the time they realize that another animal would benefit from their existence, dogs already tend to do everything to help another animal in need. They feel the compulsion to help, which is a really primitive need, as Dr. Coren says. They feel like one member of their pack has to be helped.
Not Prey

How could you explain though, that dogs decide to be friends with wild animals like tigers, lions and wild bears? These are animals that they would absolutely be terrified of in the wild. It all has to do with the age that the two animals are introduced to each other.
Adopting Process

You’re probably wondering about prey-hunter relationship right now, but it all makes sense. Dr. Coren says that those bonds aren’t common but they can surely happen. If a wild animal – also a dangerous one- is introduced into a dog at the right age they’ll have developed a healthy friendship, and the danger is nearly eliminated.

“If a miniature poodle simply walks up to a cheetah, the cheetah is going to look at it and think, “Meals on Wheels!’” Dr. Coren says. “If you’re dealing with a power differential, the trick is the adopting process,” the doctor continues.

You don’t harm your friend right? Even if you’re a predator, you wouldn’t harm those that you consider your best pals. That’s the mindset that the adoption process aims for.
Lovely Animals

Humans also tend to be busy sometimes and as much as we don’t want to neglect our pets, it seems that sometimes, it is inevitable. That’s why having an animal pal seems to be perfect.
Hard Rock Squirrels

We can conclude that dogs are such adorable creatures that crave for social interaction from anyone, human or non-human. They’re capable of doing everything to find it. Even if they find it in another “weird” animal for them, they never hesitate to embrace the opportunity to make a great friend.
Transitioning from the cutest animal photos imaginable to perhaps the coolest, the following are photos of animals looking like they’re knowingly posing for an album cover! You can almost imagine what they’d be singing…
The Diva

A band’s album must have a great album cover to really stand out. Most of them are created to send a message about the mood of the album. And these nutty guys really know how to show off their personality and music. Expect some guitar solos from the tough guy on the right. The one in the middle is definitely the drummer – and we all know who’s the singer, right?
Check out another music-loving critter, this time conveying more emotion.
The Hottest Indie Rock Album…

Step aside, Mariah Carey, this lovely lady is stealing the top charts with her high notes and emotional lyrics. Her gorgeous fur show off a natural vibe, and her voice must be heavenly. She will surely grab an award this year with her winter hits. And she’s not the only one to ravage some hearts – check out this macho man later on…
Best Country Duo

They say they’re Indie Rock, but they also have some Folk influences. The first album seems to be a success, even if it was released with a low budget. You don’t need a lot of money with these voices and impressive haircuts, right?
Check out this next duo that was considering a similar album cover.
Bring Back the 60’s!

This country duo will release a classic album with some awesome songs. We love their haircuts too, and just looking at how the wind plays with their locks is enchanting. These guys must be heartbreakers!
Taking about heartbreakers, guess who stole hearts back in the 60s? They are classy, they got style and sunglasses!
Fall Out (GOOD) Boys

This album cover shows the 60s are back and they are here to settle music and fashion trends all over again! Don’t fight the pop, ‘cause you’re missing all the fun. Nobody will be able to resist this band’s music since they are bringing their A-game.
Here’s another band, if you like glasses and flannel…
Hottest Mandrill Mixtape

This mixed band features four good boys and a tough tabby ready to go on to the stage and rock out. If they’re the furry version of the Fall Out Boy, these pets should be called Fall Out (GOOD) Boys! And yes, we’ll include the cat this time, cause he looks really chill.
Did we say the cat was chill? You haven’t seen the next dude!
Step Aside, Justin Timberlake!

A unique album cover must reflect a singer’s performance. This Mandrill just finished the hottest Mixtape of this year, and it includes chill vibes to listen to as you drink your coffee and contemplate the meaning of life. Honestly, we cannot wait to hear his album – maybe it’s on Spotify!
Meanwhile, this guy shares some “feels” with the world…
Wu-Pand Clan

“Cry me a river” was a hit, and when we saw Justin Timberlake appear in that video, we lost it! This guy might be a copy-cat (erm… copy-dog?), but he’s sending the melancholy right through the screen. Probably one of his songs is titled: “I’m Not a Good Boy.” And the album cover was done in the shower! See what some close-ups and a little bit of lighting can do?
Street Stories, Vol. I

These pandas are not your regular boy-band. No, they know how to live on the wild side and have a lot of rimes that end in “us,” ‘cause… “Eucalyptus!” You can tell that the Wu-Pand Clan is chill and probably the best band in the world.
Check out these other bands – each sporting an attitude we’d never pull off!
Metal Band

These doves are straight out of Crumpton and will spit some street rhymes to leave you breathless. Their lyrics are fit for a hardcore rap album, and they’re focused on the tough life on the streets, working to gather those breadcrumbs. You’ve probably heard of their last hit “Rooftop Rap.”
There are some more hits you may be familiar with further down…
Best Folk Band Ever

They’re from Finland, and they’re here to rock on and shed on you like there’s no tomorrow. They’re Big, Bad, and Fluffy, and are the best Finnish rock band you’ve ever heard of. Wait until you hear their growls! They’re the Mrowr duo…!
Summer Macho Hits

The best folk album of the year goes to the Horn and Hooves, a contemporary progressive folk band you have probably never heard of, but that’s because you’re too into commercial music like the next one. Ugh, the music isn’t what it used to be…
The Pop Trio

The summer sensation of Australia is here to steal your girl! Ever heard that hit at the club? He released it in this album, and you’ll probably keep on hearing it at each and every party you attend this year. This tough Roo also has a poster many girls already hanged on their walls!
Electric Party Hits

The Horson to your Hanson, the pop to your bubblegum, this band is definitely trendy. And if you thought this band just got away with a selfie as an album cover, check out these other guys who they didn’t even lift a paw…
Top Christmas Carols

These guys have released the famous songs “Frostbite,” “Snow Blind,” and “Little Birds.” They like to mix the old and the new, so if you’re into these tunes, they’re the perfect band for your next electric party.
If you’re into solo artists, this guy from #2 will make your day.
The Band With the Selfies

There’s nothing more beautiful and peaceful like a Christmas carol album when you can feel like the choir is singing as if they were on your branch-sorry, we meant PORCH, not branch…
Girl Band’s Debut Rap Album

The lead singer will always want to be in front of every other band member. Just look at this young lady, feeling on top of the world and above the twin guitarists in the background. Talking about girls, check this next band.
Solo Album Hitting the Top 5

This girl band is ready to take on the world with their rap beats. Their lyrics are raw and ruthless, so don’t be fooled by the cute dude in the middle – it’s a trap.
Let’s check out the last superstars: the solo artist and the bass dropper.
Dropping the Bass

This solo artist has just released his album, and his song “Forever Faithful” has been the top song of the week. We think the next one will be “Where Do the Squirrels Go?” probably followed by “Avalanche Falls.” And the last one is a hoot
Zach Galifianakis

Looking at the feathery member of the band, it seems that they’re a DnB duo, with the chill pooch creating the sounds and the tough owl constantly dropping the bass. The dog won’t drop the bass because that’s not what the good boys do – that’s what his momma taught him.
We love to imagine that animals have the same characteristics as humans, and we do this especially when it comes to dogs. But maybe we’re not always imagining it. Don’t believe us? Check out a bunch of dogs who could easily be identical twins with some celebrities…
Steve Buscemi

A good haircut and some preening can make all the difference for man and beast. This adorable spaniel shows off his new haircut, revealing his eyes and proudly displaying a countenance very much like comedian and actor Zach Galifianakis.
When Galifianakis first appeared on the Hollywood scene, his appearance in The Hangover and Due Date did not exactly scream “well-groomed.” His loveably shaggy, unkempt look lent itself well to hilarious character portrayals, and he continues to make us laugh in everything he’s cast in.
Richard Gere

Another distinctive face in Hollywood film and television turns up on the canine scene. Steve Buscemi has found his twin flame in this pint-sized, sweet furry version of himself. A perfectly appointed Buscemi look is evident in the gaze these two share.
This former New York City firefighter landed breakout roles with Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs and Simon Wests’s Con-Air. His work on the big screen and in television have earned him accolades, such as Screen Actors Guild Awards, Golden Globes, and Emmy Award nominations.
John Travolta

Hollywood stud Richard Gere and this dapper canine manage to have nearly identical facial expressions. From their subdued, yet piercing eyes all the way down to a small and confident smile that seems to say, “I know I’ve got that certain special charm.”
Gere began his acting career in the ’70s with Looking For Goodbar and Days of Heaven, before making it big with hits like An Officer and a Gentleman and Pretty Woman. These days, he splits his time between appearances on television hits like MotherFatherSon and advocating for human rights in Tibet and Indonesia.
Harrison Ford

There’s something about this dog’s icy blue stare that can’t help but make you think of acting talent John Travolta. Perhaps it’s the similar expression of amusement they both seem to have on their face. But one thing is for sure, these two seem like quite the match.
After Travolta burst onto the scene and into our hearts with box office successes like Saturday Night Fever and Grease, he managed to carve out a significant place for himself among the Hollywood elite. Travolta, an avid member of the Church of Scientology, recently discussed coping with the passing of his longtime partner, actress Kelly Preston.
Samuel L. Jackson

Nice guy Harrison Ford has this golden retriever’s expression nailed to a T. Ford could have been considered America’s golden boy himself at several points in his career, playing iconic characters like Indiana Jones and Han Solo. This subtle smirk from both is a nod to the actor’s and canine’s good looks, as well as natural charisma.
Aside from making blockbuster hits such as Air Force One and The Fugitive, Ford offers his services as a licensed pilot to assist in search and rescue missions near his Wyoming home. Also a dedicated environmental activist, he has served as the Inaugural Vice Chair of Conservation International since 1991.
Clint Eastwood

The side-by-side comparison of angry and intense encapsulates many roles in Samuel L. Jackson’s career. The pitbull’s frustration was with a recent bath, while it’s anyone’s guess what the iconic Pulp Fiction actor is thinking as he’s staring down the camera.
Jackson’s successful Hollywood run in film and television has grossed over $27 billion worldwide, elevating his status to one of the highest-grossing actors of all time. He’s had recent cameo appearances as Nick Fury in many of the Marvel movies, as well as voiceover parts in The Incredibles 2.
William H. Macy

This gentle giant of a hound has the same wise look to his eyes that Clint Eastwood sports. They may be both revealing their age in this wisdom, but we might be up for seeing their collaboration on a future movie that showcases this star quality.
Thanks to some well-chosen roles in the ’60s and ’70s, Clint Eastwood became a cultural icon for being genuinely cool. His many achievements in front of and behind the camera include four Academy Awards, four Golden Globe awards, and an AFI Life Achievement Award.
Julia Roberts

Few people in Hollywood are as distinctive and recognizable as William H. Macy. Until this cocker spaniel appeared on the scene, sporting the same unique hairstyle and large eyes, we thought Macy had the market cornered with his unique look.
While much of Macy’s career has been centered around appearances in small independent films, he has appeared in some big films such as Fargo and Boogie Nights. In recent years, he starred on the hit TV show Shameless. His work has earned him two Emmy Awards and four Screen Actors Guild awards, including an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor.
Tilda Swinton

Women for decades have spent countless hours trying to emulate some of Julia Roberts’ style. How unfair that a dog should be able to achieve this beautiful look with little to no effort. Afghan Hounds are known for their thick, lustrous coats of hair, so this match was made in hair heaven.
Those tresses may have gotten Roberts in the door to several auditions, but it was her acting prowess that allowed her to rise above her contemporaries and steal the show with performances in Steel Magnolias, Pretty Woman, and Erin Brockovich. She is set to star in Ticket To Paradise alongside guy pal George Clooney in October 2022.
Ron Perlman

Tilda Swinton has a unique, ethereal beauty that makes her visage quite distinctive in nearly any show or movie that she appears in. Apparently, she has some competition for “best death stare” and “iconic haircut” in this canine companion, an alabaster German Pinscher.
Originally born Katherine Matilda Swinton, Tilda’s breakout roles in Caravaggio and The Last Of England earned her critical acclaim. Unlike many big-time actors these days, she refrains from using social media.
Whoopi Goldberg

If Ron Perlman were to be in reincarnated as a dog, he’d most likely show up as this barbet. This breed of dog is a dead ringer for the star. Facial hair, eyebrows, and an icy stare to match are all proof positive that these two may be spiritually connected.
You might know Ron Perlman for his role as Vincent in the television series Beauty And The Beast. His work on the series earned him a Golden Globe and paved the way for much bigger projects to come, such as being the voice of hero Optimus Prime in the Transformers movies.
Snoop Dogg

Whoopi Goldberg has always managed to have a distinctive style. Though she’s had a few different hairstyles throughout the years, she manages to capture the same iconic look as this Puli, a perfect complement to her own unique look.
Goldberg began her career on stage and in film with a one-woman comedy show entitled Spook Show. It was so successful that the show was transferred to Broadway under the title Whoopi Goldberg, and her stratospheric success unfolded faster than she’d ever dreamed. She now spends most of her time on the daytime talk show The View, though in 2022 she landed in hot water for making some controversial statements on the show.
Richard Branson

Snoop Dogg is so friendly with his canine counterparts that he’s taken on their namesake for fame’s sake. From a very first glance at the eyes, it would appear that both this little Dachshund and Snoop are either extremely sleepy or thoroughly unamused by the photo op.
Born Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr., Snoop Dogg took on the persona to transform himself into one of the most successful rappers in American history. A distinctive melodic drawl and easy-going mannerisms make him a pleasure to watch onstage or in film. In 2022, he released his 19th studio album entitled BODR, which was actually the same day that he lit up the stage for the 2022 Super Bowl Halftime Show.
Peter Dinklage

As you behold billionaire Richard Branson alongside this Pekingese, it’s startling to note just how human our dog friend looks. The similarities that exist between the two are downright alarming, considering that the dog even sports the same skin tone and hair color as the cultural icon.
From a young age, it was evident that Richard Branson was destined to be an entrepreneur. His vision for and start of the Virgin Group has now grown to an organization that governs nearly 400 companies worldwide. His penchant for attempting to break world records has earned him an interesting reputation as an eccentric overachiever. He proved this even more by going to space in 2021.
Helen Worth

The spaniel breed has a very expressive face with many variations of hair color, eye color, and face shape. One aspect of this mahogany cutie that sets it apart from others is its uncanny resemblance to Hollywood actor Peter Dinklage.
Dinklage rose to worldwide fame as Tyrion Lannister on the hugely popular television series Game of Thrones. His work on the series earned him a Primetime Emmy Award, a Golden Globe, and a Screen Actors Guild award. In recent years, Peter has been focusing on voiceover work and advocacy projects for PETA and animal rights activism.
Patrick Stewart

Gail Tilsley’s distinctive look and dainty features mesh well with her canine counterpart, an impeccably dressed toy poodle with nearly identical hair and facial expression. Their shared hairstylist hit the mark when crafting glorious tresses, making both a sight to behold.
In actuality, Gail Tilsley is a fictional character on the British television series Coronation Street, played by actress Helen Worth. Worth played the part for nearly 40 years, receiving an Outstanding Achievement Award at The British Soap Awards 2014 for her crafty development of the character.
Judi Dench

Patrick Stewart is a Hollywood icon, best known for his portrayal of Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation. His start with the Royal Shakespeare Company led to a television debut in Coronation Street, earning the attention of producers who would eventually lead him to space/time notoriety.
Stewart and this terrier have quite a bit in common. The smile, the trademark bald look, and that charisma can be seen in both man and man’s best friend. The two make a charming couple and we understand why Stewart was the perfect choice to play Professor Charles Xavier in the X-Men series.
Henry Winkler

Some dogs just give an aura of attitude that resembles almost human qualities. Whether it’s posture, poise, or facial features, this golden retriever’s got some serious regal vibes going on, much like her female counterpart, Dame Judi Dench.
Judi Dench is regarded as one of Britain’s greatest acting talents. Her nearly sixty-year career has earned her numerous accolades, including an Academy Award, a Tony Award, two Golden Globes, and numerous other distinctions. As of 2021, she was still immersed in film projects such as Off The Rails and Belfast.
Burt Reynolds

The very idea that a German Shepherd could embody the very same qualities as lovable Henry Winkler seems preposterous, until you see the side-by-side comparison of the two. Charming smiles, goofy demeanors, and a warm countenance have us marveling at the similarities.
Winkler’s Hollywood career has been one of charm, luck, and an undeniable stage presence that created iconic characters such as the Fonz that will stand the test of time. Winkler made the smooth transition from acting to directing and producing, and has continued to stay front and center with films and television opportunities such as Scream, The Waterboy, Arrested Development, and the HBO hit series Barry.
Gene Simmons

Burt Reynolds had, for the most part, managed to age gracefully under the scrutinizing eye of many adoring fans. Many appreciated his movement into the silver fox phase of life, and his coloring is quite similar to this Greater Swiss Mountain dog that sports the same smirk.
The actor who voiced the lead character in the cartoon movie All Dogs Go To Heaven had a larger-than-life personality and charming demeanor that helped carve out a distinctive spot in Hollywood. Sadly, Reynolds passed away in 2018, but his long list of Hollywood triumphs are a fantastic way to remember and connect to his talent.
Peyton Manning

One only has to look at these two pictures to see what the photographer might be suggesting when it comes to man and dog. While the dog’s tongue length is indeed impressive, we hear many more sordid stories about what Gene Simmons is sporting as he spits on the microphone.
As the lead singer of the band KISS, Gene led his makeup-clad cohorts to musical victory. Over-the-top theatrics, unique branding, and sublime harmonies made KISS one of the most successful and quirky bands in history.
Eric Stonestreet

How cute is this? This dejected Labrador and disappointed quarterback Peyton Manning may be looking at the same scene, causing them to react in the same way. Chins are scrunched and bunched in a way that speaks volumes, yet in this case frustrating is pretty adorable.
Peyton may have scrunched up his face in distaste a time or two over his legendary football career. Following in the footsteps of father Archie and with his younger brother Eli right alongside him, he has procured many important distinctions in the NFL world, including an induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2021.
Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi

Chow Chows by nature are light-hearted and frivolous, sometimes downright blissful. Eric Stonestreet has been known to embrace the lighter side of life as well, and perhaps it’s this happy-go-lucky approach to life that produces similarities between the two.
Stonestreet rose to prominence with his role as Cameron Tucker in the hit ABC sitcom Modern Family, for which he received critical acclaim and Emmy awards. He’s most recently been seen collaborating with greats on America’s Got Talent and singing sensations Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber in “Stuck With U.”

If you are a closet fan of reality television (and even if you’re not), you likely became familiar with Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi in the MTV series Jersey Shore. Big hair, big makeup, and even bigger personalities contribute to an iconic look that this Maltese emulates almost effortlessly.
These days, Snooki is doing talk show appearances, web and television hosting, and has gained an impressive social media following. She is now seen lighting up the screen as a host on the show Messyness.
Brad Pitt

Even if we could turn back time, we wouldn’t want to, for it seems that Cher maintains her youthful looks despite her age. We can only hope that the Afghan Hound opposite her in this picture will continue to age as gracefully while they both sport pristine blonde locks.
Cher has enjoyed a decades-long career of chart-topping singles, fashion-forward presentations, and quirky film performances that showcase not only her talent, but her timeless beauty. Still active as a performer, Cher divides her time these days between a passion for performing and philanthropy.
Angelina Jolie

Schnauzers are handsome dogs, so it makes perfect sense that Hollywood hunk Brad Pitt should be likened to this goatee-clad canine in this list. Schnauzers are also known for their charming personalities and stellar work ethic, two other qualities that this man and beast share.
William “Bradley” Pitt stole hearts with his breakout role in the hit film Thelma And Louise. His film resume contains so many blockbusters, it’s easy to see how one of showbiz’s objectively most attractive men has gained a loyal following worldwide. When he’s not making movie magic, Pitt is involved in a number of humanitarian causes and charitable organizations, including the infamous Jolie-Pitt foundation that he and ex-muse Angelina Jolie created in 2006.
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge

It’s hard to conceptualize how the beautiful Angelina Jolie could be compared to any member of the canine class, yet this most adorable pug has the same luminous eyes and charming demeanor that could make them both leading ladies.
The other half of the Pitt-Jolie clan has had just as much success in film and television as her former partner. She’s scored big with critics and at the box office with hits like Gia, Girl Interrupted, and Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Jolie is also very involved in raising her large family and participating in charitable giving worldwide.
Clint Eastwood

Kate Middleton, or as she’s now known, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, is quite renown for her signature long locks that seem to be perfectly coiffed every time she steps out in public. This adorable dachshund is equally as impressive, sporting a long and luscious coat that closely resembles the royal.
Kate Middleton experienced a “happily ever after” moment when she married Prince William of the House of Windsor. Since their marriage, Kate and William have had their hands full with public appearances, charity work, and the business of raising three children–George, Charlotte, and Louis.
David Bowie

Yes, we may have cited Clint Eastwood’s good-looking resemblance to another dog on this list, but we couldn’t resist pairing him again with this Tennessee Brindle. Both look equally gritty, ready to deliver an evocative line that will likely go down in movie history.
Eastwood’s career has spanned nearly six decades, with film credits that revolutionized the spaghetti Western and action genres. From The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly to Dirty Harry and beyond, his character variety and evolution as an actor has been a joy to watch. Eastwood is slowing as he’s in his 90s, but he has maintained a solid presence behind the camera as a director for tons of critically-acclaimed films.
Gilbert Gottfried

This picture is a one-in-a-million comparison, right down to the rainbow sunbeam falling across a beautiful greyhound’s face. Music legend David Bowie’s iconic album cover is a dead ringer for this canine, complete with long facial features, vivid colors, and an ethereal appearance.
David Robert Jones, or David Bowie, as he was known professionally, was a multi-talented singer, songwriter, and actor. Highly regarded in music circles as one of the most influential musicians of our time, he passed away in 2016, but his legacy still inspires millions of other quirky rockers to reach for the stars.
Betty White

Gilbert Gottfried put distinctive voices on the map. With over-the-top facial expressions and mannerisms much like his dog companion, these two are almost a spitting image of one another. Wonder if the Chihuahua’s bark is as distinctive as Gottfried’s voice?
Gottfried was a national treasure, adding life and breath to the comedy community since his appearance at the famous club The Bitter End in Greenwich Village at the tender age of fifteen. He added his unique talents to several television and film roles, including Disney’s Aladdin, cracking jokes until the very end. Gottfried’s family reports that he was still making them laugh until he passed away from an illness in April 2022.
Channing Tatum

Betty White was yet another iconic comedy personality that changed the face of entertainment for women everywhere. Her adorable countenance was every bit as lovable as the Bichon Frise sitting next to her, equally perky and engaging.
This pioneer for women actresses and comediennes was perhaps most well known for her character of Rose on The Golden Girls, although she made many other significant contributions to the industry. Sadly, White passed away on New Year’s Eve of 2021, just a few weeks shy of her 100th birthday.

Regardless of how you know Channing Tatum, it’s safe to say that he is easy on the eyes, regardless of any role he takes on. This pitbull is equally as pleasing, complete with innocent expression and puppy dog eyes to match.
Channing Tatum first made his mark as a dancer in a Ricky Martin video, eventually showing off his moves as a dancer in Magic Mike. Moving seamlessly into television and print ads, his big break came with a role in She’s The Man. He’s set his sights high in the entertainment world, expressing an interest in directing and producing future films in addition to acting.
Rick James

Charo is a vivacious performer known for her famous catchphrase “cuchi cuchi.” She’s got a penchant for singing, dancing, and playing various instruments. This sunshiny personality closely resembles a Yorkshire Terrier with her long, flowing locks and pleasant smile.
Maria Rosario Pilar Martinez Molina Baeza thought it was probably appropriate to shorten her stage name in order to break through into the entertainment scene. She became a formidable presence on television in the ’60s and ’70s, appearing on series such as Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In and The Love Boat. She continues making music and performing around the world, which is her first love.
Martin Sheen

This likeness of Rick James and a poodle is pure magic. Both have enviable hair, intense expressions, and the ability to steal the show. We find ourselves envying those thick, lustrous tresses as we marvel at what type of hair products the poodle might need to use to maintain that do.
Rick James was a multi-faced singer and performer. Born and raised in New York, he began playing in the streets as a teen. His mainstream successes came with the release of an album entitled Glow and several appearances on the TV show The A-Team. He passed in 2004 from heart failure, but he left a legacy of high-quality entertainment and a famous Dave Chappelle sketch in his wake.
Orson Welles

Martin Sheen has a definitively cheesy smile, as does the adorable terrier next to him. It’s hard to imagine that either one of these brilliant smiles would not be camera ready if given the opportunity to shine.
Martin Sheen rose to Hollywood prominence with roles in films such as The Subject Was Roses and Badlands. He made his mark in showbiz in the movie Apocalypse Now. He has won several awards and accolades for his work, particularly for his role as President Josiah (Jed) Bartlet on the hit show The West Wing. He currently has a starring role in the Netflix series Grace and Frankie.
Gordon Ramsay

Orson Welles’ storylines have a reputation of being dark and ominous, in fitting with his intense, moody personality. These side-by-side portraits of Welles and an adorably crabby pup portray them as kindred—and cantankerous—spirits.
Welles was considered to be one of the most influential filmmakers of all time. A directorial role in radio led to notoriety as delivered such a convincing performance of War Of The Worlds that he incited real panic in listeners. He worked in film and television until the ’80s, delivering an interview on The Merv Griffin Show just hours before his death on October 10, 1985.
Nick Offerman

Those who love reality television and cooking shows know well the grimacing countenance of famed chef Gordon Ramsay. It’s not surprising that he should be paired with this Shar-Pei, as the disgruntled and upset face shows they have more in common than just their coloring.
Ramsay is a successful chef, restaurateur, and television personality who founded the global restaurant group, Gordon Ramsay Restaurants. After rising to fame on Britain’s Boiling Point, his fiery temper earned him the attention of American television executives. Despite his volatile personality, he’s managed to earn accolades and awards for his work as a chef and creative director of several television shows such as Hell’s Kitchen, Kitchen Nightmares, and MasterChef.

Nick Offerman gives off an air of comedic intensity as his breakout character Ron Swanson, as does this shepherd mix. Seeming to channel a bit of his own comedic timing, the dog and the actor have more than just a camera moment in common.
Offerman is an actor, comedian, writer, and carpenter most well-known for his role on the sitcom Parks and Recreation. His work in television and film has yielded him several awards and nominations for his high-quality work. Since 2018, he’s thrown himself into his carpentry passion alongside Amy Poehler as the co-host of Making It.

Yes, Chewbacca is a fictional character and cultural icon, but we cannot deny the uncanny resemblance between the larger-than-life character and the pint-sized likeness sitting in the passenger seat. This terrier is seriously committed to portraying the part of the legendary Wookie.