These European Travelers Faced The Biggest Culture Shocks In America

20. The Size of Drinks

Being shocked by a nation’s culture is a reality we all face nowadays. Ask anyone who visited America or ask Americans that visited other continents. We’re all shocked to see immense differences. And guess what Europeans remember when they said America!

Amazement, confusion and cringe-worthy moments are bound to be presented, so stay tuned and find out what people experienced as they reached the USA.

The Reddit user Tablekick writes: “I’ll personally never forget the look on my cousin’s from overseas faces when they ordered a “small” drink – it was actually a 20 oz. soda.” Would you tell the waiter that you ordered a small? Think again, cause small isn’t quite small!

Wait until you hear about the coffee at #17!

19. That’s Not One Dollar!

Stores with $1 products are actually more than a dollar because there is no tax on the tag, explains a user on Reddit – yakobski. So, you buy a ton of products each worth a dollar to find out that you have to pay a little bit more. Open the calculator app get extra money, cause you’ll have to pay more.

18. Did He Just Leave?

“I went to pay with card in a restaurant and the waiter just took it and walked off,” said YouserName007. Can you believe that the waiter just left with the person’s credit card? It’s like they took the walled filled with cash to remove the amount you had to pay and then returned with it! It really is insane!

17. That’s an Order For Diabetes!

Reddit user kashkavaliant said: “when I ordered a cappuccino at IHOP and it came in a bowl-sized mug with cream on top and was filled with sugar and vanilla.” With the size of drinks so huge, you must be prepared for the absolute sweet American cappuccino with whipped cream and some diabetes on the side…

Talking about cups, here’s another shocked European at #15.

16. Is That an Alligator?

Something that would easily increase your blood sugar would be to see a man holding an alligator in his arms! AlexHY1999 writes: “In 2015 I went to Florida. We walked past a crazy golf place, and a guy was holding an alligator in his arms, he also told me he had an 8-foot alligator in the back.”

The English man was stunned to see the Floridian, but we think that many other people from different states would freak out too.

15. Cups and Some More Cups

“I was extremely surprised that in fast food restaurants you will find unlimited soft drinks from time to time (like a refill cup).” Belikejordi added in the Reddit thread that “people pay extra for a bigger cup,” which is crazy because they do it, so they don’t have to go refill the cup!

Why? Laziness is a global thing, but maybe it has already reached its tipping point here…

14. Commutes and Churches

This European – upthebannana on Reddit – revealed their shock when they went to Texas: “the difference in religion is astounding,” adding that while Europe has beautiful churches, “they don’t seem to have the same spirit as [in] Texas.” The traveler was also shocked to see how much time Americans waste on morning commutes – “the driving distances are immense,” adding that people think an hour commute is normal.

13. Flags Everywhere!

“They have this internal culture that they are the most awesome country on the planet, the most righteous, the most amazing. La crème de la crème,” said Andrei Cimbru on Quora. Plus, there are so many Europeans wondering why there’s an American flag on almost every house?

Check out the next funny thing a European experienced in Florida.

12. English is not Normal English!

PeteSerut said that when he was in Florida, he went through a drive-through and had problems with ordering food. He is a Northern British man, but he doesn’t have an accent. So, when the lady couldn’t understand his order, “regardless of how slowly and carefully” he spoke, he decided to go inside. They still didn’t understand him, so he sent his sister to “put on her Florida accent” and order.

It worked, and the manager apologized, saying the “staff were only used to “normal” English.”

11. Chips Versus Fries

RaceHead73 went to the USA in 1987 and asked “for a burger and chips, then sat wondering why the hotel waitress looked at me funny. Then my food turned up…” Imagine his shock when he looked at his plate filled with crispy potato chips instead of fries!

Check out the next shocking and pleasing American habit…

10. Pedestrians Get to Cross the Street!

Joseph Isip noted on Quora that he was “blown that drivers actually STOP to let someone cross the street,” and that to the motorist’s dismay, “people chat on their phones while leisurely crossing the street taking their sweet time.” Another user on Quora added that they were pleasantly impressed that the pedestrians “hand gestures a thank you for the driver’s patience.”

Cheers to not needing to dodge cars while on the crosswalk! Talking about cars, here’s the next shocked European…

9. That’s a Tank!

“I really wasn’t prepared for the size of the cars!” wrote Redditer 1115955, adding that they’re not used to climbing a car. “And we had a rental car, a Dodge of some sort, that was pretty much a tank,” explained the European.

Americans just love the open road and, with states so big, the need for big and reliable cars is obvious. This next European went to Texas and couldn’t believe how huge the state is!

8. A Huge State

Just look at this photo, and you’ll get it! Iakar spent over 12 hours just driving their car through Texas: “I left my hotel in Texas at 7:00 am – stopped at McDonalds and got enough breakfast sandwiches to last me through lunch. I then stopped at a gas station to get gas and cigs and 2 cokes.” After one more gas station stop for gas, snacks, and toilet, he had to stop at another hotel at 7:30 pm, concluding: “I was still in Texas.”

7. Talking About Toilets?

Wrappedi wrote on Reddit that there is “So much water in your toilet bowls! It’s like you’re taking your turd for a swim.” Well, how would our dogs reach the tasty toilet water for a lick or two? Just kidding!

6. Welcome to Walmart

“Not European (am Australian) but went to a Walmart in Arkansas. It was just like stepping into the People of Walmart page,” wrote DorcasTheCat. This Australian just got a first-hand experience with the wide range of people browsing America’s retail store and was not disappointed.

Here’s something else travelers won’t be disappointed…

5. So Many Festivals!

Fay Yang is not a European, but wanted to share their experience with others: “I was in southern California and was impressed with the music scene, almost everyone I met was passionate about music and many play in their bands. This was very exciting.” What can we say, we Americans really need to rock out!

4. The Diversity In the USA

“There is so much diversity in this country it amazes me. And I think this is the foundation of what makes America an interesting country,” wrote Andrei Cimbru on Quora. However, there are some major differences when it comes to strangers saying “hi” to you, explains another European…

3. Casual “Hellos”

“While walking around Austin, random people would just give me a “Hey, how’s it going” as they walked past. In the UK, if someone even looks like they might glance in your direction, it probably means they’re about to try selling you something,” explained Deixel. Well, not all Americans say hi – you won’t see this happening in New York, for example!

2. Boston is Europe

Redditer the_geek_fwoop remembers that, when seeing Boston, they didn’t feel like they were in the USA: “Boston: didn’t notice I had left Europe.” The European also went to Houston and realized that “the people were as friendly as they were huge. And loud. Hugely loud,” adding that Nashville had delicious food.

1. So Many Drug Commercials!

Last but not least, ElliotWalker5 was stunned to see so many drugs being advertised on TV: “Your commercials on TV for prescription drugs. We found the disclaimers for the side effects hilarious.”

With so many Europeans weirded out by “strange” things happening in the USA, we cannot stop laughing!