What’s A Harmless Crime You Commit Every Single Day?

Watch the Road Signs

Is it so bad to tell a white lie once in a while? Most would say no. Is it bad to commit a crime every day that’s pretty harmless with minimal risk? Most would also say no. Sometimes, you don’t even know or realize that you’re doing it at all.

The police don’t really punish a lot of the crimes that people commit on the daily anymore. As long as you’re not hurting yourself or others, is it really a big deal? The answer to that is up to you. Check out these crimes that people commit every single day and see if you’re guilty.

Jaywalking. Jaywalking is another offense that, for the most part, isn’t really enforced. If you cause an accident, then you may get charged, but not really otherwise. I have to cross the road to get to the bus stop every day, and the nearest crosswalk is a 1-minute walk the wrong way.

Slow Down

You should always make sure you’re in a safe area if you’re jaywalking. Cars can literally come out of nowhere and hit you if they’re going too fast. You can still get in trouble for this in some areas around the world. Reddit User: KeelsDB

Driving slightly over the speed limit. Basically everyone’s guilty of this in some way. Sometimes it’s hard to stay exactly at the speed limit. There should be some room for error, though; I’ve seen people be charged for going 9 over the speed limit. Yup. 9 piddly miles per hour. 

Roll Out

People always drive at least 5 mph over the speed limit in my area. It has become normal to speed just a little bit in certain areas. You may still get in trouble for speeding around certain officers. Just be careful! Reddit User: [redacted]

Rolling through two-, three-, or four-way stop signs at intersections in the middle of nowhere. Rural to suburban Texas here…. If a tree fell down in the woods and no one was there to hear it, did it make a noise? Same principle, right? Did I really roll through if no one was there to see me not stop?


If you roll through a stop sign and no one was there to see it, did it really happen? I know a lot of people who do this. They live in the country where there are literally only a few people driving through on a daily basis. Reddit User: SocialismIsALie

I like to give free drinks to people I like at the bar where I work. This is technically theft, and it’s one way to stick it to the man if you don’t like your boss. A fountain pop literally costs cents to make. Beer, wine, and such? Well, that’s a tad more expensive. Just don’t get caught.

Censorship Is Overrated

It’s not really hurting anyone, but if I do it a lot, I guess it could hurt the business eventually. Reddit User: XXVIINish

Connect to a VPN in a country where the internet is censored. Countries shouldn’t be allowed to censor your internet browsing anyways, so what’s the harm? There are some countries around the world that don’t allow citizens to use the internet. I wonder what would happen if people who do this were caught? 

Digital Media Stash

Some of those countries are very strict and don’t tolerate lawbreakers. People aren’t allowed to view certain websites, but is it really worth getting into trouble? Reddit User: Connor92

I have pirated media sitting on my hard drives and a continually growing collection of movies and TV shows from illegal distributors. Copyright is actually a big offense that is taken pretty seriously. If you are caught with hard drives of pirated media, you could be charged thousands of dollars per file. 

One Love

The government can track this sort of thing, and many people have been charged thousands of dollars and end up in prison for illegal downloading.  If you want a movie, wait until it is released and buy it. Reddit User: Nearby_Government

Being gay is illegal in Zimbabwe. This should not be the case anywhere in the world. Everyone should be able to love whoever they choose, or at least they shouldn’t end up in prison. There are many countries around the world where people are allowed to marry whoever they choose. It should be legal everywhere. Not everyone is in a heterosexual relationship. 

Bacteria Beware

There is no reason for the hate experienced around the world for people in the LGBT community. Reddit User: LittleRedLamps

Genocide. I slaughter billions of bacteria daily with no remorse. Every day, our body works hard to fight off bacteria, and we need to help it by having a balanced diet and exercising regularly. Without the help and research of scientists around the world, a ton of diseases would be running rampant. 

Smoke Something Every Day

So personally, I think I’m just doing my part! This kind of genocide is a good thing. Reddit User: NotSoSmart58

Smoke, maybe? Honestly, that’s about it. This could be something like smoking weed or an underage person smoking cigarettes. Either way, if the person is unsure, then they’re probably law-abiding citizens. Smoking cigarettes in certain places is also illegal. People used to be able to do it everywhere, from planes to schools to hospitals. 

The Sports Channels Are Extra

Nowadays, you can’t smoke out in public. You have to be a certain distance from a building or in a casino. Reddit User: johanizer

Stream sky sports and whatnot. Like man, am I really paying for that? When you have to pay for each event or pay for the extra channels through your local provider because your plan doesn’t come with any other package, then that’s a problem. It’s an easy money grab for many companies because they know a lot of people will actually pay for it. 

Left or Right

There are many options available for streaming through different companies, and some are even free of charge! Reddit User: [redacted]

Not once have I ever signaled my intent to turn into my designated parking space at work. It’s one thing to signal on a road, but in a parking lot, that is a different story. In some places, you can’t be charged with certain traffic violations because parking lots are considered the private property of whatever business owns that lot. 

Have Your Pie and Eat It Too

It’s technically the nice thing to do, though, if someone is driving behind you. You should always use your turn signals on the road. Reddit User: Kether_Nefesh

In England, it’s actually illegal to eat a mince pie on Christmas Day. Oliver Cromwell banned them. Before people tell me I’m wrong, google it. It was a law so ridiculous they just don’t even enforce it. When it comes to laws like these, people don’t take them too seriously. It’s entertaining to google what kind of ridiculous laws are in your state and country.

Always Running Late

I bet you will be surprised at what you find. Some of them are things no one would ever do anyway. Reddit User: megasaurus420

Running a red light (on foot, not in a car). I have to, because I need 4 minutes from my university to my train platform. My train leaves at xy:49. We usually finish at xy:45. For some reason, the light is red every time I’m there, so in order to not miss the train, I always walk through it.

Obey the Signs, or Don’t

Because I’m on foot, it may be considered jaywalking instead of running a red light, I guess. Reddit User: ViolaSF

Sit on the grass. Sometimes people will post signs on their lawns: don’t sit/walk/drive on the grass. What if it’s a nice patch of grass? Honestly, you can get in trouble for trespassing or sitting on the grass in areas where it’s clearly marked to stay away. 

Stop and Smell the Roses

I’m not sure how much this would be enforced by the police, but it may be better to avoid doing things like this, just in case. The fines for trespassing in certain areas can be high. It’s just not worth it. Reddit User: Jakolence 

Trespassing on my neighbor’s yard to smell their flowers. If you do this and your neighbor gets really mad about it, try mentioning that you were admiring their impeccable gardening skills and how you wish you had an ounce of their abilities when it came to gardening. That might soften them up a bit. 

Two Traffic Violations

We should all take some time to smell the roses once in a while, right?. Everyone is always in such a hurry to get where they need to go. Take some time to relax! Reddit User: Pretenderrender

I tend to eat while I’m driving with no seatbelt on, haha. Distracted driving, like eating while driving, is one thing, but to also not wear your seatbelt is just asking for a ticket. This is an expensive one. It’s extremely dangerous to drive without a seatbelt, and yeah, I know it. 

Anarchist Cookbook

Eating while driving is just as dangerous as talking on your cell phone while driving. It doesn’t hurt to slow down and take the time to eat while you’re parked. Reddit User: RejectedBarbie

I make solid-fuel rockets as a hobby. Sometimes, these rockets will end up exploding, so they are basically pipe bombs. Note: these devices are usually 24 inches in length and 2-3 inches in diameter. The whole body is full of fuel, so the explosion, when it occurs, is huge with tons of shrapnel.

Can I Get Your Email?

I actually weaponized this in June and now have a device that sits on my arm and shoots missiles with magnesium payloads up to 120 yards accurately. Reddit User: IsaacBrown1

I like to register for coupons and stuff with fake 10-minute email addresses. My personal email address is only for work and family. No one wants their personal email bogged down with subscription-based emails. So, just put in a fake email address to get that 10% off discount code, then don’t worry about it after.

Pie Thief

This is technically cheating the system, but I don’t think you can get in trouble for it. I know a lot of people who have personal email addresses and email addresses for things like this. It’s really not hurting anyone. Reddit User: andreirock22

I steal my neighbor lady’s pie off her window sill every single morning on my way to the factory. Usually, I can eat the whole thing before the foreman rolls up in his brand new Cadillac. Gee, one day I hope I can make the big bucks like him and be living the high life with my own car and house with a pool.

Is This Safe?    

Maybe I’ll even have an automated dishwashing machine too.  Boy, that’d be the life. Reddit User: 100_Donuts17

I admit, when I was young, I would drive without using my turn signals. This can be extremely dangerous. Turn signals are there for a reason. They keep us and others safe on the road while we’re driving. You should always use your turn signals while driving, even if you don’t want to.

Password Sharing    

It’s an easy way to cause accidents and hurt people. You wouldn’t want to hurt anyone, right? Reddit User: superkickpalooza

I don’t know if it’s legal or illegal, but sharing Netflix passwords, I guess? I know plenty of other people who share Netflix and Hulu passwords with each other. One person will pay for Hulu and the other will pay for Netflix, and then they’ll share with each other to save money and split costs.

Someone Is Strong!

The prices are similar for each service, so no one is losing out. It was recently announced that Netflix will start to crack down on password sharing. I’m not sure how they’ll do this, but a lot of people are going to be upset. Reddit User: faux pas

I’m a college student. Someone keeps going around and flipping heavy concrete benches at the bus stops. The campus police started referring to it as the “serial bench predator.” What would possess someone to do this? They must be really strong. Those benches are like, super heavy. And why bother?

Helping Shouldn’t Be Illegal    

It could be some kind of joke or someone who’s angry with the college. In any case, it could be considered a form of vandalism. I wonder if the police ever found the person doing it? Reddit User: PM_ME_WHAT_YOU_WANT_ 

In some places, you can be arrested and imprisoned for giving food to the homeless, I believe? It shouldn’t be illegal to help the people who desperately need it. What would cause a law like this to be put in place? In any case, if you have the means to help the homeless, you should be able to without repercussions. 

Getting in Trouble Over Water

Everyone needs a little help every now and then. It’s normal to go through rough patches. As long as you try your best to get out of it, everything will be okay. Reddit User: jasontredecim

I don’t know if you can go to jail…but in my state, it’s illegal to collect rainwater, and that seems pretty harmless to me. There are some people who live off the grid and depend on rainwater to survive. This is one of those laws that shouldn’t exist, in my opinion. 

Master of Disguise 

If you properly filter the water, it should be safe to use. Maybe the reason for this law is the risk of diseases from mosquitoes around the world. They’ve caused some serious problems this year. Reddit User: JustAnotherKevin

As far as I was told, in some states in America, you can still be arrested for wearing a fake mustache to church, but only if people laugh at it. Police officers probably won’t enforce this if they catch you. What happened to make this law get put in place? I’m sure there’s an awesome story.

Squished Ice Cream

Why would you wear a fake mustache to church? I have so many questions. Why do people have to laugh before it’s illegal? Reddit User: MrAlarming

Carrying an ice cream cone in your back pocket is illegal. I don’t remember which state. Why would you put an ice cream cone in your back pocket anyway? I don’t understand why someone would do something like this. The ice cream would melt and make a huge mess. 

No Fliers Allowed    

Why wouldn’t you just eat it before it melts? There has to be a backstory somewhere online. Reddit User: signify

Sometimes a place will put up a notice that says “Post No Bills,” meaning “Please do not attach a poster or flyer (or graffiti) to the fence/wall/etc. Not sure if it’s a law thing; it might be, as some cities might have regulations on keeping clean walls and such, which would mean a minor fine of some sort.

Illegal Dancing    

I’ve seen poles with tons of flyers in my area, and it looks messy. If you’re having a yard sale or event, you should always return to these areas and remove your flyers before they make a mess. Reddit User: Tsquare

Dancing is/was illegal on Good Friday in Europe. I’m not sure if the law is still in place. Dancing is a fun pastime, but there are certain places where you shouldn’t do it…including Europe at one point. It makes you wonder what happened to make this a law in the first place. 

It’s Cruel

Was someone being disrespectful at a church on Good Friday? There are all kinds of clubs and places to dance around the world, but the church may not be the best place to bust a move. Reddit User: Pumuckl4Life

It’s illegal to own a single guinea pig in Switzerland or any social species of animals, as it’s seen as cruel to keep them away from others of the same species. So you have to own more than one guinea pig. Like I said, that goes for all species that live socially in their natural habitat. 

Interesting Laws     

I’ve always thought it would be better to have at least two pets of the same species. Everyone needs a friend, right? It kind of makes sense. I wonder what the repercussions would be for breaking this law. Reddit User: Tballz9

At least in New Hampshire, it’s illegal to pick up trash, build a bench, or otherwise clean up or improve White Mountain National Forest without a permit. It’s also illegal to relieve oneself while looking up on Sundays. Why would it be illegal to help keep the ecosystem thriving at a national forest? 

Dangerous Speeding

The world is falling apart, with mountains of trash in the oceans and parks. We should all be able to clean our parks and oceans without repercussions. Reddit User: benjocaz

A lot of people around the area I live in Arizona tend to go 10 to 15 miles per hour over the speed limit. This can be dangerous, but it’s quickly becoming the norm in the United States. Everyone is always in such a hurry to get where they’re going, even if it means speeding pretty obviously. 

No Ducks, Please    

Why is it so hard for people to follow the speed limits? They’re put in place to keep us safe.  I’m sure there are areas where more accidents happen because of this. It doesn’t make any sense. Reddit User: Phillboi

Well not my country, but in my state, it’s illegal to cross the state border into the state with a chicken and/or duck on your head. There are some strange laws in place all over the world. It really makes you wonder what the backstory is with this one. Was someone terrorizing people with a duck?

No Wild Pets    

Did a lawmaker hate ducks and chickens? In any case, I’m sure this law isn’t strictly enforced. Reddit User: Please

It’s illegal to own wildlife as pets, but if you just so happen to have a friendly possum that sleeps in your roof and “steals” your morning toast and a cup of coffee on the back verandah, that’s fine. This law makes sense, but I’m sure there are people out there who would try to keep wild pets in their homes. 

Motorcycle Laws    

Wild animals have adapted to their environment, and anything new or different could cause problems for them. They just aren’t meant to live in our homes. Reddit User: _twit_150d

If you’re riding a bicycle at a time where you need the lights turned on, then you, the driver, must be able to see your backlight. You have to see it while sitting on your bike by moving your head just very slightly to the left or right. That is 100% impossible. 

That’s Weird!    

Also, why do I know of this law? I haven’t got a clue. How is it possible to see something behind you? Reddit User: legendary boomer

In Philadelphia, you can’t put pretzels in a bag, one cannot become a governor if they’ve participated in a sword duel, and it’s illegal to sleep atop a fridge outdoors. What difference does it make if pretzels are in a bag? They’re sold that way all over the country, and it keeps them warm! 

Horse Laws    

Also, why would you sleep on top of a fridge outdoors? It seems like a strange law that has no purpose. Reddit User: AHugeToad

In Victoria, Australia, a cab driver must carry hay and water for a horse. (This law is still in effect.) It’s also an offense if the owner of a pub doesn’t have a place for the pub’s patrons to tie up their horses. Horses were, as you might have guessed, a pretty big thing at one point.

Rabbits and Sailboats    

What would the punishment be for people and businesses that disobeyed these laws? Reddit User: OneAussieMan

In California, it’s illegal to herd rabbits with sailboats. It’s also illegal to own a blowpipe, because they’re an assassin’s weapon. What would possess a person to herd rabbits with a sailboat to begin with? I’m not even sure that someone would try to do this. Wait, are the rabbits swimming?

I’m not sure if there’s anyone out there who would even want a blowpipe. Maybe some kind of collector? I can see why that one would be considered dangerous and illegal. Reddit User: TerriblePersone