Wild Animals Celebrities Kept As “Pets” Despite All Common Sense

Vanilla Ice’s Kangaroo

Adding a furry or feathery member into your family can be a great decision. As long as you take care of your cat, dog, or parrot and love them, you’ll see that your life will get better when you can share some great moments with the new family member. Many famous people have pets, but some of them decide to spend crazy amounts of money or unique, exotic and even dangerous animals!

Leave bigger better and weirder in the hands of celebrities when it comes to getting a pet. Check out these stars that have the weirdest ideas about what the word ‘pet’ means.

Yeah, you saw it right – that’s a wallaroo – also known as a cross of wallaby and kangaroo. The rapper Vanilla Ice bought is pet called Bucky Buckaroo when he was a baby marsupial, and Ice said he spoiled his Roo a lot! The man also had a pet goat called Pancho – and the two animals even bonded and escaped from their musician’s property! They were found unharmed after two weeks!

Steven Tyler’s Raccoon

While many people are scared of raccoons as they’re famous for being rabies carriers, Steven Tyler will tell you these guys are cute and great pets. You can buy one legally, and they learn how to use the litter box. Tyler also said that he took his pet raccoon on his shoulder and went fishing every day!

Did you see Paris Hilton’s weird pet which is not a Chihuahua – #9?

Audrey Hepburn’s Deer

When she was on the set for the movie ‘Green Mansions,’ in 1959, Hepburn played as a young girl that loved in the Venezuelan jungle and had a bond with nature. The actress befriended a baby deer during the shooting of the movie, and she adopted it. The deer loved Audrey so much that it would follow her to buy groceries!

Mike Tyson’s Pigeons

Yes, we know Mike Tyson is the aggressive fighter that must have a rock instead of a stone, but he has a soft side too! Before becoming a boxer, he started to domesticate pigeons, and he owns thousands now. Pigeons are not the only weird choice of pets Tyson had in the past – and we’re talking about the fierce one in the next photo…

It Was True!

Have you seen the epic movie ‘The Hangover’? Then, you must know that Tyson indeed had three tigers: two tigresses called Kenya and Storm and a male called Boris. The famous boxer had to pay $4,000 a month for them and $125,000 a year for a personal trainer. However, he sent them to a refugee in Colorado after it was found that he didn’t have a valid license for them.

Tippi Hedren’s Lion

The animal rights activist and actress brought home an adult male lion in the 70s. They called him Neil and let him live with them in the house. The big cat played by the pool, slept with his humans in their beds and chilled in the living room. A few years later, the star stated that having such a dangerous pet live with them was a risky and foolish idea.

Salvador Dali’s Ocelot

Salvador Dali was no doubt an eccentric artist and person. He had a very strong personality and a very weird choice of animals as pets. For example, Dali had an ocelot called Babou, who traveled everywhere with him. He even took him in restaurants, and that wasn’t the only exotic pet. Dali had an anteater who would often be his companion on his walks!

Michael Jackson’s Chimpanzee

You all know Bubbles, Michael Jackson’s chimpanzee that would follow the King of Pop in all of his business trips! The chimp lived at the Neverland Ranch with the star. Bubbles had his own crib in the master bedroom and used the same bathroom with his human!

Did you know Bubbles drank tea with the mayor of Osaka? Jackson had to let his chimp go to the Center for Great Apes – an animal sanctuary when the chimp started to mature…

Kristen Stewart’s Wolf-Dog Hybrid

It’s not weird that the Twilight star actually loves wolves, but hanging out with wolf-dogs in real life is so awesome! Kristen Stewart’s mother is raising the hybrids, and Stewart loves to visit them as much as she can. Cuddling such massive dogs is amazing, she said in an interview a few years ago.

Charlie Sheen’s Chinese Water Dragon

Unfortunately for the lizard, Charlie Sheen didn’t end up being a caring owner. He had no idea how to take care of his Chinese water dragon, which he named Hopper Jr. The actor’s pet died shortly after he got to its home because the human neglected it. Sorry, Charlie, but you’re the worst pet owner in this list…

Leonardo DiCaprio’s Tortoise

The great Hollywood star was at the North American Reptile Breeders Conference and Trade Show in 2010. He got home with a 38-pound Sulcata tortoise for which he spent $400. He chose the biggest tortoise at the event, but the actor is settled for life regarding his new friend who can live until they’re 80 years old and reaches almost 200 pounds!

Paris Hilton’s Kinkajou

Paris Hilton is known for her choice of Chihuahuas as being her favorite army of dogs, but there she was, buying herself a kinkajou. Back in 2006, her exotic friend became famous when he bit his human and made her go to get some medical attention.

Next, donkeys. Yes… we said donkeys.

Reese Witherspoon’s Miniature Donkeys

How did Witherspoon end up owning two mini donkeys? She went to a friend’s farm one day and saw a bunch of miniature donkeys and fell in love with them. Now she has two of her own: Honky and Tonky. Although docile and adorable animals, Honky and Tonky are very noisy and Witherspoon’s neighbors are not too happy about that…

Nicole Kidman’s Alpacas

While at the farm in Nashville, Nicole Kidman and her husband Keith Urban spend their free time caring for South American Alpacas. The long-necked mammals are not enough. Believe it or not, but Nicole Kidman is also thinking of buying snakes and keep them at the farm.

Hugh Hefner’s Zoo

The ‘Playboy’ founder might have been famous for his ‘Bunnies,’ but he had a zoo on his property. Hefner had a zoo license and many animals roaming on his property. During a walk, you’d see peacocks, flamingos, spider monkeys, toucans, pelicans, capuchins and many other animals! And Bunnies, of course…

David Beckham’s Micropigs

Victoria bought her husband two micropigs for Christmas in 2009. The two adorable pink babies were named David Furnish and Elton John. She paid about $2,200 for them. We wonder if they’re still around and how little they’ve remained…

Tori Spelling’s Chicken

Tori Spelling has a chicken she called ‘Coco Chanel,’ and the bird goes wherever her human goes – even to restaurants, where Coco gets her scones! Ok, a feathery pet is fine, but a pet croc? Check out this famous man in the next photo.

John Quincy Adams’s crocodile

When Adams was a president, he received a crocodile as a gift from the Marquis de Lafayette. If you thought that the president freaked out, think again! He kept the cold-blooded reptile in the White House bathroom. After all, the First Lady had her own ‘pets’ – silkworms!

Nicolas Cage’s King Cobras

Cage stated in an interview that he gets inspired by animals for his roles. For example, the actor got inspired by his king cobras Moby and Sheba and the way they swayed. Cage used those motions to freak out the audience in the movie Ghost Rider. And that’s not the only strange pets he had!

An Octopus!

The list wouldn’t be complete without Nicholas Cage’s octopus! We don’t understand how this octopus helped him hone his acting skills, and who would want an octopus to keep them company?

It’s weird what people buy when money isn’t an issue!