25 Hilarious Signs People Have Put Up In Their Yards

Don’t Call 911!

Your yard is another way to show what kind of person you are – from a meticulously maintained lawn, an elaborate garden showcasing your botanical passion, or even an army of flamingos that welcomes you upon your return home.

Yet, if the goal is to make a lasting impact, none surpasses the effectiveness of a well-placed yard sign. Take a look at this list of funny yard signs with different types of humor, ranging from yard sales to the occasional shaming of a cheating spouse. This will surely leave an unforgettable impression on you…

The Sign You’re Looking For

Horses have a special mechanism in their legs that allows them to take short naps while standing up. This is a unique behavior that differentiates them from humans. However, they do need to lie down to rest properly, just like humans.

Unfortunately, some people who are not familiar with this behavior might mistake a horse lying down for injury or illness. This can lead to unnecessary calls to 911, causing a false alarm and wasting valuable resources.

They’ve Given Up

If you’re looking for inspiration to get healthy, sometimes it can come from the most unexpected places. One such place is a sign carried by a stepper that reads, “I’m fat and lazy, you still have a chance.” It’s a humorous yet motivating reminder that making a change is possible, no matter where you’re starting from.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that over 42% of adults in the United States are overweight or obese. While the statistics may be daunting, it’s important to remember that small changes can make a big difference.

A Little Pun

The 2016 presidential election was a time of high tension and political signs dotted the yards of America, displaying support for various candidates and opinions on the nation’s state. Amidst the chaos, one sign stood out with its tongue-in-cheek humor and sardonic tone.

Both major political parties had their fair share of issues—the Democrats were still dealing with the fallout from the email scandal, while the Republicans were grappling with the rise of Trumpism. This particular sign was surely a way for its owner to express their discontent with the whole system.

Our Crap Could Be Yours

Neutering your pets can help reduce some of their wild and unpredictable behavior. When male pets are neutered, their testosterone levels drop significantly, which can reduce behaviors such as aggression, territorial marking, and roaming. So, while you might chuckle at the witty pun, there is some truth to it.

Pet overpopulation is a major issue in the US, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). About 6.5 million animals enter shelters annually, and 1.5 million are euthanized due to space and resource limitations. Neutering your pets can prevent unwanted litter and reduce shelter populations.

Nice Enough To Warn You

Yard sales have been popular in the United States since the 19th century when families held “attic sales” to sell unwanted items. Today, yard sales are still a great way to declutter and make some extra cash. If you enjoy finding hidden treasures or want to save money on items you only use once, yard sales are the perfect place for you.

One of the biggest yard sales in the world is the 127 Corridor sale, an annual event that spans 690 miles from Michigan to Alabama. Thousands of sellers participate in this event, which has become a major attraction for bargain hunters and antique collectors alike.

Not Saying No To Cookies

Going outside for a walk is a lovely experience, but it can be ruined by the unpleasant smell of cigarette smoke. The owner of this sign has made it clear that they enjoy smoking around their yard and that it would be best for smokers to avoid it for a while.

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It can lead to various health problems, including lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke, while also inconveniencing non-smokers around you with secondhand smoke.

No Poop On The Lawn

Looks like the owner of this sign has had enough of solicitors on his doorstep – but they made an exception. Thin Mints are the best-selling Girl Scout cookies. They have been popular since 1951. People enjoy them in many ways, such as dunking them in milk or using them in recipes like milkshakes and ice cream.

It’s easy to lose track of how many Thin Mints you’ve eaten, as before you know it, you’ve gone through an entire box without even realizing it. So if you’re a fan of these delectable cookies, keep an eye out for the next Girl Scout cookie sale in your area.

A Bad Kitty

Taking a stroll around your neighborhood and seeing a sign that reminds you to pick up after your dog may not be the most pleasant experience, but it’s an important reminder. Not only is it a common courtesy to your fellow community members, but in most places, it’s also the law. Failing to do so can result in hefty fines and an unsightly mess.

It’s safe to say that the sign addresses a real issue, and it’s not to be taken lightly. Investing in biodegradable dog waste bags is an easy way to avoid the repercussions of failing to pick up after your furry friend. These bags are eco-friendly and will break down over time, reducing the amount of plastic waste in landfills.

A Tiny Dreamer

Cats may investigate cigarettes out of curiosity, but ingesting nicotine can harm them and cause symptoms like vomiting, tremors, and seizures. While it’s highly unlikely for a cat to develop a smoking habit, this humorous sign serves as a reminder to not litter cigarette butts in the area.

In Indonesia, there have been reports of wild monkeys stealing cigarettes from tourists and smoking them, which can have harmful effects on their health. However, keep in mind that smoking is detrimental to any species, and proper disposal of cigarette butts is important for the safety of animals and the environment.

Cheaters Spinoff

This sign is bound to catch your attention, as it’s not every day you see a sign addressing the dreams of grass. It’s humorous and thought-provoking, making people stop and consider what the grass might actually dream about.

It’s clear that whoever created this sign has a unique sense of humor that’s sure to make people do a double-take on the sign, and even smile. The humor in this sign is a great example of how a little creativity can go a long way in making a statement.

Try To Talk Things Out First

A lawn sign that had an intriguing message caught the attention of many individuals passing by. The message was clear – the person who had put up the sign had watched at least one episode of the popular TV series “Cheaters.”

According to the Institute for Family Studies, 20% of married men have admitted to cheating on their wives, which is higher than the 13% reported for married women. It’s a sad situation that both the wife and mother-in-law were already suffering emotionally due to sickness, and the husband’s infidelity only adds to their misfortunes.

Come And See For Yourself

The sign in question shows that sometimes communication is the best solution. Instead of calling the police, the person who put up the sign could have talked to their neighbor about the issue. It’s a humorous reminder that sometimes we take things too seriously and forget to communicate with those around us.

On a lighter note, the history of plastic flamingoes is an interesting one. Introduced in 1957 by a company called Union Products, the pink plastic bird quickly became a popular lawn ornament in American suburban culture. In fact, it even has its own holiday on June 23. It’s an example of how a quirky invention can become a cultural icon and a symbol of a particular era.

It’s Not Worth It

The sign in question catches attention with its intriguing message that could lead many people to explore what lies in that direction. Our guess is that it’s advertising a yard sale.

A yard sale is a simple concept: clear out your house and sell anything you no longer need or want. People sell everything from clothes and books to furniture and electronics, with some even offering homemade crafts and baked goods.

The Wrong Car

With over 2.5 million burglaries occurring annually, homeowners take different measures to prevent break-ins, and a sign like this is one of them. To deter burglars from breaking into their homes, gun owners often use signs like this – suggesting that there is nothing valuable inside the house worth risking their lives for.

Over 2.5 million burglaries occur each year, with 66% of them being home break-ins. Victims lose an estimated $3.4 billion annually, and around 65% of them are familiar with the perpetrators, with only 12% of break-ins being pre-planned.

The Perfect Yard Sign

This sign seems to have been put up by someone who made a mistake and is now feeling embarrassed about it. However, it’s understandable that mistakes can happen, especially when you’re feeling exhausted.

Writing a love note is a thoughtful gesture that shows your partner how much you care about them. It requires time and effort to craft a heartfelt message, and it demonstrates a willingness to invest in your relationship.

They Don’t Care

Looking to make your next yard sale stand out? Look no further than the Fabio Lanzoni cardboard cutout yard sale sign! This unique sign is sure to attract customers and make your sale one to remember.

Fabio Lanzoni is an Italian model and actor known for his flowing locks and chiseled abs. If you’re a fan of romance novels, you’ve probably seen his picture plastered on the cover of one of those, especially throughout the ’90s. This sign is perfect for anyone looking to add a touch of humor and fun to their sale!

Let’s Hope He Doesn’t See This

If a house for sale has to explicitly state that it is not haunted, it may deter potential buyers who are wary of the supernatural. However, according to a survey conducted by Realtor.com, over half of homebuyers in the US are open to purchasing a haunted house. Some people do not mind the company of ghosts, as long as the price is right.

The Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, California is a well-known haunted house built by Sarah Winchester, wife of the Winchester rifle inventor. The house has a mysterious design and is believed to house ghosts. Despite its reputation, many tourists visit the house to explore its winding hallways, secret passages, and hidden rooms.

That’s Pretty Tempting

Mike Tyson, a former heavyweight boxer widely considered to be one of the greatest boxers of all time, has a lisp, which affects how he pronounces certain sounds. While we’re not sure how Tyson would take the way this sign makes fun of his lisps, it’s an undoubtedly funny sign that’s bound to attract a few people.

This condition affects approximately 5-10% of the population and can be a source of embarrassment or frustration for those who suffer from it. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available for people with lisps. Speech therapy is often the most effective approach.

Rum Makes America Great

Free beer has been around since ancient times and was used as payment for laborers and soldiers in civilizations like Egypt and Mesopotamia. The Romans also rewarded their soldiers with free beer. Monasteries in the Middle Ages brewed beer and offered it to travelers and pilgrims.

Imagine someone trying to lure you to a garage sale with the promise of free beer. Well, this tactic is sure to work on many men, as only a few can say no to a free beverage. However, the promise of free beer is not just a modern marketing tactic. It has been used throughout history to incentivize and reward individuals for their work and service.

Vote For Zombies

This sign advocates for rum as the key to making America great again, in a tongue-in-cheek manner. While the sign is meant to be humorous, it’s important to remember that alcohol should be consumed in moderation.

Rum is made from sugarcane byproducts such as molasses or sugarcane juice and has its origins in the Caribbean dating back to the 17th century. It has become a popular ingredient in cocktails and cooking, used to flavor desserts, marinades, and sauces for meat dishes.

April Fools’ Day

Yard signs can be used for a variety of purposes, including promoting political candidates, advertising garage sales, and even advocating for fictional characters to run for office. One such example is supporting Dracula or a horde of zombies for state assembly.

Although fictional, Dracula has been a fascinating figure since being created by Bram Stoker in 1897. Similarly, zombies have become a staple of popular culture, often depicted in movies as slow-moving, mindless creatures whose bite can transform others too.

Pool Rules

April Fools’ Day is a day of practical jokes and pranks. Its origins are somewhat unclear, but it is believed to have started in France during the 16th century. At that time, the New Year was celebrated on April 1, and those who continued to celebrate it on January 1 were considered fools.

This idea spread to other parts of Europe, and the tradition of playing pranks on April 1 became a popular pastime. Nowadays, social media has made it easier than ever to spread hoaxes and jokes on this day. With the click of a button, a joke can reach millions of people in a matter of seconds.

No Choice

When people visit a pool, they usually go there to swim and relax. It’s rare to find someone who would want to see others walking around without a swimsuit, especially if it’s optional. But it’s interesting to note that the first swimming pool was built in ancient Pakistan over 5,000 years ago. It was called the Great Bath and was used for religious ceremonies.

Swimming pools started to become popular in Europe and America during the 19th century but were often reserved for the wealthy. It wasn’t until the 20th century that public pools became more common and accessible to the general public. Nowadays, there are millions of swimming pools worldwide.

A Warning For Poopers

Ed Prisby epitomizes the saying that you should always be your own cheerleader with his hilarious campaign signs. He even delights himself with being the only candidate because the Kennedys weren’t available.

The Kennedys have been in the political limelight for generations, and JFK’s legacy still resonates with people today. Ed Prisby’s humorous campaign signs are a reminder that politics doesn’t always have to be serious and that a little bit of humor can go a long way in making a statement.

Fear And Lies

Good thing dogs can’t read, because this sign would probably scare them off – leaving their owners are probably wondering if the sign is true. One possible reason for dogs pooping in people’s yards is their strong sense of smell, which may attract them to the scents of other animals that have previously defecated in the area.

In addition, dogs may be marking their territory by leaving their scent behind. However, it’s important to note that dogs pooping in inappropriate areas can be a result of not being trained properly. This can lead to them emptying their bowels anywhere and everywhere.

Do Not Disturb

The political discourse can be overwhelming, but sometimes a sign can catch your eye and make you laugh. For example, a sign that says “fear and lies” is like a restaurant menu that says “food poisoning and regret.” It’s ridiculous, but it can also make a statement about the state of politics today.

Perhaps the person who put up the sign was fed up with all the fear-mongering and dishonesty during the election cycle. In a world where political discourse is often negative, it’s refreshing to see someone using humor to make a point. Sometimes, a little levity can go a long way in getting people to pay attention.

Welcome Home

While this sign may seem cute and funny, it is actually incorrect. The plant in the photo is not tiny grass, but bamboo. Despite this mistake, bamboo is still a fascinating plant that has been utilized by humans for thousands of years.

Bamboo is a versatile plant that has been utilized by humans for thousands of years. It is one of the fastest-growing plants in the world and can grow up to 35 inches in one day. Its strength is remarkable, with tensile strength higher than steel, and it has become an essential resource for many different industries.

How Could You Say No?

The person who put up the sign seems to have wanted to publicly shame their spouse, which may or may not have been justified. Cheating is a serious issue that can have a significant impact on relationships and trust.

Social media has made it easier than ever to connect with people outside of a committed relationship, which can be both positive and negative. However, it’s important to be aware that social media also has the potential to facilitate affairs. According to a study by the dating site Ashley Madison, Facebook is one of the top platforms where people start affairs.

Too Excited

While many women may not admit it, the charm of Ryan Gosling could be too hard to resist, even if it’s just a cardboard sign with his face pasted on it inviting them to a yard sale. But for those still undecided about attending a yard sale, it’s worth giving it a chance, as you never know what treasures you might find there.

Yard sales offer a unique opportunity to discover hidden gems and unique items that you might not find anywhere else. From vintage clothing and rare books to antique furniture and collectibles, the possibilities are endless. Plus, haggling over prices can be a fun and rewarding experience, making yard sales a must-visit for bargain hunters and collectors alike.

It’s Beginning To Look Like Christmas

The sign advertising a garage sale after the owner’s grandfather’s passing may come across as overly excited, but garage sales can actually generate a lot of money for organizers.

Some people have reported earning thousands of dollars in a single day, and they can also bring a community together by providing a space for neighbors to meet, chat, share interests, and make new friends.

Might Not Be Getting Out In A While

This sign is evidence that whoever did this cannot wait for Christmas, so much so that they have transformed a “For Lease” into a greeting of the season. It is a time of joy, warmth, and generosity as people worldwide come together to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

One of the most beloved Christmas traditions is the tree, and it has been around for centuries, with the first recorded use dating back to the 16th century in Germany. The holiday’s origins date back to ancient pagan celebrations of the winter solstice, which marked the shortest day of the year.

It’s A Kanye And Batman Sale

It seems like whoever did this must have been sentenced to a long time in jail; else, why would they want to get rid of all their stuff before going? Interestingly, there are approximately 2.3 million people incarcerated in jails and prisons in the United States alone.

Housing the inmates cost a pretty penny too, with an average cost of $31k a year, and they sometimes face a lot of issues. One is overcrowding, which can lead to dangerous and unsanitary living conditions for inmates. Inadequate resources, such as a lack of funding for education and rehabilitation programs, can also hinder the ability of jails to effectively rehabilitate inmates.

Shut Up And Take My Money

Who doesn’t love a yard sale endorsed by not only Kanye West but Batman himself, along with two other well-known people? Batman is a beloved superhero who has captured the hearts and imaginations of millions of fans around the world. Created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger in 1939, he has become a cultural icon and a symbol of justice, determination, and bravery.

Kanye West, on the other hand, is a musical genius and a very controversial one at that. He released his debut album, “The College Dropout,” in 2004, and it was met with widespread critical acclaim and was a commercial success. He has garnered 21 Grammy awards across his career.

Feet Are Not Welcome Here

You must really have some interesting stuff for someone to want you to shut up and take their money. For those unaware, this drawing is from a popular cartoon series, “The Simpsons,” which has been on the air for over 30 years since its debut in 1989.

It follows the daily lives of the Simpson family: Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie, and the show is set in the fictional town of Springfield. It features a cast of eccentric characters, including the Simpsons’ neighbors Ned Flanders and Apu Nahasapeemapetilon, their school principal Seymour Skinner, and their boss Mr. Burns, among others. In 2007, a movie was released.

Does Anybody Wanna Buy A Husband?

There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing a freshly cut and smooth lawn, but sometimes all people want to walk all over it. So it’s no surprise that this individual has warned people to stay away from the lawn.

There are several potential reasons for that sign, one of which is to protect the grass, as they may have recently planted new grass or installed sod and want to ensure that it has time to establish roots and grow properly without being trampled on or damaged by foot traffic. Another reason might be to keep pets off it, as they sometimes urinate or poop on it.

Such A Big Sale

Many things are put up during a garage sale, and some might be strange and unusual, but they pale compared to this person who offers up the husband for sale. And if we’re being honest, the husband probably did something to piss the spouse off, and she is just using this to express frustration.

Now, you might be wondering if this is legal. Can you sell your husband (or wife) like a piece of property? The answer is no, of course not. In most countries, including the United States, selling a person is considered a serious crime, and rightly so.

Keyboard Cat For President

This funny sign is reminiscent of a line from the “Anaconda” song by Nicki Minaj, which was a single from her 2014 album “The Pinkprint.” Upon its release, it peaked at number two on the US Billboard Hot 100 and went on to chart in other countries like Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.

The song heavily samples the “Baby Got Back” song by Sir Mix-a-Lot. And speaking about Sir Mix-a-Lot, the musical artiste won a Grammy award in 1994 for the song, and he has been praised for his ability to fuse different genres and create music that appeals to a wide audience.

Taking A Stand

While people were throwing their support behind Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in 2012, this individual made it known who his preferred candidate was. Keyboard Cat is an internet meme that first gained popularity in 2007. The meme features a video of a cat playing an electronic keyboard, accompanied by a catchy tune.

While the original video was filmed in 1984, it wasn’t until the rise of the internet that Keyboard Cat became a sensation. The meme’s popularity spawned countless parodies, remixes, and imitations, and it quickly became a cultural touchstone of the early Internet era, cementing Keyboard Cat’s place in the annals of Internet history.

Now That’s A Sign To Be Happy About

This United States marine seems very unhappy that someone removed his Mitt Romney sign and has made some plans in case someone does it again. Plans that involve the second amendment, which states that “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.”

The Second Amendment was added to the Constitution in 1791, shortly after the American Revolution. At the time, the amendment was meant to ensure that the people of the United States had the right to bear arms in order to defend themselves against a tyrannical government or foreign invasion. However, in the years since its adoption, its interpretation has become increasingly controversial.

A Household Divided

Ashlea put up this sign, and we would like to say we are happy for her, too, and celebrate her incredible achievement. According to the American Cancer Society, there were an estimated 1.9 million cases of the condition in 2021, one of the leading causes of death globally.

According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the total annual cost of cancer care in the United States was $208 billion in 2020, expected to increase to $246 billion by 2030. Lifestyle and environmental factors can increase its risk of development, and as of January 2022, there are estimated to be over 18 million survivors in the United States.

Get Ready For God’s Visit

This woman made it clear that she does not support her husband’s political candidate. Still, we wonder if she celebrated right in the husband’s face when Romney didn’t win the 2012 presidential elections and Barack Obama was elected President for a second term.

In case you weren’t aware, in that year’s campaign, candidates and their supporting groups spent $2.6 billion on advertising, travel, and other expenses. However, this is not the most expensive, as that record belongs to the 2020 drive, where over $14.4 billion was spent. And the cost is only expected to rise as time goes on and more elections are conducted.

Your Best Days Are Now Behind You

This is a witty way to inform the congregation of this branch of the Faith Assembly of God that the weekly service is canceled. However, it’s not too farfetched to believe that God was making house calls that day; he is said to be omnipresent.

The church is one of the largest Pentecostal denominations in the world. Founded in 1914 in Hot Springs, Arkansas, it has grown to over 69 million members in 255 countries and territories worldwide. The church’s rich history has roots in the 20th-century Pentecostal movement, unique doctrines, and a strong commitment to evangelism and social outreach.

So Happy To Play With Someone

Many people dread old age, and some even make fun of old people by saying they are over the hill. In an ideal world, almost everyone wishes to live long enough to experience it. However, it is not all roses and rainbows, as some challenges come with attaining or surpassing an age range.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 80% of adults aged 65 and older have at least one chronic health condition, and 50% have two or more. The AARP Foundation also states that approximately 17% of adults aged 50 and older experience social isolation.

Keep Your P To Yourself

People have different ways of expressing gratitude, and this person has chosen to do this by being invited to play the mobile game candy crush. Since its release in 2012, it has taken the world by storm and has been downloaded over three billion times, generating over $4.7 billion in revenue.

The game starts easy but gets progressively harder as you advance through the levels. With over 8,000 levels, it offers hours of gameplay, and with new levels added every week, the game never gets old. There are now multiple games in the Candy Crush series, including Candy Crush Soda Saga and Candy Crush Jelly Saga.

This is a smart way to remind people, especially kids and, even disturbingly, some adults, not to urinate in a public pool. Firstly, urinating there can lead to hygiene issues, as urine contains various chemicals and bacteria that can be harmful to human health.

Chlorine, commonly used to disinfect swimming pools, reacts with the nitrogen in urine to create compounds known as chloramines. These compounds can cause eye irritation, respiratory problems, and skin rashes. In addition, urine can contain bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella, which can spread and cause illnesses. So keep your p to yourselves while in the pool.